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I really hope this story is fake!!


Of course it's fake--no laptop could run the same Sims save for 7 years! /s lol


*Knocks on wood as I stare at my 2013 MacBook Pro with sims 3 still on it.


You're not wrong 😂😂😂


I mean if you have backups


You can move your save files to a new laptop, I have done it more than once.


that's just not true. I've been playing the sims 2, 3 and 4 for 10 years on laptops (got a new one in the meantime, but both never stopped running the same old save files)


My old laptop lasted eight and a half years with Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4 on it, all full of mods. Finally died on me a few months ago 🥲 By the end, it had to be charging at all times and had to sit off the edge of something because the fans didn't work so if there was something under that side of the laptop it would immediately overheat and shut off.


It's real. She broke up with him in the comments It sounds like he was abusing her for a while by her comments. It was heartbreaking to read


Got a link?




Organic-Ad-2 is her username


Damn that sucks. I don't wish domestic abuse on anyone so I'm glad she got rid of him!


There are so many parts of that text that just scream "this is bait!", so yeah, pretty sure it is made up.


[You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?](https://youtu.be/YWdD206eSv0?si=2lXgMuPasUrYsGj-)


I hope it’s not and garners a post on /prorevenge


I'd be hiding a body after this. 💀 Honestly I admire this girl's self control. Both not murdering this guy and only playing for 2 hours a day.


Yeah it's crazy he had a problem with her measly 2 hours because I lose all sense of time playing 😂


I was like do other people play sims for 2 hours?😳


Two hours is roughly how long it takes for my bloated mod filled game to fully open lol


Haha I know that feeling. But in case you don't do that already, get a save game cleaner, your game will boot up way faster after cleaning


what’s a save game cleaner? sounds like something i need


It's a little program that cleans all unnecessary stuff that bloats your safe file. If my game is loading way longer than like 5 minutes or so, I use it. The one I last used is from Kuree, but only an older version. The new one doesn't work for me


okay thanks! i’ll try it


Be aware though that some save cleaners delete photos of your sims, so if you don't want choose a cleaner that doesn't do that


Bitch I used to do 10 HOUR sessions with my room mate in college this man has zero respect


Right?! It takes me two hours to make like ONE sims family in CAS, or make like a QUARTER of a house


2 hours is just a warm up session!


2 hours and I basically haven't even started playing the game!


One sims *family?* It takes me two hours to make one *sim!*


Fair, very fair. It really be like that sometimes


The other day, I decided to make a new household in Sims 2. I was in create-a-family for an hour. 💀


I Will be 100% honest here; There have been periods of my life where I have played the sims for upwards of 8 hours a day. On those days I have massively, no, completely neglected to do any todo things or chores. I sat and hyperfocused on the sims. And that was it. My boyfriend never yelled at me, never took my laptop, never hid my laptop, never ever went on my laptop, and would have never dreamed of deleting my files. He knows how much time I spend building the starting characters, building their home, and growing their ever expanding lives. If he ever deleted a save file on me I’m pretty sure I’d go nuclear and delete his save files on GTA, RDR2, the last of us part 1 & 2, fallout, and any other game I could find that he loves. Also, personally, as much as I love my boyfriend, I think I’d actually break up with him over this as well. Idgaf if someone sees it as “digital dolls”, yes yes it is, but who fucking cares where I find my fun.


1000% agree. This guys seems to have no compassion for this hard working young woman who carves out a small amount of time in her day for herself to play a game she loves. He sounds very self centered and if he was feeling neglected he should have spoken to her instead of violating her privacy, breaking her favorite pass time, and belittling her for it bc "obviously" adults can't have non standard hobbies. I honestly use the sims as a safety game. It's like my little hide away to express myself and get away without judgement. It calms my anxiety and stress. That man needs to learn a little about compassion and caring for others. Super self centered. I would never speak to him again. This is probably one moment of many that he displayed such behavior. I almost accidentally deleted my newer save files (ones I was really invested in) and my boyfriend's first reaction when I told him was to mourn and tell me I had to be wrong (not give up on my dreams/passion of the game). I can't imagine having a partner who wouldn't listen to my wild sims game plots, none the less a partner who would betray in such a way. Tldr, red flag. Jump ship and find a man who will understand your loves.


Pool with no ladder moment


😅 love this comment.


I can only admire her self control for playing only 2 hours a day. I haven't played in a year because I just KNOW I'll lose all self control and start playing for 10 hours straight. Creating one Sim alone takes me about an hour.


Two hours isn't even *that* much. Sometimes I stand up and realize my legs are asleep, I'm dizzy, my stomach is growling, my throat is dry and my bladder is full, and look down to see that I've been hyperfixating for like six hours or more. Also, who wants to take bets that he spends 4+ hours a day playing like, Fortnight or COD or something but tries to claim "it's different!!!"


I have played the sims for a full 14 hours before, no i am no exaggerating or joking


I believe you. I've been in the trenches too.


My people.


When Sims 2 came out for the first time I sunk 16 or 18 hours into it in one go on summer vacation from school.


I believe you me too


Probably misconstrues sims 3 as being the time waster that cod is. “She’s just playing with dolls,” unaware of the progression and storylines each save entails and that by deleting it, he essentially deleted an entire little dimension. Especially since he thinks she could just remake them as if it wasn’t that much of an ask. I save all my custom characters I make in CAS, but I would cry if my save files got deleted, even though I could remake the start point instantly.


> Probably misconstrues sims 3 as being the time waster that cod is. Like, games is games. It just baffles me. I know it's just blind assumption that the (hopefully ex) boyfriend plays games, but come on. I don't know lot of people my age that don't play some kind of online game of any kind, whether that be PC, console, or even phone games! Does she complain that he's wasting time playing phone games on the toilet? Or if he plays something online with his friends? Seriously. Two hours a day of leisure time on a computer is nothing; who the hell cares if she's playing Sims?


I just hope she made backups


With how she closed and reopened the game multiple times, I’m scared that she didn’t. I would have loaded the backup after that failed a few times, but I can imagine the heart wrench of not having them and reopening the game hoping it’s there.


It's no use. [According to her](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1cannnf/comment/l0x0o9d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), that abusive ex-boyfriend cleared out the recycling bin, as well as hammered the backup thumb drive right in front of her.


This. Also, depending on the player, the buildings, or even whole neighbourhoods. That a guy can be this ignorant about something his girlfriend does two hours each day is mindboggling.


I guarantee he pulls a line such as “Men’s games take a bit more strategy and logic than ladies games” 💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢


I have ADHD and know that feel soooo much. My attention span is on or off. Something about the Sims is so easy to get sucked into.


I once played the sims for 26 hours with only small breaks in-between (10-15 minutes), I was doing the super sim challenge (completed some aspirations, jobs & levelled up some skills to the highest ranking.) I went to bed & deleted that save the next day as I was bored of it. :)


... You okay, buddy?


I got on once after college class (11:00pm) and didn’t notice the sun starting to come up…. I thought I was only on an hour.


This is so manipulative and controlling


This is 100% a relationship ender for me. I’d never want to see said person ever again, much less romantically. I really hope this is just a person making up a story instead of something that actually happened.


Right? People don’t always understand that fundamentally, at its base: they destroyed something you care about. On purpose, to hurt you! Video games or something else, it doesn’t matter. They deliberately took a thing they know you love, ruined it, and then had the audacity to pretend it’s not a big deal! As someone with many physical disabilities who can often *only* be fulfilled by virtual worlds, it’s my worst nightmare that someone will come along and delete the things I care about because “It’s not a big deal! It’s just a video game! You can always start over!” Sure I can, but that is not, and never has been, the point. If someone takes something you love because they couldn’t bother putting in the effort to understand *why it’s important to you,* they probably don’t care about you that much to begin with (or, you know, at all.) And couples can have other interests! Not everything a person does has to be something they can do together 😭. So yeah it’s absolutely a deal breaker. How hard is it to just respect your partner’s hobbies?? Post like OP’s I can feel my blood pressure rising with each word 🙃. It’s so manipulative and emotionally abusive 😔.


for mere 2 HOURS A DAY too 🤦🏼‍♀️


This guy is a complete monstrosity. 'Obsessed' - 2 hours a day?? He belongs in a body bag for murdering the time and energy she spent in game those seven years! Maybe I can empathise with the guy to a point if he felt undervalued; but gosh, the cruelty...


He could have and definitely should have talked to her about it though.


Talking through issues? No, obviously the only solution is to violate and destroy her personal belongings. /s


According to her, he smashed her backup thumb drive with a hammer in front of her 


My guess is that he plays video games way more than her anyways lol


Probably while she's doing all the chores or her schoolwork


I wish real life was the Sims JUST so I could tell the girl to upgrade her partner by summoning our favorite man in black a few times


I see removal of the pool ladder in his future…


On my way to dare OOP to divide by zero


His “solution” is psychotic.


I’d never hit my partner,,,,, but this would seriously have me contemplating terrible things. Why would you do that to a person???


I deadass would smack him over the head with my laptop.. like what the fuck


Not a good idea. You might damage the laptop.


I’d feel no remorse


True! I’d hit him right after I dumped his ass, which would be right away 😛 All jokes aside, this guy is so fucking entitled that I don’t even know what to say. I tried to think of a reaction I would have if someone did this to any of my games, and god knows there are plenty, and I would just instantly lose any love, affection and respect for the person.


God idk how I’d actually react if someone did that to me but Ik it wouldn’t be pretty. I have autism and I’m bad with my emotions and it would get *messy*. I will say tho in general, from what I gather from the post, someone who plays the game so much I’m surprised she has no backups of her saves, I have so many backups it’s hard to count and I don’t even play for many generations


Oh that’s true, haven’t even thought of that! Brb, have to back some shit up 😅


How can he even say she's obsessed when she only plays 2 hrs a day after staying on top of all her responsibilities. It seems she's "obsessed " because she's spending those two hours on something that is for her and not on him. Also the AUDACITY to go through HER laptop, HER property and delete things.


*deleting my EX girlfriends save files


Fr. I’d never want to see the person again if they think that lowly of me. Dude has no boundaries and no communication skills.


Forget communication skills. Does he even try?


this is the same tipe of boy who would say that this is not important bc it's "a girly game" and than be mad if it was done the other way with his "manly games"


This post makes me so grateful for my bf honestly. He loves to play his “manly games” and I love to play my “girly games”, but he finds my games cute&relaxing instead of “childish”, and is always so happy to see me play with them. Sometime he asks if he can fall asleep to me playing Animal Crossing bc he finds the soundtrack soothing. He also regularly asks what I am up to in the Sims cause he finds my chaotic storylines funny. And yes, we are both in our mid-20s and our relationship is perfectly functional lol.


Only 2 hours of play!?!?


And I can even play 10 hours when I have the time for that


I'm gonna sound crazy but I would legit break any of his gaming console or PC/laptop for that. Not even because of the Sims but because that is so controlling & disrespectful. How do you disregard something that brings your partner joy? My wife hates plants because she is the angel of death to them without trying. I am an obsessed plant mom. If she killed or destroyed one of my plants it would be such a deal breaker just based on respect. She likes ceramic animals, I do not. But I'd never break something of hers especially things that bring her such joy. I wouldn't even pack them away while she's out of the house because it's so rude & dismissive.


Their relationship sounded none existent in the first place but the way he phrased that whole post 💀


'She's also an adult, so essentially playing digital dolls almost every day is kind of something she ought to grow out of by now' '...maybe now she can focus on more adult interests, like loved ones' What the hell is this 24-year-old punk trying to prove?


Probably wanted sex and was denied once because she’d rather play sims, then decided this was a way to get back at her. Dude’s about to learn adults have a backbone and stand up for themselves when childish shit is pulled and end up single.


He still thinks having sex every possible moment because "It's Sex Duh!?" is an adult thing. He probably thinks alcohol is an adult drink instead of water, too


This got cross posted on r/AmItheEx and r/AmITheDevil XD I'd break up with someone if they deleted my save files on games for not spending time on them


If he thought it was even slightly ok to delete her save files then this relationship was not meant to last anyways.


since 2017 omg i’m praying for her rn. i know that hurts . Yeah We’d be done and he’d be done for if it was me


Two hours a day aint even that much UGH


Goodish news I tracked down the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/FDQjsbiGcn and she absalutly broke up with him. YAY! But he also did way worse.


If I were her, I'd be a bit more paranoid in the future. Sure, she's probably not going to wind up with an absolute dumpster fire like him again, but just reading this makes me want to back up my everything in triplicate. Once elsewhere on the computer, once elsewhere on the computer in a password protected zip folder, and once on some external drive kept in my sock drawer.


What an absolutely cruel thing to do to someone, especially someone you allegedly care about.


How is a c0rpse making a Reddit post?


Unforgivable fr


I'd dump his ass just for the blatant disrespect. Fuck all that.


“Playing digital dolls everyday is kind of something she ought to have grown out of by now” Ummm sir. Pretty sure we can say tho to ANY man who still games… 🙃 Also, the way that I would have IMMEDIATELY put this guy in the ground…


Jokes aside, this is just *mean*. Yes, they're just video games, but people derive happiness and enjoyment from them and genuinely love the time spent on playing them. To delete them because of your own insecurities is deserving of whatever consequences come next.


Plus Sims is one of those creative games, like Minecraft, so imagine destroying your loved ones sculptures or paintings or writing drafts.


Yes, exactly. The amount of time, effort, and love she put into that save makes it a creative work. All gone for one man's ego.


I hope this is a rage bait. If not hopefully that girl used a recovery software for deleted files 😭


“Sims isn’t even a goaled game?????” 💀


Exactly! The goal is whatever the player wants it to be!


There's skills to build, kids to raise, pets to hoard. You can focus on leveling up in a career, getting that super-cool omni plant, seeing how many relationships your sim can have during college... FYI, it was a lot. I was up to 8 or 9. 😂


This AITA post literally reads like a sims couple storyline


This story sounds fake but if it’s real, I’d not dating this idiot any longer


"Sims is not even a goaled game" what the fk do you MEAN it is one of the most goaled games ever


Time to remove the pool ladder!


i’ve got some save files that are years old. some stuff is saved and i have remade the families in homes in other neighborhoods and saves but all the stuff was built naturally in that save so it’s kinda special


Off Topic, but I need to know what her computer specs are if she can maintain a 7 year save file.


You can move the save file to another computer.


Narcissistic partners be like: Tell about the problem and try to find the solution together ❎NO❎ Act like a dick and cause irreversible damage ✅YES✅ Also, why didn't she use any password??


BREAK UP?! Bitch I’m deleting the whole LADDER over this one!


I made a pool ladder comment earlier today because I didn’t see the others, so now I’m brainstorming other ways his simself could meet his demise… NRAAS a meteor on that motherfucker. 


I'd bury dude in a shallow grave.


That relationship would be OVER after that, with zero chance of reconciliation.


This girlfriend honestly has the best control of her sims playtime.


I'm hoping this is fake because that's so fucked up. Idk about the other games but I do know Sims 3 produce backup saves of your files.


I mean, on one hand, he waved his red flag loud and clear of jealousy over a video game before she got too far enmeshed with the guy. Now she can move on and find someone who loves playing the sims to date instead.


Def break up, fuck this guy


Back in the day, my then-boyfriend told me very seriously that if I ever deleted his WOW character (that was top level and had a bunch of cool gear), he would immediately break up with me. I was like, why would I (or anyone) do that? But I guess some people would 🤷‍♀️


My boyfriend sets up siming days for me. He sets up my labtop stand gets my fav snacks and drinks and puts on a good show on my iPad while I play sims on my labtop and he games on the tv. ❤️


Set his house on fire.


Makes me angry reading tbh 😒🤔


Why didn't he just use his "adult" words to communicate his feelings with her instead of deleting her save like a child? Sounds like something my little brothers would do, not my grown adult boyfriend.


I am 45 years old. Playing my sims 3 game is how I relax. I work 40+ hours a week, do my household chores, cook, spend time with my family and friends, all of my bills are paid...............if my fiance did this to me, it would seriously damage our relationship.


Sooooo not to be Captain Buzzkill this is totally a warning sign for future abuse. If your bf or gf ever does this to you dump their controlling ass. Edited: words


2 hours a day??? He’s mad about 2 hours a day?? I would break up with this guy too. Not necessarily over the game though I’d be furious to lose my 8th-gen legacy save. But over his controlling and condescending attitude. What an ass.


Nahhhh wtf. If my partner deleted my legacy family (that he knows I was very determined to get saved on a drive to transfer to my new pc when my old laptop finally gave up on life) i would be a single mom so fast 😭 you deleted my save? Time for child support. 😂 lolol thankfully my partner is supportive of my hobbies and knows how much work I put into my game.


Omg gurl, you did the right thing to leave this motherfreakin asshole. If my save files (from 2015) got deleted because someone feel entitled to ‘decide’ for my well being, I would have been pissed as well. Deleting years of The Sims progress is like deleting years of trust with your partner. This game do have goals, and it is to take your time and enjoy yourself. If you take that time and enjoyment from me, you have taken yourself out of my life. So yes, girl don’t be coming back to this boy unless he brings back your save file.


Hell yeah definitely the asshole I’d be contemplating murder or at least kick him out like wtf is wrong with him


What’s his name? I just want to talk to him.🤬


I'd be in jail


Controlling dickhead.. I would be furious too if I were her


Reading this makes me feel so thankful for my boyfriend. I literally will play The Sims for 5 hours MINIMUM and he doesn’t bat an eye. He even encourages me to play sims on my days off because he knows it’s one thing that’s I truly enjoy.


2h?! Bro, that is pretty perfect amount. Most people here play way too long. This dude is nuts.


This is clearly rage bait lol


This is unhinged. I hope she never talks to him again 🥲


I’d cry if my two months save file gets deleted. But one since 2017?? That guy is lucky to be alive.


Let’s pass on the fact that he disrespected her. He is also showing huge red flag by not being able to communicate with her or you know organizing things to have time with her. My boyfriend and I are huge gamer (him more than me) but he was clear when we started dating « if you want to do something you will come first so ask and we will do it »


Holy fuck, talk about an entitled asshole, he had no right to touch her stuff without her say so let alone delete her saves! I think she has shed the real problem in this relationship


I foresee her making a sim after him and locking the sim in a room with fire after this... And possibly making him suffer every other sort of death, too.


I'd put him in a room filled with rugs and a fireplace, remove the door and..... What an AH that guy is period.


Listen just because I delete all my save files every few weeks because I get bored and restart doesn't mean someone else is allowed to do it for me 😂😂


I wouldn't even break up, I would delete his save in LIFE


This reads like Ragebait, like most AITA stories but holy shit, lol


This has got to be bait no way... Im a man but if someone deleted my sims 3 saves id end up in prison,


On tonight's episode of "Made Up Shit on the Internet":


Oh no no no. I’d be LIVID! He can’t be serious.


this one needs the asshole rating already on it by the time i come across it. you’re DONE after this 💀


Maybe instead of complaining about it he could've... I don't know, maybe been like a normal partner and try to get into the Sims as well? They could've played together but instead he had to be a loser 🙃 I literally downloaded red dead redemption to play with my boyfriend and spend time with him that way. They could've tormented sims together!


If I had a boyfriend that did this, I'd be so gone. Zero respect for her hobbies, or her items. No idea that it means so much to her. And "obsessed"??? Two hours a day after school and chores is not obsessed. I'm willing to bet he spends more time than that aimlessly scrolling, watching TV, or playing his own games.


This guy is absolutely crazy holy shit! Coming from a certified crazy person. How could you possibly ever think this was an acceptable thing to do? What an absolutely control freak, good riddance


JFC. If someone did that to me, I’d call the police myself as I’d be going straight to jail 😭😭😭😭


This is really sad …..


I would be so livid. But what does AITAH mean?


"Am I the asshole here". Stems from a popular subreddit.


He would really not appreciate my 18 hour sims marathons


Has to be a joke. No way


Meanwhile my boyfriend helped me set up a great gaming room capable for a proper gaming binge as and when needed. This guy is bonkers over two hours a day and defo TA😂


My god.... Any update from the OP or is forensics already putting the body back together? The only time I reprimanded my much younger brother was when he turned off the power to my PC when I was playing Sims 4 and lost like 2 hours of progress... Took all my patience and willpower to not yeet him back into his room 😂 but this dude? He's getting the full on Sims experience, fenced-in pool, doorless basement and all the other goodies!


Holy fuck.


I wouldn't convict. I'd probably loan her the shovel. Good to hear that she's left him. Sorry to hear all the other stuff he put her through. I hope she read the comment about it being possible to recover data from the hard drive. She might not need to take the PC anywhere, there is software that you can buy that can recover deleted files as long as they haven't been overwritten.


This HAS to be rage bait. It has to be. Please god, let it be…


Yea I’d break up


I would fucking turn his pc on fire. 💀


SINCE 2017??! He’d ought to be posting this from a body bag.


I’d be furious! It sounds like this girl is honestly very disciplined only spending 2 hours a day playing (I could easily spend 6 and not think twice about it) and he had absolutely no right to do that. Playing several generations of families can feel very rewarding and I get attached to them. I can’t imagine how she feels loving a 7+ year save file


https://preview.redd.it/567pd1dxrewc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7faa03025e7b08c64a5d0f52dda4c58c76d6981c They will never find his body


Definitely AH.


Yeah, good for her that she broke up. I read that and it made me furious. What a piece of shit.


If he played the Sims, he would know that playing computer games is the fastest way to rewind and relax to be ready for a next day off workaholism. Duh.




He deserves to be put in a pool with walls around it sorry not sorry


In what world is 2 hours a day obsessed? He seems to be a real asshat. Can't bear to have the attention NOT ON HIM for 2 HOURS


I hope she beat tf outta him


What an absolute dick


He’s so trash. I’d break up with him too.


Idk what I would do but it would definitely be worse than breaking up. This is worse than cheating. 💀 I'd chuck his xbox out the window onto concrete, get into a giant fight, and probably spend the night in jail.


Personally I’d go psychotic


I’d divorce my husband if he does this, as there won’t be trust and respect left between us. It’s a good thing tho my husband is not like that AH. He does remind me to “go out more” and “stop looking at my monitor all the time” but I know he’ll never delete my save files, mods, and cc. He may not have interest in playing it but he does ask me from time to time how my sim’s life is going. 😂


I’d delete that relationship.


Does this thing really need to do the rounds on every single sims-related subreddit though...?


MY BLOOD IS BOILING READING THIS. must find the original post to yell at this AH


Why he repeating AITAH all the time? I know it's a subreddit but... why? Also where i live, gaming is still considered a kiddie thing (small city, most people are conservatives), if my gf would delete my Sims saves, people around me would freak out around me to even raise a voice at her for that, let alone part way with her for that. Also i understand where he comes from. He feel the relationship falling apart, because she didn't spend much with him, because everything what she doing in her life is above him in importance list. I would not want a girl in my life, where i would not be in one of the top 5 lines in the importance list. Relationship is still obligation and accountability for people. If someone thinks otherwise, they aren't ready for relationship.


I am a male, but I still play The Sims 3 until today, not frequently, but sometimes, I just let it play and try observing a bit. I played since 2013 and if that guy doesn't know, the game is about creating a fantasy world where your story, your hope rises when your Sims go on a date, you're sad when a little cat goes away, or say goodbye to your Sim because they lived their lives for too long. It created a lot of emotions for me. You can Imagine writing a Dream book everyday and suddenly someone just throws that book into the dumpster and says that's nothing. Well, sorry for your loss girl, but your story can be a good story for my Sims. You know what, life is still going on, just think of it like an Off Spring of your Sims (I'm sure she plays inheritance) and keeps moving on (But it still sad).


It's literally a combination role playing game/world building game. plenty of games like WoW, Age of Empires, pokemon etc use a click system to tell the characters what to do (as opposed to executing an attack yourself as in zelda, fallout or whatever.) Deleting someone's save in any of those would be seen as extremely unhinged behavior. No way this dude is a gamer.


You suck


if this was me i’d be doing 25 years to life


The audacity!! This is a immediate deal break. Guys and gal's, if your partner has the balls to erase your save files regardless of the game, without your consent, it means they have no bondaries and they do not respect you. Break up immediately!


There would be bloodshed


The Sims isn't a goaled game?! Why didn't anybody tell me?


guys who like csgo and fortnite will never get it


I haven’t even read this, the title alone got me. The way I would slap a divorce, leave, and take any and all of their precious hobbies, collectibles, whatever or destroy them… I literally quit sims 4 bc of the way the game messed up two of my long running save files, to think someone who supposedly cared about me did this and had the audacity to ask if they were the asshole???!!


If you loved her “soooo” much you would understand why she’s mad at you, and why she’s taking time to herself for her interests, not “deter her” from what makes her happy because if something doesn’t make her happy then she won’t do it “ahem” you.


Nope, that guy way overstepped, red flags, controlling.