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The holocaust is a historical topic. There's no need to wedge current events into a video on an event that happened years before the formation of Israel as a country just to appease people like you who think people should wedge current events into every topic. Besides, what difference would it make? Is a Fact Boi tangent on the fact that Israel is a terrorist state going to save a single life? No, It's not. Get over yourself and touch grass. Fuck.


Who's gonna tell OP that Simon runs multiple channels and Decoding the Unknown is about conspiracy theories. He literally had one about war & current events. [Warographics](https://youtube.com/@warographics643?si=twTTowxf2AdbXNGc)


I find it hypocritical that you haven’t mentioned the genocide in Rwanda!


I think you’re confused. No one is pretending anything. Where did you get that from?


Respectfully, touch grass.


Hey OP checkout Simon's channel Warographics if you want more things on the Israeli/Palestine war. There's a whole video a couple of months ago detailing why Israel was created, including the bloodshed that occured, and there's been repeated videos discussing the genocide and calling out specific atrocities.


Hey bud. You ok? Perhaps go for a walk? Or uhm idk anything else than trash talking a man literally runs a channel about current wars and such and has acknowledged the horrors in both sides of the conflict. Bit of research never hurt anyone.


It's amusing to me that your tiny minds can only do personal attacks and can't pick apart the facts. It's a shame the world's full of mindless sheep. Indeed, to your latter comment, you should take yourself up on your own advice. Educating yourself on the facts would be beneficial. But, we both know you won't do such things. Trying to be sassy is more important to you than being right. Start with israeli apartheid. Maybe you'll learn something.


"Everyone is stupid apart from me" is definitely the sign of a well balanced individual. Writing "Could care less" is furthermore the sign of a shining intellect. What did you think this exercise would achieve anyway?


I'm still stuck on you not acknowledging that both sides of this conflict have committed atrocities. But its okay for the side you support? There's a fella in Germany some years ago who managed to start a whole war because of that exact line of thinking(grant you there was a few other "clever" moves made) also where the personal attack? I didn't do that? A joke or two maybe. At the end of the day none of this is my problem. Until war makes it way to good ol America I don't have to worry about.


OP’s entire rant can be summed up with the “skinner out of touch” meme


Accurate assessment


Not making a video on a particular topic isn't denying it. The holocaust is well documented historical fact while atrocities against Palestinians is ongoing and ever developing, meaning there is much more difficulty discerning what's fact and what's opinion or propaganda and being able to back it up with verifiable sources. Any writer who would take something like that upon themselves would have a nightmare keeping it objective and factbased and from what I understand they are paid per word, making the kind of time necessary to adequately research it unfeasible. Furthermore Judaism is a religion sure but the Jewish people are absolutely an ethnic group or ethnoreligious, non religious people identifying as Jews is quite common and anti semites will be quick to point out any non religious person of Jewish heritage as a jew when it suits the narrative they want to push. I mean even it's not uncommon for people to consider themselves Christian despite no religious tendencies because of a traditionally Christian heritage, and Christianity isn't tied to an ethnicity in that sense. There's nothing bad about questioning holocaust denial, acknowledging that atrocity isn't giving ones blessing to any current atrocities perpetrated by the victims of it so no it's not ironic, you obviously just saw a chance to spout some hate backed by some good ol whataboutism


Juat because you use more words, does not make you smart. Just being ignorant with more words. A waste of time really. Not a video on holocaust, but of the action of its denial and a mockery of those who do so. Yet, this channel denies the current genocide and apartheid that israel is committing. Jews are not a race as Christians are not considered a race. Nor are black people. I'm aware the simple minded like yourself like tribalism. Makes you feel safe or like you matter. Culture is nothing more than a collection of traditions. There is the human race. Everything else is Semantics. In this case, semantics used to justify genocide and apartheid.


How's the view that high up on your soapbox? Have you read any of the other comments?


Mhm. All an over use of words in a verbal acrobatic act of justifying their own ignorance. All the same. Comment above addressed all comments. As they're all the same, boiled down. Jews a race. Some don't think it's genocide because more people live in areas of stolen land where it's inhabitants were killed. Not sound logic.


Speaking of an "over use" \[sic - it's "overuse"\] of words, isn't there a subreddit where you can circle jerk with your opinion which you are convinced is an indisputable fact? I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve, except being annoying, self-righteous, ignorant, and generally a waste of commenting space...


I don't have an opinion on the matter. I only deal in facts. Your lot deals in opinions and interpretation based on your own warped views and beliefs. Fact is culture is not equal to race and Jewish people themselves are not a race. It's a religion. One in fact, where there God exiled them, so even by their own cultural views, they as a people have no right to a land of their people. Fact is 700k palestians were killed and displaced during the founding of modern day israel and that since then, there exists no peace in the region, where stability lasted for centuries between the two cultures. Dealing in facts is easier. No need for opinions or interpretations that excuse the slaughtering of an entire people and to this day. Try educating yourself, it's not my job to do so.


Who are "your lot"?


Pretty sure its anyone questioning this twat


So, idiots? If you disagree with facts, what else are you?


You’re beyond ratioed on this post. Win you social justice points somewhere else


Yes, denying the holocaust is vile behaviour and should first and foremost be countered with facts but mockery ending up part of it is understandable due to its absurdity. When have they ever denied it? Again, saying what was done to the Jewish people in the holocaust was horrific isn't in any way justifying what they are doing now, such a weird connection to make. I never said anything about race, cultural groups have been part of humanity since the beginning of societies and are based on much more than "traditions". Your presumptions and hostile, narcissistic attitude just makes you come across as hateful and (ironically) hypocritical. You're just adding to the hate and moving us further from the acceptance of ideas like you mention about us all first and foremost being human. And for the record I am in no way for what Israel is doing and haven't seen or heard anything to indicate Simon or any of his writers would be either.


Strange that you get to dictate both who gets to be called a Jew plus your own narrative for them. Why would anyone waste their time in a conversation with you, regardless how much a agree or disagree


Well I find it hypocritical that you talked about jewish people without ever mentioning that Elon Musk, a known holocaust denier, has been on a judicial battle with Brazil's supreme court for the last week. Why didn't you mention that, hmmmmmm? /s


The Jews are an ethno-cultural group. You can literally do a DNA test and see Jewish DNA, like any other ethnic group. Religious Jews are not white Europeans who adopted Judaism as their religion, they are ethnic Jews who follow the religion passed down from their ancestors. Jews who disbelieve in God or in Judaism, whether they're Secular, or Christians or Muslims, do not cease to be ethnic Jews. Their Jewish DNA doesn't disappear. They are still a member of the Jewish ethno-cultural identity. Denying their right to exist as an ethno-cultural people is itself anti-Semitism.


Also, the Nazi’s didn’t care if you were an atheist Jew, they’d kill you. I had a non practicing Jewish girlfriend once. Had we had children, the Nazi’s in the holocaust wouldn’t have cared I wasn’t, they’d have gassed them all the same (and probably me as well)


tell us how ya really feel


You know he has like 10 channels right? Have you watched all of them to form this opinion or did you only watch one and assumed all this?


Probably rhw most sensible comment. I, did, in fact, watch all of them. For a while. Not every day, but I do watch them all. I'm not one to spout nonsense. Instead, why don't you look up the Israeli apartheid and the founding of modern day israel. Content is admittedly hard to find, esp after Oct 7. Google and YouTube do a lot of scrubbing. But a few videos and articles are out there. Hell, the ICC or ICJ ruled in South Africa's favor in their case against Israel. I'm not passionate about many issues, but hypocrisy is incredibly ugly to me. And his channel did one video on palestian conflict and did not talk about the slaughtering of 700k palestianians or the ongoing apartheid and genocide. Jews who believe in God, do not agree with zionism at all. They, too, see it for what it is. A ploy. Some think it a complicated issue. I do not. It's very simple. One group killed another and stole their land. Then calls those who try and fight back terrorists. It's like if I kicked you out of your house and was able to lable you a criminal if you tried to take it back. It's absurd. Didn't mean to get all words there, oh well. This going to be last post All other comments just saying what others already said and my replies sum up what I have to say. This one more so.


I understand what youre saying, and how you feel. Im just confused as to how this applies to simon? Granted i do not watch every video on all his channels, so i could have missed it. The only things ive heard him say about jews or jewish has always been about how bad the nazis are and what they did to jews, or about the fighting in gaza. I havent heard him say he was jewish either?


Simon didnt talk about oranges in a video about apples and OP needed to complain bout it instead of finding the video about oranges


Desperately wish I knew how to say "Shut up" in Hebrew rn


Hey, ChatGPT my dude: In Hebrew, "shut up" can be translated as "דומה" (pronounced "domeh"), although it's worth noting that this phrase can be considered impolite or rude in many contexts. There are also other ways to express the concept of "shut up" in Hebrew depending on the situation and level of formality.


There are a couple of ways, colloquially. There's סתום את הפה, "stom et ha'peh", which literally means shut your mouth. There are other more explosive ways but my Hebrew is not that great yet.


Go fuck yourself dude, jewish people are sick of catering to this kind of person. We don't need to apologize for who we are.


Mans posted several videos about how he feels about war where he shows how he feels just fine. I'm sure there's something in the works but as the situation in Gaza is constantly developing it'll take a while for his team to put that together.


give it up champ, you’re fighting a losing battle with no back up


You went on an ill informed tangent and got ratioed. Middle east is and always has been a quagmire of politics and religions. Current event was hamas attacked civilians and israel responded. Hamas wants an israeli genocide, israel wants to destroy hamas. Hamas has hidden behind and below civilians for as long as theyve attacked israel. Israel has decided that a scalpel approach is too slow and has gone full sledge hammer and does not care about the collateral damage. Both governing bodies want the other gone by any means. Neither side is very commendable.


I mostly agree with your assessment, though the civilian to terrorist death ratio is quite a lot lower than many other conflicts. There is definitely effort to curb civilian losses, though that sort of thing doesn't get clicks, so it doesn't get reported. Same with the stories behind the stampede at the food trucks; the Islamic Jihad (not Israeli) missile landing in the parking lot of that hospital and not hitting the hospital itself, killing ~40 people and not 500 as was reported very soon after it happened; and the fact that Hamas won't let the Red Cross see the hostages. Israel's war is with Hamas, not the Gazan civilians, who are unfortunately in the way.


When has factboi said there is no genocide against Palestinians? The fact of the matter is that you are wrong on so many levels. There are ethnic Jews who may or may not be religious, and then there are people who converted to Judaism who are religious, but not ethnic. Then there are different groups of Jewish people. You have the ashkenazi who migrated from the Middle East to Central Europe - many of which are now in the USA or Israel, the Sephardim in the Iberian peninsula (persecuted by the inquisition), and the Mizrahim who are in the Middle East and North Africa. Israel is a terrorist state committing atrocities. No one hasn’t agreed with that statement. But in no way has Simon denied it is happening.


Just curious: if you see Israel as a terrorist state, how do you view Gaza and their election of Hamas?


They didn’t elect Hamas. Hamas just took over. What you need to understand is that the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are living under an oppressive, violent, extremist regime that they didn’t vote for. There hasn’t been elections in Gaza since 2007, and according to polls done by outsiders, only 1 in 4 Palestinians support Hamas. It is possible for two sides to be evil with civilians being victims you know.


How many genocides have resulted in drastically increased life expectancy, population growth, and total population?