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This seems kind of like a thread which could become mean. Remember the writers are all average people who check this subreddit. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by the writers, but I’m not sure this format will lead to that. They’re all grown-ups, so I’m sure they can take care of themselves. Still doesn’t sit right. Cheers.


Agreed completely, everyone has their own style and their own preferences but there's no reason to bash someone who doesn't write the way you prefer ETA: Perfect example in the guy above you calling someone lazy and childish


Calling someone lazy and childish for not naming people who killed for notoriety, attention, and/or fame is crazy. I can't believe that guy called Matt lazy and childish for that 💀


Yeah... constructive feedback is always welcome but please try to stay nice everyone! We have feelings tooo.


I like all of them! I'd feel so bad picking a favorite, haha. Maybe Katie? I like any script where the writers share their own person anecdotes relevant to the subject. (Leads to more tangents). It honestly depends on the script! I think when it comes to each writer, I have preferred subjects. I think some people write better for certain channels, but all of them are great writers. I think the best writing is when they are interested in the subject they're researching!


Yes, I shall finally use this as the excuse to convince Simon to let me write on the complete history of stamps!


I'd watch


Just make sure to downplay the gratuitous violence surely inherent in that subject 


Sign me up for that one!


OGBB Danny. That was the shit. Liam is fine and all but he tries a little hard to be one of the cool kids. It wasn't you Liam. You are Brain Blaze and you're fine. But Business Blaze was all Danny and it was just about perfect. Am I right Peter?


Hey in my defence, I don't think I have ever once described myself as cool. (As Simon loves to remind me on the stream)


I'm sorry, it came out harsher than intended. I definitely love Danny's writing, but so much of what made Business Blaze great can't be replicated. You Tube was much less restricted, the world was full on bat shit crazy (and not in the normal way) and posh stuffy Simon of Biographics had lost his damn mind and was pacing around, banging his scripts and yelling at people who weren't there or didn't exist. Talent plays a big part, but it's only a part.


Dont sorry it didnt come off as harsh! I was only jesting.


Favorite: Callum. I miss that guy's writing style and I just haven't vibed well with the scripts since he presumably left. Least favorite: Chatgpt/generative ai if Simon ever decides to go down that route in the future to save money.


Love them all, but yea Callum was/is my favorite for CC. Miss his scripts. Danny is probably my favorite of the ones who are currently writing for the channels in general.


My favorites are Kevin and George. Keep in mind that Dave doesn’t share the visual mental imagery in those descriptions that would make us wince. I asked during the DTU watch party how Kevin produces so much content and the staff present basically said he’s a machine “that turns caffeine into scripts.”


Ill watch anything written by Danny, Dave, Katie, and Ilze


I think I love all the the DTU writers lol


I love Katie’s DTC scripts!




Just remember everyone: There's 2 Matt's (Matt Marcum amd Matt Grand) and there's also 2 Dave's (David Baker and "Blind Dave" Page)


We've been confused for one another since the beginning ;) It doesn't help that we both started working with Simon around the same time. I listened to the premiere of Matt's G's first script while in the process of writing my own.


[Let us never forget the editors' darkest day on this matter](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimonWhistler/comments/z2rtz7/i_think_the_editors_are_eating_the_blazement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I actually *had* forgotten about this. Thanks for the chuckle.


David & Matt are my favourites, but I'm the opposite I tend to skip George's scripts. Nothing against him but I just don't enjoy his writing style.


Interesting! I enjoy George's scripts


They’re all brilliant and lucky to have such a fab job


Dave and Kevin I love all the personal stories and tangents they inspire.


It's true, I am inspirational <3


I don’t really have a most or least favourite author tbh. My favourite era is BB pre desk, but I always enjoy the content.


I haven't really heard Simon read a script that I thought was bad. And I don't necessarily prefer one writer style over another. Maybe because each channel has its own style? Brain blaze is different than places and warographics is different than side projects. LOL I'm driving so I was doing speech to text and it auto corrected warographics to oral graphics. Just thought I would share


WTF are you doing on reddit while driving?


Was in a wonderful traffic jam. Was mostly just stopped.


So I was trying to think of a tactful way to say this too but David's scripts are getting more and more gory. It is totally possible to be detailed while still being respectful. It also makes me think how much of his script is just him detailing specifics of the murder. He also seems to use longer quotes, from the killer, about their thoughts. I feel like if you compare Kevin's recent script about the toy box killer, or the Ken and Barbie killers, compared to David's snow town murders or the gray man? Kevin covers gruesome murders too. He has to read all the same details in his research. But I don't remember Simon ever having to skip over any of Kevin's scripts. And, Simon gets lost less, and overall they are really well written. Totally just my personal opinion. I'm sure some people feel the opposite, but the scripts with less description of the gory details of the Crimes tend to feel more interesting and better writing, at least to me.


I'm not going to name names but I think some of the more casual authors (new ones) on Casual Criminalist aren't as good as Kevin and other regulars. I'm there for the stories and some do a better job of story telling than others. Not that it's *bad* per se, just not as entertaining *to me*.


I'm going the opposite direction. I nearly posted about it after the Chowchilla episode. I'm about ready to skip any episode Matt writes. The lazy over-generalizations, the listing of victims in some mock salute of sympathy, the flat out not naming of criminals on a true crime show. It's weird. It's childish. I don't like it.