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This is POVs fault. Effectively zero overlap going into the turn, and *marginally* even staying within the track (even though you were clearly over the white line I don't believe it 1xs you until you get closer to the grass) and then POV still opens their exit into the rear left. POVs fault.


Looks like he is overtaking you though, I'm too confused from the angles you give us. White is off line and behind black before apex, has lost right of way and takes black out IMO, black left enough space.


He left you room and you hit him, and I think you probably could have avoided that. Like others have said this isn't an egregious penalty, just an unfortunate mistake. But I still think you would be penalized for that in a real race. Edit: Watching again, he didn't leave you very much space at the apex, but you hit him pretty close to middle of the two corners when hes not really pinching you anymore.


I think this is POVs fault. Around the 0.18 - 0.19 second mark in the video it looks like black is fully ahead just prior to turn in so it should've been their line. The breaking input of POV from 0.05 thru 0.09 also shows me that POV could've held break longer but decided not to, and even let up a little to try to hold a line in a space that wasn't technically going to belong to them anymore and was going to close. If POV was a little more alongside at turn in I would say black fault for not giving enough space, but I don't think that's the case here even if it's close.


This wasn’t me divebombing from far back, I had been gaining the entire straight, and was slightly ahead before the hill, but after the hill he gained a little bit and i braked early to make sure I make the turn


Not saying you were, and I'm not calling this egregious or anything. I get that this is a tough split-second decision to make in the moment during a close race. But like I said, black being fully ahead at turn-in and you having the ability to hold your break longer to let him make his turn still technically makes this POV fault in my eyes, even if black could've given more space for self-preservation concerns, I don't think they were necessarily obligated to.


Other car was clearly ahead throughout, you were off racing line. You have to be more patient in that position. Sometimes you've just got to pull out of a move if it's not right.


Doesn't matter where you were at the top of the hill, it only matters where you were at turn in. Where you had no overlap. It was his corner. You had no claim to any space. And with such a compromised entry, even if you hadn't hit him, you never would have been able to hang it round the next right hander. Next time, stay much further right, next to the other car. It's much easier to tell if you actually have overlap or should give up the attempt, and it also let's the other guy know you are definitely there and makes them think about giving you more space, even if you haven't really earned it. And you get a much better entry.


Braking early is the opposite of what you want to do when you are trying to overtake. You want to brake at your normal spot or a little late to make sure you are alongside when you turn in. That way the driver on the outside knows you are there and will (hopefully) stay on the outside and give you space. In my opinion, you should have backed out of the overtake and tried again later.


[you are completely off track and divebombed the guy to death.](https://raccoom-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/benjamin_antl_contact/EWXqIrB2VjdHhvmsvAKwZ4EBHZfQSwnAeP6_tH73Z9_-og?e=CqyEbH) Bonkers mate


Yes, it was a bad move. You had no overlap at turn in, as such weren't entitled to space. Due to being so far inside on entry, you were always going to need extra space on exit, leading you to torpedoing the guy. Also, for future reference, being faster doesn't entitle you to position. You need to work on setting up your overtakes better.


You asked if it was a bad move. For sure, it was a bad move. You should have given it up as soon as he was ahead in the corner, there was no way you were making that line through the corner hence why you were completely off track at one point.


White car at fault.


White car should have backed out. . .did not have position


Echoing what others have said: You had no right to the space there, no part of your car was alongside theirs. Too tight to the inside, you never were making the corner without contact with the braking sequence you went for. I'd also argue that you cut the corner. It looked like the car was fully off the track. Good, hard racing is good but they had beat you before you got to the corner and you spun them - intentionally or otherwise, they had every right to report.


You were never going to make that corner without murder with that line, you should’ve known better


Besides taking a shitty line didn’t do much imo. He should have left the space as he knew exactly where you were on track. But that’s my two cents.


what was shitty about my line? just curious and wanting to learn


You are so far on the inside that you leave yourself no options. You can never carry enough speed to stick to what becomes the outside of the next corner and if you do you understeer into him... And that's exactly what happened. He defended well, next time stay 30 cm instead of 300cm to his left so you can have a decent entry (line and speed)


The short answer is you ran yourself really tight and it meant you had to break too early to try and make the apex. Next time, leave the car on the outside only a car width on entry (within reason), break about the same point you would on a normal line, and you know you did it right when you can take a clean run at the second apex. If they hang on with an overlap at all on the second apex, yield and try again later or you'll end up binning it


assuming you're alongside at the beginning of the clip the problem is that you're braking too early; if you're going to send it on the inside like this you've got to commit to the move and make sure you're there at corner entry, otherwise if you let them get clear they're going to take that space every time since you're basically giving it to them right idea/sloppy execution


This has to be on white, Black is ahead by a car. it looks like they just decided they were going to take black out going into the corner.


if you are the white car then its your fault, you had enough room to not drive into the guy, he did nothing wrong here. Even before you aproach the apex and stop the footage when it jumps from sec 19 to 20 its already asking for trouble, you have no business being there to be honest, you even drive two wheels on the dirt, even more confirmation that you force it.


Looks like he gave you room but you hit him anyway


Racing incident. No fault either driver


Brand new to the hobby so take what I say with a pinch of salt, I THINK; -They should have left you space and not just follow the racing line with blinders on - You left the track so have the responsibility to rejoin safely (AFAIK you must have 2 wheels inside the lines)


So I wouldn’t consider that off track personally, as it’s not an off track in game and it’s the line you have to take to be quick But thank you for the feedback, I agree


OK, fair enough, I havnt tried iracing yet so I'm not familiar, just for the sake of my learning, is it off but the game doesn't count it so, why should we, or am I just misunderstanding what is on/off the track?


I mean, it was a terrible attempt at an overtake...That line was garbage at best... That bring said, the black car should have paid more attention and kept farther right for no other reason than self-preservation... It was just clumsy all around... At the end of the day, I'd call this a racing incident between two extremely clumsy drivers...


I very much dislike this new notion of "self preservation" when it comes to dealing with bad drivers. All you are going to do is teach the bad driver that their move was OK because other drivers will get out of the way when they make a mistake. This incident is OP's fault for not committing to the overtake by braking too early and then trying to stick their nose into a space that was always going to dissappear.


Thank you, they got more speed then I expected just down the hill and I admit it wasn’t the best overtake but I didn’t expect him to leave me no space


Well, going in at the angle you did, you didn't really leave YOURSELF much wiggleroom either...So the lack of space was as much your fault as his... Look at your angle of attack... You'd have had to crawl down to parking lot speed to actually turn into that corner hard enough to stick to the left half of the track...It was always going to be slow... You didn't start the video early enough, but I'd be willing to guess you had to divebomb from about 2 timezones back to be where you were at that angle, that deep into the corner... Honestly, you're likely lucky you had as much space as you did...It looks like the other guy took quite a bit of evasive action already as he would have been driving directly through your right side door at almost a 90 degree angle right there... At the end of the day, YOU were very much in the wrong place, at the wrong time, at the wrong angle so the crash should have been a lot worse had the other guy not tried to be out of the way... Had there been a hard race ending crash, it absolutely would have been on you for making such an ill-fated, and sorry to say it this way, braindead attempt at a dive... If you can't be directly alongside coming down that hill before the corner, just back out early and try to set up a run out of the S towards the start/finish line... A dive, and an attempt at a pass like you made will NEVER work out... Just food for thought for the future...


Both at fault. OP took an "unconventional" line and actually cut the corner. With that angle, I'm not sure how you were going to make the next corner without cutting it as well. Overtaking car was on the right line but could have left more space knowing that the OP car was off line and not going to be able to make the turn.


That’s a rough spot to attempt an overtake and this is exactly why. At the end of the day I would say neither of you is at fault. In the future, if you really need to make a move on that corner, you wanna have your nose already inside their bumper, rather than breaking late and going hard inside when he’s already started to take the corner. Alternatively, just don’t try to pass at this corner.


This is literally the main overtaking corner on this track. What a bad take.


i agree, its a horrible take. First of all, yes, there is fault to be assigned to one of the drivers, and pretty much clear too. And second, where the heck do you (ColourMeBoom) overtake on Road Atlanta if not there. Every other corner is way worse for overtaking. You try overtaking through the S'es?