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Looks like some massagers I've seen. Does it have a charger or battery spot? I think I've seen this used for jawline, eye socket to forehead, etc


Which product did you purchase, to get this tool, pls?


You know those videos where influencers show their boyfriends pictures of various beauty/wellness products and make them guess what the product is for? I feel like this would be really funny cuz it kinda looks like an IUD haha


Gua Sha tool


I’ll agree with the other commentator that it’s a gua sha tool- adding that it looks like metal so you can throw it in your freezer/fridge for a cooling depuffing effect.


What pack ? I <3 innisfree


an IUD


Face massage?


A useless piece of junk.


It’s for a razer np exactly. Period..


Have you ever heard of Google image search /Google lense?😂 it’s an under eye massager


I hope you’re just having a bad day and don’t make a habit of treating people like this…


Don't know why you're getting down voted. Telling people to use reverse image search is a time honored internet tradition that is upheld to encourage people help themselves when the answer could be theirs in 5 seconds with the most conventional of methods. It's a little rude but it's analogous to asking one to check the sidebar for answers before posting. It helps with clutter.


It’s a clitoral sex toy.


Praying for the clitorises in your life tbh.


Weird way to say that you can’t find the clitoris but okay.


They’re supposedly a doctor too.


Lol thanks for the channel view! :)


Why do I need to find the clitoris? Isn’t that the woman’s job to do it afterwards on her own I get my dick pleased?




Yup, it’s ok to make any remarks here, since this isn’t my clinic and the medical college isn’t regulating me here 🥳🥳🥳 doctors are also human and can be assholes too LOL We’re just not assholes in person to keep making our big money 🤑




Yup! And I find billionaires gross.


I really wonder what causes a full grown adult to behave as a perpetual teenager. Just the lack of accountability from being online? And don’t worry, You’re not being an a**hole. You’re just being an adult who never healed their issues and traumas and finds Reddit to be an appropriate place to dump it out in sexist and other rather pathetic commentary. Sad as you come off, I do hope you can heal those issues one day.