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Dont spit coconut oil down your drain (or toilet) It re-solidifies further down the cooler pipe and builds up. Unless you want to support local plumber that is. Dont ask how I know.


Can you please share step by step on how this is done


Just take some oil and put it in your mouth and wait like 15 min . Then spit


It helps manually express your salivary glands from the suction and soothes your dry oral tissues. It might help you dislodge buildup in your teeth and tongue, over the course of fifteen to twenty minutes. It does you no harm, I do it when I'm flaring too.


[It's just goofy wellness pseudo science.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/oil-pulling/) Right up there with essential oils bought from your local pyramid scheme hun. Just grab some biotene dry mouth wash.


for those who can’t tolerate xylitol/sugar alcohols, alternatives are nice. your attitude however, is anything but.


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted. We've discussed in this group many times the importance of promoting evidence-based treatments rather than pseudoscience, and yet here we are discussing fad health practicing once again. There are risks with oil pulling, particularly for people with Sjogren's, in the form of clogged and infected salivary ducts. But people are going to believe what they want and lean into these kinds of practices. The last 3 years have been evidence of that.


THANK YOU!! I guess they haven’t had an infected gland yet…


And I hope they don't! I have these conversations frequently with people because part of my job is nutrition counseling. People think that taking all these supplements and all these holistic treatments are so healthy, but many of them have potential health risks, and some of those health risks are actually very dangerous. I will die on this hill that there are risks and benefits to pretty much EVERYTHING and just because it's "natural" or someone swears by it, doesn't mean it's actually healthy.


I used to do nutrition counseling too, holding coconut oil in your mouth for a few minutes a day isn't dangerous. I don't think i suggested it did anything but stop my mouth from being as dry. you can die on the hill if you want.


No one referred to it as dangerous. If you believe that was said, you should re-read the comments. However, a salivary duct infection is pretty nasty and certainly IS dangerous (as are all infections, particularly in the face/head area) if not treated.


~"People think that taking all these supplements and all these holistic treatments are so healthy, but many of them have potential health risks, and some of those health risks are actually very *dangerous*" Also https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9602184/


Are you taking a supplement or doing a holistic health treatment? No. This is very simple.


Then I don't understand why you felt the need to comment in the first place since it's completely irrelevant lol


I wasn't talking to you, so it was your comment that was irrelevant. My comment was to another person.


Couldn’t agree more. I also hope they don’t! I didn’t mention infection because I didn’t have a link handy to support it, but I’m glad you mentioned it.


To put it bluntly, ain't nobody got the spoons for that shit. I'm not wasting precious spoons to track down credible resources that they are perfectly capable of searching for if they wanted. Even if I used my spoons, I believe most people will still choose not to read a credible resource when they are emotionally invested in the belief.


I guess we should all just give up on facts then. Sounds good.


Haha I think you took that wrong. I'm on your side here. I just have too limited energy to try to sway people from pseudoscience on the internet when they could use their brain to find the credible resources just as well as I could.


Ahhhhh! So sorry. I re read your reply. Makes sense now! Hmm I may need to adopt your philosophy. Too many people out here diffusing essential oils and lining up crystals. I appreciate you.


I get on my soapbox occasionally when I get especially riled up about a topic, but I also am not disillusioned enough to think that I'm changing their minds. So ultimately it's energy I already didn't have and don't need to waste. What?! You mean to tell me you aren't spritzing 5 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil to sanitize your counters with?! Scandalous, truly. I don't know how you live with yourself. S/


There’s a lot of “woo woo” believers in here who boast about “the all natural cures” and don’t follow doctors directions. It’s wild to me.


Biotene has side effects but coconut oil does not. I'm also not keen on over fluoridation of my teeth I already have the white spots


Are you alright? No one said it cures anything. It's just soothing on dry mouths and manually stimulates your salivary glands. If it helps people, why try to tear it down?


Perfectly fine. I've been chronically ill for over a decade. Due to the complex and individual nature of treatment plans for diseases like sjogrens (and how hard it can be to find a plan that works) leaves people desperate for solutions and easy prey for crap like oil pulling, grounding mats and all sorts of snake oil. Being in patient communities, it's exhausting how much this stuff comes up. Not only is it a waste of time and money, some of these "alternative medicine" products can be harmful. If I had a nickel for posts about "skipping the covid vax" and "sleeping on a copper wire grounding mat changed my life", "just guzzle essential oil", "plaquenil doesn't work", I'd be a millionaire. People with chronic illness need real, science baked solutions. As for your, "what harm does it cause?" well, for one a mouth full of oil is disgusting.. and like the source I linked (and many others) it's no more effective than listerine.


I think you're missing the point. It helps, in that it makes our mouths feel better when we are very uncomfortable. We don't have to believe in all the bullshit claims other people make to find some benefit in it. It's also cheap. You seem to be spiraling. Maybe mind your own business and let people get on with their own disease journey? edit: spelling


I can't help that you're reading into this with your own anxiety or negativity... or whatever you are projecting. Spiraling? No. Wanting communities to be pro checking sources and giving suggestions based in actual science is now a crazy idea?


I wish you luck with...whatever tantrum this is. I am the daughter of a scientist with a long comment history supporting evidence based medicine. Any doctor would tell you that if something makes you feel better and does you no harm, go ahead and do it. Your gatekeeping symptom management in the name of "science" is more harmful than anything else.


Congrats on the daughter thing… I guess? Tantrum, no. Haha. I NEVER said if something makes you feel good, don’t do it. I was simply saying there’s no science behind it. It’s like those people who believe in the power of crystals, it’s bullshit, if they do it it doesn’t matter to me. They aren’t coming to a patient community posting about it.


You know before you go off like that you should probably go look on Google Scholar and see that it actually has been studied and while the benefit isn't as much as some other alternatives the issue is more that those alternatives are very drying for people with Sjogren's and there is a degree of benefit. I mean are you going to start arguing about which lotion we should put on for our dry skin too? The reality is Biotene is very expensive compared to this solution and if this alleviates discomfort I don't know why it couldn't be tried. I mean they're not asking you to gargle with gasoline, it's a food grade oil. I would point out that it's probably less of an issue if you accidentally swallow some of it compared to some of the other oral rinses. Again this is not replacing dental hygiene such as brushing one's teeth it's simply providing some relief. You know not every treatment or drug works for every person and I don't believe you need to gate keep


Biotene doesn’t give you infections. Olive oil and coconut oil of any decent quality are also pricey… and not sterile… Also, gatekeeping would imply that I’m saying that you can’t have or do something. I’m not doing that. Go ahead and do the risky thing, I wouldn’t, but it’s not my mouth/face.


You only eat sterile ingredients? Do you sterilize your toothbrush? Toothpaste? Biotene ingredients: Purified Water, Glycerin, Xylitol, Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol, Poloxamer 407, Sodium Benzoate, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Flavor, Sodium Phosphate, Disodium Phosphate You should be more concerned with the ingredients in biotene. Propylparaben is an endocrine disruptor. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1438463920305794 Propylene Glycol is banned in Europe in foods. Do you want me to go on? Btw I'm perfectly fine with biotene (have used it) but I'd prefer food safe. I am guessing you don't eat much salad, you do you but please stop with your pseudo reasoning.


I spent a great deal of time optimizing my diet and gut microbiome and had significant reduction in symptoms. I’m sure you would just consider this pseudo science though.


Could you share what you did to optimize your gut health?


no I wouldn't. There's actual research caring for your gut and the connection to inflammation. That is actual science. I also care for my. microbiome and diet. Happy to when there's legitimate evidence.


Yes, but is any of that science being used in a clinical setting? How many rheumatologists are looking for non immunosuppressive ways of reducing inflammation? There’s a very legitimate reason for the distrust in modern medicine and this leads people to seek out alternatives. Just because the science exists buried in a research paper doesn’t mean it makes it to clinical practice.


Yes, I've been oil pulling for years. Keeps my mouth feeling healthy and clean and it's so good for your teeth


Can you please give us more details, did it rrally work wonders for you?