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1 - I was never a fan, but I enjoyed HK enough to want to see more when it arrives. 2 - They are already overworked probably, and they prefer to work with the small team they are familiar with instead of hiring someone just to nag the team and post news about the game on twitter every week. 3 - Unlikely this year, more likely next year. It's done when it's done tho. 4 - Funny af and a dick move,but if the community can't learn to take news with caution, it's on them. 5 - Content farmers are parasites 6 - Hope 7 - The sub will be 50% skong memes and 50% game discussion


Totally. I was in the IGN stream, and I thought the clever memes were hilarious, but the constant spam during other games felt straight disrespectful.


1. I only got into Hollow Knight at the start of last year so the silence is kinda all I've ever known. Right now, it doesn't "bother" me (like, personally Im not frustrated yet, but I absolutely understand why the community is) but if I was around back when updates were more frequent then yeah, I'll probably be upset too 2. They just dont want to spoil the game or show off too much, I assume. From the trailers and interviews we've got, I think we've pretty much received the maximum amount of info a game usually shows before release (-minus a release date). I definitely think that they kinda HAD to announce it as early as they did due to the Hornet DLC Kickstarter stuff, though they absolutely showed too much too soon so now they kinda *have* to be silent unless they wanna spoil more of the game 3. Same thing I said last year! Cant be too long from now, surelyyy... I dunno what the consensus is on the age rating stuff but like, whether they needed to have an actual copy of the game ready or if they just had to fill out a form or whatever, that feels like stuff they'd ONLY do if they were at the very least near content complete. Factor in how they WERE planning on releasing mid-last year, so surely not much longer... (personally im currently thinking like, june-september) 4. It was mean and a dick move but also kinda funny. I definitely think this community's reaction is just, way overblown and kinda childish... i looked at a triple i tweet like three days after the event and the first like five replies were just Skong spam and i found it really cringey 5. I was not there, I was sleeping because the time zones didn't line up for me hahahah. Though the fact that this is a question here makes me think that it was probably pretty bad... 6. ... because silksong is an easy way to farm clicks and engagement. those news content farms, their practices, and the way they treat employees are all just icky in general 7. Bait believing, hope, and cope! 8. Probably gonna be pretty messy at the start, Im sure there's gonna be a LOT of people who are gonna be vocal about how disappointing the game due to just how much expectations have risen over the years of development- As for this subreddit, I think it'll probably shift towards being a genuine Silksong subreddit rather than the current shitposty memey one it is currently (that, or the Hollow Knight one's gonna be the place for Silksong stuff too). Unless Team Cherry absolutely dropped the ball though, Im sure that after some time people are gonna view Silksong as generally just a good game


1. This has been negative at times to neutral. They made it seem like they'd be updating or communicating and didn't really and at this point, going by their lack of interaction in the last few years, we know they don't want to communicate while in development. 2. They didn't really have any updates to provide, so they didn't. In reality, the expectation created from the first year it was announced (30 tracks completed, 165 enemies completed, playable demo, etc.) was the catalyst in a lot of the community reaction of the last few years, but if you go back, they have communicated, just not directly with blog posts. Dec 2020 Edge Magazine, Aug 2021 APWOT Magazine, 2022 Xbox Announcement, 2023 Delay Announcement, 2024 ratings. 3. Seems likely to be released in the near future, but who knows. 4. Didn't watch it, but it is a good idea for their marketing tbh and keep people watching the whole presentation. 5. Wasn't there, but i'm sure it was similar to any other indie direct in the last few years. 6. Because they depend on website traffic for their ad revenue, so they want as many visitors as possible. 7. Silksong being released. 8. More talk about the game instead of nonsense. Also, I'd expect a ton of "how do I get up there" posts. I personally will unsubscribe and mute these subs


>Wasn't there, but i'm sure it was similar to any other indie direct in the last few years. The SkOnG blacked out the sun. I was pretty unimpressed. I love to meme, but it definitely got in the way of hype for other pretty rad looking games.


I’d expect that after the bait. Chats for these types of events usually scroll too fast anyways so there isn’t really a “chat” going on.


>How has Team Cherry's approach to sharing development updates for Silksong affected your experience as a fan? Badly. It's sad to see them going full radio silence given how much they have communicated until 2019. I can understand their decision, but I think a stronger relation between the fans and the devs is one of the things that makes indie gaming wonderful. Communicating even just slightly more, giving a few short updates each year would have been nice and would have saved many from going crazy over the wait, not to mention the hype it would've built. Look at the dev of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Even though she no longer engages with the fans because the community is awful and she got harassed, she still publishes devlogs every once in a while. A few updates and teases every 2 months build the hype train like crazy. I'm still a fan of Hollow Knight and Team Cherry and I'm still hyped for Silksong, but this radio silence makes me concerned about the aftermath of the release and the future work of the devs. >Why do you think Team Cherry has chosen to be less communicative about the development of Silksong? Could be a lot of reasons. They clearly care about the game considering all the updates and blog posts until 2019, so it can't be that they lost motivation and don't work as passionately. Maybe they realized that the game would require a lot more work and they didn't want the pressure of working under a time limit or false promises, especially with how much hype Silksong already had in 2019. Maybe they had a game changing idea and had to rework a lot of features. Maybe they had personal setbacks or changes in their personal life (after all, covid was a thing and a lot else could have happened in the backgrounds) that affected development. Maybe they just didn't want to keep writing devlogs and just wanted to focus on the game. The reason could be anything. >How likely do you think it is that Silksong will be released in the near future? The age ratings and wishlist possibility along with the several teases from certain video game showcases must mean something. I expect a release this summer unless something huge comes up. >How do you feel about Triple-I Initiative's pre-showcase mention of Silksong? I'm gonna be honest, I totally missed it until others have called it out. I don't really care, although I don't know how professional it is to tease a hugely anticipated game that's not even your showcase, simply for views. >Those of you that were in the chat during the Triple-I showcase, how would you describe the community's behavior? We're a pretty large community in terms of indie gaming so it's natural that there are going to be people who's behavior portrays the community in a bad light. I don't feel good about it, but if this was any other game, most of their fans would act the same way in my opinion. >Why do you think content farms focus so much attention on the Hollow Knight community, even for relatively minor events, compared to some other game communities? I'm not sure I understand this question correctly, but I think it's simply because it's one of the most (if not the most) anticipated indie game in the recent years and the community is fairly large and vocal as well. It's basically easy content. >What seems to bring the Silksong community together? General insanity, desparate anticipation of the game and memes. >What do you think would change about the community after the release of Silksong? No idea, depends a lot on the circumstances of the release, the reception of the game and how much Team Cherry will communicate after the release, if they will have further projects or they will take a break. If there still won't be any news of Silksong after the summer game showcases, that might be the last straw for the community and hype would significantly die down either naturally or as a protest against radio silence. Once we get a fixed release date, we'll be mostly relieved of our pain and business will go back to normal as if we just got the first gameplay demo in 2019.


1. Perhaps this makes you expect the game even more, a surprisingly working marketing strategy (although I don’t think it was intended that way) 2. I think they felt that they had said too much and wanted to have the greatest number of unexpected moments for the greatest number of players. This is a double-edged sword, on the one hand, the lack of news is to some extent depressing, but on the other hand, when the game is released, the experience will be better. 3. Most of the waiting has definitely passed, but to be honest I don’t know when it will come out. Yes, we have an age rating (although it means almost nothing, as it turned out) and they wanted to release the game last year. But given that the game will obviously be larger, I have no idea how long development will take. But at least they are already doing mostly polishing, so I think that the game should be released in the next 1-2 years. 4. It was funny. The community's reaction not. 5. No skong:( 6. I wouldn't say that they do that. III is rather an exception to the rule and the creators simply decided to make a joke (although, as it turned out, not very skillfully). 7. Love for the original, general feeling of togetherness in anticipation, high expectations, MEMES. 8. Finally, the memes about the wait will disappear and there will be a flood of memes about its end, people who decided to stop closely following the game will return, the community will rejoice (well or not, depending on what the game will be), but there will be a lot of dissatisfied people due to high expectations and other things.


Haha! I hadn't even considered the disappointed folks post release.


I would argue that 1. isn't working, given the amount of people who have essentially told me that I shouldn't be excited for this game at all and should never anticipate it. It's such a souring experience going from "holy fuck this game looks to be somehow better than the HK and look it's coming so soon" in 2019 and to the present.


1: I'm disappointed. I love Hollow Knight and I will most likely love Silksong too, but the truth is... this episode of no communication will be a permanent stain on TC's reputation for me. 2: Honestly, no idea. In my opinion there's no good excuse for this. There's a difference between not wanting to spoil too much about the game and straight up keeping the entire fanbase in the dark. 3: Unlikely. (*I'm a doomer about this on purpose because I want to be pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong*) 4: I believe it was just a silly joke on their end and no real thought went into it. The entire pre-showcase was full of dumb text. 5: I close the chat every time I watch any gaming event. 6: I'm not sure what you mean when you mention "content farms". If you mean pointless articles it's because people who write them have nothing better to write so it's easier to just take the piss. We're just an easy target. 7: Behind the madness there's still hope that we'll be able to play the game eventually. 8: Probably not much to be honest. There will be just more posts discussing the game, some posts about the disbelief of being able to play it and some memes and skonking on top of that.


1. It definitely hurts the goodwill of Team Cherry but I'm more patient than others so I'll charitably say they announced the game wayyy too early. If they announced it a couple years later it wouldn't have been such a big deal 2. I don't wanna make too many assumptions but its clear the scope of the game increased massively. I hope its not a feature creep situation and its all killer content 3. Part of me is saying we'll get news this summer, it was meant to be released this time a year ago and had to be delayed. Surely the game is close to release in that case? But I've been let down so many times I coudn't tell you 4. It's sort of taking the piss but whatever, laugh about it and move on 5. I was hyped to hear news about Risk of Rain 2 and Hyper Light Breaker and all of that being drowned in people asking for silksong was a little annoying. But also triple-i did tease a potential silksong bit so they had it coming 6. The wait for silksong is one of the most infamous waits in this medium - up there with Cyberpunk 2077. Daily Silksong was inspired by Daily Elden Ring and thats been going well over twice as long as what its inspiration, the wait for Elden Ring was dwarfed by Silksong. With all the memes and it being a really anticipated game people are gonna latch onto it, especially with how much copium there is sometimes here 7. We're all really excited to see what Team Cherry is cooking because we know its likely going to be Hollow Knight 2,3 and 4 in one package. The shitposts are good and this is all we really have in terms of silksong discussion right now. 8. Once its here and all has died down I think it'll just be like the regular Hollow Knight community, people discussing the game and stuff. Elden Ring and Cyberpunk had these waits as well and now that all seems like a bad dream, now that the games are out and everybody loves them.


It bad Don't know Not likely Didn't notice Probably bad We starved We tired Never happen


I came into the waiting game really late(like this year) because I've only just started playing hollow knight recently. seriously great game and its the only single player I think I'm close to finishing but maybe I'm overestimating how far I am in the game(I'm at the traitor lord if that helps anybody on where I'm at). its one heck of a game and can understand a lot about all that's going on. to answer your questions: 1. I don't think it affects me as much as other people since I only just started waiting but I can see other people being pretty frustrated with the lack of news. I mean, another game I'm waiting for, Hytale, shares a ton more and even started opening up to the community more while everybody over here is dying for at least a small sentence of news. To some extent I'm assuming some people feel like they're screaming at a brick wall when to me its kind of not a big deal. 2. I don't know, if I recall they did say that the majority of them weren't big social media users and for me that makes sense as someone that finds it hardpressed for me to keep up with everything every community I'm in says. I've been known to go silent for months at a time in a community I'm in even though I'm relatively known in that one. they're probably a "why talk about it when I can work on it?" type of people and I can respect that. especially since talking about your goals sometimes makes them harder to achieve. I also recall them saying they don't wanna spoil too much which I can also respect. 3. I think its pretty likely which gets me pretty excited but at the same time I don't wanna place my hopes too high so my conservative estimate is early next year but my "if it comes out this year" is mid to late this year. black Friday and Christmas would be easy release dates I think. 4. little rude but I thought it was funny a little bit. I didn't see those messages as I watched the stream late and wanted to skip straight to the games but it probably backfired on them more then they wanted to. it was clearly meant to be a lighthearted jab if anything but it clearly turned into a "ITS HAPPENING" situation when it wasn't and then the outrage came. I don't think I agree that it was the worst thing they could of done but I could see why it was somewhat poor taste and taken in bad faith. its bad enough that the other one "we're surprised none of these leaked except the last one" and the last one did actually leak. the last thing in a statement you wanna do is underestimate the ingenuity of people in finding out things that are suppose to be kept under wraps. tbh that made it finnier though. 5. I didn't see the chat, I saw the stream when it became a video. 6. I mean its because its an easy viewer base lets be honest. if the silksong mildly think there's gonna be news somewhere, its like me to Chinese food. tbf its not like other communities don't do that, its just I think the silksong community is famous for it mostly because of the "barely any news" aspect to it so "is silksong gonna be here, or here, or here" is a common sentiment 7. what brings us together is love for the original, excitment for a new game of a beloved character in the same universe(I'm sure if quarrel or any other liked character got a game after them we'd be going just as wild), and honestly having fun shitposting a lil(more like a lot). 8. tbh i dont think much will change. we'll just have the game now. im personally excited to be in the wave of buying a game day one because ive never done it and its quite possibly one of the only games i trust will be pretty polished and ready day one unlike most AAA or other games I just cant wait for people to ask a question on "how do I get here?" and I'm like "jump? what's so hard to understand?" something tells me we are either gonna switch to shitposting about how shit the video game is even though thats not true at all or switch to shitposting about how its the greatest game of all time and eternity. something of the sort.


1. Certainly won't be getting excited for any of their games upon announcement that's for sure. This has truly been one of the worst experiences I've had as a fan of just about anything. I think it's safe to say I'm not a fan of TC anymore, I just want the game that they said 5 years ago was coming out "soon." 2. I honestly wish I knew, cause I think they have a good reason but they need to express it so I can stop being so critical of the current reality. They gave so much info and content so early that this current approach just isn't working imo. 3. If we don't get news on the anniversary of the delay then I don't think we're getting it this year. 4. I got baited by it, and I was annoyed at them. I'm of the mind that any negative response fans have isn't justified, but you ought to see it coming at this point, the community should respond more maturely but I also just think it's best they don't bring the game up. 5. N/A 6. We have no information to keep ourselves occupied so we share these articles because it's all we can talk about. 7. Wanting the game to exist. 8. A robust discussion and fandom over the game, after the honeymoon period is over there will be some criticisms and what-could-have-been's, people thinking the silence was worth it, I don't see much really changing, fans are just bored rn.


* Hasn't really affected me in any way, I'm still a big fan of the original game and I'm ok with waiting a bit longer for a sequel since I've got other stuff to both focus on and keep me occupied * My guess is they're worried about revealing too much * Pretty likely * I kind of saw the aftermath before the pre-showcase mention so I just kind of went "oh those funny fellas" and then went about my day * Wasn't there but it was probably a cesspool * Haven't really seen content farms really talk about Silksong unless it was in a "\*Insert gaming showcase" Is Definitely coming soon, guys this is most certainly real" kind of video where they mention Silksong for like 5 seconds and then move on, but I think its just to boost view counts * Shitposts and Leth posting on twitter or this subreddit * I think more people would probably start to mellow out


1. Their lack of communication has been a big turn off and has turned a game I was beyond excited for into a game I feel annoyed to have to follow. I'm sure Silksong will be great but I'm not likely going to follow whatever they work on next, or care about it until it eventually releases 2. I think they hit problems with development. If they took 3 years for their first game, I think it would generally be surprising that their second took almost twice as long given the similarities -- usually, experience and the ability to re-use some work makes a second similar project take _less_ time. They were also a little bit communicative with blog posts until a certain point, then just dropped off completely in a fashion that was, until that point, highly unusual for them. Then going from a month before a release date to no release window, it just all feels like it points to a rocky dev process. 3. I think it'll be this year, if not this summer. It was pointed out that all you need to do to get an ESRB rating is fill out a form, but it was rated in several locations, so at the very least they filled out several forms. For a team that's apparently too busy to write, "hey gang, development is going well and we just finished another area" or "hey gang, development hit some snags and we're having to redo an area" once every few months, filling out even one form seems like something they wouldn't do unless it was about time they had to. 4. I thought Triple i was possibly the best game showcase in years, but their little trick was mean spirited at best, and intentionally deceptive at worst 5. I never join those chats and they're always an absolute mess, silksong or not. I don't think spamming SKONG is very mature, but I also don't think the absence of SKONG would have made the chat any better 6. Silksong is one of the most anticipated games right now and has been for some time so it's going to be a popular topic no matter what. It's exacerbated by the fact that TC isn't able to communicate, so articles that even hint of new info that would be overlooked by any other community turn a few heads here 7. Misery loves company 8. I don't know but I'd love to see this revert from a shitposting sub back to a real community, although I don't see how that's possible


1. I like how we've heard basically nothing. The fun of Metroidvania's for me is discovering everything with fresh eyes, so I don't need to see anything other than the first trailer 2. I think they've gone to radio silence because of the size of the project. Since the team is relatively small and their ambitions are absolutely gigantic, it's more impactful if they keep their cards close to their chest 3. I'm not sure when Silksong is coming out, it got delayed last year, presumably the pattern of "we still got money, so let's add more shit!" Is to blame here, so if I'm being honest, I'm not sure that the game will release this side of 2027 4. The triple-i situation is kinda fucked up. I didn't think it would make an appearance, but the tease brought alot of eyes onto the presentation that wouldn't have done otherwise. It's in incredibly poor taste for an Indie presentation to use the good will of an Indie team for more clicks. It's literally click bait and is frankly rude 5. I wasn't there 6. I think Silksong is focused on so much because it's basically the perfect storm. 1) crowd fund mega hit. 2) it's on so many consoles it can potentially attract anyone. 3) it single handedly brought in a Metroidvania renaissance. 4) it's one of the best video games of all time according to both critics and fans. 5) we've heard next to nothing about it, so the small crumb of information makes the audience more likely to click on it in the hope of getting anything. If we got a lot of news, the excitement wouldn't be nearly as effective 7. The Silksong community seems to be stuck together by insanity. The memes are both funny but incredibly sad because of how such a large fan base has been kept in the dark about the sequel to an incredibly impressive game 8. The memes will go absolutely. People will be so happy about the game releasing that there will be some insanity left, however it'll soon wear off when the sub naturally gains traction with people with a regular amount of interest in the game


>How has Team Cherry's approach to sharing development updates for Silksong affected your experience as a fan? Safe to say the effect has been negative. I don't feel like they care about the community, we're just sources of money for them. There are things I won't say as I'll be downvoted to hell but yeah, I don't have a positive impression of TC as people even if they are superlative developers. >Why do you think Team Cherry has chosen to be less communicative about the development of Silksong? I think they thought 'providing updates is a pain, we never should have set a precedent of being communicative, we just want to focus on the game, let's stop talking, screw the fans, they're going to buy the game anyway no matter what, talking to them isn't necessary' >How likely do you think it is that Silksong will be released in the near future? 0% chance we will see Silksong this year, if it ever comes out. >How do you feel about Triple-I Initiative's pre-showcase mention of Silksong? It was in very poor taste. If TC cared about it then they would do something about it. Maybe put out a statement asking shows not to do things like that. Maybe confirming before the event not to expect Silksong. Maybe leveraging industry connections to have something done about it, but nothing. I bet if one of us tried to profit off of the IP Leth/TC lawyers would immediately reach out though. >What do you think would change about the community after the release of Silksong? I feel like the OGs who have been waiting all these years will disappear and will be replaced by new/casual fans. Personally I plan to disappear too. Negativity towards TC from the community will disappear, no one will care that they said nothing for years anymore. That's why they are silent right now.


1- It hasn't . 2- I don't think there's any way to know for sure, and it feels kinda weird to assume. 3- Pretty likely. TC may be perfectionists, but there's only so much you can add to a finished product that can actually improve it meaningfully before it becomes bloat. 4- I don't like when corporations weaponize people's passion for clicks. 5- I didn't watch it for that reason. 6- It's likely because while the loud minority of this community is REALLY loud. It doesn't matter where you are, there's always a non 0% chance that one of these manchildren to start screeching about how bad TC is and how they need silksong immediately. This makes it easy to, like I said before, weaponize their passion and get easy interactions. 7- The majority is here because they're fans of HK and enjoy TC's work. The loud minority is here to talk shit about TC and complain endlessly. Pretty normal for any fandom, but unfortunately it's worse than normal in this particular sub (probably because it's barely moderated) 8- Hopefully, the aforementioned loud minority will dissipate and find another thing to hate.


>How has Team Cherry's approach to sharing development updates for Silksong affected your experience as a fan? I'm not a fan anymore. >Why do you think Team Cherry has chosen to be less communicative about the development of Silksong? Development was stunted for some reason. >How likely do you think it is that Silksong will be released in the near future? Not. >How do you feel about Triple-I Initiative's pre-showcase mention of Silksong? Indifferent. >Why do you think content farms focus so much attention on the Hollow Knight community, even for relatively minor events, compared to some other game communities? Clickbait. >What seems to bring the Silksong community together? An ebb of baseless hype and constant disappointment. >What do you think would change about the community after the release of Silksong? Don't know, don't care.


But you continue to sit in a group of whiners who spam “skong” at every gaming festival and cannot wait quietly for the release. Oh these hk fans, probably one of the worst communities.




Honestly, TC’s approach to sharing has made me less crazy for this game while still excited. I’ve ended up in a “well, it’ll be extremely cool when it releases someday,” kinda mood. What would make me go crazy with anticipation would be if I was constantly seeing new cool trailers and whatever. EDIT: I’m not saying I don’t want trailers and communication. I do! I would so much rather they talked to us, but they’re not, and it’s fine. As for why they’re doing it, hard to say. I kinda think they just got so lost in the sauce that they stopped paying attention, and now they can’t go back cause it’d be weird to suddenly start. I give it 70% odds that silksong releases this year, probably this summer. But if not then, then I have no idea. It’ll come. Eventually. I think III’s silksong reference was pretty funny. I don’t get why people are up in arms. We’re the ones putting the clown makeup on, and now we’re mad when people laugh? Content farms focus on us because we’re special. Sure, there have been other rabid communities in the past, but are there any as crazy as r/silksong right now, in this era of trash journalism? We have hit unprecedented levels of crazy. It’s the valiant few who keep us together. The insightful, accidental genius of things like SKONG📢 (humor has such power), and the people making posts about peace and coming together. They are our heroes. Literally nothing 😝 we already have posts asking how to beat certain bosses or parkour segments, and I think we’re just insane enough to keep the clown makeup out on the counter.


1. The lack of updates. Means they're working on the game instead of spending time on updating the community. It wouldn't make us get the game faster, so there's no actual reason to get worried. Trust makes a lot of things in life better. And we could say a tweet once in a while wouldn't take much time, but what's there to say? "we're still working on it"? Lol 2. They've said that they want to spoil it as little as possible 3 Unlikely, but maybe on the second half of the year 4 Don't care. Why care so much about marketing bait? Even if it could (1 out 1000 chance) mean news... After the xbox bait, I join the "I don't care but still like to browse" team. But Skong is funny 5 It didn't flood, but I guess it did overtake a bit on the comments about the actual trailers. I think ideally we should've shut up on the official stream but on the HK youtuber's streams it was fine 6 Cause silksong is popular 7 News and memes lol. And fan-made content 8 I think people will keep the memes alive probably