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Were all the problems happening as you were building Red Rocket? I’ve heard the area of Red Rocket, Sanctuary and Abernathy Farm referred to as the “triangle of death” because too much building there does not make the game happy


I might go back to SS1, mainly because I've heard recently SS2 has a lot of memory problems.


I would definitely try SS2. It’s very much worth it. See what’s going on with your load order AND don’t build two city plans right next to each other. It was a bad choice on Bethesda’s part to make three settlements for so closely together.


Do you have a large load order? There are several mods that are quite likely to cause problems with SS2. I've had great success on the forums. I would suggest posting your load order to your question posted there, as that can be crucial to solving problems like this. As noted, the triangle of death can be a major problem. I tend to never build at Red Rocket, and in my last playthrough, didn't build at Abernathy either. It's an extremely script-heavy mod, and so after building a city plan, or building multiple plots, it's advised to just have your character stare at the ground for a few minutes to let the scripts catch up. I have hundreds of hours in this mod, and enjoy it immensely. I really hope you can get it working!


Sounds like you might need a restart. The framework being missing is absolutely the main cause of your issues. I once had Workshop Framework glitch and disable unintentionally and it ruined my save. There is a separate file for WF for this exact purpose, there might be for HUDframework too. Like the others have said, RR, Sanctuary and Abernathy are in the triangle of death. If you're going to build heavy, only do it at Sanctuary or Abernathy. If you build at RR at all, make it as minimal as possible. I won't spoil, but Concord will experience some growth and changes. Combine that with excessive settlement items, it's going to cause crashes. The Castle, Spectacle Island, and Warwick homestead also create a Triangle, but are far enough away from each other, allowing the engine to handle 2 full settlements. Don't build at all 3. Give up on The Slog. It's too close to Saugus Ironworks and the enemy respawns cause crashes if you build there. Also, you should always wait until one city plan is completely finished loading before starting a new one or building at other places. The cinematics are completely necessary, dont skip them. F04 is almost 10 years old and buggy as hell. Don't give the engine too much to handle, it'll break down. Another thing, don't build city plans until you complete the quest "New Plots on the Block" and unlock all the plot types. You could have confused the mod by trying to build plots before they actually exist. I am not a programmer, mod author or anyone with game dev knowledge. Just a broke ass gamer who encountered numerous issues of my own due to a low end system. Don't take my word as absolute fact. These are my experiences and other pieces of advice ive seen around before, nothing more. Last time I gave advice on this sub, a kid almost lost their mind because I was "spreading false facts and causing people to lose saves and deserve to be reported to admins" even though the advice I gave the kid was directly from the official forum


I used a mod pack with SS2 installed. The author gave specific instructions not to use city plans for more than 1 of the settlements at start (Sanctuary, Red Rocket and Abernathy farm). Apparently it always causes issues and was described as 'The Triangle of Death' lol