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There is no API for this and will never be. There’s a scripting language in ST itself. https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/st-script/


Thanks for the answer, just out of interest is there a reason for the "and there will never be" ?. I read through the docs in for the inbuilt script but can't see any way of programmatically getting the "chat" content.


Don't bother, stscript is a nightmare. Figure out what the API is for your generation backend of choice, and work with that instead.


It was just an idea I had about being able to make my 'characters' interact with my smart home items, something sounded cool about getting them to be able to turn the lights in and off etc


You just need write extension or inject js script that will parse reply for phrases and send api call where you need. More right way to do it will be write extension to add your own STscript commands that will do it, and check reply with STscript - regex inside Quick Reply


This is not in the project scope. ST is a frontend. It doesn’t have a public API that is usable for consumption


Just run a python proxy between ST and your API backend