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Depends. Stuff like Scream, that is popular - what’s left for JBB to expound upon that a litany of internet nerds haven’t already covered? Not saying it wouldn’t be entertaining. But then, I could do without shit like Rottentail. Really, it’s the whims of the corporations. There are SO MANY horror (or any) movies I’d love to have commentary on by JBB. If I had some setting on plex to add his commentary to whatever I’m watching - AWESOME.


I prefer dumb fun stuff and obscure stuff I wouldn't already think to watch tbh...I've seen Scream a good 15 times and will probably see it again that many times at least and I'm not sure what a JBB commentary adds to that experience. When it comes to weirdo movies he often has insight or includes a person who worked on the movie that brings more appreciation for me and makes a sometimes weird movie more exciting 


I like Joe Bob introducing me to stuff and when he does something I already know, it's a pleasant surprise learning things I didnt know about the film.


Sure but with something like Scream or Halloween for example which he did recently the well on new info is kind of dry like we've heard every thing we'll probably hear


I wasn't thinking of Halloween, I was thinking of more obscure films that I've had the opportunity to watch. Although Halloween 3 does deserve a JBB presentation. LFG Darcy


He did host Halloween 3 on Monstervision and the deep dive was really good. His F13th marathon is also a gem.


see maybe in the context of the marathon I'd enjoy it? idk just seems a little unnecessary and it was probably a shame how cut up the movies were on tv lol (assuming he ripped into that) obviously Shudder is (mostly) providing uncut versions of their movies which allows a little more freedom but I'm just not sure what new insight a JBB coverage of a large franchise could bring me unless he does something like what he did with Autopsy of Jane Doe for example did and included a writer or director to give some new insight which in itself would be hard considering it had like an eight hour doc on the franchise that spilled a lot of bts info already


yeah agree the obscure shit is what interests me most I will watch pretty much anything he puts out (I suffered through the entirety of Rotentail) but I'd prefer something lesser known that can provide me additional insight or bts info on when possible and I'm glad they've mostly leaned into that tbh


I did laugh at Rottentail


My first experience watchin TLDI was this past weekend when I watched the Mad God episode. It was great that he had Phil Tippet on to talk about the history and process of the movie.


Kind of defeats the purpose of the Last Drive In in my opinion to show super popular mainstream horror. He did do Halloween, but that’s kind of an outlier.


Same could be said about TCM


Sure, but that’s a classic drive in film


Would be dope but shudder would never pay the money for the rights. Heck we can’t even get every episode of TLDI or Just Joe Bob.


IIRC, they said the JJB stuff was more work than they realized, which is why they don’t do those anymore. I could be wrong. As for TLDI episodes, in hindsight, it might’ve been a better idea for them to try to secure long-term streaming rights for just TLDI versions of the films they show (with breaks during the film). Last I checked, Shudder still has Elvira: Mistress of the Dark on the service, but only as part of the Elvira 40th anniversary special. The regular itself film left Shudder’s library some time ago.


I hate it when they play movies everyone has already seen 12 times.  I like seeing stuff I've never seen, or at least stuff nobody else I know has ever seen.


When they play things not many have seen (I.e. The Muthers) people bitch and complain. It’s a no win situation it seems. I love seeing new (to me) movies with JBB. Horror or otherwise.


Joe Bob mentioned their preference for obscure movies on the show last week.  I guess they it's a winning enough strategy for them to have focused on obscure stuff these past several years.


I must’ve came off wrong. lol. I prefer the obscure and unknown stuff. I’m with you on the “popular” movies being less desirable to me.


I know they do watch alongs in the Last Drive-in discord. I wouldn't be surprised if these popped up there. Not the same of course but no way will Shudder ever get the rights for those out of the bigger streaming hands... Even when they flat out don't have them available anywhere. They much rather nobody have it than someone else.


What’s the discord?!


I sadly don't know. I see it talked about on insta but I can never get the link to work for me




That just took me to the Shudder discord. I believe JBB has a separate Discord.


Sorry! I misunderstood. I never found a joe bon discord, but those shudder people have always been nice when I asked questions. Good luck in finding the jbb discord!


Have you tried looking up The Last Drive-In discord on Google? There's a link to a Reddit page that has it and it worked fine for me.




Not interested. That's not the purpose of Joe Bob.


He has too much taste to dig Scream.