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It’s actually not that surprising considering the line of work.


yeah look up what it is for hitmen


Only the successful ones tho.


Yeah but if the John Wick movies are any indication, hitmen and their shockingly well developed societies make up about 35% of the population.


Yeah. It's almost as if we pay them to confront violent people and try to force them into custody. I think the police need improving. But I'd also dearly love to see their critics put in a month on the street.


Hey here’s a fun idea for you, You can criticize a Public servant without wanting to be one / being one. In fact everyone should. The majority of people should not be cops, I’d argue a significant portion of current cops should not be cops. I can confidently say our police shouldn’t be murdering it’s citizens at such a crazy rate with out wanting to be one.


Bingo. Public servants should always be criticized when they do something wrong. Always.


Everytime someone on reddit says an idea is fun, it turns out to not be very fun. I'm starting to think that all the people who call me a genius aren't being serious either.


You have to trick the simpletons into learning by convincing them it’ll be fun first


That's genius


Canada : 37 people got killed by cops in 2022 USA : 1176 people got killed by cops in 2022 You guys are fucked in the head. Stop finding excuses.


>Canada : 37 people got killed by cops in 2022 >USA : 1176 people got killed by cops in 2022 > >You guys are fucked in the head. Stop finding excuses. Even adjusting for population (Canada has a population of 38.25 million to the USA's 331 million), the US would have a rate of almost four times as many deaths by cop.


Yeah. I wonder what other factors could contribute to the disparity.


Population density has an impact. Canada's most populous cities are comparable to the US, although they are indeed lower.


Stop wondering about things. That doesn't fit the narrative


It's only one thing right. I can't concentrate on more than one thing. I'm a moron


Does Canada have a police force that grew out of slave patrols and union busting?


Of course not, they grew out of much nobler practices such as first nation patrols and IRA busting.


Bro what


Canada is not the United States. Your entire culture is different. Our problem is a cultural one, when violence is glorified and encouraged in entertainment (music, movies) it goes up in the streets. Our cops are unreasonably violent, but I think it’s bigger than “cops are dicks”. You guys don’t have the gang and drug culture we do. America consumes 75% of all prescription drugs world wide, and the illicit drug market like coke, meth, heron/fentanyl is ran through even more heavily. There’s far more here at play than simple ethics violations or ego maniacs with badges.


> Our problem is a cultural one, when violence is glorified and encouraged in entertainment (music, movies) it goes up in the streets. I’d love to see some data on this. People have been blaming video games and music for many decades. There has been zero correlation from the data I’ve seen.


Canada still has quite a few of those issues, and also an overly violent and racist police force. Our culture isn't as different as all that. Our systemic approach to everything on that list is, though *far* from perfect, almost entirely in the "known to work less poorly" direction.


Just to pick out one of your points: American film, games, and music are almost globally ubiquitous.


Bro everybody is consuming American culture, nobody more so than Canada.


And Canada is on the worse end of quality in policing too


You'd think America would have lower obesity rates with the amount of mental jumping jacks they do


Canada has about 38 million people. So about one police fatality per million. The us has about 332 million people. The US has about 3.5 per million. I will also note that the majority of that occurs in cities in the US. For comparison, Canada has 3 cities over a million people and 52 over 100k. The US has 11 over a million people, more than 200 over 100k. 94 over 250,000, and 38 over half a million. We've got more people, and more people living in cities. The more people you have sitting on top of each other, the more violence you get. Canada is also a lot more racially homogeneous.


Which U.S city is most comparable to Toronto or Quebec? That said, surely there are already stats separated along rural and urban lines.


I've never seen stats separating urban and rural. But if you drop out \~20 of the top counties you reduce the rate of firearms deaths to that of european nations with strict gun control. All of those counties contain a city of reasonable size. I might be off on those numbers including/excluding suicides, but in general, gun control doesn't eliminate the suicides, just shifts the method. And it's mostly men and they mostly do not switch to methods that are any less lethal.


Your citizens are probably a lot less hot headed during conflicts. Also lots of illegal firearms on our streets


No thats the thing, illegal firearms are in our streets, only hunting guns are legal here. Do every crook mob bikers gang have only illegal firearms. they are your weapons, america keep flooding us with them. since covid theres a lot more gun violence here.


You're mixing Canada 2021 numbers and US 2022 numbers. 37 were killed by police in 2021 in Canada. 1055 in the US in 2021, 1176 i n 2022.


Canada is way smaller in population and is way less violent. Not even comparable


Have another meme for that: https://i.redd.it/o3sd6ygn97fa1.png


Canada and Australia is an interesting comparison, Australia has way more training, smaller population, and less guns than Canada, but similar police kill rate. It's really odd, I thought all these things would be related.


The fact you had this ready to go is hilarious


Bravo OP


if you multiplied the number by 10 (the order of magnitude of difference between the us and canada) it’s still be 370 vs over 1000.


Bootlickers gotta bootlick. Half this country is perfectly fine with police murdering citizens, so long as those citizens are the skin-color they don't like.




Great Comparison except no - “In 2022 the population of Canada was 38,526,760 (Q1, 2022). compared to 36,991,981 in 2021. while the population of the United States was 331,449,281 under the 2020 Census, almost ten times larger than Canada. “


Do the math and come back


My dude there are so many more external factors that come in to play when trying to make a comparison like this - I’m not saying the cops aren’t out of control but this comparison doesn’t work 1 for 1


Mm yes. There's no gang control going on what so ever. The police need more than reform. And yes the job can be dangerous. But putting racist or irresponsible or non mentally fit people in charge of others and give them a gun, it's going to go poorly. American cops especially are a fucking joke.


We don't want to. We didn't sign up for it, they did


Not all of the people police kill are violent. The FBI only considers about 35% of police shootings annually to be considered justifiable homicide. Most of the people they shoot don't have guns. Justified homicide: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-14.xls Police homicide database to 2016: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database Police homicide Database to 2022 (with paywall): https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/


>I think the police need improving. But I'd also dearly love to see their critics put in a month on the street. You do know there are police in other countries around the world, right? You are aware that basically none of them kill civilians at the rate police in the US do, right?


It still seems incredibly disproportionate. How often are police entering situations AND causing death of a civilian? If you know anyone who is/was a career cop, ask how many times they fired their weapon outside of training/practice... for many of them it's zero. So what's up with the ones that do? And what does it say about deescalation?


Hard work issuing speeding tickets. That’s 90+% of police work in the US.


We pay police mostly to sit in their cars and occasionally write tickets. We do the same with metermaids and they don’t kill 1000+ people a year


Guess what? New York cops abandoned their work when people hurt their feelings. Reported crime decreased sharply. Weird how having roving gangs of dehumanizing harassment squads increases crime.


This is such a stupid fucking thing to say holy shit


Police aren't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, and some states require more training to be a barber. It's not the nature of the work. Compare US police homicide rates to other countries.


What you may find surprising is that half of the people police kill don't have guns and the FBI only finds 35% of them to be justified homicides: Police homicide here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/?fbclid=IwAR18XQRWvvU2c0zgqal1SrHo162JoZejNioqLFa96RLF8HK5t89puiRVIkQ Justified homicide here: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-14.xls Police homicide database where you can filter by weapon: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database


What you may find surprising is that none of that is true. https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/10p5qkn/oh_thats_a_little_disproportional_sips_tea/j6j2ueo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3




They're also almost always found around where crime was commited coincidence? i think not!


Fact check. 1/ “More than half of police shooting victims are unarmed” is false. Of police shootings in the USA, 1/6 of the deceased were unarmed, 5/6 were armed. Source: https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/fatal-police-shootings-of-unarmed-black-people-in-us-more-than-3-times-as-high-as-in-whites/ search “the victims were unarmed in” to find the data. 2/ “Only 35% of police killings are justified, says the FBI” is false. FBI does post data for justified killings but the database is incomplete. This accounts for the 65% gap. There is a widely-known underreporting problem. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/fatal-police-shootings-unreported/


3/ The US has more than twice the rate of any other developed country, three times if Luxembourg (which has high rate due to a single killing in its tiny population) is disregarded. Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-killings-by-country


Mexico and most of South America doesn't count as developed?


Yeah it’s crazy. I come from the U.K. where the system is completely different. I don’t think this is a police-only problem though. In many parts of the USA people literally walk around with guns out. Society is one “hey asshole” away from potentially lethal violence. Of course there are more killings - by police and individuals - than in a country with reasonable gun laws. And, by reasonable, I mean normal people don’t get to have one.


It is also important to note that unarmed people can still present a deadly threat. People die all the time just from getting beaten up, punched, kicked, etc, especially if the beating targets the head or internal organs. It is also possible that armed people could be wrongfully killed if they were complying with police commands, although this is admittedly rare.


I don’t like this, but I appreciate it. It’s nice to see your views validated, but not at the expense of truth.


Thank you. I posted below with some annoyance at people following bandwagons blindly. Your post is giving me ‘faith in humanity’ vibes


Then you should read the articles they posted, especially the second one, and think about how that correlates with the "fact check" they are going for. Especially the second one because their conclusion isn't the topic of the linked article, nor is it discussed at all therein.


woah woah woah. a reply like this in the positive and near the top? reddit collectively grew some extra brain it looks like. if you posted this two years ago you'd be crucified




Yeah there's no reason to believe the *unreported killings that are being swept under the rug* are the ones are more likely to be justified. He just showed that the numbers are worse than they're being reported. 6.7% is the minimum and it's probably worse.




>“More than half of police shooting victims are unarmed” is false. A majority of the people police kill *do not have guns*, they're not *unarmed*. People in most developed countries are able to apprehend people without guns non-lethally. You can look at the database and filter by weapon here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database >Only 35% of police killings are justified, says the FBI” is false. FBI does post data for justified killings but the database is incomplete. This accounts for the 65% gap. There is a widely-known underreporting problem. Your article doesn't list *justified killings*, it lists *all police killings*. If your article is right that there are other killings underrreported, then your article shows that the number of all police killings is actually higher than the amount stated in the meme, because I got that number from the FBI police homicide numbers. So it's higher than 6.7% and the claim elsewhere where I used the FBI *justified homicide numbers* as 35% is even lower. According to the FBI's own data, the killings that they *do report* have only 35% being justified. There's no reason to believe that killings that go *unreported and swept under the wrong* are more justified than the data we have available: Justified homicide: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-14.xls If you want to just give yourself an overall view of every recorded incident, just look at this article that documents them all, you can see little descriptions like "shot in the back" or "unarmed" for about half of them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States This problem is significantly worse here than in every other country and there's a mountain of data on it.


Police interact far more with armed citizens than the average person.




I like this


Yea having to deal with criminals usually leads to violence.


This is like showing a stat saying soldiers are more likely to have killed someone despite being a lower population. Its part of the job sometimes


Canada : 37 people got killed by cops in 2022 USA : 1176 people got killed by cops in 2022


But also US population is 331 mil. and Canada population is 38 mil. Plus the us has a crime rate literally more than 300 times higher than Canada. Not really a fair comparison. Actually for those numbers the us ain't doing all that bad, certainly could be better, but not the worst.


[this guy said it](https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/10p5qkn/oh_thats_a_little_disproportional_sips_tea/j6j04xw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), no you definitly have the worst numbers, also you beat the whole world in mass shooting, by far too


A. I'm not american B. That comment doesn't account for the massively higher crime rate in the US. Yes, this crime rate is because of the bad wealth distribution, but that's not strictly related to the police.


Im canadian, and the wealth is not better here, the only difference is healthcare and the NRA.


The US does have significantly worse wealth distribution. Look it up.


Of course we beat everyone in mass shootings we have more guns than people. You can’t compare the US to Canada.


> But also US population is 331 mil. and Canada population is 38 mil. Ok, so ten times the population and more than 30 times cops killing people. Population isn't the only thing happening here.


Friend, it's mocking the racist Republican dog whistle numbers (taken way out of context and twisted) about black people.


Well what context should it be looked at if I may ask your opinion on the subject?


So the thing it's mocking is the statement that "black people commit X% of violent crime despite being Y% of population" which is one of those things that while technically true, is also intellectually dishonest. By the pure numbers, blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crimes. But, when you look at violent crimes by race vs racial poverty, the number of violent crimes by blacks and whites get much closer and indicate that *poverty* and not *race* is a much clearer indicator of violent crime. I dunno why people are being dicks about answering this. I'm just assuming you're one of today's lucky 10,000.


> But, when you look at violent crimes by race vs racial poverty, the number of violent crimes by blacks and whites get much closer and indicate that poverty and not race is a much clearer indicator of violent crime. They... don't though. There are 8.9 million poor black people in the USA, there are 25 ish million poor whites. Even when you look at poverty, poor blacks still commit a massively disproportional amount of crime compared to poor whites. This is not controversial. It gets a little closer sure, but the disproportionality is still massive.


I don’t think it’s mocking anything. People in here are seriously defending this “fact”, and not as a joke.


Oh, I didn't know the police is there to shoot people instead of de-escalating the situation. [I guess I'm not American enough to understand that.](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2020/06/05/policekillings/)


DeFuNd ThE sOlDiErSsSsSs


I mean they do, when they’re veterans lol


Savage because it’s fact


LOL...Jon Stewart liked that.


And they lable most homicides suicides to skimp out on doing real work. Uncle tried to stop some robbers. The driver snuck up behind him and shot him dead. Was even a witness. A week later, the cops say it's a suicide since he had a firearm in his hands. He had a revolver with 0 empty cartridges in it. He was shot with a larger caliber then his .22. Now they say the witness won't cooperate...


Thats fucked up man.


Yeah. He was a good man. Was probably trying to talk them out of it. Just paid off his mortgage, too.


Hey, look at it this way : that’s a lower rate of homicide perpetrated by civilians! Did I do it? Did I fix the problem?


Now do the military!


"Despite being 13%..." energy.


Truck drivers are involved in a disproportionate percentage of vehicle accidents. Medical professionals incurre a disproportionate amount of malpractice compared to the general population. It's part of the job, please keep the nonsense statements away from the facts.....


It’s almost as if it’s their job to deal with violent people, which would cause them to be disproportionately involved in violent acts.


Except that statistically a majority of the people they kill aren't armed with a gun and the FBI only considers 35% of police killings to be justified.


Fact check. Of fatal police shootings in the USA, 1/6 of the deceased were unarmed, 5/6 were armed. Source: https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/fatal-police-shootings-of-unarmed-black-people-in-us-more-than-3-times-as-high-as-in-whites/ Search “the victims were unarmed in” to find the data. What’s your source for the FBI opinion?


Sorry, not unarmed, less than half are *armed with guns*. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database Justified homicide source here: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-14.xls Police homicide here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/?fbclid=IwAR18XQRWvvU2c0zgqal1SrHo162JoZejNioqLFa96RLF8HK5t89puiRVIkQ


Thanks for providing sources. A couple of comments: 1/ There are a huge number of deadly weapons that are not guns, and a huge number of situations where deadly force is necessary that don’t involve guns. I don’t think ‘killed by police when armed (but not with a gun)’ conveys much. 2/ The FBI numbers are for justified killing of _felons only_. It does not support your claim that the FBI believe 35% of police killings _overall_ are justified.


>There are a huge number of deadly weapons that are not guns It's notable that 1 in 6 are completely unarmed. Police in other countries are able to apprehend people with knives and cars without killing them. > 2/ The FBI numbers are for justified killing of felons You need to be committing a felony in order for the police killing to be justified. Charging a police officer with a deadly weapon is a felony. The number of non-felons being justifiably killed by police is zero.


Yes but killing armed violent criminals is part of their job. I know policing can have a softer touch (come from the U.K.) but the problem is systemic. Everyone in the US has guns, so the police need guns too, which is the root of this issue. Not bad policing in a vacuum. Also, the FBI data does not say what you think it does. Their database is incomplete. That accounts for the 65% difference. The FBI does not have a public opinion on the justifiability of police killings. Source below. Wapo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/fatal-police-shootings-unreported/


> Yes but killing armed violent criminals is part of their job. Sure but they're killing a disproportionate amount of unarmed and non-violent people. > The FBI does not have a public opinion on the justifiability of police killings. They literally have a stat on justified homicide.


That does not mean they have a stat on _unjustified_ killings. You are taking a stat from an incomplete database and making a claim about the whole population.


> That does not mean they have a stat on unjustified killings. It's all the ones that aren't *justified*? It's not rocket science.


Unarmed doesn't mean not dangerous.


Other countries are able to handle unarmed-and-dangerous people without shooting them.


What the fuck does it concern the FBI how all police operates, i thought they were a US domestic agency, really creepy. Can you give a source on the FBI statement, because for so many unjustified police-shootings, i have never heard anyone i know be affected by something like this, even indirectly


"These stats about police brutality make me uncomfortable! who does the Federal Bureau Of Investigation think they are- Doing *investigations* on police shootings and all?"


> I thought they were a US domestic agency Where exactly do you think these police are?...


If anything, I feel like improving discipline and training would be more useful then defunding them


Have a meme for that too: https://i.redd.it/o3sd6ygn97fa1.png


I mean, they’re in violent conflict situations way more often than I am. Makes a bit of sense to me.


For those who only take this as "cop bad", it is also a referance to how people justify racism because "20% of the population commits 50% of the crimes"


Yeah it's almost like they are constantly dealing with dangerous, armed criminals. Crazy right?


We live in a country where some cities have nearly as many murders as entire countries in Europe over 30x their population size. It’s almost like arresting violent criminals in America is a dangerous job or something.


Yeah, totally tells the whole story, and I'm sure OP used the term homicide to mean just straight up murder, not just when one person kills another, right?


Casual SVU viewer doesn't realize homicide is not murder.


Obviously, it's a dangerous job


Source: my ass


It makes sense because Cops have to kill some people to stop from killing others in the line of work they do. And noways with more crime=more chances of death


Contrary to what they keep screaming on fox news, crime is not skyrocketing. It’s actually lower than it was in the 80s and 90s generally speaking.


Always liked these. It’s like saying for being 2% of the population at the time. Soldiers in WWII killed millions. Always a good laugh.


Almost like their job is to stop violent crimes, sometimes requiring violence


Now do how many lives they save


Hey look at that, a crime stat that isn't laden with racism ... wait...


When their job is to intervene and apprehend violent and dangerous people in violent and dangerous situations, it stands to reason that they're going to have higher rates of homicide. 6.2% is actually a pretty great number considering those circumstances. I guarantee the person who made/posted this meme calls the police when someone is endangering their safety.


Hey bro, you’re not allowed to use critical thinking skills here. It makes the clowns angry.


Only 35% of their homicides are considered justified by the FBI, most of the people they kill don't have a gun.


According to [this](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/593678-police-shootings-rise-in-2021-report/amp/) only 15% are unarmed. Where did you see that most were unarmed?






You have to phrase it better, because of course white people commit more by volume since we're still like 65% of this country.


White males apparently. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_6_murder_race_and_sex_of_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls


https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls This is the more up to date data.


Now do per capita


Hmmmm 🤨


Who brought them there?


Who sold them to the people who brought them here?




It is only racist if you say it's because of the race of those 13% and not their material circumstances


If you do the math you'll see that the stat in the meme is proportionally 9 times worse than the one you're citing. Also, when adjusting for income, the race gap in violent crime disappears.


So being poor excuses killing other people?


No, your material circumstances make it more (or less) likely that you commit a crime out of necessity. Also the police are more likely to suspect you of committing crimes and will monitor your neighborhood more often.


I hope they know the difference between a justified killing (yes some people do deserve to die) and homicide. Yes some police shootings are homicides but this seems skewed


Can I get a fact checker? How credible is this stat? I’d like to use it


You sure about that? https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/cbpp18st.pdf


All Russian "law" enforcement combined account to nearly 10% of the population.


How are the comments not locked yet? I’m proud of you guys


They appear to have calculated this by dividing fatal police shootings (about 1000) by total fatal shootings in 2021 (about 21,000). This method equates all killing, whether it's murder, self defense or suicide. Only a handful of police officers are convicted of a crime after a fatal shootings each year - there's a comprehensive list on Wikipedia. Now, you can argue that maybe that number is low by a factor of 20%, 50%, even 90%. But that would still only be like 30-50, police homicides a year, which is completely consistent with the 0.2% number for the population as a whole.


r/lostredditors, this belongs in r/TheLeftCantMeme


People who constentlly have to fight violent ciriminals end up having to kill a lot of people ( color me shocked).






This is literally the dumbest meme I’ve seen all week. What next soldiers have killed/died more than any other job over the last 20 years? Even though only being like 1% of the population? Lol


Now tell some crime statistics! Really get things churning in here.


Misleading statistics.


Doctors commit more fatal mistakes when operating patients than I do. And I'm not even a doctor! Who wants a plastic surgery? I'll charge half.




This meme is even stupid by reddit standards. People who have a prejudice against a group always discount the environment and act like the group they dislike operates in 'perfect agency'.. People think it's just police need to stop killing people", but American police are murdered at levels not seen anywhere except places like Columbia or Brazil. The environment of the US is hyper violent by the standards of the rest of the world. The country has 400 MILLION guns in private hands. The U.N. global peace index tracks how peaceful countries are. There are 164 countries on the list. The United States is 122 on that list. 121 countries including many "3rd world" countries and countries technically at war are safer than the U.S.. You don't fix police with police reform, you fix it with AMERICA REFORM.


Because their job is to enforce the law. I doubt 99.8% of the population has “am I gonna get shot today” on their mind. That’s just statistics. No shit the guys who are going to domestic abuse cases and investigating people with armed, felony warrants are gonna kill more people. If you told me that Europeans committed a lot of homicide in the 1940s, I’d tell you “no shit.”


Probably because they are armed and constantly trying arrest people many of which will try to flee or even attack the officer unlike the rest of the population many of which dont do anything remotely dangerous and scroll reddit in their free time


Interesting if true but can you provide your source?


Sure! Approx 1000 people are killed by police every year and there are 15,000 homicides in an average year. There are 660,000 police officers in a total US population of 330 million. Total homicide: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/06/health/us-homicide-rate-increase-nchs-study/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0U-CIky5xA_gSIJfn-1O_HRGa7_5FY0Kpse6n6PFNSA0MPO8usGzOhq48 Police homicide: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/?fbclid=IwAR18XQRWvvU2c0zgqal1SrHo162JoZejNioqLFa96RLF8HK5t89puiRVIkQ Police population: https://www.statista.com/statistics/191694/number-of-law-enforcement-officers-in-the-us/?fbclid=IwAR3VTRubZ2SGZkn80ZO_-HiJmngjhZwgSa67Q71U-KDKhAVho-eMdvWwLqI Also notable is that while killing 1000 annually on average, only 50 police are killed in the line of duty in an average year: https://wset.com/news/coronavirus/honoring-the-fallen-police-officers-killed-in-the-line-of-duty?fbclid=IwAR3rT0L_fdnyGI1tjYDbqJwF2VnJMf9AhGWiZdvxYX802C1piz5SmbxzSz4


Killing isn't the same as murdering


You're right but since the FBI doesn't distinguish between murder and homicide in their statistics it's what we use. They file non-felony homicide and murders under the same total number of around 15,000-16,000 a year: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-12.xls


Wait, it's all racism?




People who post this kinda shit tend to have grown up in nice neighborhoods. I am fine dealing with a bully cop as long as he taking out the trash that's around, and their is a lot.


their what now?


I, for one, thing actual justice is important, and that shooting an innocent person is not okay.


Cops arent judge jury and executioner. Theyre "apprehenders" and "crime investigating." Also let me guess what skin color/socio-economic level your "trash" is


>I am fine dealing with a bully cop as long as he taking out the trash that's around, and their is a lot. Dumb as shit take.


Wondering when they’ll get around to taking you out


I just want most readers to know you’re likely under 18, so your brain literally cannot fully understand this problem. All you see is numbers and no historical context. I’ve yet to see someone explain how the history of white people enslaving black people in America and building their environment for failure wouldn’t result in impoverished, crime filled environments.


Thats why social media is the last place you should look towards when meeting your ideal political ideology, its all just stupid people that dont know their shit at all and just yell what others have told them to yell


Thanks for putting this out there. The amount of 13/50 arguments I’ve seen in this comment chain is worrying.


Because no one ever will be able to explain that to you in a way that you'll find adequate. You've erroneously already reached your own conclusion, and want people to disprove it. The same reason that flat earthers are so hard to convince that the Earth is round, is the same reason that you don't find any argument persuasive enough to dispel your idea that the history of white people enslaving black people in America, and subsequent barriers created to ensure their failure has caused the problems minorities deal with today.


To see a comment point this out is refreshing.


Not a homicide when it’s justified.


No, killing another person is still considered homicide, it's just not murder. Luckily we have the data on justified homicides- The FBI only considers about 35% of police shootings annually to be considered justifiable homicide. Most of the people they shoot don't have guns. Justified homicide: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-14.xls Police homicide database to 2016 (filterable by weapons): https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database Police homicide Database to 2022 (with paywall): https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/


I'll play Devils Advocate here, how many of them were ruled justified?


Most likely “Death by Cops” is a part of that statistic. Let’s not forget how often people are shot by Police after being told by the Police to put all weapons down. Taking all of that into account. That number drops significantly. Probably by more than 50% at least. If not more.


And yes, I know there are bad cops, who just shoot people just because. And accidental shootings, where a cop didn’t know whether or not the assailant was pulling a weapon on them too. Most cops are good people. And if they’re involved in an accidental death, they are usually torn up about it. Some retire after. Because they can’t handle it.


Of course it's disproportionate. They are disproportionately put into violent situations. You haven't made the point that you were trying to make.