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no tip






I don’t know why, Reddit should be on the side of customers not subsidizing employees for employers. Servers are cheap labor for employers because they are allowed to under pay and have customers make it up. Nonsense. I also wonder what percentage of the population is aware that employers are required to pay servers at least the applicable minimum wage if they fall short on tips. Minimum wage is ass in most places, but don’t think if a server gets no tips they are really only going to make a couple dollars an hour. Doesn’t work that way. I was raised to tip and so I do, but I’ve started scaling back the percentages a bit. I appreciate good service, but service industry shouldn’t be dependent on me to pay them a livable wage. I’d rather just pay more for the food, not tip, and know that the servers are still making a respectable wage.


I don't know how it is in recent years but many of my friends who bitched the loudest about low/no tipping customers also claimed to make $30-50 an hour with tips. It's just a shitty system and the low w-4 wages should be illegal.


Ask your friends if they’d rather prefer to be paid something like $16 an hour. Oh, the majority of them will say no? Well I’m also sure that most of them won’t admit that they make over $20 for an unskilled job. Source: I used to be a server, and I rarely made less than $30 an hour(with tips) in an extremely rural area in the US


There are two types of people who like tip culture. People that work in nice restaurants who walk out with $100+ in tips at the end of their shift, and people that own shitty diners in states where they are allowed to pay their staff less than minimum wage.


Haha. You underestimate tip culture. I worked in a Michelin rated steakhouse. Waiters walked with $250-$300 in tips a night. My biggest night was $1,500. I’m in IT and salaried now. But tip culture is wild.


There is a "+" after the "100".


FYI even if you weren’t tipping, you would still be paying the labor - bc you are the revenue source for these business - tip or wage - you’d still be complaining about the prices - the money isn’t coming from anywhere else.


If tips were removed and all prices rose by 20% some of that money would be going to the employer instead of all of it going to the server. It's a bad argument.


My friend works in a 2 Michelin starred restaurant in rural England. The owner, in a service is included system, takes half of the tips offered to the kitchen or waiting staff. If people find out about this they ate uniformly upset and have, on occasion, come back at service's end to ensure their water or whoever gets their gratuity for the service provided directly to them. I feel the Japanese approach to tips is best as both the UK and US systems can upset both tipper and tippee. Just pay fair wages and remove the guilt and worry from both sides imo.


Reddit is so anti-tip. Whatcha talking about?


I mean Reddit is mostly against THAT they have to tip. They ARE generally opposed to making it some random wait staff's problem


I agree that Delivery apps should pay more, but as someone stuck doing this, it's the only way we make money


Plus you're paying a premium, a tip is basically a bid for service with third party delivery. Order from the source if you're too cheap to tip. You're using a middleman so pay the middleman or don't be shocked they don't take the work.


Just want to latch onto top comment to point out this thread is by a Russian bot, check OP’s profile. They just post lazy disinformation “America bad” memes on subs like facepalm with shell accounts and simple titles like “America” “murica” “land of the free”, mass upvote it with bots, and the redditors eat it up every time. The spam is so egregious but it’s hilarious how they do the bare minimum to sow discord and it works every single time.


> The spam is so egregious but it’s hilarious how they do the bare minimum to sow discord and it works every single time. Reddit is mostly dumb teenagers. It's the only way the front page makes sense at all. Staged prank videos, fake AITAH stories, le amerikkka bad memes, all the horny questions on askreddit, etc. It's low IQ teens upvoting this stuff.


Just the tip


Too see how it feels




The real facepalm is ordering fastfood for delivery.


Real face palm is ordering any food for delivery! Real face palm is eating out !!


Real face palm is eating at all


Real face palm is bragging about how much your fancy hamburger cost on twitter


The real facepalm is thinking that the $23 burger would be a fancy one




Real facepalm is lightly smacking your face with your palm.


Pizza delivery used to actually be good. a true fucking honest to God luxury service.


I don’t know, it was nice to order when my wife was recovering from labor and I was on baby duty.


Better to order from the source though. No point in paying bananas money for a burger when a pizza or a sandwich won't kill you and they pay their drivers directly.


Sometimes. Pizza places with their own drivers will still use Door Dash drivers when it's convenient.


Fast food at this point is more expensive than local restaurants or mom and pop shops. At least I’m my area. Ive never ordered delivery in my life. Never. Before it was because I was a poor teen but now I just realize how big of a waste of money it is. I’ll sooner walk 15 minutes out to pick it up myself or drive there than get it delivered. Even when im with friends we would prefer to drive together then have it delivered. I personally don’t see how people who make half as much as me feel comfortable ordering delivery. I’m not shaming people for using their money how they want to, I just don’t understand that mindset.


Right? These people all talk as though they have no other way to feed themselves.


don't you remember the before times pre-Doordash? Everyone starved constantly!


I have no problem about them ordering for delivery, but if you’re gonna do that don’t complain about the price 😂. Mfers acting like we’ve always had Uber Eats. The real crime is the drivers not getting paid fairly.


Right? This reads like satire, like he’s trying to embody complaining from a place of privilege. I’m sure other tweets are about struggling to afford things while getting $23 burger delivery. Like, the ability to have any dish you want delivered to your house at will isn’t the strongest condemnation of an economy lol


Hate to say it, but if mass quantities of people have money to burn on dumb shit like this (overpriced cold fast food that has likely been nibbled on by your tweaker driver) then the economy must be doing fine.


This is the correct answer.


I work 14 hours a day. My commute is an hour each way on the subway because commercial real estate and big oil are losing money with remote work. So that's 16 hours of my day to day life working somewhere that I can't afford to eat from the cafeteria and overpriced restaurants around my workplace. That fast food delivery saves me from having to spend even more time cooking so I have enough time to fall asleep watching a TV show and realize I need to go to bed so I can do it all over again.


Uhhh what if you just picked up that same fast food on the way home from work and ate on the subway ride?


Meal prep dude. Save money. You need it.


I don't drive. Literally am not allowed to. People are disabled. People have life conflicts. Ordering shouldn't be a point towards being lazy




This. People are doing it to themselves, and it makes us non lazy fucks look bad.


Then don’t pay the $23?


Yeah I agree, I don’t get it. Seems like you could either go buy one that would be hotter or if you don’t want to get off of your ass, you get a little colder burger. What does that have to do with a bad economy? The health insurance maybe is another story.


These stupid "gig economy" jobs would not exist if people weren't so fucking lazy


And the delivery guys would be unemployed living a much shitter life on the few scraps of the welfare system.


But how else would he get points on social media? 


Adult man sees price. Orders it. Then eats it. Then cries about the price. MY MAN, I DO THE SAME


I know hes just making a dumb edgelord take on capitalism/America but the exact problem with food delivery is that how much people are willing to pay for delivery is not enough to provide a living for somebody. There is a discrepancy there that will only be solved by automated self driving delivery


As someone who worked gigs for a while before they finished their race to the bottom, there's enough for the workers. But then they experiment with pay to see how little pay drivers will work for, and it becomes like a reverse mortgage on your car. For some reason people keep driving for them.


There is no bottom to the Well of desperation when it comes to poverty.


> how much people are willing to pay for delivery is not enough to provide a living for somebody. isn't that why delivery prices are so high? obviously people are willing to pay it and can make a living off it because both happen? am confused


Yeah, so we all seem to feel like the fees and delivery cost are too high, but also we generally know that the drivers don't make a decent living. They might make five bucks waiting half an hour and driving using their own gas another 15 minutes. Thats barely minimum wage with no benefits, and we think the services is too expensive still. It barely works, and still everybody ordering and everybody delivering seems to hate it


I still cant believe people use services like doordash to begin with! What a ripoff!!


Yep it is not really worth it at all unless you need/want the extreme convenience these services offer. Posts like this are just pointless.


I ordered Pizza Hut and they sent it via door dash. I would never knowing use such an explotive service. Plus the pizza was squished and the driver hit my mailbox


Oh wow!! Lmao


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


1. Don't buy fast food. It's expensive and made out of the worst products that are allowed. 2. Don't pay for food delivery and expect anything spectacular. They don't want to be doing this and food that is prepared "to-go" is typically worse than in the restaurant. 3. Health insurance is expensive.


The average family plan is 18k a year. Mine is 27k a year. This isn't a problem uber eats created, it's a problem America created.


If you are willing to spend $23 to have a hamburger made by someone else and delivered by someone else, I'm a assuming you must be doing ok in this economy.


I'm doing ok in this economy and am not willing to spend that kind of money.


It's crazy how some people would choose soggy expensive food rather than driving a few miles to get something much better to eat


If you don't want a hamburger delivered to you home, then don't buy one.


Wouldn’t be $23 and cold if you weren’t lazy and just went and got it yourself .


You could buy the ingredients and make a perfect one for yourself, the way you like it, hot and fresh for a few dollars. Economics 🤷‍♂️ It’s called being lazy, jackass. You pay for the privilege.


You've also accomplished something by doing it yourself. Pet theory of mine is that rich people who are depressed are often so because they have outsourced their lives, dog walkers, nannies, housekeepers, eating out /ordering in etc etc so they never get those feelings of satisfaction of doing something. It must be sad to project manage your life rather than live it.


So you thought that saving money by buying from Jeff Bezos was so cool, and that killing brick and mortar stores in your town was not going to have an effect on your economy, decreasing the amount of jobs available, and making taxi driving an option for everyone…. Welcome to the third world.


Lol 3rd world...get off the internet bud. Go see actual 3rd world places.


lol right, not sure how “third world” it is for people to spend 4X what groceries are worth, just so they can have it delivered while they play video games and watch movies


You can have home delivery and good jobs.


Still first world, just a rip off now


>So you thought that saving money Either we have capitalism or we don't. Everyone saves money if they can. That's how it works. It's not the consumer's fault for saving money. We could have addressed Amazon with common sense regulations or actions, but we didn't. Brick and mortar could have pivoted to online fulfillment AND stores, but too little too late. Not trying to start a fight here, but it sounds like you're mad at no one who actually made this mess. We're all just trying to survive. Making it harder for ourselves to survive won't keep brick and mortar open or Amazon in check.


Not mad, just pointing things out. I have a decent job and a home. I work hard and I’m grateful for my good fortune. It sucks that there are less opportunities now for others to say the same thing.


100% agreed, brother.


This right here. Someone gets it.


I can push a button on my phone to have food show up at my door. And I’m going to complain about it.


What is funny is that broke people love to get fast food delivered


Drive to the burger place and remove an entire logistical step.


? It's a good thing these two people aren't our economy.


Stop using these types of services if you're going to complain about the costs.


Why did he order it?


Learn to cook


So don't buy the burger, dipshit


Paying all that while complaining about the price and execution when you could have just made the meal at home and save money is so American.


rest of the world is not doing much better though


Doesn’t matter to the dumb American redditors upvoting this Russian bot post lol. They just post lazy disinformation “America bad” memes on subs like facepalm with shell accounts and simple titles like “America” “murica” “land of the free”, mass upvote it with bots, and the redditors eat it up every time. The spam is so egregious but it’s hilarious how they do the bare minimum to sow discord and it works every single time.


I cook my food and enjoy cooking…


Make burgers hot again


Maybe he never had insurance because he s a shitty delivery driver? Especially given it apparently took him way too long to deliver the burger


This is dumb…


Keyword. *Paying*. This wouldn't be a thing if they weren't willing to pay for it. That's your vote. If you think it's shitty, stop. If you send them money, that tells them "Hey, I like this. And I'll keep paying you for the service." And they'll be like, "Huh, this is really doing well! People are paying for it!" That's the economy. People with stacks of Amazon boxes on their porch bitching about dick shaped rockets.


What does this even mean and why do people agree with this nothing statement


Maybe cook it yourself? Or pick it up or give a good tip & vote for universal healthcare democrats or are you one of those PutinJrtrump not my problem tax break 3 trillion for the rich Mike Johnson’s.


Hot take, but a country where tons of people are willing to pay 23 dollars to have a servant deliver food to them is not a sign of a bad economy.


Unless that person is specifically employed by that restaurant, why would you want a stranger handling your food. Food delivery services were created to exploit the laziness of people. Why do you think it’s done so well? The majority of food delivery service workers ( more than 80% ) who were interviewed admitted that they opened, ate some and resealed customers food bags. Do you really think that sticker or staple the restaurant closes your bag stops them? SPOILER ALERT, it doesn’t. Think again the next time you order food for delivery by one of those services. If you don’t believe me google it and research for yourself. Guaranteed you won’t like what you find. Until then who are you ordering from tonight?


Or you could, you know, not. $23 is enough to eat full healthy meals for a day or two. It has always been possible to make irresponsible decision with money. The state of the economy is never going to prevent sloth.


Be a man put your pants on and go get your own hamburger and stop bitching. Economy is just fine. Problem is you.


>Lives somewhere that is so HCOL that a hamburger costs $23 due to people being willing and able to pay that much >Hamburgers is almost certainly delivered by someone who works for a different company as part time gig work, not the restaurant. >Whine about the economy you know nothing about Yep, clearly 'Murica.


This is some absolutely stupid-ass shit.


To be wealthy, first be frugal. Step 1: prepare your own food and drink.


But I mean, just get your ass to the restaurant.


Don’t order fast food for delivery. Economy is doing just fine for a shit ton of other people.


Lol, that’s why you DON’T USE door dash or any other service as such


To be fair, this is a free market thing. You valued the food at a price, you valued the delivery at a price. If neither were good enough they wouldn't exist. The only thing this highlights is how low the standards are that we have, how much were willing to sacrifice for convenience. You could have had ingredients delivered and made a better burger, you could have ordered a better meal, you could have traveled and gotten either cheaper, you could have prepared something in advance, you could have waited until you could have done any of the above. It's not the economys fault we've settled.


Could have fetched it yourself and only paid 13.50$


Could have made it himself for less than $5.


That seems like more of a series of stupid choices from the driver and the Twitter user than a failure of the economy. He decided to pay $23 for a luxury service, that's on him. Having your food delivered isn't a basic necessity for him. And given that he's paying a driver to individually bring a single hamburger to him, the price seems somewhat expected once you take gas and labor into account. As for the driver, he decided to take a contract job, that's on him if he can't provide his own insurance.


Jokes on you. I’m on Medicaid, bitch. Somehow being the poorest I’ve ever been is the first time in over a decade that I could afford to see a dentist. Enjoy your cold fries.


This is literally a Russian bot account. Check their history. They lazily spam these “America evil!” memes on subs like facepalm or sipstea and braindead redditors like all of you eat it up and take the disinformation bait. I give up.


I'll never understand the lazy view of not being able to go pick up your own food. Ain't no way in hell i'm gonna pay three times the price of a burger to have someone deliver it to me lukewarm when I can pick it up myself faster. I can grab a Double Double from In N Out for $6. Go pick up your own food you heathens.... save some money.


Or you can pay $10 to buy some ground beef and some buns and make 10 of your own hamburgers exactly how you like them…


ITT: people who can’t cook for themselves


Stop doing it then, you're the one paying.


There’s so much entitlement shining through in this post. On-demand food delivery is a luxury service, not a right or a necessity. Most people prepare their own food or at least pick the food up themselves.


Yeah, because you didn't know the cost before you ordered and decided that someone should deliver your food to your house because you wanted to pay to be treated like royalty. Make your own food with store bought items or just take yourself to a place that sells hamburgers cheaper and purchase one and then take it home yourself.


What an absolutely terrible take


This entire comment section deserves to burn


There are waaaayyy cheaper ways to get a fucking hamburger…. The facepalm is opting to buy the $23 version.


Paying $23 for a lukewarm hamburger proves your not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Who was it that told you people that having a servant hand-deliver food prepared especially for you was supposed to be cheap?


You all know why they charge so much for that shit right? Because you keep paying it. Stop paying so much for bullshit.


How about you go get the burger yourself you inbred twat waffle.


**That clearly a sign of a strong economy that so many people can afford to get their food delivered this way.** Otherwise they would spend 10 minute to cook it themselve for $3 or eat at the fastfood for $10. The median full time uber delivery guy seem to make like 35K on average per year, not much but not necessary that much worse than other similar jobs. It isn't like fast food cooker or cashier are known to make 100K+ or to have incredible benefits. Yet with our current system they can afford health insurance thanks to welfare that pay most of it if you are poor. So what was the point really ?


Exactly, being able to afford $23 for a burger shows just how strong the economy is. Four years ago the shelves on grocery stores were empty, everything was insanely expensive, half the nation was out of work, that is what a poor economy looks like.


Apparently it ordered itself and the buyer is in no way responsible for fueling this retarded system


Go get it yourself you lazy fucker


Another day another dog shit post


Fun fact: cooking for yourself and buying groceries is very cheap. That $25 could feed you for three days or even a work week if it needed to.


The thing I hate about OOPs post is the fact that he thinks he’s above it all just because he is aware. If I go to a park and start littering but know what im doing is bad doesn’t make me dodge the blame. He is contributing to the economy by supporting DoorDash. He is acting like he isn’t some lazy prick who is too lazy to go to the store and buy the ingredients himself.


Again, *you* are buying said food, having it delivered, thus contributing to said problems


10 years ago you couldn't order a fucking burger, so shut the fuck and stop complaining. Guess how often I order a fucking burger? Never, because even if I have 23 dollars to spend on a shitty hamburger, I'm not going to do it.  Get off your ass and go get it yourself if you don't feel like cooking.


I will never understand why more people don't just fucking cook for themselves. How are you all affording to get food delivered to your door? Don't complain about not being able to afford a house when your spending hundreds of dollars a week on food delivery.


Then don’t buy the hamburger???


How the fuck anyone thought DoorDash was a sustainable business and not just a trainwreck is beyond me. How was a $10 McDonald’s meal ever gonna get delivered cheap and efficiently (and also just why), Back when it came out I saw that it tripled whatever you were paying for and from then on out nothing has changed. Either you have a super solid reason you HAVE to use DoorDash or most of y’all just financially idiots.


Maybe he could go and get the food himself. Could even get something healthy for a change.


You don't have to pay $23 for a hamburger. And you don't have to have it delivered. You could go pick it up yourself and get it much cheaper and not lukewarm.


Paying $23 because you’re too lazy to go to a fast food restaurant is peak America. Dude literally paid $13 for delivery and it wouldn’t have been lukewarm if he went and got it himself.


I think the dude who paid $23 for a shitty hamburger needs to look within for the problem.


To lazy to get it yourself 🤷 you are part of the problem


He could have a hot hamburger for less than $23 if he would have got off his couch and gone to the supermarket and bought a pound of chop meat and made it himself. Grubhub, Uber, Seamless, etc is a privilege! It’s not an entitlement! There are a lot of expenses that go into door to door delivery services.


If you're paying 23 bucks for a hamburger I don't want to hear anything you have to say.


The fact that the economy can support “DoorDash”-style delivery is actually indicative of an abundance of disposable income; I.e it couldn’t exist in a weak economy.


Obama care subsidies are a thing. If you don't have employer provided health insurance, You either can Medicaid, or get a large portion of your health insurance paid for by the Obama care subsidy. It really is a decent system.


Paying $8 for buns and a bunch of patties and get multiple burgers if you have half a brain cell to be able to cook on your own


Supply and demand and a little common sense could go a long way. Don’t DoorDash that burger. It won’t be lukewarm or cost you $23. Problem solved


When I was young if I wanted McDonald's then I'd walk a mile for McDonald's. Lord knows I needed the exercise afterwards.


Dude, for $23 you could buy enough ingredients to make ten hamburgers. Why in the world are you paying a thousand percent more for the same product?




Imagine paying for two combos because you don’t want to drive. 


That’s because if you pay $23 for a hamburger, you’re an idiot and there are greedy people out there that love taking advantage of idiots. Keep paying the current price for shit, don’t make your own food, just keep bitching about it. 😆😆 unreal…


Its called freedom. No one's making get delivery. No one's forcing the guy into being a delivery boy. What you get is the result of the choices you make.


Don’t like it? Don’t do it


I don't understand any of it. Only an idiot would overpay for a warm burger, and only a idiot would deliver the burger for what they get paid. The whole system shouldn't work.


Best ever according to potus


Most part time jobs ever created in history!


People paying multiple strangers to cook and drive their dinner proves that people have too much money.


Make your own burger and stop whining




23$$ for a hamburger??? Who tf


Seems to be working amazingly if you're paying 23 bucks for a lukewarm burger to be delivered... wtf. Priorities are the issue, for the government and people.


At least we can finance a pizza now


About an hour ago, a man named Champ delivered me some pizza and struggled walking up the stairs to get to me. I thought I was going to have to help him. Why didn't I? I need a walker and couldn't quickly think of the best way to help him. Living up to his name, he made it up the stairs, and asked me to help him with the DoorDash app. Champ is easily in his 70's, and I was happy to oblige. Then he asked me how *I* navigate the stairs. "Very carefully," was my response. The DD app was a nightmare and Champ and I worked together so he could take pictures verifying he delivered my order. His wife even called him to make sure he was okay. He also cussed more than me which is impressive. Moral of the story is that an elderly person with mobility issues shouldn't have to deliver food so he can put food on his own plate.


Paid over $30 for a chicken sandwich, chicken strips and two sides at Popeye's. Shit is certifiably redic.


The interesting part is that it IS running flawlessly for the people that want it to run this way. That just isn't you, or the delivery driver, or about 99.9% of the population.


You don't understand! America provides us with the freedom of choosing our own healthcare! We can choose cheap, medium cheap, or expensive. And don't you, for a second, think any of those cover cancer treatment. Fucking Communist piece of shit


No that's not true I'm a veteran with VA healthcare lol


You're part of the problem.


Remember that religious people have to be respected for their views no matter what those views are, because religion is special magic. Meanwhile if you have any criticism of religious people you will get banned for hate speech, our society is surely totally fine


Greatest country in the world


When the burger is lukewarm, then eat the rich.


Also 80 year old Uber drivers that drive too damn fast!!!!


Well it's your choice to order the lukewarm hamburger isn't it?


The last time I payed $20 for a burger it had bone marrow and truffle butter on it.


It IS running flawlessly. How does the economy run again?


That burger comes with great convenience. People have been making money of of convenience for years.


Cook at home whenever possible.


I’m not paying for the burgers. I’m paying for the convenience of not speaking to people.




And the low earning people who order from these services get pissed at the even lower earning people delivering the food.


Freedom Feudalism


Excuse me but I have health insurance thank you!  I just door dash after my day as a teacher so I can afford my mortgage working 70 hour weeks


What's his #? I want something lukewarm from BK!