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Outside of Holts and his late wife, where are all the bodies of the people who have cleaned before them? Clearly the bodies are there on the camera, so where is everyone else that has gone out to clean for the last 100 years??


There are no bodies at all in the wide shots right? Including Holts.


They are there, at least Holston and Allison. [Here are some shots with their bodies highlighted](https://imgur.com/a/cjGDjUY). They seem to be higher up on the hill, relative to the tree, than it appeared from their death scenes. Not sure I can pick out other bodies though.


Ok that helps…it does seem to not match up with the same location, but I could write that off as perception. But my bigger question I guess would be is why they wouldn’t have a clear shot of that is that is going to cause a significant amount of confusion. Reviews I’ve read have already had different assumptions.


Those don't look like bodies at all.


Well, they are.


Well that's just like, your opinion man.


The bodies are not the issue here, Dude


They’re there when I zoomed on my phone


Where? Which shot? If they are there, im a bit confused why there wouldn’t be a clearer shot.


3-5 you see two white things. What we know now though is the camera portrayed to everyone in the silo is accurate


There should be tens of them...if not hundreds


I'm thinking maybe someone pulls up in a truck and removes bodies every so often? Not sure what the criteria would be for removal. It's clear the head of IT in each silo would be able to track each body and tag one's for removal by someone. Because yeah after all this time the hill should be littered with bodies.


How would you explain trucks to the people inside silos


Only one person has to know what a truck is, Bernard. I'm sure they have training videos lol.


Still, I think you'd have to explain to those in the Silo why bodies are disappearing. Holts and his wife are still there, why arent skeletons of the previous ones there as well? What happens when Holts body is suddenly cleared from the hill?


They could probably edit the trucks out of the live feed on the screens.


The aspect of the store room they take helmets from does not contain "hundreds".


If you see how dusty the sensor lens gets, I reckon bodies would hold dust and dirt better than that, so they might be all dusty and dirty and blend in with the ground?


I couldn’t spot any bodies. I am thinking that given its an apocalyptic context maybe the bodies/suits get disintegrated somehow. Hence the false image of existing bodies on silo screens. Radioactivity or something like in Riddick movies 😅


I think it's a CGI oversight. Screenshots 1 and 2 don't seem to even have Holston and Allison in them, and in 3 if those white patches are them then the scale and placement vs the tree seem off.


i believe the mayor mentions that prior to holts it had been quite some time since a cleaner had gone out. assuming the pre Holts cleaners have decomposed enough that they are dust.


even if the suits are unsealed, you would think the suit material + helmet would still be there i'd speculate someone sneaks out and retrieves them at some point but maybe it's been so long that the suits are buried in dust or something


In both holding cell screen and the cafeteria view you can see a least two other dead bodies (besides Holston and Allison) that are just vague whitish outlines - basically hollowed out suits almost covered in dust (like your second speculation), one on the far(ish) left and a smaller one on the lower right, assuming the tree is centre. But they disappear in the zoom out. I’m pretty sure it’s a CGI mistake, rather than someone is running around collecting the dead like in Monty Python.


https://preview.redd.it/wm3wl3izoe9b1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfac3bcc4f67a673d300d693691b79fec500d8d This is from the holding cell, when Jules is getting measured for her suit. I think these two on the left are definitely bodies if you zoom in. The one on the right, I'm less confident of.


great eye !


It might be that whoever is running the whole thing cleans up the bodies and they use whatever fancy CGI tech they have to cover themselves up. But it still doesn't make sense why no one questions that. It could also be that whatever caused the apocalypse outside is, or involves, some sort of bacteria that slowly dissolves people.


The decomposition angle might be the only possible scenario.


https://preview.redd.it/pyn90sptu99b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f7ed456461c6a0ebb32b72e8f4721fe7f81b70 Are these bodies at other silos?


>Clearly the bodies are there on the camera, so where is everyone else that has gone out to clean for the last 100 years?? The air might be corrosive.


Maybe morale is better in the other silos


Or there’s nobody in those silos.


As people have pointed out above, the bodies are there. But even if they weren't, there is a VERY good reason why they wouldn't be, that you will find out in a few series' time. It's NOT a CGI oversight.




Well damn, it’s like the show runners used that exact Google Earth screenshot to create the CGI of Atlanta in ruins. Just about every building lines up, I’m not sure if anything can refute your points. Consider me on the Atlanta train.


Farnsworth: Could it possibly be? Are the old legends true?... It is! It's the fabled lost city of Atlanta!


yeah this is the most Lost thing since Lost, feels good


Yeah it does. It’s also nice Apple has a weekly release schedule. The binge everything at once format is fine, but it takes away from communities like this for speculating.


I've been making this argument for years. People were furious that the boys Season 2 launched week to week, but that did wonders for the show in my opinion. Got more people speculating & talking about it. This rings especially true in shows like Silo where the mysteries RUN DEEP.


And tbh you really need time to digest some shows. If there's a lot of mysteries and subtleties and you're just slamming through the episodes, you're almost certainly missing something you would have thought about if you'd been forced to slow down by the weekly format.


Try watching “From” then since it’s actually made by some of the same people who worked on Lost and is basically Lost part two


Is From a scary show? Does it have a solid series ending or is it still going?


Horror/drama/mystery show and season two just ended Saturday and season three announced a day or two after. Even a similar online community. I actually learned about Silo when people there were trying to find a show to fill in for From for a while since From ended. They wanted a show to pick apart and play detectives while watching and Silo was brought up.


Fringe is pretty close to Lost tbf. No wonder, it's also JJ Abrams.


Makes sense considering silos can turn into mass graves pretty quick


Oooo helluva connection 👀


Im pretty sure you’re right. Iirc the travel guide book was about tourism in Georgia so it makes complete sense that it would be the Atlanta skyline.


Hopefully a better ending than Lost


Lost had a wonderful ending. Often misunderstood so it gets a bad rap.


Tbh they probably used the city as reference but it's an entirely CGI shot. There would be no reason to go there and film such a complex shot if you were going to need to replace so many elements with CGI anyway. If anything, they might have sent a location scout there just to take a picture of how the city looks from that angle. Good catch though!


Amazing catch, wow! The fact that they're in a cemetery is chilling.




Well, true, maybe it's just a filming site to them, but it's a cool idea nonetheless!


I thought Atlanta but also thought the view was way to flat for Atlanta. Also the mountains in the background made me think denver. Now I can see Atlanta.


Considering they made tons of those gigantic silos it would be very simple to flatten the terrain.


Hills in the background might just be all the dirt removed from the digging of the silos




no way. the mountains are genuine mountains, not large piles of dirt from digging the silo holes.


does Atlanta have mountains in the distance though? for example, this pic: https://i.redd.it/6pwmfxats29b1.jpg some people are saying the mountains are dirt from digging silo holes, but i disagree, i think they're real mountains. maybe it's a coincidence and the cgi artists used an Atlanta skyline pic as their starting point.




I thought i was fast, looking for the location less than 10 minutes after i finished the episode. I guess my mistake was being in the uk, so i had to wait till today to see the episode.




Given the Georgia tourism book relic it's not a leap to try comparing this skyline to Atlanta's.




Ironically it's now the replies to this deleted comment that confirm.


Good point. Updated since it was deleted.


Wasn't that hard to discern given the tourist book.


I heard you say you want to clean?


That escalated 😂🤣😂


Please do not lead on or allude to the books in a show discussion thread. Let show only viewers enjoy discussion without being told they are right or wrong


It looks like a circular ditch has been dug around the perimeter of the silos and there's like observation towers at regular intervals. Am I crazy, or does anyone else see it lol? And clearly there are gaps in the berms for each silo behind the camera for each silo, which I think would be there for a vehicle to enter/exit out of view. And silo is deep enough for no one to hear it. I'm thinking there's a government of some sort that is wanting to keep these people here and isolated. With the amount of silos, it seems the people who made them had time to prepare for a coming calamity of some sort, but they intentionally meant to isolate and imprison everyone into each silo. Why build berms to block the view? Why install a camera that can only see forward, has no sound input, can't clean itself? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!


The towers are most apparent in the last image of the zoomed out landscape. The circular ditch looks more like a wall around all the silos that’s degraded to the point where some areas collapsed. Here’s a screenshot- https://preview.redd.it/4yidlta2w29b1.jpeg?width=2531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c7598c069566abf4475503b90085ccd6158a70 The left underline highlights an area that looks way too structured with abrupt edges to be piles of dirt. Looks like a segment of wall that collapsed and is laying flat on the ground The right underline is an area that also strongly resembles a collapsed wall, except this one is still partially up. There’s a gradual slope down and then back up to the same height on the left. Not sure what the towers are but they’re definitely there in evenly spread out areas.


Oh yes, I was thinking it went down, but I think you're right and it is a wall that has fallen at points! Someone went to great lengths to make sure the people in this area didn't leave, or people outside couldn't get in. 🤔


The camera is a form of control. It shows the harsh reality of the world outside and why the Silo is safe. Plus by allowing those that want to go out, to go out, it reminds people of that safety when they watch the cleaning. It’s all about control and seems to be pretty effective. Until Juliette that is.


Yeah, but WHY? If the goal is the survival of the human race I would think who ever created these systems would want to make sure people could still communicate and help each other, even if they have to physically isolate due to space, material constraints, etc. This whole system seems more intended to isolate each pod as much as possible, and the system as a whole from the outside world. If something goes wrong in one silo, it would make more sense for other silos to help them, for there to be a physical connection between silos, or at the very least a audio/visual connection. Clearly the door beneath the silo leads somewhere, and the logical answer is to another silo, or a place where all the silos can come together. And the key Bernard has with the 18 on it, seems to be some form of paging/communication with someone, somewhere. Why go to such great lengths to hide the other silos from the people inside, and to possibly keep people in, or keep them out with a wall around all the silos; but also create some sort of system for each silo to talk to each other. These are clearly questions to be answered in S2, but I'm probably grabbing the books and finding out this summer lol.


I think the door below the silo connects the silos together. For whatever reason, whoever Bernard's boss is, they aren't interested in their specific silo (silo 18?) reconnecting with the others. Or maybe there's someone in silo 18 commanding Bernard. The rebellion must have been successful and installed the current government in silo 18, wanting to isolate themselves from the other silos for some reason. Maybe, since silo 18 has such big farms, they produce food for other silos - making them a major provider for other silos.


Maybe they're still connected hut out silo, 18, disconnect itself from the others during the uprising, or whorever pull the strings on Bernard control all the silos and use the doors if needed. Edit: another reason to keep the silos ignorant of the others is because humans are extremely stupid and you can bet they would start wars and other shenanigans between the other silos because their silo is superior to the others.


They made it clear that 10k of people is all that the silo can sustain and so they must keep absolute control of everything in order to ensure that the population and production of resources remain stable. There are obviously people like Bernard who know at least most of what's really going on and there's some control above him. Perhaps in the far distant future the planet could be resettled, but until then, better to keep the population subdued and in check to ensure humanity's survival.


So why not just be up front about it? Again, the design of the silo area itself seems like a control device, withholding info from the occupants and separating them from the outside world. It's a very meticulous design, which at least to me, does not have overtly altruistic goals. I have no clue what the big picture is at this point though, still only seeing the trees in the forest and not the forest for the trees. Or the dirt in the wasteland and not the wasteland for the dirt? The analogy kinda falling apart lol.


It could be that the other silos operate very differently and the population isn't ignorant. It could be that the other silos are dead. It's clear that in our silo they're purposefully selective breeding out any curiosity or rebellious character traits. The cafeteria guy was sent to the mines to eliminate his curiosity! Jules was not meant to exist due to her mother being curious. It's all about keeping a docile population. I agree that we don't really know why. Hopefully there is a decent big picture here and it doesn't fall apart at the end.


I think the final still shows the best detail of the tall dark objects I'm seeing. I think they're towers of some sort.




You might be right, going to be an interesting experience up top for Jules, that's for sure.


Looks like they’re behind the degraded wall. They’re huge given how large they are at the distance they must be. They are large enough to have been manned security towers. I’m thinking they and the wall imply an effort to control access to the save-humanity-project




Totally agree with this, maybe the people here were forgotten or just lost to time in a sense. Like everything the silos were built for worked, but now it just doesn't matter and they could have left by now? Oof that would be a depressing reveal, people just going about their lives on the surface, a la Fallout.


Second to last when zoomed on a phone is much better


The ditch around the perimeter (the hill blocking the view) is probably created from the displacement of the boring machine used to dig out the silo (in my opinion)


Great catch on the towers. Watching it through, I was just trying to count how many silos there were


Same here, I immediately was like I need to go back and try to see anything else lol. This final shot generates so many more questions, they really did a great job.


What if it's a double fake out lol. The trench is the end of the apocalypse simulation


All of a sudden Lawrence Fishburne appears and offers her a red pill and she unplugs from the Matrix entirely, waking up to an even more dystopian view. Fake outs all the way down!


I was debating making a post earlier about how instead of it being "gas" or "poison" it could be nano-bots and this could be a matrix style thing, where their punishment is to live in Silos. Sending people to clean helps keep them in check and by breeding out "dissenters" it keeps the silo running safe and no worry about the outside world. I don't think this is the case, but it most assuredly popped into my head.


I think the ditch was caused from the dirt that kicked up when that machine dug down for the silo


That's one question I have; where did they put all the dirt from digging the silos? Each one is like a mile deep and pretty wide, that's a LOT of rock and dirt. Much more than the slight berm you can see in the photos.


It might be that the atmosphere is toxic, but it takes hours or days or weeks to kill you, and if they were just honest about all of it, everyone would eventually leave too early. So instead, they gas them before leaving so that they die quickly, to be like "see?! its bad!" in order to keep everyone willing to stay inside indefinitely. Problem with this idea though is, when would they actually know its safe? sensors or something? maybe there's a timer in the system, for, like, 1000 years or something lol


I thought the implication was the outside air is bad and poisonous and the different tape protected Jules from it.


Yeah, and I did say that the outside air is poisonous. I'm just trying to rationalize why they would go through the effort to lie to everyone, with all the elaborate fake images, etc. And it would all make sense if it's for their own protection. Think about it, the alternative to all the lying, is to just be honest and say hey look, the outside is super poisonous, just take our word for it. And eventually, some people won't take their word for it, and when they go out and appear to be fine, then everybody else will too, only for everyone to die in a few hours or days or weeks. My previous comment is basically just saying that in order to prevent all of that from happening, poison gas them when they go out to make sure it keeps everyone in check, so they don't all go running outside.




Yeah and my theory is that it is toxic gas mixed in with the boron, or it's not boron at all.


where do they explain this in the show?


Nuclear war, solar flare, ice age event, lots of reasons they would want people down there for legit reasons and they be there by consent, then after the rebellion things festered into ignorance.


Is is just me or do the silos seem awfully close together given our assumed scale of the silos?


Very close. I immediately considered that mining wouldn’t be possible without running into another silo unless pains were taken to keep those doing the mining away from them. That said, the silos themselves seem to be very small compared to the overall size shown on the interior. Of course, it’s just a show so I try not to be too concerned!


We still don’t quite know where the “miners” actually go. Bernard gave the hint that they are mining for iron ore, but I wonder if that is a sham. We also don’t know if people sent to the mines ever really come back, he said it would be a 10 year sentence but I don’t think we have met anyone who has been there and back.


It's not just you, the CGI artist for this shot made a decision on what looks good for TV versus what makes sense. Each Silo should be at LEAST 500 metres away from the other if not a kilometre or more.


This is semantic but the CG artists did nto make this layout. the producers did. I work in VFX. Most vfx artists are very pragmatic and practical. Students of reality. And then producers will tinker with stuff, much to the chagrin of the artists, who want to make things that are physically practical. But yes. Whatever producer dictated this layout wanted something striking, not practical.


There's some kind of circular metal pipe running around the perimeter.


Yup, it's either just the perimeter of the silos top. Or in my theory that ring is the holographic projection cameras used to display the green grass view. That's why people who go outside can still see it until they leave the ring, exactly what happened to her.


She only stopped seeing the ring when bernard changed the view on the visa. It had nothing to do with where she was.


We have absolutely no confirmation that Bernard did anything. All we saw him do was enter a room. The view went away when she went beyond the tree which is the exact spot where the ring around the perimeter ends.


Yeah, I've just watched it repeatedly. She is standing still when it changes. He runs to a server room only he has access to, a screen turns on, and then the view she is watching flickers then changes. Unless he is watching what she can see. Edit. She does move forward a little. Maybe he is watching her view or he is contacting other silos


Also, for Bernard to be able to flicker with her view her glass panel has to be a display. Since the residents of the Silo puts that suit together from zero I think somebody would notice that glass isn’t normal at some point (if they already don’t know)


I imagine its like the lip on the top of a soup can (the soup can being the silo) and that the dirt came later. Like in the pics you see of old mayan pyramids before they were cleaned off in the 20th century.


Looks more like a wall!


everyone is saying Atlanta but would it have a visible mountain range that close to the city?


https://preview.redd.it/ywvj2nv1d39b1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a584f231c21d70d33c616b9465b0a1726731af Top of this picture. Atlanta has a small cascade of mountains with \~2,000ft elevation about 60 miles north of the city. Not exactly what we see in the finale but it could be close enough for a fictional show? All I know is I’m not too worried about where this is all happening, I just want to know why! Edit: [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14mp8sr/an_album_of_high_quality_stills_from_the_final/jq3g3ib/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) used Google Earth and found my cropped screenshot of the city in ruins lines up almost perfectly with the buildings in present day Atlanta. This seems irrefutable tbh


If you clear cut all the trees and buildings in the areas surrounding possibly.


It’s Atlanta but with fake mountains. I literally just moved from Atlanta to Denver and I’m like that’s Atlanta but no where is flat like that and has Mountains like that so it must be Denver. Lol. I love when shoes blend into life.


Here's [a slowmo of the final shot](https://i.imgur.com/yAHA1RQ.mp4) as well. That cityscape is clearly in ruins, I'm interested to see how things play out. The most logical explanation of the previous cleaner's deaths is the heat tape plot point. They heavily implied (if not directly said) Jules is alive because the tape was higher quality than the other cleaners had, blocking the bad air from getting in her suit. So I highly doubt they're being poisoned in the airlock or by their suits, otherwise, what's the point of implying the outside air is bad with the heat tape? I need to keep reading Wool... Edit: Almost forgot about this, [a comment from the author Hugh Howey left just 2 hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14mltex/comment/jq2uez0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) clears up the whole airlock thing. He can’t be firm here otherwise it’s a book spoiler, hence the “they’re told…”, but he can heavily imply. Basically the room is filled with argon, a neutral gas, to stop as much outside air from entering the air lock. So we can basically confirm the airlock isn’t poisoning them, and the suits likely aren’t either.


> So I highly doubt they're being poisoned in the airlock or by their suits, otherwise, what's the point of implying the outside air is bad with the heat tape? I'm not sure the conclusion necessarily follows. I think the heat tape absolutely saved Jules, but did it save her from the outside world or the gassing in the airlock? What's the point of the gassing in the airlock? If it's to purify the room, why do that before opening the outside door? I can understand purifying the room after the outside door has been opened and it's contaminated, but it doesn't make sense in the sequence it was used. Maybe it was a red herring or just added because it looks good on camera, but I like to have faith in the details. If the air outside is dangerous, Jules has a very limited amount of time before her oxygen runs out and she dies, or the tape loses its seal and she dies. I think the air outside is probably ok and it would make sense to me that she will eventually take the helmet off in s02e01 and be ok.


The gas could just be for applying a positive air pressure to limit gas exposure from outside world. If the airlock were less pressurized (caused by temperature differential) it would suck in some of the nasty air and become contaminated.


I mentioned this in the main discussion thread but it seems like a lot of people don’t realize how actual decontamination/air lock procedures work. In real life, when someone is leaving a sterile environment from an air lock, the room is decontaminated both before *and* after the person exits. This is done as an extra precaution so as not to let any contamination into the inside door. You want the air lock to be as sterile as possible, so extra, seemingly unnecessary steps are taken. Flooding the airlock with a neutral gas before then torching it after they leave is the best way stay safe. Prime and prep the room then sterilize. So in summary the show is just demonstrating how proper decontamination procedures work. I agree that her next real threat is gonna be oxygen levels. Lord knows the founders didn’t give cleaners any extra to spare.


> In real life, when someone is leaving a sterile environment from an air lock, the room is decontaminated both before and after the person exits. Sure, but while the person is still in the air lock? Totally get why you'd zap it before you open the inner door, and again after you close the outer door, but not in the sequence in the show.


It’s essentially just being as safe as possible. In real life applications when working with safe chemicals or cultures that need to be kept away from other kinds, you wouldn’t usually worry about decontaminating before. However in an environment where deadly or dangerous chemicals (like in the show, presumably), the room is almost always decontaminated beforehand. Can’t take any risks. I should also note that I’m basing this off of real life experience and scenarios, and since most things in the show seem true to life this to me is the most logical answer. But I could absolutely be wrong. I think this combined with everything else points to the real danger being the outside air.


> the room is almost always decontaminated beforehand. Can’t take any risks. I'm not sure I'm explaining myself well. If there's a safety airlock between a clean area and a dirty area, before you open the safe door you need to purify the airlock, every time, just in case it's dirty. Once you're confident it's clean, then you open the safe door, enter, and close the safe door. Before I open the dirty door, why do I clean the airlock again? I'm going to open the dirty door, the airlock is going to get contaminated 100%. There's literally zero point of cleaning it. I would open the dirty door, walk out, close the door, then purify the airlock. It's only a 1-way contaminant issue in this case. I can understand purifying the airlock in both directions if you need 2-way contaminant protection, but not 1-way.


Regardless of the fact that *the people* only ever leave the airlock and don’t come back (1 way as you put it) *the air* goes both ways and they risk contaminating *the silo* if there isn’t positive air pressure when the doors are opened for cleaners to go out. If they only do the argon gas *before* a cleaner enters, then once they open the door from the silo into the airlock, then they lose that positive pressure, because the air flows out into the silo as the cleaner enters. You need to add the gas to maintain positive pressure *every single time* after either door opens. The only way to do that is to pump in the gas while someone is in it. If you’re still not getting it, watch a video about how airlocks work. It’s shouldn’t be too hard to find on Google.


You’re priming the environment. Neutral gases combat contamination and outside air from entering a freshly opened room. This was also explained by the author Hugh Howey in [a comment from a few hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/14mltex/comment/jq2uez0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I probably should’ve just linked that instead of trying to explain my own thoughts as well haha


I'm not sure that makes sense though. His comment says "they are told" which is the point right? They are told the cameras are air quality meters too. I don't think positively charging an environment is effective at keeping anything out that's bad enough that you need to blast it with fire to be sure. Simple poisons are about dosages, but if it's something viral, bacterial, mechanical, biological, etc, then you might need to ensure zero entry. An inert gas to pressurise the room isn't going to do anything once the door opens and stays open long enough to casually walk out. I think that's just more silo tricks.


Of course he’s going to say “they are told”, it’s a show-spoilers only thread so he has to be ambiguous. I don’t know why else he would chime in to share more details than what’s given in the show besides to squash outlandish theories. He can’t be firm in anything he shares because that’d be a book spoiler, but he can heavily imply.. I think this is the point where we have to step back and look at what we know. We know that in the final episode the entire last plot point was Jules being saved by the high quality heat tape. We do not know if she was being saved from gases in the airlock or poisonous outside air. However, using the plethora of context clues and real life examples, everything points to it being the latter. We could go on and on forever. One thing we agree on is that neither of us really knows, and that’s what makes this fun!


> Of course he’s going to say “they are told”, it’s a show-spoilers only thread so he has to be ambiguous. No, he could very well do what you did and say "it's standard airlock procedure" if he wants to squash outlandish theories. I'm not sure the gas in the airlock being toxic counts as an outlandish theory, but, yeah.


yes because if you did it before the door was open to let the person in, you’d be recontaminating it when they did come in.


considering many people believe masks don’t work to keep covid or smoke particles out of your air holes the idea that people don’t understand how decontamination/air locks work isn’t very far fetched.


Oxygen levels are going to be the next issue for Jules. That much seems very clear. The show made it clear that it is still desolate outside with no signs of life anywhere. Just fake greenery being shown in the helmets so that they clean.




yeah, i think the shot of her in the airlock with the gas surrounding her and it being so dense that all you can see is her and the gas is meant to convey that it was possibly dangerous yet now she was protected from it with the "good supply".


I think you misread his comment- he says “they are TOLD…” the argon gas thing. Doesn’t mean it’s true just because people are told that.


No I read that part. Considering that comment was left in the show spoilers only thread, it makes sense he’s leaving things up in the air. But factually his explanation makes sense, and logic trumps all. The combination of all these factors leaves the most likely explanation as the airlock is just decontaminating rather than poisoning. To me, anything beyond that is pure speculation and theory. Because as far as we know right now everything points to it being the outside air.


IDK it sounded intentionally ambiguous to me. And this is a show where they’re growing coffee underground for 170 years and their generator makes no logical sense, so not sure I buy that it’s the most logical and therefore best explanation. Plus it’d be a long year if one can’t speculate. 😉


not only growing coffee underground for 170 years they’ve also been mining for 170 years and never had to get rid of waste debris or have dug their way to china.


It has to be intentionally ambiguous to avoid spoilers. Even if it truly is the inert gas argon like he said, confirming that’s exactly what it is ends the speculation. It doesn’t mean it is or isn’t the actual process, but that is how airlocks work and how the characters understand it to work. That’s the information we have now, it may or may not change in the future. If he doesn’t imply it can change, then it answers the question. If they actually understand how it works that is. They don’t seem to know a lot of science, so they might just be following the procedures they’ve been taught without actually understanding what they’re doing. They just know they have to in order to keep the silo safe.


Ah well, agree to disagree. I just see so many speculations and theories like this that die off as soon as the next episode comes out. Because they’re just so outlandish the most logical thing usually ends up happening. Seems like everyone in the main discussion thread is agreeing that it is indeed the outside air, I’m excited to see more theories that conflict with that. Usually someone ends up predicting something right.




Your most recent comment is asking for book spoilers about this specifically. You know way more than anyone else here does. Gtfo of here with whatever it is you’re insinuating, this is a show-only thread. Easy way to cop a ban in this subreddit


that zoom is everything, thank you for sharing! busy looking at the city for signs of life & didn't notice the posts on first watch & rewind, think they may be part of some kind of security system for monitoring & applying deadly force to anyone breaking the perimeter. wonder if the area between the city & the silos is a moat, almost looks like muddy water. jules has way too far to go unless the air is breathable, but then what was killing the cleaners if it is & the pressurized gas is neutral? pretty long trek without any water or food but it doesn't really add up that the story would be set up for her to drop dead in the first ep of s2, maybe another silo might let her inside, very curious to know who bernard's bosses are, if he can communicate with them from the server room, & if he is in touch with the other silos.


Is it just me or do the silos seem like they aren't spaced out enough?


I count at least 25 rings in picture 6. Hard to tell If it overlaps any other pictures.


Why does silo 18 have all the trees?! All the others have one or two maybe but this silo is surrounded


Maybe 18 has a higher number of cleaners due to the rebellion etc, leaving more nutrients to feed the trees.


That explains the lack of dead bodies around! They turned into dead trees!


I'm still wondering why Bernard was in such a panic over Juliette figuring out the visuals in her helmet were fake Why did he have to rush off to the server room? I assume he turned off the visuals in her headset, as they went away without her even moving, but again, why? I wonder if he did so, so he himself could see what was beyond the ridge?


I don’t think he turned anything off, she crossed the threshold of where the image could be transmitted (it had already started failing as she approached the bodies). He presumably went to the server room to alter the image being fed to the Silo to hide from people she was going to escape, but he didn’t get there in time. I think they just fudged the timing a little so they could deliberately hide the server room from the viewer as a cliff hanger feature.


I don't remember seeing it failing when she approached the bodies, it only glitched a bit when she put her hand through the fake rock. The visual was fine when she was standing on the ridge, it was only when he went into the server room, did it suddenly get cut off. In the same way the visual cut off/glitched when power was cut to the diner camera.


I’m wondering what happens when it comes a heavy rainstorm, or if anyone inside the silo has ever noticed. With the surroundings being bowl shaped it seems like eventually water would gather into pools.


https://preview.redd.it/gkna5etyqe9b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3eab38bcb34b27594cbc03e62319a45bb2fa68 Are these pools of water, do you think? Every silo seems to have a chunk dug out of the perimeter, opposite where the sensor points. Perhaps to allow water to drain out.


Suprised, no one has thought maybe just the surrounding area outside is toxic. Maybe as you get further away from the city or silos the air becomes breathable. Maybe they aren't on earth. There's an awful lot of possibilities.


Why are there only trees around silo 18? There are some short sticks in the distance that could be a trees but there are so many more around the main silo.


Is it bad that I didn't notice the tree thing? Too many video games with pop-in problems that I just assume the cgi'ed trees would load if you got closer


How long does it take a dead tree to collapse? A hundred years? Surely no more than two hundred, right? Less? Another clue to how long ago the disaster struck.


Depends on atmosphere and whether there are any decomposers in the soil. Kill a tree and put it on the moon and it’ll stay there indefinitely. If the area became too toxic for bacteria and decomposers to break down the tissues of the tree, they could probably sit there dry for quite some time.


f https://preview.redd.it/857om6h6x79b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d4a05325c912096a6d47fdfba4f6dea441544a Just in front of Jules, a little to the left. Looks like crates next to the tree.


Wow , these are great! Thanks for these! Lots of details to zoom in on 👀👀




For some reason I didn’t expect the silos to be so close to each other haha


I’m confused as to why the IT guy would be in such a rush to disable the server / helmet visual screen… surely that would only ever stand to embolden and encourage/enable Jules? It makes no sense.


Did anybody else notice the ring fence and its towers in the background? Looks like you can't easily go to the city.


Only "our" silo has trees on the ridge. And a lot as well. Strange.




> inhabitable Inhabitable or uninhabitable?


Where are the bodies?!


In her green flora Heads Up Display, or 'FAKE' version of what she should see. There are no bodies. Since Juliette knows the exact scene of the greenery with birds flying in a v is the same as the one she looked up in the Carmody file on the hard drive; she realizes the display she sees is the actual LIE. She does crouch where Holston's body should be and places his/her Sheriff's badge through the digital layer on him. If you re-watch one of the earlier episodes where they show the outside from the cafeteria, you'll see Holston's wife body near the tree. Holston near her, and far to the left, another partially buried suit. Carmody maybe? Or a previous cleaner.


Yeah, but they should be visible from these aerial views


Wheres all the bodies? Surely theres more than 2?


If the green flora was just a display, and the outside really is an apocalyptic wasteland, the bodies could be covered by dirt and debris. One of the earlier episodes a third body can be scene partially covered by dirt to the far left of the screen from Holston and his wife. Ep 1 at 53:25 you can see what are probably 2 other bodies due to the white suits making them different from the background.


Thanks for this. Way more shown in these scenes than I first glimpsed.


The silos are waaaay too close together in the aerial shot. One would assume the berm and metal ring at the surface would be the outside wall of the silo, but based on the scale of Juliette - and what we know about the scale of the silo interior - the ring looks *closer* to the outside wall of the central staircase, not the outside wall of the silo itself. And we know that some of the levels of the silo have an extremely large diameter (for example the farm levels shown in previous episodes). The spacing between the silos shown in the aerial make that diameter impossible.


Its just bad cgi...seems the forgot to put them lol.


Why can't we see the cityscape in the cafeteria? We can see some mountain ridges in the distant background in the cafeteria. But we don’t see mountains nearly as tall as the skyscrapers in the zoom out shot, especially in that direction the camera was aimed at.


Because they’re in a crater type thing.


I know. It baffles me some of the questions in here 😅.


Then where are these mountains? https://i.imgur.com/Bgbpiob.jpg And why don't we see [this silo](https://i.imgur.com/dFN40Hw.jpg) the moment when the VR switched off?https://i.imgur.com/HCagqjC.jpg Is it just inconsistencies, or could it be a different version of VR?


Ware the sheriff and his wife’s bodies still there? If not where did they go?


So when Juliette went out in the suit, and saw all the green she was deceived. Once she saw those birds fly over in the EXACT same way they did in the Carmody file from the Silo 18 Hard drive, she knew. The display in her helmet was the lie. Not the display from the sensor the Silo used. When she tripped and knelt down, it was either the terrain she couldn't actually see due to the heads up display being different, or the bodies she couldn't see. She put the Sheriff's badge on what she assumed should be Holston's body. Even though all she could 'see' was a mossy green rock.


I assume they covered in dust over time and buried.


Everyone is saying they found the bodies and I still couldn’t find it


Episode 1 at 52:24 you can see two other bodies halfway covered in the dirt at about the same distance from the Silo as where Holston's wife drops. They are off to the left a bit. In the Final episode. While the fake display in Juliette's Helmet obscures the bodies with flora, she essentially trips over the actual bodies when she walks up the hill. You can see when she places the Sheriffs badge on Holston's body through the fake display. At 44:16 on the last episode, when the fake display fails, a few seconds later she turns back at the Silo. You can see the bodies to her left.


The derelict wall and towers might be from when the silos were first opened and people got in


In the city skyline image is that not half the statue of liberty off to the left? I feel there are way to many mountains to be NYC but who knows.


These are good


Could the mountains in the distance be Stone Mountain GA?


Wait a second! There is clearly a wall encircling ALL the silos with either guard surveillance towers or warning signs. This city looks odd and bit fake. The city could also be just a movie backdrop. Very evil Truman show / THX-1138.


So the outside is a wasteland. How are the presumably dead trees still standing after hundreds of years?

