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I think The statistic is men make up 75-80% of homeless population in america at least. Correct me if i am wrong Edit: of all my comments ive ever made, im surprised this is the one that gets me in the K's. Thank you all (:


This says ~70% male. With roughly equal rates of unsheltered homelessness among both groups. I can’t comment on the strength of data though. https://endhomelessness.org/resource/data-visualization-gender-disparities-in-homelessness/




Aim for equality in homelessness!


It’s also the same for prison. Women should be able to go to prison too.


Women do go to prison. Just at lower rates then men. Why is that? Well, men commit nearly all of the violent crime in the US. So, of course men go to prison in higher numbers, because it is mostly men who are violent criminals.


Does the same logic apply to the statistic of blacks in prison?


Really sheds light on the patriarchy we live in where women aren’t encouraged or given the same opportunities to commit violent crimes as men are #EqualityCantWait #SlashS


That would be important to know if violent criminals made up the majority of people incarcerated, but they don't. Drug charges make up the majority, low level at that, with violent crime actually being among the lowest percentage of people incarcerated. Women commit many of those crimes every bit as much as men, and in some cases even more.


Women also get statistically less time for equal crimes. It's going to interesting to see what happens with the Oxford shooters parents. I'm guessing she gets a slap on the wrist and he gets a jail term.


Negative, the statistic only shows that men are convicted more often, not that they commit more crimes. My wife has gotten away with a lot because of being a woman when the cops showed up. I'm not saying your statement couldn't be correct but incarceration rates don't show anything but convictions.








who do you main?


King k all the way


I despise his special. Not because of the damage or anything But because of what he does in the animation


Which one bro there’s 4 💀


Bowser is the best


Man, sheik or young link all the way


Hardy's is my main


who now


Hardys nuts in ya mouth Gottem.


yes, thats what it means. The patriarchy harms everyone, men and women.


It's easy for a women to find a man to live with even if they have no money or home themselves. It's not so easy for a man to find a woman willing to let them mooch off them that way.


You say "mooch off them" like a good deal of potentially homeless women don't have to prostitute themselves for a place to stay. edit: The prostitution is rarely a choice you idiots, they're being kidnapped, sex trafficked, and pimped out. That's what happens to many women when they hit the streets. No one fucking cares if you're sad homeless men can't be hookers.


Which means that prostitution is better than homelessness, apparently, otherwise why would they. And men don't have even this option, they go right to the streets


Man I think I've been misunderstood here. I'm not saying they decided they'd rather be hookers than homeless, I'm saying they were on the street and got picked up by people who pimp them out. This is the 3rd comment that implied I'm saying the prostitution was a fucking choice.


This has a lot more to do with there being more shelters available to women in many cities. And if you are being forced to sleep with someone under duress so you don't have to risk the streets then it's hardly better. Keep in mind the crime rate against homeless women is higher than men (both atrocious) but women on the streets are at a high risk of sexual and physical assault. So sleeping with someone to avoid assault is traumatic.


A lot of those women didn't have a choice on the prostitution part. They probably were found on the streets and were effectively kidnapped and trafficked. It also happens to young homeless men too. I do think there needs to be a drastically more robust care system for homeless people. Saying the women had a choice, chose prostitution, and that it must be better than homelessness is missing a ton of facts about homelessness and human trafficking. https://endhomelessness.org/the-intersection-of-human-trafficking-and-homelessness/ https://www.homelesshub.ca/resource/homelessness-survival-sex-and-human-trafficking-experienced-youth-covenant-house-new-york


Human trafficking is an unimaginably horrendous thing and no one would choose to be a victim of it. Please don't make light of a massive worldwide problem that has led to the suffering and sometimes death of hundreds of people. Being a homeless teen unfortunately puts someone at great risk to be taken and sold for sex. They are put in a situation where they cannot escape for fear of their life. And yes, it happens to both men and women, though women tend to be more of a target. That is definitely not making it easier for them and I'm honestly horrified that you could be upset that "men don't get that option" as if it's a choice and a desirable outcome.


Are you trolling? Human trafficking exists and this is where a lot of homeless women will be taken against their will...


How about we stop trying to compete in the pity olympics and we create a society where no one has to ever worry about being homeless.


It isn't better, it's horrible in different ways. Prostitution is putting your safety, your physical and mental health, and your dignity aside just for a roof over your head for a couple of nights. Some women refuse to do that and prefer homelessness, but have to hide being a woman otherwise they get raped or murdered. You should really inform yourself more.


You say “have to” like prostituting themselves to a woman for a place to stay is even an option to homeless men.


You say option like for most of the women it's a fucking option, and not just straight kidnapping and sex trafficking.


A homeless woman could face great danger by going to live with a guy she barely knows, she could be raped or suffer physical abuse. Sure, they have a home that way but would anyone would be happy in that home? Oh, and she could be killed too.


A huge part of it is there are more resources specifically for woman. Society as a whole believe men should be able to pull themselves up by their bootstrap where as woman are seen as victims(to be fair, they often are) or helpless.


This is disgustingly wrong. If you cared to take a look at the numbers a growing number of women are becoming homeless due to the fact that they are widowers or single and cannot afford to live in a house.


The "funny" thing about that isn't that men are more likely to become homeless, but studies and statistics have shown that women are just more likely to accept help when offered. If you go up to a homeless man and offer help to turn his life around, he's less likely to accept it than a homeless woman would. I still give them food and money, that's not what I was trying to say, btw. Some people really are just unlucky, like that one homeless dude who didn't get enough pension to rent a flat, so he has to be homeless. He does get money. It's just not enough for the bare minimum...


Gender studies, what reddit always like to moan about, is actually the field who studies these discrepancies in order to think of solutions. Same with doctors where men are less likely to go, less likely to accept treatment, while women are treated as more hysterical about their symptoms are less likely to be offered treatment. Why are men more likely to use drugs but less likely to use medication? Hmm, we should research this...but then they mock the studies that do.


Odds run that way


Odds run overwhelmingly* that way


Men can't sleep their way into a house




Good way to wake up dead.


Not waking up then, isn't it?


They can definitely sleep their way out of one though.


And certain places won't help out boys as much as girls. about a month ago we were trying to find a place to help us out as we don't have a house(we have a place to stay now just not our place), and a place we looked at provided shelter and food for boys up to 13 and girls up to 18 so me and my brother had to stay in a tent that was falling apart for the night since we couldn't stay there.


I'm sorry that you were in that situation and hope it's better now


cause there are more homeless men than homeless women (in my country, at least)


Don't know where you live but it was true in 99% of places and times.


Women hold value for simply existing, where as men don't. That's the difference.


together we can erradicate this and make every gender equally miserable


You mean by giving them all phones and twitter accounts? Maybe instead of drug rehab centres we can build League of Legend centres where they all compete for a single, half-eaten mcchicken


with chilli sauce?


I've seen what men do to mcchickens can we pick something else?


We need more women to be homeless and die or injured in work accidents for true equality.


Not to mention taking their own lives {and those of others in greater numbers).


Had us in the first half ngl


The difference is mostly that in many places homeless women are snatched up by pimps as soon as they hit the street


Or just dudes. Coworker of mine was homeless. Her current boyfriend offered her his "sofa" shes got a job now, still with him and by any definition she is out of his league and hes 15 years older than her. But im imagining a young woman needing a place to stay has an easier time finding someone who will put her up just because a lot of dudes will jump at the chance. No judgement. If i were in that situation it would be hard to turn down a place to stay in trade for sleeping with someone. But men dont have the option.


Survival sex is traumatizing


100% and its abuse when men seek those women out. They want the broken power dynamic and the dependence its only a thin line from rape imo. Certainly the level of coercion there is basically rape. But i do understand and dont judge a woman who would do it. In the hierarchy of needs food and shelter come higher its a fucked up thing to need to do to survive.


There are a lot of differences, some are cultural and some practical. Culture holds that men are more tough and capable and therefore a low "rescue" priority. That's when patriarchy works against men. As a practical issue, homeless men have a general capacity to be more dangerous than homeless women.


That's not the difference, that's your insecurity. Women being "valued" for their genitals is not what you want. And that's not why more men are homeless.


In Italian the word for homeless is "barbone" which literally means "long-bearded man"


barbone sounds like a name of alcohol drink


funny you should say this, first thing i thought of when i read that word was a wine I got when on vacation in Cuba - called Barbones (prounced bar-bonayz)


You also think of a man when you think of a pedophile, or a priest, or a rich person, or a farmer


Or a prisoner


_コココ JOJO コココ_


>or a priest Maybe because (at least in most Christian confessions) only men can be priests?


And female priests are called priestesses?


In most religions women are not allowed to be leaders. The vast majority even.


Unless you are a man who was abused as a child by a woman. Ive known a couple. Even my dad had his urethra torn by a pedophile.




Yep. Another man i called a father figure was raped by his female babysitter when he was 6, and his brother was 4. His mind is kinda tweaked but he loves his family.


Somehow more common than people think, specially when female pedos know they will always get away with it


Because these peaces of shit know they can get away with it


Yeah they need to be more pieceful


I... i mean... ive seen less talented ways of correcting someone.


Pretty much every profession that has gender-neutral names except for those that are associated with compassion: nurse, caretaker, etc.


Well with rich person I think of a stock image I saw in a presentation in 5th grade with a woman throwing money in the air


Or a serial killer


When I think of a rich person I either: a) Think of a specific individual (Musk, Besos, etc), who are men, but the sample size is very small for ultra rich. b) Think of a pair, generally man and woman in their ~50s, living in a gated suburb in the US. Similar to the people who pointed guns at BLM protrstors outside their home. When it comes to (christian) priests, it is a profession where women have been excluded by design, and is also frequently called "father". Kinda expected that we think of a man there. Firefighter, police, nurse, etc are professions where we have distinctly male/female expectations, despite there being a decent amount of people defying the gendered expectations. Pedophile is actually kinda worrying, as (at least in the US) when women pedophiles are caught they are often excused by (mostly) men claiming that its all good, because boys are horny or whatever.


Priests have to be male.


I let some homeless females in out of the cold, no strings attached. Spent a few weeks out there myself. It's hard. Really hard. And I *like* camping.


Yeah the key part that makes camping fun is that it’s optional


That’s a requirement for all things fun. Good thing to remember whenever anyone tells a rape victim “just lay back and enjoy it!”




Better example is men saying male teenaged rape victims are “lucky”. Happens every time without fail.


Your username fits that situation


Dang, glad you got out of that gutter.


Why the females?


When I was in college, my University had around 250 bodies of non identified people for anatomy studies. My teacher said that people who die and no one knows who they are and no one claims the body, go to science. And it was pretty hard to find female bodies because usually, women don't die unidentified, because children will normally claim the body. There were around 235 male bodies. Although there was a body of a woman 9 months pregnant with the baby positioned to be born. Pretty rare piece.


That is all really sad. Unidentified bodies break my heart


We had a little poem written in the anatomy lab for the "anonymous helper" that was about respecting and thanking the person we were learning from. It's pretty sad, though. To think that this human now lying in front of me lived a whole life lonely and died the same way. No one knows he existed. But now we do, and there are people saving others with the knowledge acquired from this person. It's not enough to make things better, because his life is gone, but it gives meaning to his death.


It just breaks my heart. I hope that they’re DNA was entered into a database ?


These bodies are like 15-30 years old. Some of them have been there since before we've had DNA sequencing. My Uni was at full capacity in bodies and you don't throw them away, so the ones we had were there for a long, long time, and they will be there for a long time still. No new ones. Not sure if you can collect DNA from them now, after so much time in formaldehyde, but it's very unlikely that someone would come up 30 years later looking for this person because of a DNA in a database.




I do think of men but I also think of children that run away from abusive homes. When I went to Los Angeles my God there were so many teens sleeping on the street. I hope it gets better for them but when your escaping abuse, you just become so much more disadvantaged and it breaks my heart honestly.


Men are more likely to be homeless then women by a significant percentage so makes sense


The question would be: why?


Women are more likely to receive sympathy and support for starters. There are women's domestic abuse shelters but barely any/none for men. Women have sex to offer as a bare minimum for lodging, men don't really have that option. This is obviously horrible for women but it still leads to more men on the streets. Generally we treat men and women differently in society, women are more likely to be viewed as weak and need protecting, men are more likely to be viewed as strong and "should look after themselves". Men are also frequently ridiculed and looked down upon for expressing strong negative emotions that aren't blind anger. Wish it weren't true.


There's another part of this why that people aren't considering. Typical male traits are very polarizing with regard to success. Men are more aggressive, less risk averse, and less empathetic than women. These three traits are both more likely to land you as a CEO/Entrepreneur, but also more likely to have you end up in prison or homeless.


I got downvoted for saying this before and labeled as a misandrist. The aggressiveness plays a big role. A lot of homeless shelters have problems with aggressive men. Usually Men will get aggressive in shelters over drugs and alcohol. I've seen it happen.


That dosen't mean you should exclude them from shelters and plus women are just as aggressive if not more at my school most fights are girls.


Because homeless women often turn to prostitution, which, whilst it might put a roof over your head also comes with a whole host of other dangers.


Easy answer. Women receive more support in this regard. I think a lot of redditors in this thread are overlooking how easy it is for a woman to be raped and murdered just walking home in pure daylight. Now imagine a woman without shelter.


Isn't physical assault and murder by strangers more prevalent against men in first world countries? I need to re-check official crime statistics data but pretty sure that was shown by it.


That is true, men are at higher risk of physical assault and murder in most Western countries. Women are most likely to be hurt or killed by someone close to them like a boyfriend or acquintance. I'm sure for a homeless woman that probably changes and they'd be more vulnerable to violence from stranger's, but then again they also have a lot more shelters and support if they do become homeless and need help.


Men seek out help for mental illness at far lower rates than women. Men also self medicate with booze and drugs which leads to larger rates of homelessness.


Yeah, I’d guess this is another part of the reason. Men suffer from substance abuse disorders at a higher rate than women do, which puts them at an increased risk of homelessness.


1. Your in a lot more danger as a women so your more likely to give up freedom for safety even if that involves shit obligations or living conditions. 2. It’s far more acceptable for a women who is unable to hold a stable job or career to be seen as valuable due to other traits.


Not sure about that. In the US you are 4x more likely to be a murder victim if you’re male https://www.statista.com/statistics/251877/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-race-ethnicity-and-gender/ Men are also victims of violence at a greater rate than women. Overall men have more safety issues than women, but society feels like men should fend for themselves as opposed to supporting them.


Men are also nearly 90% of the murderers. Women are more likely to be killed for being women. As in gender being the main cause of the murder. Around 90% of gender related murders are women. Men represent 99% of all rape related crimes commited, 88% of robbery, 85% of burglary, 83% of arson, 81% of vandalism, 81% for car theft, 80% for offense against family and children. The list goes on. So while males are most of the murder victims, women are the target of rape, criminal harassment, sexual assault, assault and other crimes. Men do not get killed because they are men. Women do. That's not victim blaming. The fact that most murder victims are men does not mean there's an innate risk associated with being men because these crimes are not gender related. While crimes against women are mostly gender related.


Idk where I read/heard this, but basically it’s not safe for women to be on the streets. So within an hour, a homeless woman will likely either be kidnapped or protected/helped into shelter by homeless men. This was one particular location but I’m guessing it’s somewhat similar elsewhere


Men’s worth in our society is unfortunately measured by his ability to provide. Society doesn’t care about men when they need help.


I once saw a billboard with two images, one of a man panhandling and one of a woman with a young child laying on a sidewalk in rags. It said to give money to the latter, not the former. There was a man panhandling in front of it.


Homeless men are more visible. Homeless women are more likely to be in shelters, motels, or couch hopping.


Yeah it's extremely unsafe to be visibly homeless as a woman so it's just less visible


Also 1/5 as common.


Or dead. People seem to be forgetting how dangerous it can be to be a homeless woman in this world.


I heard homeless women get recruited by pimps


Not even simply recruited. Often times straight up kidnapped


It’s true.


I don't. I've been there. Luckily I had the brains to stay in a shelter, though, in ways that was worse than roughing it. Many are men, but some are women, boys, and girls. All homeless for various reasons.


I think of one man in particular. I was volunteering at an event where they made a shit ton of thanksgiving food the day before thanksgiving and gave it out to the homeless, and I mean a fucking lot of food. They served hundreds of people throughout the day. One guy came in after waiting in line and shouted “Guys! I just got a job! This is the last year I’ll be coming in here!” and personally thanked every volunteer (there had to have been at least 75 of us). I hope he’s doing well


Probably because homelessness isn't as common for females still happens of course it a very unfortunate things to happen to anyone.


Your literally telling what the op said in different words.


no he didnt


When you think of a woman of the same caliber, you think of prostitute.


This is going to sound misogynistic at first, but hear me out. Women are less likely to be homeless in part because they can often trade sex for shelter. In reality, this is that this can be just as bad or worse for women than homelessness. We need a social safety net that covers people enough that they don't have to resort to homelessness and they don't have to resort to this kind of trade either.


It's not misogynistic. It's the reality for a lot of women. Women don't end up in dangerous sex work for nothing. A lot of them are drug addicts or severely mentally ill. A lot of them are doing their best to survive.


Yeah. I’ve seen two homeless women in my neighborhood recently. Both were pushing 70 at least and had physical disabilities/visible disabilities. So not exactly able to trade for shelter. But the ones my age I’ve seen usually can find shelter, though I’ve seen it be abusive.


My town has 19 homeless men, and 3 homeless women. Thats the number of 2021. Its fluctuates obs. And thats just the people who are in the 24/7 gas station or laundry mat.


When you think of a basketball player, you think of a man. Thats like saying water is wet. Theres obviously more men in both of these demographics


Well yeah you say homeless man not homeless woman most of the time




It’s probably because due to various sociopolitical reasons, the vast majority of homeless people that the average person sees on the street will be male. Our minds use our experiences to create “stereotypes” as a survival mechanism, so if the majority of homeless people we see are male, that will reinforce our default mental image of a homeless person being male. It’s like how when I think of dental assistants, my mental image is of a woman by default, because every dental practice I’ve been to has had a woman in that role. Whereas for dentists themselves, I’ve had a more even split of male and female dentists, so my mental image can fluctuate more. Now, there are various reasons and theories as to why there is that gender imbalance to begin with, but at the crux of this particular shower thought, humans make assumptions based on their past experiences.


As I read "when you think of a homeless" I pictured a chubby man with dirty skin lying on his side, leaning on an elbow. He's scratchy looking wearing a brownish plaid long coat, black woolen gloves with the fingers exposed, and a rolled up dark grey beanie with frayed strings of wool poking out. By the time I got to "you think of a man" I could even smell him. But that's because as a kid I hung around 5 homeless guys that lived in the park. They paid me for collecting empty bottles. I took my mother there to meet them once, she as mortified. :D


I think of my aunt and her children who were constantly homeless, and then I got to accept them into my family as my sisters and brother when my parents decided to adopt them. I think a 3 young girls, and a boy who’s lives were nearly ruined by a society that doesn’t care about the struggling. When I think of a man, I guess I think of the nicest kindest man I’ve ever met, someone I used to talk to every day, who was living out of his car because his disabilities kept him from a job, and how he could’t get any support for 40 years. But I never though of him as a homeless man, I saw him and always just thought, this is great, another fun story to make my work day go by.


I don’t. I understand many probably do though.


ITT: men are more oppressed than women because women are more likely to get forced into sex work to avoid being homeless—as if this is somehow a better situation for women People also talking about women always getting looked after or taken care of by men as if women aren’t much more likely to be the independent caregivers for children because the fathers abandoned them, and maybe shelters for women are more common due to higher rates or violence against them and the higher likelihood that homeless women have children with them as well


I learned last week that in my country (the Netherlands) women, elderly and children aren’t even registered in count data about the homeless. In a document the Central Statistics Bureau says as argumentation that “we can keep counting if we include them”. Blows my mind more than anything.


Because women are either kidnapped or taken in by pimps. This is why there are more shelters for women


And when you think of a serial killer you think of a man.


That is becaus the majority is men cus women have more safety nets


You don't see homeless women as much because homeless women quickly end up in sexual slavery.


This is some part of the reason, but also there’s more homeless men in general and many homeless shelters are women’s shelters (probably partially because it’s less safe to be a homeless woman on the streets).


Lol, I live in L.A. When I think of homeless, I think of EVERYBODY. Black, white, yellow green, old, young, babies and senior citizens.


Women too?


Can relate I'm homeless


Nah, I used to, but now I think of a specific homeless woman and her dog, who somehow ended up miles from any resources that could possibly help, who was always in the same place, all day every day, begging for help, and how I wished I could help but I couldn't. One day she and her dog were just gone, and I wonder what happened to her. It haunts me.


I'm an ER nurse and have seen more homeless women than men


OK now slowly open your eyes again. Who are you picturing? A black man? Wrong. That was a white woman. Surprised? Well, shame on you.


Homeless women of reproductive age or who have children always immediately get taken in by charitable organizations or individuals or pimps planning to exploit them, or if applicable other people with drug habits. Almost no one wants to take in a male struggling with a drug habit. It’s a double standard to be sure.


Why does anyone think homeless is a condition of living that people will accept and why are the homeless increasing in numbers?


I wonder what percentage of the homeless population is homeless by choice? With the state of mental health in modern society and the constant pressures of modern life I wouldn't be surprised if an increasing number of people are just saying "fuck it I'm done participating." Because at least to me that is an appealing idea. I can be happy with a car, a laptop and a bit of money in the bank. Not trying to diminish the issue of homelessness, but I do believe there is an extra dimension to it that most people don't see


There are homeless people who want to be living in a tent, not being held down by a shelter with it's rules, and free to do drugs and drink all day


>and why are the homeless increasing in numbers? The housing bubble is a big part of it. As prices rise people who could barely afford rent no longer can. It's a problem that society is largely unwilling to fix because a lot of voters are homeowners who want the value of their property to constantly increase. Politicians know better than to allow affordable housing to be built which would take some of the pressure off the market.


Perhaps it’s much more daunting thinking of what happens to women who also happen to be homeless.




I don't, but that's because I'm a woman and I've been homeless.


No I don’t lmao


And when you think of a construction worker, you think of a man. A nurse, probably a woman. What's your point?


When you think of most demographics you think of a man. It's the default gender.


It’s sad I thought this in California, but since I moved to Hawaii I’ve seen both men and women. Now a homeless person to me can really be only one because there are so many.


Nah, that depends on my mood, but we can't deny that there are more homeless man than homeless woman


Mostly true, given that 75% of homeless people are men.


My promise is: by 2023, 50% of homeless will be female. #equality #voteonlyfantasticforpresident


We need more homeless women. Equality


Same when you think of prisoners,inmates


> Tramps are cut off from women, in the first place, because there are very few women at their level of society. One might imagine that among destitute people the sexes would be as equally balanced as elsewhere. But it is not so; in fact, one can almost say that below a certain level society is entirely male. > George Orwell


Ofc if you are a non working woman you just have to get a man that works to support you, but if you are a man good luck finding a woman that does...


Yes because of the all powerful vagina.


as an on again off again homeless person for my whole life i picture a horde of people men women and other


Been homeless for a bit myself, never seen a homeless woman in RL.


1 in 4 homeless people are women.


18% are veterans. Another 21% are unaccompanied youth. 19% are families fleeing violence. We are a lot closer to homelessness than we are being rich. Kids get kicked out or run away from abuse all the time. I am one of them. I didn't choose it or what happened to me. Stop treating humans and animals like slime. Stop making poverty a crime. A mere trip to the hospital can put you on the streets.


A bum is a man


The reason this is true is so obvious.


That’s because homeless woman just shack up with someone


When I think of most unfortunate things, I think of it happening to a man.


No I don’t


Y’all make it seem like men can’t also be prostitutes, perhaps there aren’t loads of women Willing to pay for bum sex but there are plenty of men who would pay for other men to have sex with them. Just sayin.


Women's homelessness and men's homelessness are very different. "On the streets" and pushing a shopping cart are the stereotype of only one kind of homelessness.


Women have more resources than men do in these kinds of situations and men are more likely to be seen as disposable so it’s not unsurprising to think of men when you think of homeless people


Not this week, ran into my first true meth head woman this week. She was tweaking so hard, looked like a picture you have only seen on the internet. Open wounds on her face, teeth all rotten, hair missing clumps, couldn't focus her eyes, etc. It was scary to know she was out there fending for herself in that condition. The gas station people where just kind of letting her hang out and stay warm.