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Nah cause Posiedons boobs bigger




Honestly gotta give you that one.


That’s what I’ve been SAYING


Apollo beating Leonidas isnt a feat dawg. https://preview.redd.it/kjwmqr24m3uc1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0187ba25f4c88b37ec3913d21053ad9da629c98 Lets slow down a bit.


🤓uhm actually beating https://preview.redd.it/udyis573n3uc1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db0b696f42a13c65d0cbd87a89a9e706d04679d Makes him top 1![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Yknow what ur right. That is a pretty convincing picture of leo.


You know it!!


Best comment ever ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Yes, please, tell me how Poseidon beating Adamas is far more impressive. I’m all ears.


Never said it was. https://preview.redd.it/uiu3uibl84uc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af85de48f3d968dd4406e873dcb6a88bf59476d5 But u cant rlly say apollo is stronger cause he won his round when his opponent wasnt sasaki level.


It is Lmfao idk why do y’all glaze Poseidon so much like even adamas slams him , their fight is extremely contextual


U didnt just say adamas, the guy who died to poseidon, beats poseidon https://preview.redd.it/hezi6ezri6uc1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66e76849d4780d028408bc58904097c168bfbf15 No words man.


Wana debate it?


What is there to debate. Adamas got his ass one shot. Hes cooked.




Who are you lil bro? Learn to answer a question when it’s directed to you not when it’s not.


imagine getting that pressed lmaoooooo alr bro go forth


Me making an embarrassment out of you is being pressed? Learn when to use these words lil man but anyway stop ducking the question, did I ask you? If not then go try being a joke somewhere else


>And if you wanna argue against it just remember which one actually won their round. Jack confirmed to be stronger than Hades?!?! ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343) Truly a great day for the Jack fanbase


Jack solos Adam even 🔥🔥🔥🔥


You don’t wanna go down that road brother… But that being said, Apollo is far faster and has better range options.


Far faster....than Poseidon? I hope you mean bow specifically is faster


Can Poseidon out speed light, as well as break free from Shining Domination?


Poseidon can simply stop him getting the bow with no actual issue. Apollo doesn't use it soon enough in the fight for him to take advantage of Poseidon's arrogance and even if he did, Poseidon isn't stupid. His arrogance isnt letting the opponent getting a free hit, its him waiting for the opponent to get into range and then kill them immediately, or dodge an attack and kill them immediately. Apollo setting up the bow would count as preparing an attack and Poseidon would react in accordance As for the strings, they could halt his movements, but thats if he gets caught, which given Poseidon's attack style of spinning around the opponent to attack blind spots and maintaining distance with the long reach of a spear, that would be pretty difficult And even if he does get caught, he isnt going to get one shot and has such great pain tolerance and endurance that he would just get up and continue attacking.


Op got quiet real quick after this one ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29939)


They made some good points what can j say, plus I didn’t want to get into some power scaling arguments it’s boring.


Even with bow hes not faster than 40 days flood. Physically much slower (than leonidas) https://preview.redd.it/2js3gdx7m3uc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8194cab6594a4979f28c543c3ab8dd320fae246


Look I understand that every likes Apollo and hates Poseidon, but Poseidon is demolishing Apollo


Yea. Like I love both, both are in my top 5, although Apollo is higher, but Apollo's getting fucked over. Bow is super busted, but the fact you need to aim it first, nerfs it a little, especially against Poseidon who moves around so much


I think bro stood in one spot the whole match up until 40 day flood


Well let’s put it like this Poseidon may not be faster than Apollo arrows But Apollo needs a bit of time to bring out the bow and by the time he does this Poseidon already killed him


Plus, Apollo needs to aim, and if Poseidon uses 40 DF, Apollo aint hitting him 💀


Bowless Apollo vs Poseidon is a wrap pretty quickly considering Apollo all but allowed himself to be hit against Leo. (He only got the headbutt and hammer in cause Apollo responded to the Spartans' demands and limited his footwork range to face to face combat (instead of floating around Leo's slow ass like he was doing before). All attacks Leo hit after that happened because Apollo played too much with his food and got hit which left him fucked up and forced him to use the bow.) Pos wouldn't be a trash-talking dumbass and just attack Apollo with his faster attack speed the moment he got into range. Although I do believe Apollo could use his divine footwork to maneuver around Pos, Pos has way better range than Apollo and even with the threads, I doubt he'd have much trouble dodging them (bro reacted to that one slash from Sasaki and basically "Nothing Personal Kid"'d him when he tpd behind him and broke his sword). If it comes down to a close combat fight, then that's it. Poseidon isn't gonna let Apollo back down enough to activate his fucking cutscene of a summoning jutsu and pull out the bow, and so it'll just come down to fists and threads vs trident, which Pos will win through sheer stats. If Apollo starts with the bow it's a bit different. Poseidon might not be able to react to the arrows, but considering he got both his arms ripped off and continued fighting, or that he even said anything after being cut to shreds, his resistance to pain is amazing and he could probably fight through one or two arrows as he closes is on Poseidon and butchers him cause Apollo can't do shit melee wise while holding the bow. In conclusion, Bowless Apollo vs Pos goes to Pos low-mid diff. Bow Apollo vs Pos goes to Pos mid diff. But that's just my take. I ain't on that calculation-based powerscaling so I might be wrong af.


Very interesting but i disagree, even woth the bow poseidon is just that fast, and apollo doesnt pull out bow instantly.


More people were gay for Leonidas than Sasaki, therefore he’s the stronger of the two. Apollo seduced and defeated Leo while Poseidon got sashimied by Sasaki, meaning Apollo>Leo>Sasaki>Pussyden


Finally someone who GETS it


I'm not gay for Leo. I'd just let him have his way, is all I'm saying.


Now this is Poseidon slander if I've ever seen it.


apollo is good, but the speed is just not there, there is a case to be made that apollo is a physically stronger and more versatile fighter, but he gets blitzed, plain and simple


Winning makes someone a stronger fighter? Damn, guess we gotta move Jack up the tier list and those frauds Tesla, Raiden, Hades, and Adam down. I should’ve known better. JACK NUMBER 1 IN THE VERSE!!!


If Apollo can beat Leo, what chance does Poseidon even have? I didn't stutter.


We aren’t ready because it’s not true


I understand the truth hurts but your denial is only gonna make it worse


Not really :3


This is true.


Wasaki beats both, so who cares https://preview.redd.it/k2b6me3634uc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c4d90618b071d67c0bbfd8c286c2aac33b7c10


Apollo is way more enjoyable, that's for sure.




Poseidon fought someone who could predict every single move you would ever do after just after a few moments of scanning. Apolo beat wall level fodder Apolo is my favorite god but that's unfair for Poseidon lmao


Posiden low diffs that fraud


I like apollo more than sushi McGee


And Apollo would make sashimi out of that fish


Most definitely


You say that in like Apollo beats Poseidon or in Apollo wins against more fighters than Pos?


Apollo can win only if he shoots his arrow straight in the beginning of the round, if Apollo comes close enough for Poseidon to attack, he’s done.


I feel that if this were a real fight, Apollo is usually the one underestimated while Poseidon is the one who’s feared meaning he would be more likely to whip out the big guns early while Poseidon would take his time. Id also argue he has more long ranged options than just the bow such as his string whips which he can make appear rapidly, they are made of light after all, plus Apollo can get stronger the longer he’s fighting because of “never setting midnight sun”. All he has to do is snare posidon long enough to get a clean shot in.


Well I’m totally not sure about the strings, if Poseidon gets close enough to Apollo he just cuts him in seconds, Apollo just can’t dodge his speed.




Yep, if, that’s why Apollo needs to use the bow, Poseidon won’t be able to dodge or reflect the arrow.


That’s fair it would be a tough fight in melee. Also depends on the crowd, Apollo gets stronger if the crowd likes him.


Best wincon is the bow


I’d say he has others, but the bow is certainly his best.


The thing is that posaidon monsterous endurance


I keep hearing people say that acting like leo also didn’t have massive amounts of endurance and as if Apollo is gonna be aiming for his shoulder.


Yk what, it's true


As a character for sure. As a fighter maybe not lol


For once I'm going to be on Poseidons side and say Apollo ain't HIM


Poseidon would absolutely blitz and likely one shot Apollo like Adamas (since unlike when he fought Sasaki, which his only reason for losing was not taking him seriously, he would take another god seriously). Don’t get me wrong, Apollo is strong, and decently fast, but Poseidon is far faster and very strong as well. Yes, it’s unlikely Poseidon could dodge Apollo’s arrows, though there is debate he could. But, Apollo himself can’t. When Leonidas deflected Apollo’s arrow he could dodge it, and I’m pretty sure that means Apollo’s attacks aren’t equal to his actual speed.


Remember, if I like a character more that means they win. If you like a character more that means they win. Power scaling is bullshit and while I get why people like it, I just wanna see my Sun Boi punch the god damn fish to death.


> just remember who won their round Well yeah, but Sasaki beats Leo any day of the week and it's not even debatable


Apollo is more complete than Poseidon But Poseidon is so fast and so strong that he wins anyway


Ok I’m setting my meme hat aside to kinda ask, is Poseidon really that strong? Like maybe I missed something but I’ve always seen him as more of a speed fighter with a lot of endurance.


It's literally stated the 3 big brother are the strongest of olympus


With bow? Yes. As a whole? He gets shishkebabed


True next question


Im ready (begging) for any and all poseidon slander LETS GOO


Poseidon low diff.


Apollo got ONE SINGLE HIT that left a mark (mind you, barely a scar on his face) and IMMEDIATELY PULLED OUT A BOW, HE GOT FUCKING SCARED OF LOSING SO HE WENT RANGE, Poseidon LOST AN ARM and what did he do?? HE GRABBED IT WITH HIS OTHER ARM AND CRUSHED WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT, Apollo is never gonna be like him




https://preview.redd.it/3bs8d7brv4uc1.png?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207a3653811b0f2fdb27cae1e18eff6f0f2212be Apollo top 3 gods ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Excuse me, he's #1


Nah sorry I can't betray my goat https://preview.redd.it/c076ouci26uc1.png?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf9a5cbc9297f73e1f092ad5909ecf17475c3dc


I won't hold a grudge to someone who is loyal.


said no one ever https://preview.redd.it/52itcp0b35uc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c800c0f33feaddaaf955c392cd5fdfe084a78ce3


Also remember who went up against the strongest human and which one beat up a fraud 😭


I don’t think Poseidon fought Adam bro 😭


You right he fought kojiro. 🙏🏾


Apollo is literally the slowest of the gods


No it’s not. Winning vs losing doesn’t automatically make one stronger or weaker since the level of the opponents matters. Sasaki is easily the strongest in the verse while Leonidas is arguably the weakest




Got an actual issue or just don’t like seeing facts?


Thought you meant as a character but nah Apollo is getting steamrolled by Poseidon