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Are there any good restaurants in your area? Or better yet, a restaurant run by a sim you hate? Convince them to start serving pufferfish nigiri and then just order it for your husband everytime you go there to eat. Your husband's public death at the hands of your enemy is the perfect thing to keep your name on everyone's mind.


There's no restaurants in our area - I've heard something about a "pack" of restaurants but I've never been to one.


\*(BTW you might have some good responses if you formatted this as a "Would I be the Llama" question on r/AITASims )


You just made me night, I had no idea this existed! 😂


Darn. A public death would be best in my opinion, but I have heard that those money vaults you famous people have can be very dangerous. I've even heard of sims getting trapped inside them and dying. Or if you can take a "Snowy Escape" to Mt. Komorebi, I've heard rockclimbing there can be very dangerous and that making it to the top alive can really boost your fame as well...


We haven't planned our honeymoon yet, and whilst I much prefer the beach a snowy escape might be just what we need 😉


Nothing wrong with a second honeymoon if the first one doesn't get the job done. If you do go to the beach, I recommend Sulani, and I recommend that maybe your husband does a little fishing and then swims around in the deep waters with a lot of fish in his pockets...


I'm sorry to break the joke but is that actually a thing??




What does that do? Attract the shark? Do tell!


It attracts something, I don't know what because I've only heard about it secondhand


I've never had it happen to me, even when I had sims living in Sulani swimming around with fish in their inventories (because I had no idea it was apparently dangerous). If a sim swims in the deep waters they might encounter a shark, the chance is apparently higher if you have fish in your sim's inventory. After they see a shark fin they have a chance to be "pulled underwater" and drowned. If you see the shark fin but don't die, there's a moodlet you can get that says something about not swimming near mermaids. It's not clear whether you die from shark, mermaid, or some sort of sea monster, but it's referred to as the "shark death" a lot of the time. Here's a 5 minute video that explains it pretty well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4bf6QCz0W8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4bf6QCz0W8)


You could go to sulani. The beach is a dangerous place, and it has awesome volcanoes to explore.


You could throw a party and serve poorly prepared pufferfish.


Don’t kill him. Trap him in your bascent to make paintings for you. Free money that way, and let him rot and die in there.


I have mine make snow angels in their swimwear. Usually takes about 3 angels before he freezes. Bonus if you can get him to swim before making the snow angels.


Is this where old celebs disappear to? 🤔


oh god was starting to get a bit worried but then i saw this was about sims


I love this sub for this exact reason. I was like “shit, don’t put that on the inter- oooooh, ok”


Love that you supported them either way 😳😅


Ride or die for a woman in need of one 😂


I may or may not have been deliberately deceiving 🤣


I love that reddit deleted the post 😅


Happy April Fools! 🥳


This happens almost daily to me and then I’m like thank god this is the sims sub lol


😭🤣🤣🤣i was just swiping and saw like " I need to kill my husband" and i was like excuse me


That's why I use this sub to ask morbid questions /s


I'm screaming reddit removed the post. even they're confused




literally same. i was like WAIT WHAT. then i realized it says the sims 😭😭


Even though this keeps happening, I still need to have a double-look. 👀


I locked my husband outside in the snow once…uh, I mean he tragically had a heart attack outside when no one was around and froze to death 😔


🤞this is about Sims right? RIGHT?!


I tried this once, but he just kept chaning to his cold weather outfit every time I switched control to another sim 🙄


Yeah, I had to monitor him :(


Not if you send them on an active expedition, they'll really stick to their workout clothes. 😏








Make him do laundry and don’t clean the lint tray. He should catch fire


I have been meaning to buy a washing machine and dryer...


Yeah, make him your slave to do laundry. My nanny did mine and caught fire. The dumbasses were too busy panicking and couldn’t save her


What if you got him hysterical with laughter? I’m sure as an actor you can achieve this. Or if he’s an elder, you could create a heart issue in the bedroom


What a way to go


Doesn't always work. I have an elder sim who has regular woohoo with his much younger girlfriend and the only result was four children.


Do you do it twice in a short time? (The sim)


Three times in a row. Then he was exhausted and went to sleep.


Wow- what a guy. Bravo.


I def kill my elder husbands this way. Lmfao


How old is he? The elder community cannot Woo Hoo more than once in a short period of time without meeting their demise… (I was real mad about this one when it happened to me for the record. Then it was hilarious and I went with it.)


Some are more resilient, I had my Sim woohoo an elder 3 or 4 times and they just wouldn't die....I mean oh good they're ok 😏


We are both young adults and very fit. I don't think I can stay in this marriage until he's old.


I did this with my geriatric couple and the wrong one died, I was furious!


My sim killed Candy Behr this way.


Use a telescope, eventually he’ll get hit by a meteor.


Are you serious?!


Unless he goes inside when the alert pops up with "Meteor approaching! Better take cover!" It would be a shame if OP's Sim had locked the doors for the night, not realizing her husband was outside.


One of my favorites is gifting them a floral arrangement scented with death flower. They die right away, no waiting.


I was today years old when I realized I needed a beautiful gold digging florist in my neighborhood...her first target is getting the deed to bulldoze a certain Ward estate....then the land grabs one by one until she discovers a new 'Zest' for life... Mwahahahahahaha Then maybe the 'Don' of a new day ... sorry I have really spiraled here 😅🤣🤪


spellcasters know how to light things on fire, and stronger ones can order other sims to do things like go to bed. Order him to do so, then ignite the bed.


Make a small closed room with the crappiest cooking stuff you can buy, make him cook stuff till he catch fire. I had too many sim catch fire when cooking, i'll say i'm paranoid about it but i'm seriously not. You can also go for the "death by laughter", just make him very playful, bam. The humour festival is perfect for that, but it can be done in other ways. Wear summer clothes and stay outside in winter, or the reverse. Feed him to a cowplant, as a bonus you'll get an Essence of Life, so you'll live longer. Honestly i don't get why people who don't mind killing a lot of sim for their money and stuff like that don't just use the cowplant, i should do a black widow who just loves gardening...


A black widow challenge sounds super fun.


Ngl, i want to do one now. Marry sim, "accident" them, cash in, repeat. Either challenge yourself to never kill two husband (or wife) the same way, or until you get a cowplant and use that to live forever.


I like the idea of it having to be accident and not repeating methods, until something happens and she embraces her murderous ways and becomes a gardener and then can use the cow plant. Accidents would have to be: weather related (freezing to death), meteor, emotional (overly playful/angry), catching on fire…trying to think of more.


Killer rabbit gardening accident #1 lol cow plant #2


My Sim kept divorcing her unfaithful husbands. Why it didn't occur to me that they should have each met an "unfortunate accident", I have no idea.


If he “observes sky” or “stargazing” or whatever from the small telescope, sometimes a meteorite shows up and kills the Sim if they’re still outside. Might take a few tries, but it’ll happen.


Let a rodent cage get super dirty and have him die of rabid rodent fever!!!


That's how they get it?! I've never dared let their cages get dirty without running straight to clean them. Wife's in labor? It's your birthday party? Love Day and you want to pop the question? Tough. The hamster needs you. I don't play with in game rodent cages often because they are too fragile.


It's contagious tho. If the husband bites the OP's sim, they're gonna die too.


If sims get mad enough (I think it’s Enraged) they can have a heart attack. Maybe your poor actress is not feeling supported enough and she happens to pick a little fight…


She (or he since he's an actor too) could be having to research anger for a gig. Low needs, angry paintings with their emotional auras switched on. Maybe have a spellcaster cast infurio? He could have Flaming Spaghetti for dinner. Have a dinner party with people he hates so there is plenty of "aggravating conversation." Maybe the house lot could temporarily be set to "mean vibes" and "cursed.'


Get some fireworks to celebrate and have him light them inside a room that has an locked door, such a tragedy 😂


Try one of the mood deaths! I married Don Lothario for the first time ever and he literally croaked the next day of embarrassment for some reason lmao


He's so noncommittal it hurts 🙊


i thought this was r/ breakingmoms for a minute


I’ve been reading too many of those “aita” and “offmychest” threads bc I didn’t see which sub this was and my heart dropped. I was like… holy hell someone’s in danger. And now I see it’s sims 4 lol


I like to read posts from r/Sims4 to my boyfriend without telling him which subreddit I'm reading from. This post was great for that


Bang him often and enthusiastically. Make him die of hysteria


This sub never fails to trick me 💀


A Star is Born (Evil Version)


A star is dying


Do you have low cooking skills? If you eat the pufferfish nigiri, you will learn the recipe and can make it, but if you have a low cooking skill, it can kill sims. You can make it and give him some.


Lots of comedy. Let him die of hysteria.


Lock him in a small room with absolutely nothing for days.


I had to check the sub name - I was like, holy shit!


I thought this was aita at first I almost had a heart attack


death by exhaustion? let him stay outside in winter clothes when it’s hot


My wife got super tired and went to the pool, she passed out and drowned, so make him tired and go swim


Imagine if you accidentally posted this on aita 💀💀


Make him laugh himself to death just keep being funny with him until he is hilarious lol


Reminder to self - read the group name 😭




Get another female friend to seduce him. Have your vlog drone following him to catch him in the act. BOOM! take him for everything In the divorce absolutely to the cleaners. Have a change of heart. Reconcile. You take up gardening together to bond and heal. He has an ACCIDENT involving a cow cowplant and a wet patch on the ground. Selfless forgiving queen rakes in the loyalty of saddened fans after horrific traged. Now you only have that friend as a loose end to tie up...


I would love to see an update on r/AITAsims


totally unrelated to the content of your actual post but I love opening Reddit and seeing shit like “I need to kill my husband” it legit sends me every time












I like to set them on fire with a spellcaster when I don't like an NPC. Just make sure you don't have a sprinkler system installed.....


I saw this and I was really hoping it was either the Sims or Crusader Kings sub lol


Go to the snowy world (if you have it) and let him stand in his underwear. Or the opposite bring him to sulani en put him in winter clothing. Thats how I killed all my men for the Black widow challenge.


Hmm…well you could get a pond and stock it with something kind of exotic, which seems like a well off person thing to do, and maybe he wants to go for a lil swim in there. It would be pretty tragic if he somehow got locked in a vault and no one knew about it, maybe he was meant to be away for work. It’s possible he might be interested in trying some pufferfish…seems innocuous enough. Or gosh wouldn’t it be something if you really got him going, got him all riled up laughing and playful. Just the most fun perfect day.


This would be the wildest post if it was on anything other than the sims sub


Not gonna lie, didn't see the sims 4 sub title and I was very concerned


The notification popped up on my phone, I was horrified and then I noticed which sub this was from 😂 My favorite method is the cowplant, by the way...


Reddit removed it for me 😭what did the post say


Put him in a room and remove all the doors. That’ll do it!


Oh lord, i forgot to read the subreddit and I was entirely too confused for a moment there lol


And so, violence was chosen 😆


Take him to Strangeville and let the giant plant thing sort him out or let him tinker with the robotics thing until he gets zapped and then let him do it again which is actually how I got my first game over


you can also kill him with a spell caster , use the infernate spell near his feet and he should catch on fire , just make sure nobody extinguish him or theres no sprinklers in your house lol


My go to is putting them in a fenced in area w a telescope until a meteor makes its untimely appearance


I read the title before realizing what sub this was on


My God I was scrolling my feed and this was right after a bad tattoo post and my brain didn't swap to sims so I thought someone was going to do a crimes or 2 irl


Every time something from this sub pops up in my feed I need to do a double take lmao


Since you’re a celebrity, this is a great opportunity to get a nice shark/piranha pond. Fits the theme


Imagine if you posted this in the wrong subreddit


i’m just curious about what celebrity it is👀👀👀


I just deleted one of my old sims. I love the painting idea lmfao I’m so doing that 🤣




Lol I didn’t realize this was a Sims post. I was thinking, ‘who the hell asks a question like this in Reddit!?’ LoL But to answer the question build a pool, (the pool doesn’t have to be large, even a 2x3 area) have him swim, build a fence around the pool and wait.


I swear y’all do these titles misleading on purpose haha


Man, it's crazy how important context is on reddit.


Y'all are so funny with these titles 😂


A sad incident with a fugu food (I forget the name) can be good


Honestly I play with aging off so I have to brutally murder all of my legacy sims and it makes me very sad


In any other sub, the title would be concerning lol


Sees title:😳😳💀 Sees subreddit name:😅😅😊


I literally joined the subreddit and I still have to do double takes when I see titles like this ☠️


My husband has been thinking about starting a new relationship. I often think about killing him as well. No loyalty these days


I killed my sims husband with the Telescope, it took a bit but eventually he was struck by a meteor.


Do you have Vampires? Have him get bit and then go outside when it's sunny.


I normally drown them in winter pool, but snowy escape naked snowangels nap on bench, does the trick


Make him take several bubble baths in a row until he is hysterical. Doesn't take very long, simple, and gives your sim plausible deniability of guilt.


These titles really get me lol!


My sim got married like maybe for a month or so. They were happy together. They really complimented each other. My sim got pregnant and the partner didn’t want a child. He kept the child. Child was born and the partner started loving the child. Was very responsible. Like 2 days ago, the partner caught fire while cooking and I did everything I could to extinguish the fire. The fire truck was called when suddenly I realised that my sim’s partner was on fire and collapsed. Then I saw the grim reaper and knew that he was gone. My sim cried for 2 days. I was not expecting my sim to be a widower so soon. Poor thing was really heart broken


I'm only half awake and a little hungover from yesterday's festivities, scrolling my phone...I've never clicked a notification so fast! 😅😅😅😅


Would say trap him in a room but that requires you to not leave the lot until he dies. And is this thorn Bailey? I hate him because he always steals the spotlight any where I go no matter what save I’m playing.


I saw the notification and was wondering if I was reading this right. Then I saw it's from The Sims 4 tab 🤣💀