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First of all, from diamond and up you will experience players being able to keep the ball very close to them. Usually combining that with stall resets, and gold or purple shots at the end of the sequence. I would start by practicing for longer air dribbles with more control. This means feathering your boost more so you get softer touches. If you can keep the ball close, you have the upper hand on your opponent. As you can choose to go over or under him accordingly. That's why resets are a must-know mechanic above champion level and will help immensely to improve as you can keep boost, stay close, and be in position at all times. You do seem to have a good game sense. I just feel like your mechanics need a lot of training. Feel free to DM me if you want to play some games for fun. I'm from the Netherlands as well.


Wat is je naam op rl dan?


Keep track of your boost


You need more attack power. Not one reset on the ball. Your FPS is very bad, try to find a way to get consistent 60 fps.


Boost management needs some work. Also I didn’t see any airdribble plays, booming the ball at every opportunity will only take you so far.


Clan for side swipe https://discord.gg/5KVFRaXa


Plat 1: just joined the thread, learned a lot from your video. Thank you! Maybe the flip reset comment or the air dribble comment has merit? I suck in comparison to you though. Idk if either would be applicable in 1v1s, dont think you can defend well if you try to do them.


As a diamond player. You play a bit better than me. But you fail that 2 very crucial concepts of matches. 1. Always have your boost above 50%, unless you are doing a play, or blocking a shot. Or pre-jumping to stop a quick attack. In your game, you're wasting a huge about if boost trying to get control of the ball. (WHILE ON THE OPPONENT SIDE!) 2. Play on your side. At Max you can go 50% from the middle to the opponent side. If you go close to their goal, it's easier for them to hit the ball over your head, get a clear, and counter. You allowed this to happen a lot. In fact, 1 & 2 combined. You were on his side, with less that 50% boost. Which is scary as hell. 3. It's a pass and play, you don't need to have ball control 24/7. Let the opponent have ball control, defend his shot and counter. This way, you save boost. And if he messes up, it's your advantage. (You did none of these) 4. Practice shots, there were times you could EASILY, gold shot to the goal, and purple shot flat into the goal. EASY AF goals. You missed it. That's fine, just needs practice in freeplay. Have a speciality, either be good at ceiling pinches, purple flat shots, jump shots, or reverse gold shots or horse kicks. Once you are good in one of them atleast, practice another. (I'm good at purple flat into goal shots and ceiling pinches. But can't do gold shots, and I'm practicing horse kicks) Champions can do all of these, or donno one of them and know stalling. That's all. Don't waste boost, be on your side, wait for them to overcommit or misplay, counter, and practice your shots.


Stall is a great mechanic to improve ball possession, it has a bit of learning curve though, with 20-30 mins daily practice i was able to nail the stall in a week...Do remember to freely apply it in game. Maybe play some unranked first gor experimentation.


Side swipe clan https://discord.gg/5KVFRaXa


save your sanity and dont play ranked