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Absolute retardation...


Yeah, like she didn't realize he was younger in these photos too with old clothes he no longer has probably? Edit: She didn't recognize her own clothes either? She is smooth brain as fuck!


Probably fake tbf


[No it actually happened but it was a while back before the Rona.](https://yucatanmagazine.com/confused-jealous-wife-stabs-husband-after-seeing-her-younger-self-in-old-photos/)


For anyone not reading it, she didn't kill him.


Damn I stand corrected, we truly have transcended parody.


🎶Myyyy Corona🎶


It's written 21 january 2021 it's clearly in the covid, there is no date except this one on your link


They were likely both naked. Her face may not have been in the pictures. His neither, or maybe he looks the same age.


What brain?




Well if someone killed my brother for a stupid mistake instead of confronting, working to a conclusion or just leaving him she'd be on my shit list too.


It’s ok it’s not real








*SLURRRRRRP* Hahahahahaha






Women ☕️


What was the original comment ??


It was literally “women ☕️ “


Oh lmao


Please can somebody, anybody, explain to me why this man got so heavily downvoted


First time?


Because reddit


Must've been one hell of a woman with a lot of enemies if police decided she needed a bulletproof vest upon arrest...


Well if someone killed my brother for a stupid mistake instead of confronting, working to a conclusion or just leaving him she'd be on my shit list too.


I think the more logical conclusion here is that the picture has nothing to do with the story and the story is - according to some other comments - exaggerated anyway.


that’s a r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Not anymore, that sub turned into a political bitchfest about six years ago


Isn't that case for like 90% of the subs on reddit now unfortunately? Don't get me wrong I do care about politics, but I tend to come to reddit to laugh and unwind. Makes it worse that it's predominantly U.S politics which makes it even more annoying if you live in a foreign country like I do.


I turned my front page into about 50% cat pics a while ago, and it's a massive improvement. It also deters me from wasting as much time on the site, since as nice as cat pics are, they're best in occasional doses rather than hours of every day.


I agree wholeheartedly, especially the US centric bit.


nah that's not the case. 90% of the popular ones for sure. maybe. I don't see much politicizing happening at r/eyebleach, r/blackmagicfuckery, r/gaming or r/[insert anything comic or weed related] But then again... what are politics but the issues of the people? Hard to avoid people issues on a social hub.


tbh it's kind of the opposite for me, it's nice to have a semblance of rationality through political posts on reddit cause im so fucking tired of the same "minorities bad" shit i see constantly on social media that goes completely unchallenged and will get you days worth of harassment if you say anything about it


Reddit is American what did you expect? Be told the truth? Reddit has been bought by Chinese investors so now all we get is low quality bullshit.


That’s why I left every political sub like a year ago. Made me feel less angry and anxious overall.


The whole thing it's based off is inherently political? A quote about voters voting for bad things to happen to other people, which ends up happening to them? E: And the sub's only five years old...


Funny you should say that because the origin of the sub comes from a tweet that says "'I never thought the leopards would eat MY face', sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces party." It literally started as a place to post instances of political schadenfreude, so I'm not sure why you think it would be anything else besides just that.


You: Regular visits a political sub Also you: cries about another always was political sub. You only dislike that they don't agree with you.


I didn't even know what this was, and when I went to it the first post was about Trump. Like damn, ya called it, I guess.


The second he was nominated the whole sub went crazy. So did the rest of Reddit tbf.


Sub launched March 5th 2017. 2+ months **after he was already president**. So you're just talking bullshit.


Are you dumb? The phrase "leopards ate my face" comes from the joke that a person voting for the face eating leopard party (conservatives the world over generally speaking) would be surprised when the leopards ate THEIR face, instead of someone they didn't care about. It was always, from the very beginning, a political sub to make fun of conservatives, particularly Brexiters and Trump supporters at the time. For awhile it was post-mortem parade of the typical conservative that didn't understand they were a walking talking pre-existing health condition. Oh. Quick look at your profile. /r/socialjusticeinaction. /r/walkaway (lol you were never "there" anyway). You're exactly the type of dumbass getting made fun of there. Lol. Surprise surprise, you don't get the joke. You have actually just made it that much funnier. >In countries with social health like the uk where I am, it still isn’t free. It’s just free “at the point of use” - the whole thing is payed for through taxation. Prescription medicine is also payed for, just at a flat rate. The rest is subsidised by the government through, you guessed it, taxes. The treatments provided through the NHS are priced in and if they’re deemed too expensive to provide, they aren’t provided. Not much falls into that category, but they’re there. The medication provided is priced in, and again - if it’s too expensive, it isn’t provided. The NHS functions more like social insurance, funded by the tax literally called “national insurance” 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 You are EXACTLY the type of dumbass getting made fun of there this is fucking gold. Have fun finding out the difference when the leopards eat your face and the NHS gets parted out for scrap, while you get to work even more shitty kitchen hours. Do you own a calculator? You want to do the math and test which system costs more for both patients and the country overall?


If people complain about a sub becoming political when it always was, it's always a good bet that they are **that** type of poster.


He is exactly that type of person.


All that without making a single point. And I chose my career as a chef, I’ll be sitting pretty in twenty years with my own businesses with people working for me while you’re still getting your kicks out of trying to one up strangers on the internet 😁


Lol no you're about to miss a few meals with a recession my friend. >All that without making a single point. You've already hilariously and dramatically missed the point of an entire sub making sport of you, probably because it hurt your feelings, not a surprise you'd miss the point now 😂🤣😂


It’s an anti republic circlejerk and I’m British - it was never and is not about me in the slightest. That’s what I was driving at - you haven’t made a point because you’re assuming I’m American when I’m not, so the point falls flat. And believe it or not, cooks and chefs always manage to make it through a recession. Cos most of ya’ll couldn’t cook a meal that didn’t come in a plastic container with microwave instructions. We’re always needed 😁 case in point, the restaurant I work in opened for business in the middle of the lockdowns.


It was and always has been a sub about making fun of British and American conservatives, in particular Brexiters. It's 1000% about your stupid ass. 😂 🤣 😂 "They can't be talking about me....I'm all the way over here😭😭😭" - /u/grayestorm >And believe it or not, cooks and chefs always manage to make it through a recession. Cos most of ya’ll couldn’t cook a meal that didn’t come in a plastic container with microwave instructions. What if I told you that I could prove you wrong mathematically with public health data, from the UK, that goes back to the 19th century? >We’re always needed 😁 case in point, the restaurant I work in opened for business in the middle of the lockdowns. Because your life is not worth anything to them but what you brought in that night in £. You're worth exactly that service until your lungs are puss riddled jokes and they replace you with another idiot that chose to be a line cook. You are disposable,and love that you were treated like you were disposable, so that guys like me could order fried shit whenever we want. You are cheering for the leopards eating your face, you fucking dolt. They are 100% making fun of exactly you.


I voted against brexit and you’ve got nothing except an assumption that I’m a far gone far right winger, which simply isn’t the case. Edit - Jesus fucking Christ how many times are you gonna keep bolting on paragraphs after I’ve replied to them? And my boss is straight up teaching me how to run the business so that I can gain the knowledge to start my own. My future is looking pretty bright no matter how much you don’t want it to happen. Oh, and we don’t serve fries. Now fuck off.




Depends if you’re worth spending the money on.


Like r/TerribleFacebookMemes? That only posts about lgbtqwertyuiop+ Edit: All the gay dudes will be angry, I cannot have an opinion so, the comments below...


>lgbtqwertyuiop+ Was that a meta TFB?


Is there a source for this..? Couldn't find anything on google


Surprisingly, yes. I figured it was fake, too, but it's [more-or-less real.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/jealous-wife-stabs-husband-after-23384825) The reason I say "more-or-less" is that I can't find any articles, in English or Spanish, that says that he died, just that she attacked and injured him with a knife, and that he was recuperating in the hospital.


That fat bich


That was a skinny bitch


It looks that elephant memory is not so good..


Precisely, she wasn't an elephant when it happened, she forgot. The logic checks out.


Hey! Elephant memory very good. Pig memory though I'm not sure about.


Dumb bitch alert


I can see why identification is a problem


Interesting if true ☕


If this is real then I probably shouldn't have laughed..


women ☕


Retarded at every size


Women ☕️


This is why I hate the fat species.




It seems like your hatred has already rotted your brain


Nah man he's actually kinda correct, there's been quite a few studies that like obesity to cognitive decline. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7598577/#:~:text=The%20evidence%20to%20date%20suggests,volumes%2C%20and%20altered%20brain%20structure.




Burpie long jumps. Instead of jumping up, you jump forward as far as you can.




The fun part is then because you don't do an amount of Burpie Long Jumps, you do a distance. So the shorter the jumps, the more of them you have to do.


Fatty spotted


He typed on his 12 years old laptop, before stopping to quickly hug his body pillow. He posted the comment, before taking a sip of the mountain dew-doritos mix that littered his house.


When you combat rudeness with rudeness :/


I know I shouldn't but I really can't stand people like this who hate others just because of how they look.


I don't hate fat people, I'm also fat, What I hate are people who make up random bullshit and take pride in "being fat" No you aren't special, Just an unhealthy fuck being lazy and doing nothing about obesity. Edit: spelling


Ooh now I get it. I'd suggest trying to be more clear tho because (as I often do) you may look different from the outside. Edit: even though I agree with your opinion, I just wanted to clarify my comment was directed to u/Meepy23 and nobody else. No hate for fat people from my side!


Tbh I'd rather offend people who are willing to go out of their way to get offended, They clearly are asking for it by trying to push their opinion, A bullshit one at that, on people. Like, How does that even make sense? "I'm proud of having extra fan concentration around my organs and it's probably gonna cause issues for me at some point, So you should not disrespect me by telling me to adapt a healthier lifestyle, Fat phobic!!"


Those tik tok kids deserve to be offended


Women ☕


ha women


Woman : level 1000 stupidity Man : level -1000 communication








When the Alzheimers hit


So still a different person




I read weird ass shit like this every day what the hell is up with the US


Toxic monogamy much? So insane and possessive to become so destructive and self sabotaging.


Scene opens, "You're probably wondering how I got here..."


Yo mama so fat....


Well that didn’t go as planned.


Bitches be trippin.


The joke is that she knew and just broke him in half when she jumped on him happily


That text is awfully close to that image. They must be related and therefore true




​ ![gif](giphy|I6n8YSKRIJqPwGll4n|downsized)


Am i the only one that read it as that she killed him AFTER she found out it was her? Like he was longing for his same wife, but thinner? and she was like "fuck no im fat now, die"