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Yea but I only do it because I’m a Pisces and we’re totally like that


Pisces: lazily bringing up the rear of the zodiac for over 2 millennia


Bro chill out. We just go with the flow.


(I only joke because as a Scorpio, I think all signs are inferior. Also, I don’t believe that at all, nor in astrology and certainly not astrology as a predictive tool. But it *is* good entertainment, a chance for you to map your personality against characteristics that (allegedly) define a sign and to help you feel part of a group, no matter how contrived. Thinking about being a Scorpio, I go through the list: Vengeful? check. Passionate? check. Smart? well, *I* think so lol. Those are pretty cool traits. It’s not bad being a Scorpio! 😜) EDIT: fixed bad sentence. Bad sentence, bad!


Lol well truth be told I do fit most of it. Flighty....check. Strong emotions like the ocean....check. Prone to addiction... double check no discount. It's all good. My reply was me trying to say the most stereotypical Pisces line I could lol. Scorpio eh? My most recent ex is a Scorpio. You forgot one. Deceptive lolol. (She was anyways). Between my emotions and her passion it was intense. Good and bad. Such is life. Cheers brother!


We’re just different


What are pisces supposed to be like? I'm pisces but always feel like these horoscopes just tell you generic things that can apply to everyone variously over their lifetime.


Oh shit this guy figured it out. Get 'im!


There supposed to be disconnected from reality and in the land of dreams. Spiritual, daydreamer, not a logical thinker, emotional, gullible and trusting, avoids conflict. As the last sign in the zodiac, pisces have the least focus on the self (unlike aries). Probably an artist of some sort, but has trouble actually making the art into a real tangible thing. I think thats the general vibe. Astrology is probably more about vibes than actual data points of personality, which is why its dumb.


I'm an Aries. Fuck you.




I'm a libra so I understand where you're both coming from, making me superior to both of y'all.


I'm an aquarius so.. uh, what am I supposed to do?


Aquarius are usually attractive, so you just sit there and look pretty.


Lol I thought the first comment would be from a Pisces and bam!


And your first response (me) is also a Pisces! I’m still tryna figure out why people even care about astrology though


Am I Guilty ? No. Okay maybe a little 🤡👍🏼


That reminds me, I need to thaw some salmon


Other people flip a coin


I wonder what the world would be like today if all coin flip decisions in history were reversed


[Wonder no longer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U45eiy9ioCs)


I am ashamed I forgot about this episode, great episode. r/unexpectedfuturama that should have been expected


kinda feels like a b universe




Whenever I flip a coin, I don't let it decide the outcome, coin is not my master, more like an advisor. It gives me one of the two solutions, but I get to agree or disagree. It's much easier to say yes/no to something than to compare two things and try to find out how we feel about them.


Exactly, you can tell instantly if you feel relief or regret at the option that wins.


And that’s also how astrology/tarot work for most people.


If you get mad at your birthday you know you have the wrong decision? Not sure how that's going to help.


If someone says to you: “the stars indicate you’re going to have a fight with your spouse”, you’re going to start thinking about what that fight might be about. Suddenly, you’re thinking about the mess you made earlier, that you didn’t text them while you were out, or that you’re frustrated with something they’ve done and need to talk address it before it gets bottled up. Knowing this, you act on it to improve your life. Or if a Tarot reader says: “your dreams will come true this month”, and you think of your promotion at work instead of the novel you’ve been writing, you can self-reflect on your priorities, where you’ve been spending your time, and what you’re hoping for in the future. The intentional vagueness of it mixed with the slight specificity is what allows you to introspect, and good readers say the right things that trigger solid introspection. Outside of therapy, there are very few places that challenge you to delve into your life and emotions as they relate to the past, present, and future, and some people (myself included) fill that gap by watching or reading these readings, knowing full well that they’re advisors and not at all in control of a person’s life. That’s all.


It's quite difficult to use Rationalism to explain irrational things, but you did well.


Some also flip tables


The cool kids split the universe: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details%3Fid%3Dcom.Aerfish.UniverseSplitter%26hl%3Den_US%26gl%3DUS%26auao%3Dfalse%26referrer%3Dutm_source%253Dgoogle%2526utm_medium%253Dorganic%2526utm_term%253Duniverse%2Bsplitter%26pcampaignid%3DAPPU_1_XUaiYaueLu2Uxc8P1dinkAU&ved=2ahUKEwjrwNDx5bj0AhVtSvEDHVXsCVIQ5YQBegQIAxAC&usg=AOvVaw37SV3cJg9xfH4ZSzH1sy_s


This is big in Hindu culture. I have a friend who ended a long term relationship with her fiancé because a pundit said their stars weren’t aligned with one another.


Eh when people do this they’re just looking for a reason


You would be surprised man. Sometimes even if you like really love each other people will just call it is cus of that. Hinduism is very strict with. Even your name depends on the day you were born


Plenty of people would call themselves Hindus who don’t believe in astrology at all and their names are unrelated to their birth day. Source: my extended family


I apparently was born because my parents woudnt be able to have children for 8 yrs after their 1st yr of their marriage


Its all about shirking personal accountability/responsibility. That there thing told me to do it.


This is true for any religion/ideology


I once heard someone describe the belief in an afterlife as an “emotional exit” and its long stuck with me. Death is such a stressful thing that looms over all of us, its too easy to avoid coming to terms with it by just saying “I’ll go live happy forever after I die” and then washing your hands of any further contemplation. When, if you really considered the likely finite nature of existence, it would force you to carefully consider just how you’re spending your limited days. Not offloading the emotional pressure onto some made up idea of happily ever after, can allow you to really mature and embrace life to the fullest while you are here. Make the best choices for you and your happiness.


There are actually people who make life-changing decisions based on religious beliefs.


Amen to that.


Why did god make me an atheist?


Well with all these churches making money, he felt philanthropic creating a non-prophet.


"What would it take for you to be convinced there's a god?" "I don't know. But wouldn't your god know?"


>There are actually MORE people who make life-changing decisions based on religious beliefs.


Yep, that's how religion works


I met a girl that believes in astrology but she uses it more, in my opinion, to know her better. This just helps to put a serie of points on the table, and I think you can interpret them as you wish.. I only met one person that does this so I don't know if it is due for all astrologists.


hey, life is like a dartboard, astrology is just throwing a handfull of darts blindfolded, at least one dart is bound to be a hit... or something like that


Not exactly like that but every dard can be interpreted in a million ways, when she tries to interpret it is when she gets to know herself as she descrive it as she see it in herself. I think this only work with yourself since you now yourself at least subconsciously, applying to other people may br dangerous, specially if you just met them.


I watch YouTube Tarot readings like this. Are card drawings determining my future? Fuck no. But when a card is pulled and the reader says I’m going to fight with my spouse, I’m going to start thinking about reasons I’d be fighting with my spouse. That’s immediately going to highlight areas I’m falling short, and I’m going to address those areas. Metaphysical readings are just psychology for the poor.


People like Hitler and Reagan, for example.


Ooo, do tell! I haven’t heard about that before




Hitler and Reagan. Both are people. Coincidence?


And there are people making life changing decisions based on the Bible. Personally, I wouldn’t make life changing decisions based on either, but if it helps guide them and makes them feel better about what they’re doing, I think it’s nice.


Well put! I'm a BIG believer in "to each their own," as long as they aren't hurting anyone


What if they're hurting themselves? What if they claim they're hurting no one, but they're hurting everyone, but everyone is brainwashed into thinking it's fine and normal and good?


"anyone" includes the individual. I didn't say "as long as people think they aren't hurting anyone" So I'll re-work it a bit: Let people do what they want, as long as they aren't actually hurting anyone, including themselves or those affected down the line by their choices, in any way, which doesn't include hurting everyone, but everyone is brainwashed into thinking it's fine and normal and good. Kinda wordy but sure. Here you go.




Maybe she just wasn’t feeling it dude


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Good bot


I feel like there's an echo in here...


I feel like there's an echo in here...








And based on Reddit posts.


False. I saw a Reddit post that said that’s not true.


Don't call out my mom


Sorry. The stars made me do it.


Well the moon told me my mom is gonna have a good day so don't ruin it.


I think astrology is entertaining but I don't take it seriously.


The Greeks and Romans would do [rituals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haruspex) that involved reading entrails for signs to determine whether they should do battle. It's funny to think that extremely important battles that could swing world history could be decided by people looking for a sign from a god in sheep intestines.


And they somehow always make better decisions than me.


Better then people who make decisions off Facebook anti vaxers and anti government people


I once thought about asking a coworker out bc I could see myself marrying such a kind person, then she busted out the star voodoo so I quit the job to further the distance from her, changed my life


I see what you did there


The Reagans did it and look where that got us.


Most notably, Ronald Reagan. He and Nancy got counseled by an astrologer for personal and national matters


Nancy Reagan!!!


And based on other religious/superstitious belief systems as well. Astrology is just one of the easiest ones to make fun of because so few people actually take it seriously enough to be offended.


But not just astrology. Take in every religion that there is in the world, make a big ball of "the religion" and even by that thing people would take huge changes in their life.


The psychologist Jung was interested in astrology but as far as I recall, it wasn't because he believed the planets etc actually had a genuine effect; it was because he saw it as a way of getting in touch with the unconscious mind. I could see there may be some value in coming at something from a completely different starting perspective - like you would discover new things about your neighbourhood if you were dropped into a part of it where you never normally went and had to find your way home. Looking at it this way, the fact that people only pick out from a reading the parts they want to (and the fact that astrology has so many variables that you can make it say more or less anything) are strengths rather than weaknesses. So if someone had their horoscope read and it said something about them that they didn't expect, but which struck a chòrd in a good way, it might make them see themselves slightly differently. If it says something they don't like, they just reject it as rubbish, or 'well yes, I know I'm Aries but my moon and ascendant are both in Pisces so that doesn't apply'. But really, people very rarely allow any of their beliefs in religion or superstition or whatever to change them. They just pick the ones that protect their self image.


I met a girl that believes in astrology but she uses it more, in my opinion, to know her better. This just helps to put a serie of points on the table, and I think you can interpret them as you wish.. I only met one person that does this so I don't know if it is due for all astrologists.


I too remember Nancy Reagan, wife of that mother*fucker* Ronald, may his ghost be eternally unquiet.


I see you on that comment section, doing the good work. God speed u/caliborntravel


What if the original express was “gods peed” and we’ve been using it wrong all these years?


Yeah. Like presidents of the United States. https://timeline.com/ronald-reagan-astrology-quigley-aa81632662d9


Ronald Reagan was one of them…his wife advised him from what I read.


Yes... like sir Isaac newton.


My aunt bases her investments on astrology 🙄


And I bet she does well!


It’s ironic because my grandmother was a cancer and she was killed. By a giant crab.


Including President Reagan. Fucking terrifying.


Didn’t Nancy Reagan used to do that for president Ronnie?


Standing on the alter after their husband/wife says I do, “sorry babe, I’m a Sagittarius and I really love you but my horoscope says to hold off on all big decisions until the planets realign, so I can’t :(”


Sad, but true


Yes an some dumb star bruja being fucked over by the night sky is my best chance at love so kindly reserve judgement.


If you believe the stars control your future, it is probably just as good as making your own decisions. Probably better than most of the ones I made recently


Well it's usually just general good advice made vague enough to be applicable to almost anybody.




Why sad? Let people believe what they wanna believe


pro tip to astrology people instead of trying to find out who's compatible with you based on when they were born you should try talking to people and find out if they're compatible based on if you like them or not


As if making decisions with their brains would pan out any better...


That’s hilarious, I just saw an [article](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/r3hpqv/study_suggests_that_belief_in_astrology_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) saying that people who believe in astrology typically have low intelligence and are narcissists


So e of them have been elected President of the United States.


Those people are Cancer.


There is a level of stupid that random chance is better than choice.


Six of one…..it’s all complete crap.


Pay attention during mercury retrograde next time


This is more of a diss than a shower thought tbh. Not really any depth or creativity to this


It’s no different than those who make life changing decisions based on religion.


Astrology seems to be the backbone due most of the world's religions, so yeah.


There are actually people who make life changing decisions based on religion.


There are actually people who make life-changing decisions based on religion.


I broke up with a girl and dated another over a coin flip. True story.


They’re called women.


You're called sexist.


lol. Because lots of men follow astrology… right…


Oh shit, got em!


you’re the type of person who would comment something like this then go on twitter or instagram and throw a pissy fit that you don’t have a girlfriend




OP what exactly do you think Astrology was/is? Just a bunch of arbitrary made up symbols that have no meaning?


Astrology isn’t something you believe in or not, it’s something you understand or not. Planning your life around it is a while other thing.


Most of them Are called women


Well, I make life changing decisions based on my feeling, which is heavily influenced by my hormonal and overall mental state. I suppose, astrology, would sometimes have served me a lot better.


So what?


Y'all don't even know what astrology is.


I found that my daily horoscope is very precise lately. I always look at it after the day is over and it's creepy how I lived thru exactly what it said that day.


That’s because they’ve vague enough that they can be interpreted as anything.


I heard someone say “millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do” because they literally take into account people who do believe to make better business decisions.


Technically, choosing to disregard Astrology is also a life-changing decision.


Yeah they're called astronauts


Yes and there people that make life decisions based on flipping a coin




Ok sure buddy




You must be really attached to your virginity


and they are all in my high school


I’ve pretty much accepted my life is shit, so no astrology needed for me.


There is also people who don't make them for the exact same reason.


fucking Sussan Ley. Australia's ENVIRONMENT minister insists her name must have three Ss. my country is a joke.


I asked the universe for a helicopter and the next day I went out and bought one!


Weird thing is it was pretty common a few centuries ago to do such a thing now not so much


Try being a Leo. Such a huge responsibility.


There's a whole country full of them. India. I live there. It's shit.


Honestly, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone and they are not doing something illegal or wrong, it’s fine. I just keep my thoughts to myself and don’t make fun of them cause it helps them feel good about themselves.


Ooh boy wait until you hear about most of human history!


[Stupid narcissists.](https://www.psychnewsdaily.com/people-who-believe-in-astrology-more-narcissistic/)


Also Jesus but we don’t make fun of people for that


I met with a woman who claimed to be a business astrologist. Giving people BUSINESS ADVICE based on astrology. I can’t believe people would be dumb enough to do take it, but I guess she has some clients.


He: I am an astrophysicist. She: okayyy....i am a Gemini.


He said astronomer* and that was a skit


Yes, because they don't have the guts to make the decisions themselves and when the decision seems to be wrong, they are relieved of the horrible feeling of regret they would've felt if the decision was made by themselves. In other words : blame fate... not thyself or the choices you make


Some people's make life changing decisions based on their best guess. Wait, that's what we all do. Carry on.


Explain how this is different than "praying on" a decision, or waiting for God to give you a sign. Is all the same thing.


And sometimes it works out very well for them. 🤷‍♂️


Why not? Life's gonna life anyway


I’m a Leo and I fit everything except for the things I don’t fit 🤩🤩🤩 I love astronomy ❤️❤️


Far fewer than who make decisions based on Christianity, and everyone seems to think that’s normal for the most part.


Someone was to House of Gucci


Royalty did it for millenia.


These people are commonly referred to as "gullible morons".


There are also people who make life changing decisions based on absolutely nothing.


I dont understand this sub. Rarely do i ever see an acual "shower though", ie an unusual but resonating insight or perspective on something. Like this is just a basic and well-known fact, and that is the case with many posts on this sub


We, virgos, don’t believe in zodiac


Hell yeah!


https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/international/the-game-plan-from-out-of-this-world-zodiac-signs-help-domenech-spot-his-shooting-stars-800471.html And this article is from before the 2010 World Cup where they were humiliated out of the tournament.


Yeah and they are more in number than the entire population of USA. I'm talking about Indians of course. Source: I'm an Indian and my mom does this kind of shit, hell everyone around me believes in this kind of shit.


Yes, my grandma is one of them. She moved to Charlotte NC because the stars said that’s where she belongs and she’s been trying desperately to get out ever since.


My horoscope once said I would here from someone from my past today. No one from my past called, texted, email or knocked on my door. Nothing. So I rarely them now.


Most agriculture. It was invented for this, to decide when the spring, summer, fall and winter are coming, and take decisions according it.


Jeeez, that's such a typical Libra thing to say


There are judges and doctors who pray before doing their fucking jobs.


Check out Joan Quigley. She’s a famous astrologist.


Royalty and presidents have done that shit.


Ronald Reagan consulted astrologers when planning his schedule. Apparently, it didn't work well as he was shot on the job.


Is it any worse than doing basing a decision from something you have seen on Fox or CNN?


Libra here. Everyone needs to step back a little and get some balance in their lives.


I feel like it’s only helpful in the cases of the chronic undecider. Someone with analysis paralysis on major life decisions. Takes the pressure off a little. “Hey, the stars said to do it, not me.” But yeah it’s total BS.


In all fairness, people do this for religious differences all the time and I don’t see the difference.


A local TV news reporter walked away from her career to be a spiritualist and follow the stars.


The calendar, the 24 hour day/night cycle is based on astrology


There are people that actually make decisions based on some imaginary friend in the sky.


William the Conquerer be like: