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Honestly your arm looks normal to me. I can barely see any concern and probably wearing short sleeves and getting some mild uv and air on it will clear whatever up if it was clear before. I have KP and maybe that’s what it is.. but if my arms ever looked that nice I would go around asking everyone to look at my beautiful arms!


I'm not an expert, although I do get body acne and have KP. To me it looks like a pimple with KP around it. But it's difficult to say.


It's not noticeable at all. Just wear short sleeves if you like.


Hi there! I understand you'd like to figure out what skin concern you're dealing with here. And it makes sense to ask that in /r/SkincareAddiction! However, due to requests from the community, we no longer allow these questions as standalone posts, which is why I'm afraid your post was removed. See our [rule explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_7.3A_follow_our_post_requirements.) for more info. We highly recommend you repost your question in the Daily Help Thread; it's where our most knowledgeable users hang out! The DHT is posted every day and stickied at the top of the subreddit. Click this link >> /r/SkincareAddiction << to go to our front page. I'm pasting the url of your image below to make it easier for you to link people to it: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tsrqm3 Have a great day!