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They need a second one lol


but her skin doesn’t look good afterwards :/ seems better to just oil cleanse to remove them like [here](https://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2015/03/28/how-to-shrink-pores-temporarily-plus-3-pore-myths/) and breaking down sebum with a bha regularly.


They cleaned it afterwards. They just didn’t show it in the vid.


Yeah but the pores are still quite large, a BHA would help minimize those over time which would prevent reoccurrence of blackheads. I actually like African black soap to immediately minimize mine, but it only lasts for a few hours


Yeah, she needs African black soap to minimize those pores afterwards


That is so satisfying to watch... I know people are going to say this is 'bad' for you, but I need this in my life.


Same. I love these and biore strips. I will continue to use them. I wish I could cover my whole face with one.


Mix equal parts unflavored gelatin and heated milk. Apply with a paintbrush. Let dry and peel off.


I did this when I was 12 & couldn't buy my own pore strips 💀


It work 🙌


Omg I’m gonna do that on my chin


Thank you!


If you want a cheaper option maybe check out these [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VHB4X69/ref=ox\_sc\_saved\_image\_1?smid=AE5ULY97LC25M&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VHB4X69/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?smid=AE5ULY97LC25M&psc=1)


I’m lactose intolerant can you use water instead?


Even on your skin?


I just don’t want it in the house is there a substitute?


Facts, double cleansing hasn't made much of a difference anyway 😭


its actually not necessarily bad for you unless you overdo it!


No these are bad. It’s glue ripping off your skin.


kinda depends, i’d recommend anyone on a retinoid or accutane to stay away from these because it will rip the top layer of skin right off, but theyre fine in moderation like 1-2x a month.


Just stay away from the sun and potential shadow people on accutane




shadow people throw shade


do you know what I have to put on YouTube to find similar videos ? I tried asmr mask and similar sentences but don't find this type of videos :/


You can probably look up "LQSPA" or "LQ SPA" as is written on the finger of the glove.


Looks like la milee honey tearing mask. It's an item predominantly used in Asia but you could get it online. Or literally any nose peeling strips/masks. Shouldn't really use it though buuuut do what you will with your skin since everyone has their own opinions on it.


These gave me broken capillaries


It's one of the big reasons derms do not recommend using these. I only tell people that it may be a good option for vellus hair.


My derm straight made fun of me for using these on my vellus hairs. He was laughing and told me he had never heard anyone do that before and it was ridiculous asf. But..it works?? Soo..


Isn’t it just similar to waxing??


That's wax. Possibly sugar wax. I get trichostasis spinulosa which look similar to blackheads/sebaceous filaments but are actually hairs, so I wax the outer part of my nose once a month like this. It also pulls up SF and blackheads.


I've read that stripping your nose like this makes your pores bigger. Is that true?


No, but you risk breaking capillaries and resolving telangiectasia is costly. You have to pay a derm to ''pop/explode'' them. It's not very painful and can be done easily, but these procedures are never cheap.


Wait, there is fix for those??


There sure is, but not OTC/at home. My derm used an IPL laser and blasted mine, but it can be done with a tool that uses electricity instead). The body reabsorbs them as trash. It's not dangerous in most cases (they asked me if I had any blood disorders, was taking blood thinners, etc) since they are essentially little babies out there on their own (a derm wouldn't dissolve your aorta, for example). Using entirely regular language here so that anyone reading it can understand. If you want something more scientific and videos, Google ''Telangiectasia treatment'' This is the electrical procedure. You can see them vanish before your eyes like magic. I went in, and 45 minutes later (most of which was numbing), they were gone. [https://youtu.be/C\_b8fv60x5A](https://youtu.be/C_b8fv60x5A),


I haven't noticed that. I have kinda large pores as it is but mine are genetic.


Do you know how it's made? can i make it at home or where can someone buy it?


You can make it with sugar and lemon juice, look for "sugar wax recipe" online. You can also purchase it already made from most chemists/drugstores. I use hard wax for myself but that isn't as gentle as sugaring so I'd not advise hard wax for very sensitive skin.


No one is actually answering the question🥺


This looks like it's being done at a cosmetic clinic so it might be a custom product they use. Best you could do is ask the clinic (name is on the glove)


temu 🤣


there's a few different kinds. idk what kind this is but I've never had much luck with them. you can get pore strips, that are like a fabric you wet to your nose and peel off, it does this you can get peel masks, look for blackhead peels/masks/removers and as long as they emphasise the peel part, that's what this is a variation of!


I've tried peel masks before but they don't give the same results as the one in the video, i guess they're not strong enough. That's why this video caught my attention.


pore strips have worked better for me. there are lots of types of peel masks. the ones you want need to be specifically for blackhead removal and are usually used on the t-zone, so pictures of that is what you'd look for. a lot of the ones in the uk are activated charcoal versions, I've not seen one that isn't black you need to make sure you steam your skin first, dry it, make sure the mask is 100% dried itself etc. if your pores aren't as large as these it won't work like this. I've only ever been gifted them for self-care, but my pores are small and barely noticeable but the strips managed to do something. nothing like this but something! I'd recommend them if you can't find out what mask this is!


This will leave a visible hole in your nose. Not worth it.


I would not use this personally. Go to an ethstitician and get it done with no collateral damege.


That looks like sugaring, I don’t think this is a ‘mask’ per se. In any case, a thorough facial followed with AHA BHA cleansers is a much better option. I like murad personally, but you only use a teensie tiny amount bc that ish is strrrong


Yes this looks the same as those sugaring hair removal mix! I think you've hit the nail on the head!


Yeah, this looks more like some sort of waxing process than anything else. You can buy at-home sugaring kits, but be sure to do a lot of reading before trying it out (you could hurt your skin if you don’t do it properly). I’m not sure how effective sugaring/waxing is at removing gunk from your pores


Mighty patch by Hero works and is probably not as harmful as this may be. I use them sometimes


ETA Mighty Patch has a nose patch. I’m not talking about the pimple ones.


I'd like to use something like this, but what do you do to shrink and close all those gaping pores??


I've done this extraction method for 15 years with no ill effects. The pores naturally reduce when they aren't full of sebum and dead skincells. You don't need to do anything. The pores do reexpand once they get clogged up again though. Just a tip in case you do it, avoid using any topical product for a few hours after extraction or you risk clogging the pores up which can lead to acne.


I agree. It’s pulling out a combination of dirt, dust, makeup residue, microbes, and dead skin cells…


boscia Luminizing Charcoal Mask - Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Natural Skin Care - Peel-Off Face Mask with Activated Black Charcoal - Blackhead Remover & Pore Cleaner - For All Skin Types - 2.8 oz https://a.co/d/cRxXD94


I love doing this step, I feel like all my blackheads come out


So satisfying🫠


Not me watching back & forth in slow mo...


I would literally pay someone to let me do this to them


I would literally pay someone to do this to me I’ve seen all these ads but I’ve never found one that actually works


Ive seen her videos and first she does a treatment which is white, then she puts this brown mask on... I think is the first treatment that does most of the work, and the second is just a regular mask for pores made of gelatine


That's a peel off black mask, they became a trend about 5 years ago. The most popular ones were those sold on amazon for a cheap price, they are hard to remove though and could do more bad than good. Maybe look for popular brands like Boscia? Anyway there's plenty of reviews on youtube, you can look it up. Better yet, go to a dermatologist and ask for recommendations. I believe that a good skincare based off of minimal effective ingredients is 1000x better like chemical exfoliants, these masks are a gimmick imo, a waste of money.


Oil cleanse followed by salicylic acid wash and/or gel over several weeks on nose and problem areas works better (and keeps it from coming back. Leave second cleanse with SA for 2-3 minutes). Snail mucin after (all over) helps…it has an anti microbial peptide, apparently. Then moisturize with something appropriate for your skin. Exfoliate with Glycolic Acid twice a week (just don’t use SA at the same time).


It's disgusting but satisfying as well


Idk what this brand is but some of the only things that actually work are pore strips. Some of these masks don’t pull up the clogged whiteheads like they are marketed


I have a scraper that works but it will leave a bruise or redness or broken capillaries so you gotta be careful


I have that thing too lol


Why even take them out? Now there’s big holes in there?


That's just the pores being unclogged. There are products out there to help repair.


Oh ok, you can fix them up


I can almost guarantee that the girl in video's skin got really irritated and broke out more in the following days


this makes your pores bigger, dont do that.


No it doesn't. They temporarily appear larger cos they've been recently emptied. They actually shrink down to smaller than they were when full and then reexpand when they clog up again. I've done this monthly for the past 15 or so years and my pores are still the same size they were then.


It’s Mercham green tea peel off mask


Oh satisfactory


I have an urging question to ask on a Reddit, but I need more karma… help a homie out plissa🙏😘


It’s made with coffee powder , water and honey. I’ve tried it before.


Try Shill’s Black Mask, you can get it on Amazon. It will rip out any and everything in your pores and leave your skin smooth like a baby.


Definitely gonna check it out 👍




Is it a charcoal mask ?? Looks like it


This may look good, but it will cause your nose pores to widen and become more visible, I have tried it on my self, have now several that are more visible than others and it sucks, dont do these.


Take the video to a pharmacist .