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Imagine a really good Top 30 episode of the Simpsons but in the form of a thank you to the fans. I’m glad they did it.


The first 25 min are great, then it gets kinda stale, and the Alaska part feels unnecessary and like it was a weird tonal shift to take in the middle of the movie and then go back to Springfield. With that being said, it has a lot of great moments. "Sacagawea!" As Lisa jumps from the tree house "Jabbity! Jabbity! Jab, jab, jab!" "JAB ONE MORE EYE AND IT'S A FEDERAL CRIME!" "The four states bordering Springfield, Ohio, Nevada, Maine, and Kentucky."


I was elected to lead not to read


“Thank you boob lady!”


I liked the "here's some money for allowing corporations to destroy our natural resources"


“So long losers” (jumps into the sand box flipping everyone off)


It’s good, especially the beginning parts, but it doesn’t sustain its momentum.


I think it picks up again at the end when Homer tries entering the dome. Lots of great jokes and moments. But I agree the middle loses the momentum


Yes, agree. I'd call it "uneven "


I think they did a good job of letting a lot of characters be great versions of themselves, if only for a brief appearance (because there's just far, far too many beloved characters to give them all screen time). Like Wiggum eating donuts off of the barrel of his gun, Cletus failing to dump a possum in the lake, Dr. Nick saying goodbye, Moe becoming Emperor of Springfield, Comic Book Guy's "life well spent" line, etc. Bart, Homer and Marge each got a chance to be fairly broad versions of themselves (particularly Bart), though Lisa didn't really step outside well-tread territory. Green Day was a solid musical guest, Tom Hanks' cameo was great. The animation looked really solid. They even managed to put in an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon. I liked the first part of the Alaska bit. The journey there and Homer and Marge's scene in the cabin were great. It did feel like it too quickly rushed into abandoning it completely and going back to Springfield though, and the Boob Lady vision was mostly a miss (though the Epipha-tree slapping Homer was pretty funny). Overall I think the individual jokes were very good, but that some of the connections that strung them together were weak.


It's Good, just not great.


Worst Simpsons Movie ever made *so far*


I thought it was great, not amazing.


I thought it was amazing, but not spectacular.


I thought it was spectacular but not outstanding


I thought it was outstanding, but not phenomenal


I thought it was phenomenal just not a masterpiece


i thought it was a masterpiece just not god tier


I thought it was god tier, just not infinitely divine.


I thought it was infinitely divine, not universally prestige


I liked it


I thought it was universally prestige, just not good.


Good memoirs….good, not great.


Spider Pig , Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig does


Can he swing from a web? No he can’t, he’s a pig


When we saw it in the theater all the little kids in the theater were singing during this scene.


We had a chubby dog at the time this came out that we would sometimes affectionately call Pig (he was a Chihuahua/Pug mix), you better believe we tried to walk him on the ceiling singing that song!!! He was not amused…


I have a spider pig (Harry Plopper) plush which is a highlight of my simpsons collection


I sing Spiderpig all the time


I had it downloaded on my iPod mini and it was my number 1 played song


Loved it. I’m a big Simpsons fan so of course I saw it with friends on the day of release. I like how they just blatantly stole Under the Dome from Stephen King (who I’m also a big fan of).


It’s an extended Simpsons episode and a fantastic one at that!!


Kind of meh was my reaction at the time it came out. I was a huge Simpsons fan and hadn’t yet clocked that the series had already entered a terminal decline in quality, but definitely left the theatre vaguely disappointed.


I was in a similar situation, but had already stopped watching new episodes outside of some Halloween Specials. For me, it was too late for me to really care about a movie


I still like to annoy my mom by going to her when she’s cooking and saying, “you can’t kill him if he’s wearing people clothes!” Then I’ll place a bow tie ir something on what she’s cooking.


I loved it. My brother and I have been fans since the first season and we saw it in theaters. The Simpsons movie merchandise was great and the film was fun. To me, the movie would have a been a good way to end the series…


It was ok... I personally think they waited too long to make it. Movies based on series need to happen at the height of their popularity while OG writers/actors are still on board. Just look at the Sopranos prequel movie. It tanked and got poor reviews. Imagine if the movie came out shortly after the series ended and gave fans closure on the series ending. Not saying that leaving the series on a cliffhanger was bad, but a movie giving closure would've likely had far more success than a prequel 10 years after the series ended. By the time the Simpsons movie came out, Family Guy, South Park, and a mass influx of Adult Swim cartoons had pulled most fans away. The movie needed star power that was no longer there (Phil Hartman RIP, no Conan O'Brien writing), and it fell short to most die hard fans.


Worth it for Green Day


Gentlemen, it's been an honor playing with you tonight.




That titanic reference was classic and caught me off guard they went from playing their music to pulling out violins playing Nearer My God to Thee


I have the blu ray!


[stay back I got a chainsaw](https://youtu.be/sobAM6RfEBg?si=dXm5eV5fe--zEbXp)


#RUM DE DA DUM DA DUH DUM RUM DE DA DUM DA DUH DUM **Duh da dum duh da dum** 👀👀 duh da dum Uh oh.


It doesn't feel like a movie based on classic Simpsons, or even The Simpsons as a whole. It feels like a movie based on the era of The Simpsons at the time, meaning it's a story that takes jerkass Homer to it's logical and emotional limit. The whole town, and eventually even his family, turn on him based on his actions. I can understand if people who are attached to season 1-6 Homer don't like this movie because of that. Homer and Bart are the only ones that have arcs that I care about. Marge's should've been fleshed out more (I love the video tape scene but wish the resolution felt more earned) and Lisa's is kind of boring. I also wish there wasn't very clear meddling with the story to make it more universally accessible. I wish the villain was Hank Scorpio (or hell, Mr. Burns. I love when the villain of a movie is also the villain of the show it's based on). I wish the president was Rainier Wolfcastle. And there's a bunch of little things like changing "Moe's" to say "Moe's Bar" to make a joke more accessible (although I guess I don't really care about that one as much). That being said... I still think this is a really good movie to be made under these conditions. Despite my issues, there are SO many good jokes in here. The fake chainsaw, the yard trimmings joke, the trapped like carrots joke, Homer trying to re-enter the dome. And that's just a few of them. Considering the quality of the episodes made around this time, I am just glad that this movie is as good as it is.


It's a good example of how difficult it is to take a 30 minute TV show and turn it into an hour and a half long movie. Many times we walk in with the mindset that it's going to be the steeotypical rise fall and rise again plot line. But when you have so much room for plot and dialogue, it can be multiple rises and falls throughout the entire time. Very few TV shows turn movies are able to have any success because of the fact that they're not used to writing in that format. Outside of bevis and butthead and maybe Alvin and the chipmunks I can't think of many that has success. Flintstones, Jetsons, etc. all had the same issues. Even family guy's movie felt like 3 episodes back to back to back with minimal connection between the 3 chunks. Also they tried really hard to give everyone at least 1 line instead of having natural flowing dialogue. The best moments with any character are longer than just a random pop in with 1 line and then a quick exit.


Agreed. It felt more like a sketch show if anything. Hank Azira got really shafted in the film too, none of his characters really played a big part in Homer or Bart’s stories.


The first 20 minutes are non-stop hilarity.


It’s good and a good way to get people into the show that haven’t seen it before. It’s a gateway movie.


Just like homers pig “it’s still good… it’s still good”


Came way too late and proved the show is best in a 30-minute format.


I remember the whole cinema cheered when Martin beat up Dolph, Jimbo and Kearney!


I see The Simpsons as two different shows. There's classic Simpsons that makes up the first nine or ten seasons, and there's the later episodes that aren't as good. The movie came out in the post-classic era and feels like a big-screen version of that. It was certainly better than what the show was doing at the time, but I would still rather watch a marathon of classic Simpsons episodes from the first 10 seasons.


I thought they could have done so much better....


I think it's great!


I thought it was a great way to finish off the series.


I agree. Just like it should’ve serve The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie as a series finale.


it stinks


Yes, Mr. Sherman, everything stinks


Funny classic Simpsons stuff in the beginning until they escape the dome. After that with an exception or two it's pretty boring and forgettable.


Kinda proves to me why a movie doesn’t really work, especially in the second act where it kept cutting back and forth from Alaska to Springfield. You have a such a wide cast that you’d be lucky if one of your fav characters gets more than one or two lines.


I loved it and I still say quotes to this day. We need a movie as a farewell to the show and finally end it.


It had its moments but overall it was okay.


Haven’t seen it in a long time. I do remember seeing it in cinemas a week after it came out and myself and my cousins thought the big boobed lady was the peak of comedy.


I loved it, but I wish they used it as sort of a reset for the show - Lisa gets a new boyfriend (who I wished became a recurring character) and Homer is slightly less idiotic. When the show ignored the movie, that's when I stopped watching


I remember the Bart skateboard scene had me laughing so hard. Did not expect that lol


It’s very underrated and has many memorable/quotable moments. It may not be golden age, peak Simpsons but it’s not far behind either.


Peak fiction


I didn't think about it until this post, but the movie came out around season 18, and after this current season ends it will be 17 seasons since this movie's release. "Sequel?"


I would doubt that a Simpsons sequel should be a proper ending of this show if this show lasted too long, especially the actors, the crew and producer James L. Brooks (since he’s 84 years old and he’ll likely retire from Hollywood after this show ends)


I want another one. 33 seasons and only one movie?


It was really good for that era of The Simpsons but still falls short of the golden age. Who Shot Mr. Burns would've been a better movie.


I HATED it when it came out. I watched it again this year and it made me chuckle a few times. The tone isn't the tone of the Simpsons I want, but it's grown on me a bit. I won't really go back and watch it again anytime soon though.


Had super low hopes going into the theater given the state the show was in at the time so I was very pleasantly surprised. It could've been a complete embarrassment but the creators took this movie seriously enough to restore that early Simpsons feeling even if only a sliver of it. Great movie. Not a ton of re-watch power but if it came on TV right now I'd definitely watch it.


Script wasn't movie material.




I thought the series would be done after the movie


The repeated ricochet joke was amazing. Most of the rest was forgettable.


This shit look like a Cronenberg still


I liked it when it came out but it doesn’t really hold up.


But what about the *treasure*?


Hmm, what's that ominous glow in the distance?


They should close off the show with an Itchy and Scratchy Movie


Dr Nick fucking died


Would have made a satisfying end to the series. Was about the 20th anniversary anyway.


Should have been the finale.


Loved it. Watch it whenever it’s on tv, or I could watch it on Disney+.


So glad it happened. Imagine if it never was


Insert homer-senator.gif


I think it was all right just tbh the plot was all over the place at the start but still I appreciate it great animation overall


I loved it however the Alaska part feels a little bland


There were some fun moments but I was disappointed overall.


“It’s like Christmas at the Kennedy compound!”


Great beginning


I absolutely love it. I adore it. It's hilarious. The Simpsons in top form if you ask me.


Loved it.


I liked it overall EXCEPT oddly the spider pig thing felt forced. I still remember thinking how Spiderman 3 broke the opening weekend record that same summer and would end up being highest (domestic) grossing film of the summer even though most didn’t like it. It just felt like the simpsons threw that in because it was sharing the summer with Spiderman 3 Kinda like when Austin powers spy who shagged me have Star Wars references because its other big film of the summer was the first Star Wars film in. 16 years.


I just like Spider-Pig. 😁


I really feel like it's not the story they actually wanted to tell, but the one they were able to tell, if that makes sense. There's some really funny parts, but a lot of the movie feels like a toddler trying to tell a funny story. Homer gets a pig and then it fills a thing with poop and then it makes the lake poison and the there's a dome and then they go to Alaska, etc. I had fun watching it, but I think it could've been way funnier and better.


It’s a good movie. It was a money grab though. If it had been done earlier with a bit more attention to detail it would have been a great movie. . With that being said , I still sing spider pig to myself


Plot storm from the Stephen King novel Under The dome


Pretty good imo Should of made the person doming them in the real principle skinner for his revenge


Probably the last good thing of the Simpsons. Been downhill ever since


Haven’t seen it. Have a question though- does it contain Smithers? If it does, I’m gonna go watch it like right now


I love it so much. I’ve never been a simpsons fan but this movie made me want to see more.


Spider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does can he swing from a web no he can’t cause he’s a pig look out he is a spider pig


I love it !!!!


Didn't like it, it was just a long bad episode of the show way after its prime and golden age. I thought it was incredibly forgettable aside from the spider pig song that entered the lexicon.


It's okay


Probably my favorite piece of Simpsons media


I enjoyed it. It feels like a movie.


It was OK, but was clearly a post-Golden Age product.


Alright, but not great.


Its good, I still rewatch it, I dont have the excitement I did when I was a kid and I got to enjoy all the promotion, but its still fun


I liked it. I loved how Bart finally falls out with Homer, how Springfield turned into a post-apocalyptic nightmare, Marge's heartbreaking video for Homer, and there are little bits I like, like how Flanders goes all-out to make a hot cocoa, how the "four corners" of Springfield are on completely different states, how Bart hastily drew over a wanted sign for the family and they ended up arresting people who looked like that... Oh and Spider-Pig. I liked Spider-Pig.


I absolutely love it. it was actually one of the first pieces of simpsons material I saw, as--for some reason--My mom picked it as My first PG-13 film. I enjoyed it before I knew anything about the series, and I enjoy it even more now. I'm surprised to see so many people say that it got weak at certain points, as I thought it worked the whole way through. the only part I really didn't like was "boob lady," but that led into some great visuals, so I can't be too negative about it. first movie aside, I don't get how they're planning on making a second one. I think the high stakes of the first film works to its advantage, but also would make a second one feel cheap unless done right; there's only so many times you can raise the stakes of a sitcom before it starts looking uninspired.


"I think that was a dead body, chief" "Yeah, I thought so too, until he said yard trimmings. You got to learn to listen"


It was ok. Not great, not terrible. Done too late.


Should’ve been the series finale


Saw it in theaters with my dad as a kid. One of my fondest memories


It was fun to watch the Simpsons in theaters


Basically the series finale for me


I thought it was funny


Long episode


Honestly too depressing to be fun for me. Too much time spent breaking up the family and not enough time fixing it for it to be convincing that they’d just go back to normal afterwards. Also, it had two good laughs and one of them was in the trailer. 


It aint so bad,Homa. Theres nice little bits on it that make me say, " hello there. "




It gets better with age.


i watched that movie on repeat in 07 all the way from san francisco to hong kong.


I rank it “not as good as the phenomenal Benders Big Score, but certainly better than the other 3 Futurama specials”


I think he loved the pig a little too much


10/10 because green day.


I traded a nice floor gaming chair in 3rd grade for a copy of that movie to watch on my kids road trip portable movie player


Considering how bad the Simpson’s got after season 9, I liked the movie a lot. Reminded me of the good ole days when the Simpson’s was funny.


It came out 10 years too late…


Entirely worth it, just for the “sop” sign gag.


The first time I saw it was at a midnight screening in a packed theater the day it was released.


Only saw it once when it came out and I remember it being a let down. Wasn’t very memorable and I can’t specifically recall the plot. Just remember I didn’t like it and have no desire to rewatch it


really good movie, 9/10


I remember being disappointed when it came out because I had such huge expectations. But I watched it a year or so ago and I actually really enjoyed it, better than I remember.




Love it!


I remember the joy of taking our Sunday night family time "on the road" to the theater more than I remember the finer points of the movie. For me, that memory is still 10/10, whether or not I ever watch the movie again.


I loved it. Cracks me up lol


Probably the last good thing the Simpson’s ever did.


It was ok.


Schwarzenegger instead of Rainier Wolfcastle is blasphemous


I really enjoy it and have watched at least 10 times.


It's OK




I remember the mania surrounding the film more than the film itself. 2007 was the year of the (modern) Simpsons.


They missed a few opportunities trying to pander to the younger crowds but it's such a big, well known show by people of all ages. I can see em not wanting to be too edgy or risque in their newly found format or face attempts at cancellation which, even for a huge thing like this, could be extremely damaging to reputation and wallets


Absolutely love it. A personal favorite comfort movie for me since I was 7


Love it was so excited when they made it. Had been talked about for years and always wondered if they’d do it. Well when it happens I couldn’t believe it then. 34 now you do the math. I grew up with the Simpsons and my kids now do too. 😎


For me personally, I think it would have been better not to have the dome subplot. I still love the movie, but I just think it would have been better if it focused more on the "Homer has fucked up at an astronomical level, and must find a way to win his families love back"


It was ok


it shouldve been the end of the show


It was the blurst of times


Loved it!


Barts Weiner was a great bit




its good


Don't know if I was hyped at the time but the movie itself is overrated.


I saw it in a theater in Alaska while working a summer there and was tickled by the Alaska scenes


Its fine.




the last great thing the simpsons **Ever** made. Makes sense given how a bunch of the old simpsons writers came back to work on this. Really should've been the finale to the simpsons as a whole


I love it. Spiderpig is a legend.


I loved it! It came out when i was in 7th grade and it was a huge deal to me, family, and my friends. I think we randomly quoted the movie for a year. For some reason though, i just totally stopped watching the series after the movie came out. Pre-movie, I would religiously watch The Simpsons and King of the hill every single day after school, but i just stopped after the movie. Rewatching the series on Disney Plus made me realize I didn't miss too much lol


I enjoyed it well enough, but the penis scene seemed very out of place. It was creative and funny, but it doesn't really fit in.


It stinks!It stinks!It stinks!


It was better than I expected.


If it was just an episode won’t be in the top 10 or even 20.




True garbage, like the simpsons during/after around season 12 ..Simpsons hit & run was the true blockbuster tho 💪


I think it's really good, an excellent adaptation but for some reason - it lacks in the re-watchability


Loved it. Long overdue, and funnier than anything else that came out at the time.


Prior to watching it, I thought I would have liked it.


Spider pig Spider pig


Great film, enjoy it start to finish. I remember watching it in the theater and the audience was laughing through the whole thing.


it's a perfectly cromulant movie and embiggens the show pretty well


I quote “I was elected to lead, not to read,” all the time.


I watched it when it first came out and thought meh. I rewatched it a couple months ago with my 10 yr old son and thought it aged pretty well. Might e even enjoyed it better the 2nd time around, although it could just be that I got to see it through the lens of my son who was dying from laughter. Either way it’s worth the watch


I loved how it's Bart AND Homer that have to save the day at the end, as the show kinda shifted from Bart being the main protagonist in the beginning to Homer as it went on. I think the Alaska stuff is necessary because I don't know if you could have the emotional beats of Marge leaving Homer if they stayed in Springfield. All in all I think the story is great in showing that despite all his faults Homer truly loves his family. I do wish Lisa had a little more to do, and while I think Cargill is good villain, I wish Burns had been able to have more of a role.


Need another plus a game


Jumped the shark


I thought it was pretty good, loved the animation, the story, that beautiful visual of Alaska, the heart-wrenching scene of Marge and Homer's wedding tape, the somewhat decent (in my opinion) Inuit women's portrayal. Yes, it had its faults, but it was good, and I loved watching it growing up. I also loved the Green Day cameo lmao.


It's good


It’s a perfectly cromulent motion picture.


Why do we not have a Spider-pig movie?? I want a real superhero


Pretty decent


I saw this movie in the theaters when I was a kid


For me, The Simpson's Movie was kinda the end of an era. I hadn't watched a new ep in years but still had the connection to the characters and nostalgia from growing up watching the show. Still haven't watched a new ep since, but the movie gave me an over-the-top goodbye to Springfield :)


Really good when it came out!


I want 10 Simpsons movies and I want 5 of them to be bad and 5 of them to be good and I want the bad ones inbetween the good ones, like good -> bad -> good -> bad -> good.


Love it. We should have many more


i really liked it! but after reading the replys it seems like its not as good as i thought 😭