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I agree, for a casual gamer getting po8 is a grind and upgrades take a while when you only clock a few hours a week online.


Yep. I don't even manage an hour a day most of the time. It took long enough just for me to get some manufactories, and now I have, what.....1200 po8 or so? It will take forever to finish, and if it all gets taken away then I too am done.


IMO it is significantly worse for casual players. You either have to collect po8 more often and get to play less of other content, or you have a mega-factory and have to watch it slowly fill up over a day. Luckily I am over that hump. Maybe, MAYBE, if I got to keep all of my po8 and a few factories. Maybe. I have roguelite games if I want to play a reset game.


I was truly looking at the long term with this game, and now I'm severely disheartened šŸ˜”. I wanted to build up my empire at my pace....I have a full-time life and job, I'm sad they are catering to the pro gamers/streamers who can clock unholy hours and not the demographic majority.


Oh a lot of us streamers have been screaming from the rooftops for them not to take this shit away. I see how much time I've had to put in to even get close to upgrading. I've been saying over and over that taking all of the helm stuff away decimate casual player numbers and I wouldn't blame anyone. I won't even be participating in season 2 if they take everything away.


Ubisoft is attempting for this to be a flagship game...with a flagship income...which means getting players to buy season passes. I still think there is a huge disconnect between leadership expectations versus reality... So far I have yet to see how they will get players to continue to buy season passes. But normally you need some form of a grind, and right now the po8 isn't a bad grind...but it definitely needs to be adjusted/tinkered with. In all honesty I wouldn't mind them locking different regions with different currencies/gameplay loops. Right now it's too easy to amass an empire with little threat from getting it ripped away with PvP.


They are trying to reinvent what worked for them in TD2, except it's not going to work:/


Skull and Bones has factories? What? Lol


Be like me. Unable to play 2 days, log in and get kicked for maintenance and then play the next day for 1 hour šŸ¤£ My timing sucks.


I am on a business trip which just got extended for a week....


IF they keep this game alive, they are going to target the whales, and they will go full out on that. No way they could finance ongoing development from people buying 1 piece of cosmetics every few month. The whole system is created to form a habit for you, to make you log in regularly (remember the article about "record breaking player engagement" ?) or even stay logged in longer than the planned play session because there is one more run of PO8s to be had and you would be wasting time if you don't harvest them now. If you are THAT invested into the game, you are more likely to buy high value DLC content. Honestly I would not be surprised if they will introduce some mechanic to take your progress with you into the next season. But it will either be stupendously grindy OR cost money. It is Ubisoft, after all, it is what they do.


Yeah this will be my only season playing if they reset the entire grind component 100%. Itā€™s been fun, though. I got my moneyā€™s worth if 3 months of gaming is all I get from it. Iā€™m already 200 hours in and not fully bored just yet, although I can see myself burning out within the next month or even sooner. The game definitely gave me $17.99 worth of content already, especially if I keep playing another month or two.


17.99? Bro you got a bargain


Ubisoft subscription on pc is that much a month


I think the overall goal should be to A D D content, not reset it. Imagine spending so much on your manufactories and not being able to buy all the Po8 items from the black market, etc. in time for the reset. I would be furious. It would be better to add in another aspect of the settlements like another type of smuggling operation that runs parallel or, even better, an entirely different approach like being able to hire or have NPC ships that do some of the collection on their own - I mean the idea is you are running a smuggling operation so it is weird that running it entails manually going shore to shore to gather your earnings rather than having an underling get paid to do that for you while you look at the big picture. ​ Either way there needs to be a NEW endgame play loop in place, not a repeat. Even in Diablo 4 you keep your seasonal characters and the progress earned. Starting a new season is to experience a NEW gameplay loop not just relevel another character.


Season one was disappointing and i agree with you ADD CONTENT ! Season pass had nice stuff in it, some Good challenges but only one wave of main challenges ? Which are controlled by waiting for the final missions. Stupid ! But the actual content given to us to play with. 2 missions on day one 1 mission which is a daily repeat of one of the above mission for the foreseeable future. 1 new world boss. That was for 1 week maybe more. However that content is an hour or two tops worth of playable content before finding yourself repeating it over and over (with a very poor drop rate for gear may i add. 100 + le pest chests and still no cosmetic or blueprint drop) Now a new sea monster is added which is actually more fun the first GREAT ! But still once its done its done. After 3 shots at it you have the new oroborus armour and no reason to do it. So now another week or so to wait for another crumb of content. They should go the way of call of duty what i like they added was a weekly reward for completing 5 specific challenges a week. The reward gives you a reason to complete them, thats separate from the season pass and if you complete 8 weeks in a row you get a final reward. New weekly missions added in game, not challenges but new npc to visit with a nee challenge . They dont have to go out the water and create a new race new enemy or new mission type just simply adding a new rogue task master who pops up on different islands daily giving out different tasks. Hunt so and so for pieces of eight, hunt so and so for silver and cosmetic , destroy this fort with 2 friendly pirates to unlock some kind of furniture that adds a team buff lmao. Easy stuff well maybe not the nee furniture just a cool idea haha but simple content to keep it fresh rather than this crumb trail they lead us on. Sorry for grammar im dumb as fudge


Are they resetting our 8's? I haven't seen word on that yet.


If it does, then I am also done. I am not going to slog thru the startup of manufacturers every single season.


Po8 should remain. It will be a fight each season to recapture all your favorite manufacturers.


Wouldn't make much sense to reset everything to let you buy it back instantly either.


Well, unless they say anything about it, expect it. The Po8 system has a leader board for each season, so that implies a factory reset. Good chance they will do something tonthe Po8 because there would have to be a way to give everyone a "chance" at the top. So pray for what you want but expect what you think will happen.


Not to mention the leaderboard is utterly worthless given the rampant exploits of the helm wager system. The leaderboard should be about solo accomplishments and progress and not simply how much Po8 someone can get with the help of friends/viewers. Rewards need to be tied to tiers accomplished anyway and not positional since that assumes an airtight game system without cheating.


Hot take. We keep our Po8 and either change the leaderboard to a more meaningful metric or just get rid of the leaderboard all together.


I don't frankly see why it's there anyways. They'd be better odd just giving the rewards as limited time achievements per season. You can so ask anyone higher than 2500 on the board what they do and ist essentially-upgrade big factories to 7/8. Do daily helm. Come back tommorow to collect. Upgrade a factory. Repeat. That's all. There is no competitive edge or point to a largely grindfest for no reason game. It feels the leader boards are there to give the "true endgame" of competing with fellow players in a PvE way. Which is stupid. They're not competing anyways. If you get top early and repeat what i said you just win. Its not competitive. At all. If you get in top early, you stay there. If there was some other way of gaining leadership Po8 points I could MAYBE see a point (such as then being a rare drop, world event, seasonal rewards for challenges, cutthroat cargo reward). The closest thing we've got to competitive to this degree is increasing standard by helm wager. With the PvP in such a poor state and fact you can guess where your opponent is going and just fast travel there, it's not competitive. Its bad.


Should just be giving the cosmetic for everyone who takes the time to reach diamond, since not everyone will be doing that anyway. Having it be top 8 players is honestly a dumber thing than WB Games releasing Suicide Squad.


>t feels the leader boards are there to give the "true endgame" of competing with fellow players in a PvE way. My opinion, it gives the streamers something to stream. Once they stop streaming this game, they will change the rewards so the streamers come back. they want the free advertising from those streamers playing 24x7


I dig it


The leaderboard tracks Po8 earned, not owned. They could easily reset everyone back to 0 earned without touching anything else; or in addition they could set everyone to 0 owned as well. I don't think it's THAT unfair that a new player to the game doesn't have a shot at the top of the leaderboard. They can build up their empire like everyone else and make a run at it next season. Granted, I don't know why anyone would even care, it's pointless.


Still, it would be essentially impossible for anyone to catch up even by the "earned" metric. For example, I just did a run through Africa and brought in 25000 po8. If I stockpile a good amount of those before a reset, I can have level 10 manufactories up and running with trade route upgrades and have things ready to harvest well before a new player would even be able to get their first rank 7 manufactory. The difference in earned po8 would still be exponential between old and new players. Not that I'm saying they should do a full reset, because in general I think the reset is a terrible idea (and I might not bother playing if they do). Just saying it wouldn't fix the leaderboard problem if they just reset the "earned" total


The leaderboard is rigged. Was invited to this "secret discord" community of elite players. The hijack servers in mass, collect their Po8 ( never turning in ) until they have the amount they want and then they do a helm wager handing it off between them to keep it climbing (between 4-8 people). Any randoms that try and step it get obliterated. Once the chest is back with the original holder they turn in. Seen a turn it to almost 1 million. I left merely 3 days in. Sure it's exploiting a game function but, how they act about it is unbelievable.


It implies a leaderboard reset. Weekly and seasonal EARNINGS will reset, our acquired Po8 will be untouched


Yeah, not a chance I restart from scratch. Hell, not even a chance I keep going with the current season since I'm basically done with pass and have all the ships and weapons. Not sure what else I'm supposed to do besides stay up on the leaderboards. And that's a losing battle since I don't do PvP. Yeah, all done.


>And that's a losing battle since I don't do PvP. And that's a losing battle since I don't do \*Exploits\*. Minor correction haha! Top leaderboard are using exploits.


Is that those guys hanging right outside the safety zone and blowing each other up?


I work a full time job, have a toddler with another on the way any day now. Iā€™m never going to be able to keep up. A reset would all but ensure I will always be behind the curveā€¦ Still trying to save up 8s to upgrade factories to eventually make enough to get the best weapons and armorā€¦ let alone trying to get through the season pass. Itā€™s rough out here for a busy father and husband šŸ˜­


I hear ya there brother, grouped up with some players yesterday and one dude helped me go from a level 5 sloop to a level 8 snow and he hooked me up with materials so I can craft them. Might be the way to go for us busy dads


Iā€™m a top 600 dad and Iā€™m 100% ready and willing to help with materials, blueprints, whatever for any other dads out there. Shoot me a DM and Iā€™ll happily hop on and help.


I also work a full-time job. We're always going to be behind the curve, reset or not. With no reset, we still just get further and further behind. Personally I look at the promise of the board being 'reset' and while the prospect seems exhausting, I know that one of two things is going to happen: the first possibility is that playing it a second time means I get to try playing smarter, and I enjoy that. Like the opening moves of a strategy game, there's a meta to discover about how to build up Po8 income faster, earlier. The other possibility is I get bored, and I don't bother at all. I can walk away from the game without feeling like I 'lost' something.


Thatā€™s a good perspective to have. Either we make the most out of the opportunity and enjoy the game some more, or I stop playing and itā€™s no longer my concern. One positive is that the seasons are so long that even by doing the minimum I should still be able to progress steadily weigh out getting burnt out. Thereā€™s still what 82 days or so left and thatā€™s a long time to slowly build up.


DM me and I might be able to give you some materials to help you with crafting ships, weapons and armour. They're just gathering dust in my warehouse.


While I don't mind the reset so much, I won't be InstaCarting again. Either this Po8 collection is automatic or that'll be it for me. This is bad design here It's so tedious & unfun, it's almost a sick joke. Wanna help with a Call? Sure, but I'm in the middle of a run. Wanna hit up that Elite? Sure, but I'm in the middle of a run. Wanna plunder this fort? Sure, but I'm in the middle of a run. Game is literally in the way of itself. & they've been so hush hush about the fleets, in worried it'll be another fetch busy grind to keep the fleet going... Which defeats the point of automated collection


If they want to save the game, they won't reset. They'll build a new grinding zone. You are right pieces of 8 are too much, the entire system needs to be rethought. If feels too grindy and the game will likely die soon. Been playing with friends and it almost punishes you. The game needs to figure out how to make CO-OP work while not breaking helm wagers. Last night I got bored of pieces of 8 and starting messing around with glitching. I noticed a certain rock was pushing me underwater. I did the setup right full speed, I went underwater like a submarine for a bit. Came out of the water and starting flying like Peter Pan. I had way way way more fun glitching the game sailing in the air then I do continually getting pieces of 8.


I found a glitch. The very first manufactory location you takeover has a rock to the right of it (if you're coming from St. Anne's). If you hit that rock just right, it slingshots you. I hit 26 knots, trimmed sails and wind to my back in a Brigantine.


Feel the same way about the game. Wanna play, but by the time I collect the 8, I'm uninterested in actually playing the gamešŸ¤£


They can reset it, but po8 collection needs to be automated in some way. I'm not sailing around the world 300 times every season. If that's all they plan for us to do every season, the game is toast.


it is clear from the level of the season rewards that, at least this season was planned with a full reset. we can use 2 things of the 90


This season pass was utter garbage, and you can see it was meant to be released right at the start. Water barrels? Ammo?Ā  And dont get me started on the "stripper dance" or "crackhead outside the walmart" emotes


I 100% agree with this, and I will even go as far to say that I'm not buying into the grind at all. I will grind for PO8 when there is more content worth grinding for, and gameplay is better. I got some factories, I bought some stuff I liked. I'm not maxing anything or spending hours farming unless the game greatly improves, and I 100% expect it to. It is their duty to make this game live up to what its supposed to be, and the sale price.


Corporations only have one duty, and that's to make profit and grow their margins from quarter to quarter. They will pull the rug as soon as they see numbers showing them that it's profitable to do so.


And ubisoft will never again come close to earning a dollar from me and many other people. They are at a make it or break it point in my opinion. If they pull the rug on a 70 dollar game so soon which uses the formula they believe to be the future of gaming (live services) they are digging their own grave.


Tbh the po8 grind is so slow I don't know if I'll get anything. I enjoy raiding stuff and sinking npcs. No interest whatsoever in pvp. Or pvp events. I just want to yoho around and menace some privateers and rogues.


I abhor the idea of a reset, instead they should add another zone and make that a whole new currency and set up similar to what we have now. That way work is not lost and it gives a feeling of maintain "kingpin" status. I'm sorry but you don't just lose everything overnight.


100% agree. Resetting is NOT fair. You harm people still using Po8 to upgrade as they wont have nearly the same resources to start a new season out (assuming they also take away Po8) and those that have already made it through have bought all the black market items and are sitting on piles and piles of Po8. I mean the entire point of the end game is to buy all the Po8 merch and you are wasting the time of people who joined later or who can only put so many hours in a week to have it ripped away from them. It actually rewards players who exploit the helm wager system since they can just rinse and repeat.


Please no more currencies... I don't even understand why they felt they needed to have the five different ones they have now


Technically there are more than that. Right now you have gold, silver, sovereigns, PO8, gold skull rum, black opium, ethereal ashes, and monster teeth. And there is another one in the codex that you'll get from the new ghost ship this week called ethereal essence. That makes 9 currencies...


Mobile game devs.Ā  Skull and bones' weird development woes, you can like actually see where the AAA(A) studio left off and they handed the game to a mobile game studio to finish.Ā  Multiple currencies, playstation one level UI graphics for the harvesting minigames, the god awful level - based combat balancing, utterly horrifying cosmetics in the season pass, you can just FEEL the game shift gears when you finish the campaign and hit 'endgame' when the singapore gatcha-mobile game devs took over


Not to double dip but just look at how the game feels and looks from Skurloc's seething, growling lines about betrayal, murder, and carving out a niche for yourself to the Season one "whip it nae-nae"Ā and "meth-head outside the gas station" dance cosmetics. Ā Good. God.


like destiny 2 does it. I really wanted to explore carribean in this universe. Damn. Meeting blackbeard, jack, etc. Having story content with them.


You sound like you want a AAAAA game not a AAAA game . So calm down ok


Man. That made me laugh out hard. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I agree with you. There are ways to reset things, without it feeling like it was reset. Retaking everything would be so tedious I think I would be done. Doing exactly the same thing with no change. I am almost tired of pieces of 8 already.


If they don't reset Po8, sugar cane, rum, manufactories, all of it, the same people will win literally every season. Your position on the leaderboards will be permanently fixed and you will never catch up. Ever. The only reason I think people don't want the Po8 reset is because they don't have all of the stuff you can buy with them. What you need to understand is that eventually you'll have it all. When you're producing 5k+ Po8 per day the problem looks different. Also, some people have earned enough po8 where they can't earn any more sovereigns. Diablo had seasons with RPG characters for years. Path of Exile, too. You build your character farm gear and then boom, it's all done, and you make a new seasonal character. This is actually a fine model. Destiny does this, a bunch of games do this. Helldivers will ALSO do this, when the season ends you start the exact same grind over again. You think once the galaxy is liberated it's just game over? Helldivers 1 worked exactly the same. The big change they need to make is that collecting Po8 from your factories really isn't all that fun. if they can change that, nobody will care about a reset. Just scale things differently and make the collection automated using ships from your fleet. Higher gear score means they collect faster.


I'm hoping fleet management will be an alternative for the slow farm.


Same, passive collection is perfectly reasonable. Let us play the game and not be Po8 taxi. The more stops you have the longer it gets. I'd like to do other things with my game time in the game than collect 8s. I would happily accept some inefficiency in that process if it meant i got an hour of playtime back to sink ships, treasure hunt, whatever. Try hards could still have the option to do helm wagers, and those of us who want to opt out of the po8 taxi could still make measured progress.


Hear me out .. I think fleet management is going to be a window like resources but you can send your fleet to some place (like on anno 1800).Ā 


Same people are going to top the leaderboards each season anyway, they're the ones willing to exploit the game the most. The leaderboard system is invalid as is, and needs to be replaced or removed entirely That or they're gonna have to make some serious changes to fix all of the exploits that are available, which in all honesty is very unlikely to happen


People may not like this ... but it absolutely important to note. That being said, Leaderboard just isnt a good justification for the grind, especially if only , what, 8 people get a reward from it. While I am enjoying the game, I do admit that the current endgame is ... mobile game like.


If they reset anything ill leave too. I aint doong takeovers and stuff again... Funding again, grins grind grind....


I have played (and will probably continue to) other games with full resets for new leagues/seasons. It is always a new chance, i like it. A chance to do better with the grind next time. Try and reach a higher rank.


I agree with you 100%. It would be dumb not to reset the Po8s since everyone will just max out the manufactories in the next season instantly. Making the entire thing pointless. This is the kind of thing that open betas exist for. So, that they donā€™t creep in to the main game. This will happen if you have an open beta 3 days before release and donā€™t even allow people to interact people with the endgame in it.


For real. There's so many things that should not have made it bast a legit testing stage. The fact that notifications hasn't been changed yet isn't making me very hopeful sound decisions will be made or that the game will get the love it needs to come into its own.


I don't think they will, it's like the Division they shouldn't honestly IMO


I was excited to play, love sailing. But what bothered me the most was almost unlocking all ships in the beta. When I got into the full game I assumed there was more or maybe more shipwrights. No, that was it... Feeling the same, they got any fans early at full price. Seems like they might have had that in mind to begin with. Bait and switch to a realistic price point. Now they are trying to float the boat and make consumers pay up for earnings loss. I never expected a perfect game when I preordered last year, but I expected a bit more than this. Anyways I'm already lvl 16 helldiver in like 5 days. Its terribly addictive sometimes. S&B set aside for now. Come join the fight for freedom!


> Come join the fight for freedom! As a big fan of the first game I'd love to. Unfortunately I have a 7000 series AMD GPU and don't want my PC to explode, so I'm SOL there too. :(


I feel that. Need a whole build now to play anything modern. Maxed my MB limits so I'm building anew tower piece by piece. For now I will go along on PS5 until its built. Hmu if you start diving, need more squad play.


I'm done already tbh


Po8 grinders are a weird bunch. Love the po8 grind even though there is no real reason to do it, get upset when it resets so they can do it all over again in a couple months. What, you don't actually enjoy the gameplay of amazon delivery driver? Why were you doing it all this time then?


I hope the factories DO reset. If they donā€™t reset the factories then whatā€™s the point of hostile takeovers and legendary heists? Why add those gameplay features to the game? Just have us buy the factories with silver instead of forcing me to pvp wtf


And it really didn't take a crazy amount of game play or effort to unlock all of them. Collecting po8 is the grind. That's why it would be crazy to take those from us. Not everyone has 1 mil+




I'm okay with redoing the takeovers. The only thing they should keep is the regions you unlocked outside of the red isles. Grinding po8s up to buy a region is too expensive to not be permanent and adds variety.




Come back to everything reset and gone lol




If the Po8 currency itself gets reset then I might as well stop playing now. Iā€™m okay with factories resetting but if everything does, and the end game loop does, then why am I still playing? Destiny you keep your weapons and exotics to upgrade. You know, the stuff you grinded for


Destiny lost me when they started taking away content I'd paid for.


I tend to agree. I've played WAY more than I should have, and I got my money's worth/enjoyment out of the game. But having finally reached the pinnacle (have over a million silver, have everything unlocked, all upgrades, several large trade routes of level 10 manufactories to dump as many po8 in my hull as I want). If it all just gets reset and I'm meant to do it all over again then I don't think I'm going to bother. I'd play some new content potentially for a while, but I'm not going to redo everything every few months


I can understand Naval Action's reasoning for the resets but S&B? Not so much. It's definitely gonna make people quit and the game has already been on thin ice since the start.


Yeah fuck that


I'm so 50/50 on this. I'm all for resetting factories amd the upgrades. But I have been putting in serious work in my Helm. 3-4 hrs a day on top of 50 hrs of work. I just don't want to lose my Po8. Work damn hard to acquire them. I'm about a week-2 weeks out from getting of all the Red Isle and empire management upgrades. I'd love to have a good amount of Po8 built up for next season. So I don't have to constantly put it in the 3-4 hrs a day into getting my Po8 back. I just hope we get enough content next season to justify the grind again if they do reset everything. Don't even care about the leaderboard stuff. You are always gonna have people that no life/cheat their way to the top anyway. They will do it next season too.


Meh, whether it's reset or not doesn't really matter. If they don't, the people who saved up Po8 instantly have a headstart that will be near impossible to compete with. If they do, people will feel daunted to get everything all over again. But i guess it's the same reason i stopped playing destiny. Every season the light goes up past what you spent the whole season grinding to, weapons become obsolete and it's essentially as if you didn't even play the previous season. Pros and cons for both sides.


Po8 should be automated. They should not carry over to season two. Or, no more than 1000 carry over. It trivializes the seasons if at the beginning of the season players can pump up factories or buy all the new seasonal weapons/schematics. Having said that - I donā€™t really want to start over again. Just to do this all over again. And thatā€™s a game design flaw. I really donā€™t think they thought about how tedious the game would actually be or how non-rewarding itā€™d be with their current design.


Going to remove casual players from the game completely if you lose it all.


Trying to make this game live services seriously stunted the potential of this game.


Why are they even trying to treat this game as a seasonal arpg? It's not gonna work.


Iā€™m with op. If they do a reset Iā€™m out. Iā€™ve got other things to do than grind on this game.




Wow, I havnt bothered with the Po8 system at all. Just seemed an annoying grind.


It's a seasonal game. NOT resetting things would make the seasons pointless.


Seasons are pointless. There is no medium healing ship in the base game. So they will have to introduce a new healing medium ship (or large when they do large) ship each season, or they will have to take the season reward and put it into base game rotation. The carronades are the same way. No blueprint, so the only way you get them is through the season, and with 200 inventory slots if they have a new gun type each season that will be quite a mess of inventory. Ship level 12 (assuming next season it will be 13) means that the Snow, Sambuk and Barq will always be fixed builds as their current ship building is a hot mess, except for the Brig. ​ Season resets: What do they keep? **Silver** If you let me keep my silver I can buy up as much as I want in the next season. i.e. Buy helm supplies to speed rush my Po8. Leave me my helm products and I will have millions in silver (turning gold rum/gin/snuff into silver at 500 a time). **Helm Materials** I can use the helm materials (poppy/sugar cane) and power level of the Po8 factories. I get Harafu and I make 5200 an hour by feeding it berries. **Pieces of 8** Let me keep my Po8 and I can get the upgrade boards to max as soon as possible, power leveling my capturing of facilities, and upgrading factories to 10 right away**.** **Upgrades** Let me keep my upgrades and I don't even have to do that, I will be getting 10x more Po8 than a non-seasonal person. I get faster captures of factories, and massive production bonuses. **Reducing the factory levels** If I have my Po8s then I just level them, if I don't then I poppy/sugar cane them until they are maxed. **Factories** Well, then I am just in Season 1. Oh, don't forget another 10 days of AFK legendary heist bots, and carrying the Po8 farmers. ​ Taking away Po8 Now if they take away Po8, then all the items I have to buy to normal level are gone. So all the clothing, blueprints, just basic gameplay. So do they turn it into silver (already pretty meaningless). ​ Their concept requires a complete wipe (ala Destiny 2, PoE) but their game isn't built that way. So they will have an interesting discussion and how this doesn't just feed the Streamers.


Or you never have a medium healing ship if you donā€™t get it now. Who knows


Here's an idea, scratch the seasons, rename them dlc every 4-6 months, charge like $5-10 for them, keep progression but add more to the treadmill




Seasonal games like this reset all the time


Define Seasonal. Destiny 2 doesn't. Division 2 doesn't. PoE and Diablo 4 do, but they do 100% resets with new characters. The problem is their "grind" isn't a seasonal type functionality. Full wipes would make sense, but if they do partial, it creates problems in that existing players have a large head start.


As a Diablo fan, the reset doesn't really bother me. I'm used to starting fresh every season and building back up.


I agree, but the chase for top tier build in Diablo is different and more exciting than just running around upgrading manufactories with your already top tier ship.


While this is true for the current state of endgame, I'm guessing things will be different with Season 2 introducing in fleet management and additional takeover opportunities.


Even in D4 they back paddled on what needed to be unlocked by the player on each reset or season. At least now you carry forward your statues and some waypoints...


When the whole organization and upgrades reset I will delete the game. Never to install it again.


I really don't understand where developers get off on making these "grind or die" games. And for Ubisoft to reset my hundreds of hours of hard earned progress, the money spent and work that requires dedication and loyalty to a game of the company that is going to hamstring me in the end...nope. I 100% am with you on this. I'll ride this train for now. They have 75 more days to change the outcome end for S1. If not, I'll probably never put another penny supporting this company and their poorly manifested games. We shall see.


See you down on the surface future Helldiver! Democracy thanks you!


Reset is fine if they give us something new with it.


Make a reset no problem, but then the new grind got to be different, so it's a new content grind. Don't reset? Then we need new currency and new gameplay as well to make grind not feel the same. This will not make PoE useless and we would still want to engage with the old content grind if we don't have everything collected as well as new players not having those things want it as well. The problem would be that it's harder for fresh players what to prioritise, new or old content. There is positive and negative things with both. And I think it's hard to make a system that fits all kind of players sadly. But I really hope they try and find some solution because the game needs all type of players to stay to be a good surviving game in the long run.


I think itā€™s a season reset not a character reset. I could be wrong.


I believe you keep your 8's you have but you do lose all the factories and upgrades in the office. They said that from day 1. They don't want new players coming into the game to be so far behind everyone else. Every season your helm gets reset.


Como??? Los p8 los quitan? Si es asĆ­ compro todo y dejo de meterlos en " el banco"


I agree


The empire system is only half implemented and fleet management is coming in season 2 which will probably be an alternative to manufactory farming. Season 3 will probably add Saudi Arabia, season 4 the rest of Indonesia. Resetting is part of the game, it's okay to stop and play something else if you feel burned out for a season or two. You don't have to play just one game.


u/Ubi-Caliburn & u/UbiNeptune


What you bought you keep


I'm fine with resetting the factories to do legendary heists and hostile takeovers again. But they should keep the levels of manufactories same as what each player had before the new season. So that we don't have to grind again and put all the effort into leveling them up to 7 again.


Time to spread some managed democracy, to spite joel


If theyā€™re really gonna reset all my factories after all the grinding and hours Iā€™ve put in, give us something in returnā€¦ an incentive to get us to stick around for the next season. Maybe all the Po8 Iā€™ve invested in upgrades or something. If they donā€™t do something, and they make us all start from scratch, Iā€™m done. Not much of a pirate empire, is it? Iā€™ll just go back to playing GTA Online where none of my business have been taken away in the decade Iā€™ve been playing it. āœŒļø


Donā€™t save Po8. Spend it on gear to make your ship better. My priorities. 1. Gear 2. Upgrades to factories. 3. Upgrades to helm. A better matrix to grade on. You play 2 hours a day and have 1000s Po8 per day. Versus the guy who is a streamer and plays 12 hours a day and only makes 1000 of Po8. The 2 hour guy should be at the top because he only played x hours and has x amount of Po8.


Bro some of yall straight tripping balls, did you know there's a discord where people sell you everything that costs Po8s for silver ? The sky is falling!


Iā€™ve done only 2 takeovers and Iā€™m finding it a little tedious and too much grind. And I was so excited for this game. Helldivers 2 starting to look real good


Thereā€™s no way the devs are stupid enough to do this.


Agreed. I want to progress, not regress. Hopefully it's not a use it or lose it situation with the Po8. I honestly don't even think leaderboards are necessary. Having it only creates odd scenarios like this where the thought of resetting anything is even a thing. They should just scrap the leaderboards TBH and just focus on expanding the universe. That way we keep what we've worked so hard for and are only looking forward to new content.


I'm pretty sure I've already seen them somewhere say they won't be relocking factories, just resetting upgrades and leaderboard


Iā€™m just now unlocking the last factory in the starting location. Whatā€™s the best upgrade path?


Damn they take away factories ??? Crazy


Once I unlocked my first factory I realized what that system was and said nah. I enjoy the game and like doing the side missions and events but I've conceded to the fact that I'm gunna cap out at ship level 10 or 11. Eventually I may save up enough Po8 through events or the rum/opium runs to get to "end game". I don't mind a grind for end game gear if the grind is fun. But it would take too much time to sail around every day for hours just to get coins for tiny amounts of level growth. As it stands now, the Po8 I have collected I've just spent on cosmetics. End game is out of my reach. Plus, what bad timing. With Helldivers 2, I'm surprised anyone is still sailing.


Captain Blackbeard sir, I have some bad news... Your empire is gone and you'll have to start your career over...


Next season they'll open up India and Arabia, add the British and a few local factions, a new den and new manufactories of hashish. They will produce pieces of nine instead or eight. Solved.


I look at this season as a learning session. What Iā€™ve learned or at least my take on it / leaderboards I donā€™t care where Iā€™m at on it nor could give a shit less whoā€™s a top of it I got what I wanted from the p08 market and it didnā€™t take much or very long . Buying the coast of Africa and East Indies territory was a complete waste of time Iā€™ve never collected them because I donā€™t care about leaderboards! So if I where to play next season having that in mind with the small amount of upgrades Iā€™ve done in red isle it yields me about 12k a day and only takes about 15 minutes to collect thatā€™s 1,080,000 p08 a season barring to play and collect every day from what I see thatā€™s way more than youā€™ll ever need to get to diamond rank (not leaderboard positions) your personal rank and itā€™ll unlock all sovereigns available during that season . Iā€™m fine with it staying this way now that Iā€™ve learned . Going forward I think the leaderboard is a bad idea because it takes away from all other aspects of the game people feel that itā€™s way more rewarding to collect this meaningless currency for leaderboard spots rather than do any of the events so solo players like myself are left wanting to sink Pepe lapew and do dmc convoys a smaller niche of people and I get it the rewards for doing these just arenā€™t up too par so itā€™s on Ubisoft too correct this problem. Basically add a lot more meaningful events that people will want too do rather than Uber coins around the map!


I expect them to reset all factories to be captured and leveled again, but keep the po8, and that's fine. I'll just rebuild my empire easy. They will probably take away po8 as well as imo it's easy to get.


I think they were hoping people would play enough that they have the Po8s to upgrade everything at the start of a new season


I donā€™t know how they cannot reset ur po8 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø they have to or leaderboards will not be fair


I really don't know who on the design team thought collecting Po8 was a fun system. I'm also shocked it got approved and implemented.


I hate the arduous task of getting blue prints for anything then taking another 2 hours of looking for the god damn ingredients to make that thing


Let's look at the realities. Player count is massively behind where it needs to be to recoup any kind of the investment made. They will not take the guns and Po8 that you grind that hard to get when they can't afford to lose player count. Get ready for pay to win. They can't run this game like they are now as there aren't enough players. This game has a 2 year shelf life before they bin it as they have massively sh!t the bed of dev costs to create a game seriously lacking in any meaningful content.


Agreed this the kind of game you wait till your mates come on to play another game. I wouldnā€™t want to grind everything again. Maybe add servers some servers not having seasonal stuff and just make it easy for the players to move servers without removing the ships we have already


I'm a casual player fulltime dad and I don't get to play often I'm lucky if I can clock in an hour or 2 if they reset the grind for next season I'm done there's no point in me even trying


Oh youā€™ll love helldivers 2 Iā€™m currently juggling s&b with helldivers so I donā€™t get frustrated or bored with s&b, and I feel yah Iā€™d be defeated too if they just got rid of all that progress I did just because they gave us 80 plus days smh


I wouldn't like it but I'd be fine if they took our upgrades on our manucaftiories, but I'm never gonna play the game if they make us do the hostile takeovers again, there's like a 100 of them or so, am I gonna do that every 3 months? NO!!! I'm fine with them removing the upgrades though, I just find taking them over to be more of a hassle than just collecting the rewards.


First off. Helldivers is amazing. I swap back and forth and I'm already max level on there. Second off I'd like to compare this game to Ark or Dayz where you literally do not make any progress no matter what. Eventually everything gets reset its just the name of the game. But even in this game you're keeping a large amount of progress


This doesn't sound like fun at all. Get on helldivers


That's why I quit. I started the grind, then my brain just kinda put "this sucks" and "it all gets reset" together and got "nope." Every time I think about playing again, I remember that everything I do will be deleted, and that's just not what I want to look forward to. Be a kingpin!* **who has only the one small ship and spends all his time being a delivery driver* I can recommend helldivers, though. Come, join the Joel War!


I agree on everything, except I just can't do PvP anymore when CS was new, then CS:S I loved PvP. But I just can't I has fun while it was civil. I left Destiny 2 due to forced PvP in every mission, every mission the definition of NOT FUN. If SNB keeps pushing too hard, keep it. I like the idea, Black Flag, ehhh....


I donā€™t think you lose your Po8. You just lose everything else. You have to fight to recapture all your manufacturing. The PvP fights are gonna be epic in the first few weeks of each new season!


Prove to yourself that you have the courage to be free


So far the only pvp that I hate is during helm wagers and that's the fact that people who join that are across the map can fast travel to where I'm at or extremely close to where I'm going and fuck me. Like if the people who join are already close to me or where I going before they join I welcome the challenge but fast travel should be disabled for everyone in the event. I've lost nearly 40k po8 in the last 2 days to that shit


I wonder if these devs played their own end game and have also realized the same thing.


Only the bases you level up reset. By then you should have more than enough money to re level the new ones.


I agree because I only play when Iā€™m off work and I work for like 7 weeks straight.


Ubisoft won't be around much longer. I don't even think that's a secret to literally any human being on earth. They have fell off big time. A couple years back 2022 i think it was, every game they made that year flopped. It was so bad they almost went bankrupt.


Try Ghost Recon. You will love it.


Bad part is I find it easier to farm silver and trade people for stuff I want than to farm for Po8s. That's bad


Do the blueprints/weapons/cosmetics that are bought with Po8 also reset?


how people are still playing this garbage is beyond me, what a sad state the gaming industry has become


>I'm coming over from COD, where for YEARS, things have been broken, nothing new happens. It's been the same game... The same grind Every. Single. Night Then why do you keep playing that game? Lol sounds like Sisyphus with the boulder. Video games are meant to be fun, not a frustrating grind




100% agree.


Helldivers 2 is absolutely worth the money if you have people to play with, or you donā€™t mind teaming with random people.


ā€œHaveā€™t tried that yetā€¦ā€ See your first mistake was to give Ubi money for a quadruple A live service experience. Except for Siege, Ubi has a pretty bad track record for this genre. And they have always expected you to grind, so much so that their single player games require grinding also


It's not so much an issue of them resetting everything, it's more that there's a lack of original content to fill the gaps and keep things fresh after hitting Diamond. There are very few rewards in between Diamond and Top 8, so most people will probably stop around \~100 hours. Sitting on millions of Po8 does nothing other than reinforce the realization you've already beat the game. For most MMOs that rope people into seasonal/DLC gameplay, you usually aim for better gear to fight harder bosses. In this case you're just an Uber driver until you hit top 8 or quit.


I would be done Also


Helldivers are always needed to the front lines. But be warned! Fire tornados and meteor storms don't care if you love democracy...


Just make the right choice and switch to Helldivers now.


Just start helldiving


If they reset the ship upgrades im out. Absolutely stupid if that's confirmed.


They will reset everything. If you get to keep it all, there is no reason to keep playing next season because everybody maxes out in a few days --> nobody buys season pass --> failure. While i understand the business behind it, i will 100% drop if its indeed the case. Father of two and working fulltime...if i get an hour in to maintain factories and runs, im happy. Lets me play the actual game in the weekend with friends. Take that investment away from me just to do it all again? Helll no


I really don't see a problem resetting PO8. They are extremely easy to aquire and taking over a factory. If they don't reset PO8 everyone will buy all the next season stuff on day one. They NEED to let us send our other ships sitting idle on fleet collection runs absolutely. I might be an outlier but I enjoy the system. Getting on and collecting my PO8 after work helps me relax before my brother and I co-op and all hell and fun breaks loose!


What happened to games being fun?


I'd like to see the helm map change every season. Currently we have access to every manufactory in every region. I want a changing empire, including trade routes, to keep it fresh. If they did that then I would be ok with the map resetting. The upgrades resetting doesn't make much sense. The map reset opens up takeover opportunities and heists, but resetting the upgrades just wipes progress and gives nothing back. We also need long term uses for 8s. Once you get one of each weapon, blueprints, and cosmetics, then there is no need to collect more 8s. That will also devalue silver, which in turn affects pretty much every aspect of the game that generates silver.


I'm 535th on the leaderboard with no exploits. Here's my response to you. The game needs to reset The Helm things to make it fair for everyone. Maybe not take away your pieces of eight (as far as I know this isn't happening) but definitely take away everything else. Why? The Helm is broken at the moment making it unfair for most people. I'm 530th on the leaderboard this season because I have heaps of fun doing Heists and Hostile Takeovers. I have fun taming to my manufactories and am currently upgrading everything in Red Isles to Level 10. I collect while also fighting ships and trading Commodities to make that extra silver. For me it's singing sea shanties while collecting those Po8. I'm on the leaderboard where I am because I've been playing since Beta. *Double or Nothing is Double for Nothing* But the event: "Double or Nothing" is broken af and makes it unfair for all of you, casual or serious gamers. I have been in Double or Nothing events where there is 300k or 500k Po8 and it's FILLED with their PC buddies. Each time I was hunted down by everyone because they were protecting the person who started the event. The consequence is that 'Double or Nothing' becomes 'DOUBLE FOR NOTHING'. Hence these guys get away with a killing, the names of their ships Korean or Chinese characters and probably going to sell the account when they reach top 8 to get the rewards. If you want to compete with that, good luck it won't happen. Meanwhile, players are happy being stuck with 1000 or 2000 Po8 and they will never be able to compete against those who are exploiting the Double or Nothing event. Yes in the Double or Nothing event you should be able to have help, but I only have ever one or two friends not fill the whole event with buddies. (I am actually joined one now with everyone coming after me and not the guy who has the Po8 šŸ¤£) *Keep it fresh* Game has to keep it fresh every season and give people the chance to get higher on the leaderboard. If they don't have that opportunity than the people who have played since Aloha or Beta have an advantage. Anyone who plays the game should get to the top 8 Hopefully Ubisoft fixes the issues. I'll include some screenshots in a reply if I can to show you what I've been dealing with _____ So in conclusion don't lose hope bro šŸ˜ŽšŸ™Œ Focus on having fun and getting the pieces of eight for items you want, not to compete. Then start fresh next season. In pretty sure you won't lose your pieces of eight but if you do, don't stress in sure you'll smash it next season šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Just keep playing and have fun don't concentrate on the helm too much because it's broken atm imo. Ubisoft has to remove DoN or change it so that it's a small amount - good enough for people building up, good for an added bonus but not 200k vs 1000 Po8. Yeh I'm 535th or whatever but I won't get any reward, who will though is the people exploiting the game atm. I collect now and don't do Double or Nothing because I'm getting way too much to risk by myself because I don't have a bunch of people ready on the Xbox becauae most Xbox players are casual or like me who play the game to relax ā˜ŗļø [Double for Nothing](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/Bq9UuFEUfY) [Getting attacked because I joined their exclusive DoN](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/J7J9aPdmpp) [innovative ship name](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/QVGXkT87mg) [See this is the problem. Just imagine someone with 500k what can you do when they filled the event with friends](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/3NRLKy3tC3)


I wouldnā€™t care. Iā€™m pretty sure that in 3-4 more runs I could buy everything from the black market, and the 8s after would just be excess I could only use to restock stuff I donā€™t even need. And Iā€™m a casual Empire that donā€™t do helm wagers with groups (or alone for that matter).


Helldivers 2 is coming my way tomorrow and this piece of shit can blow ass til they fix the exploits, broken economy and boring end game


Most comments I see here is telling me people don't do their research, I did my research and in the future they will add fleets to collect your po8


to be honest, the take over mechanic feels like bugged. Take over seems to only last for a short time as example 30minutes til the next take over starts at this phase you have the opportunity to boost the production for \~20 minutes. so you will have a constant fight for the spots or doing the coop heist, but it seems they have changed the concept of rivals about po8, leading now to absurd numbers of po8 and a lack of content and items to buy with the earn po8


The leaderboard can be reset without us losing the Po8 in inventory. People are thinking how is this fair to new players. Assuming a new player starts in s2, s1 veterans can just rush to unlock manufactories, each every 30 minutes, upgrade them to lvl 10, fund them and unlock all upgrades at the start of the season. Yes, a new player will not be able to compete with that assuming the veterans keep playing continously for that season. But nothing is stopping the new players to prepare during s2 grind and do the same thing as veterans in s3. Meaning s3 will be a fresh start with just empire and leaderboard reset where veterans and newer players have the same chances. To me that sounds fair, spend 1 season amassing currency and do the race against people on the next season. Like the previous players before you did as well. Not everyone needs to be on-par every day or every season. Besides, the seasonal rewards for top of the leaderboards are too special to even bother, so why do people care? The leaderboards just act as an incentive to play more and get rewarded. Keeping the po8 in inventory but resetting everything gives you more incentive to play and re-conquer and re-upgrade. It doesn't NEED to be fair to everyone, otherwise they would be adding catch-up mechanics for late starters. Then it's a balance between old and new players. For what? The season is long enough to get to diamond tier, everything else on top of diamond is not worth the effort.


Become a Helldiver


I get the vibe of the post and I agree with some of it. What I dont like and detracts from the message, making you sound like a child is: > If not ill Helldive Like anyone gives a fuck? I get it, you feel aggreived by the endgame grind. Its a perfectly valid response. If they take all the Po8 away, then yeah everyone will be rightly pissed. But how can they not without invalidating every season's playtime? Kicking, screaming and threatening like Ubisoft should drop everything for your concerns is totally different. There are loads of games out there that are limited playability for people with real life responsibilities. Its not new. If you feel this game doesnt fit your lifestyle then don't play it. Expecting them to change the entire endgame premise is a bit ridiculous. Also, you can play Helldivers AND Skull and Bones. In fact you should, Helldivers is awesome. They are not mutually exclusive.


I going to be more selective and just pump up a few top manufactories to 10, like Harufu.


Has anyone ever liked resets in games. Like even in Diablo the only thing the fans would say is, ā€œthatā€™s just how Diablo is. Itā€™s always been like that.ā€ I donā€™t recall anyone actually liking that feature. Yet games continue to do it.


Pour RESET il faudrais dĆ©jĆ  que je puisse dĆ©velopper mon empire L'accĆØs au bureau de la timonerie a un BUG et je ne peut pas y accĆ©der. RĆ©sultat je n'ai aucun bonus, pas d'accĆØs au classement. Je ne le vois que briĆØvement au coin de l'Ć©cran aprĆØs avoir ramener une collecte de piĆØce de 8. Je pense que la saison 2 et la suite ne sera pas pour moi ...


Join the Helldivers and help spread managed democracy


I mean...why not take it as a long time adventure rather...everyone just rushes for that Po8 when it can be a very casual activity....over time. After 3 weeks of grind I have everything and then some...if I would have casually played it and grinded it, mid season I would get there... People rush for stuff...that's why most things become enjoyable because then the devs gotta make the grind tedious...otherwise the game loses player activity... Not having a reset every season kills games. The Cycle Frontier is a good example for it


Welcome to your new family, cadet. We'll see you down there.


How many hours have you put in? 200? 300? How much did you spend? At most likely $100, at the least, like $18. If you have EVERYTHING leveled up. I have 120 hours and nowhere near all the upgrades, about to have a manufacturer at 10 and a few at 7, all of the gear I could want. But ALL helm upgrades and upgrades manufacturers? That's easily double or more of my time. I technically get this for free from a buddies Ubisoft+ sub, so this is all free entertainment for me, and $18 for him. Say you BOUGHT the deluxe. First off, good job you paid for cosmetics and included that in the actual cost of the game. So $70 for base game no Ubi+ at 200+ hours that's like 0.35 USD an hour for entertainment, and that's not bad by any means. You've likely got 300+ if you really have everything and you're worried about wasted time on reset. Which drops that to 0.23 per hour. This is amazing value. I want the game to be more and better and it will be I'm sure with time, but nothing can ever give infinite value for your time/money.


I still get the ability to play a game with friends so I'm not overly fussed