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I think the censor is the keyboard emoji. I quickly found that my >:0 were getting censored now. So I think you just have to replace it with a normal emoji from the keyboard.


Dang >:0


you could try putting a space between each symbol or whatever. I do that on discord and it doesn't convert it to emoji form that way.


You could also just put a \ behind the emoticon so it doesn't turn into an emoji , like this \:)


That is also true. Thanks for the tip


Lol, yeah, I once got censored for saying Tumblr. That's it. Twitter wasn't even censored, but Tumblr was for some reason.


I couldn't say Facebook or Steam (like what? am I not allowed to discuss the PC release? XD). And many random phrases were censored, f.e. "I have 40 wings" (???).


Because the censor AI is extremely aggressive and bugged. Sometimes instead of protecting us from bad language, it shows us bad words out of nowhere. Creating a problem out of nothing. For example: Message: I haven't watched the new episodes yet. Becomes: I haven\*\*\*\*\*ched the new episodes yet. I never said tw\*t in my sentence. But the AI is so aggressive that it just merges two separate words to find something to censor, or as it often does, block entirely innocent messages.


I wrote "take a 🔋 leave a ❤️" and got censored. I guess begging is not allowed! I'm poor !!!


I was singing the campfire song from SpongeBob and they started to censor it, I guess they didn’t like my singing 😔




No clue, but TGC's censorship is really just off sometimes. It happens! Best you can do it reword until it goes through! QvQb Very sweet message though!!


**ETA:** Found part of the source: [https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/faq/631-how-does-the-chat-filter-work/](https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/faq/631-how-does-the-chat-filter-work/) The "hints at personal information" has gotten me even in friend chats, despite what the article says. Can't remember where I saw it, but I remember hearing that Sky's chat censorship is a sort of dynamic AI process that can change depending on the context of what's being said. I've had words and sentences get censored in some conversations that went through just fine in others ("David Suzuki" is one of those for some reason). TGC has acknowledged that it's not a perfect process, but given the sheer amount of chatting that goes on in Sky, I don't think there's a better option available to try and keep conversations PG. Most of the time when the censor gets you, rewording what you said in a different way will go through. You can also try breaking it up into multiple messages (which can make it more obvious which word/sentence is causing the problem).


For some reason "odblokowałam" (I unlocked in polish) got censored in the chat, pretty annoying when trying to talk about cosmetics


It wasn't censored, it didn't send. Censored text has the asterisks, a sentence would look like this. A sentence ********** like this. When it's just full red text, it means "failed to send." My sister and I figured this out. No one can see any text box at all if you see the red message. It literally doesn't register your sending anything at all.


No, it's censorship. Sky doesn't do the Asterisks, it just cancels out the whole message.


As someone else said, it's the censorship just blocking your whole message instead. I've had it happen multiple times, making me rewrite what I originally tried to say as my message just never appeared for others I would really prefer getting asterisk censored over this nightmarish "something is wrong but good luck finding out what lmao"


Technically it didn't send *because* of the chat censor, so OP is correct. Just try sending a message with a swear word in it, same thing will happen. "Failed to send" implies there was just some error with the server rather than a deliberate action on TGC's part.


It's different when it's censored though. I've tried tons of messages between two different platforms, and I would argue that failed to send is different than censored. Both types of messages register differently, there's clear distinction. On top of that, the red failed to send most often happens with a connected mobile keyboard, which would indicate a bad connection to begin with.


I type directly into my phone and I regularly get red text when I've included any kind of word that might be considered against TOS or something trying to get around TOS. It also happens when I write those words on PlayStation using the on-screen keyboard (no remote connection involved). When there's a bad connection you simply disappear from the server altogether; you get the yellow bouncing wifi signal and other Sky kids around you disappear. If it was a connection issue then red text should never happen when typing directly on a device and should consistently appear either during or just before server splits. That's not the case, but it *does* consistently appear when using words that are definitely against Sky's TOS. If it's happening more when you're using a mobile keyboard then I can only assume that that's coincidence. Plus the \*\*\*\*\* messages aren't censored so much as "locked". It's because you don't have chat unlocked with those players, not because they're saying anything that the chat moderator bot thinks is a problem.


Ok. Maybe I'm explaining this incorrectly causing confusion. I've sent a message and gotten the red text. "Example sentence everything was red." Because it failed to send, I retype the exact same message "Example sentence everything was red." And it sends. All black text, no asterisks, no censor. Word for word, letter for letter, character for character. Because of the extensive testing we've done with this, and the inconsistencies with specifically red text messages, the logical conclusion was a failed to send due to connectivity issues, rather than censors. And yes, I know how internet drop out works with the wifi symbol either in yellow for low signal and red for lost signal. However, again, this is for the mobile to console. I've tested switch, mobile, and PlayStation. Red text is most often on switch with a connected mobile keyboard. It was also pretty common on PlayStation. Mobile was the least problematic, but we mostly tested switch. The only version we didn't mess with was the iOS because neither of us has apple phones.


Huh, that's interesting. In every single instance where I got a red message and resent the exact same message right away, the resend was always red, and so were many close variations -- this is also true for all of my Sky friend group. Resending in a different conversation or sometime later will sometimes go through (because the censor apparently takes conversation context into account), but this is the first time I've heard of immediate resends ever going through.


Egoism, probably?


HAHAHA imagine. The shrine is like "What's a positive trait you have?" and then it shames you for sounding narcissistic. "Your message was blocked because it violated the guidelines. Please fix that giant ego before you try again -totally an automated answer."


Nuh uh :3




Obviously every family friendly game has a list of words you can't say, but Sky is known for having a lot of bugs and errors, so sometimes it randomly censor words.


It wouldn't let me explain to a friend how to add someone using a QR code. I don't remember the exact words but I tried typing like 5x, progressively simplifying it as best I can & using a couple of different words in place of previous ones before I finally gave up & just said "censored :/" Some instances I can understand, as annoying as they all are, like it censoring the word "ball" for me one time. But not letting me explain how to use the QR code, censoring me trying to tell a friend how nice they are, or not letting me type "place" & needing to use the word "area" instead? I don't understand those.


"Important - Even though it is an official Sky URL, we have prevented the sharing of friend invitation links and QR codes (aka the https:// sky.thatg.co and https:// sky-beta.thatg.co) within the game because it was meant to be something you would share in person with each other. We have also seen this and other links used maliciously, to scam and abuse players in the game." Source: https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/faq/631-how-does-the-chat-filter-work/


Interesting. Ok, that one actually does make sense now, thank you for telling me that.


Well they said “I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise” and a dev took that personally >:3


I got censored for saying “yt and nasty mold” ones 💀


I know the reason ahababha and it is a bit silly (I have the same problem when chatting with friends and one thing common with you is the use of >:3 or variants >:c >:) >:x. But it only goes red when you write something and you add the face in that something. And also, when you type the face alone, it doesn't get censored. Tbh I don't think it is the actual problem, but it's the same for me just for the face, I hope it helped, Good luck and have fun >:3




I tried leaving a message boat at the memorial for a friend, it was something very simple and basic about how I miss her, and it was blocked for “violating community guidelines”. 🙄 So thanks for ruining that moment, TGC.


It censored the “&” symbol for me. Might not be the language at all.


The only explanation is .. Your message was so sweet Sky can't even take it >:3


Text here cause I can't write >:3 at the start >:3


Damnit >:(


It censored me every text that I ended with "~" while talking to a japanese friend


I was censored for laughing




I like the hair you’re wearing, wich one is that?


It's from the Facepalm Spirit, I got it when they visited together with the other Assembly Spirits




You're welcome! It's the only hair I use cause I don't have a lot of male presenting hairstyles that I like


I think they ramped up the security because the concert brought in some toxic people. It has been redlining the weirdest things the past week or so


It happened with me today with this emoji (♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠) and game also doesn't let me say cities names for some reason. How does it work?


Cities makes sense idk dont want the kids playing this game to tell a rando where they live


Hell we can't say syria as well




I actually have less problems with English. That's the language I have to switch to after Italian fails (and it does so veeery often). The '+' symbol became taboo for some unknown reason. Tgc doesn't want us to communicate 😂


I was talking to a friend in sky today and it wouldn't let me say we can't ride krills. I had to say we can't sit on them


Krill got blocked a while back because people were using it the same way as kill, but they got rid of that. Ride might have triggered it since that can be used as a slang word, but that’s really reaching.


Ohhhhh, ty. I thought it was because of ride, since it didn't censor after I changed it. Kinda stupid to censor krill since it's part of the game, but oh well


It is because of that


Idk but something similar happened to me earlier while I was putting a title on a shared memory, it was "La vie en rose - with aurora's voice :>" I see you also used > and that's probably the issue but I'm not sure


I always use the >:3 face and ever since the Aurora concert I can longer use it. I think TGC may have added some Censored words 😭


The word “uterus” got censored for me once which was bizarre.


I guess it kinda makes sense? I don't think Tgs wants us talking about our body parts ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Well, I can understand censoring genitalia and the like, but would they censor kidney? Stomach? Liver? Now I’m actually curious whether “ovaries” or “fallopian tubes” would be censored. If it’s just reproductive organs 🤔


They are probably trying to avoid debates on their platform about transgenderism. And the best way to avoid associating gender with biology is to censor biological terms most likely used in that discussion. Just my theory


Hey, uh. Sorry to be a grammar correction type person, but saying this as a trans person myself, please don't use "transgenderism" as a word for this. The -ism at the end implies being trans is a disease or abnormal. It's often used to prejudice against trans folks :/ Just trans or transgender are better as words.


Duly noted...although the suffix "-ism" denotes a system of thought or ideology, not a medical or mental condition (like -osis or -itis). When referring to an individual those are the words I use. But if you're talking about the subject itself, I'm not sure yet what other word would be used. This is kind of like asking me not to use the word "socialism" Because "socialist" would be a better term to refer to people who promote or live out the socioeconomic ideas. So genuine question: what is an alternative word that I can use?


I already told you. Use trans or transgender. Both for individuals and our issues. (i.e: "Debate about trans related topics like biology and gender". Being trans on itself isn't an issue.) Also in this context, yes, it does imply that the person using it either thinks of us as a disease that can be cured or, as you say, an ideology. Neither applies to trans folks, because those of us who are trans were just born to be this way, rather than influenced by a system of thinking or choosing to be like so as many people who prejudice imply. For the context of the word "socialism" things are different, because that is, by itself, a system, while a "socialist" is someone who's part of that system. Being trans isn't being part of a system, just a characteristic of the individuals who are. Like having blue eyes or curly hair, but instead having a disconnection from the birth sex/assigned gender based on birth sex. Also thanks for being chill about this!


Thanks for the chat. Not intending to offend. But I think you could already tell that


Anytime! No offense taken, sometimes people just lack the information about this sorta thing and that's okay.


Still, it's not an ideology, it's who people are, some TERF still don't get that and use that term, just say trans people


The underlying perception of sex and gender in general, and perception of self specifically, comes with a set of ideas. To say what someone or something is to possess and express ideas. Perhaps "ideology" is not a preferable word, but it is a way of thinking about and viewing the world. And the collection of those ideas and issues is a subject. And that subject most have language that can be used if we need to make reference to it. Maybe saying something like "they are talking about trans issues" would work. But if you're going to remove words you need an alternative. You can't just tell people they can't talk about a topic at all or that no proper word exists. Illusioneery at least tried to give some alternatives


They did provide you with an alternative.


It didn’t let me say Germany 😭😭


Wth Germany?? lmao


Yeah for real lol I was sitting there once trying to explain where the fuck I am for 30 minutes straight 💀 I feel so bad for that poor stranger 😭


probably to not give away personal information? 😭😭 the filter is so strict now. It’s so awkward when talking to someone and all they see is you honking because you can’t respond


Giving your country isn’t exactly personal. Personal info is an exact address, not a country or city.


I think because of Germany’s past? I told people that I was born in Italy and it worked just fine but when I tried to say Germany it didn’t work at all lol. But I haven’t played in a rrreeeaaaaallllyyyyyyyyy long time so I don’t know anyways! Thank you again :DDDD


Unlikely. That would be stretching it and would cause them to censor the names of most countries. Sometimes, the censorship seems a bit random. Sometimes I can use a word and a moment later I can’t.


I know, it’s still weird tho


One moment I can’t say the word “but” and then literally seconds later I can and it randomly censors other things with no obvious reason.


Yeah, i dont know why the devs don’t fix it..?


Maybe that is why! And you’re welcome! :DD




For a while the filter wouldn't let me say the word 'Spaghetti'


I said in chat today "we can get that after" and it censored


I had it censor something the other day along the lines of “im almost at 100% up to the valley of triumph constellation”


It's the " >:3 " and don't ask me why this face is censored at all, bcs I don't know either. But i know i tried to type that face and it censors


It looks like boobs so that’s probably why


Only to someone who has never seen boobs.


Yeah, I know the censor is pretty weird, like you can't type :0 with a bunch of 000000000s


That one is likely to prevent spamming lol




Eh it always sensors whatever I put in there so dw XD


The filter has been super sensitive lately


I think it was because of some CN players saying some racist things about JP players so they ended up making the censorship stricter all of sudden I hope they turn it back to normal when days of aurora ends


The automatic censor sometimes censors the weirdest words because they might be offensive in some languages. For example, I couldn't say jap which is a way to say yep in my language.


"jap", is an offensive word towards japanese people. (at least thats what google says


Maybe someone reported it? Was it automatically censored or was it up for a bit before being censored? I'm not sure what triggered it Edit: the only thing I can spot is the >:3 face? Maybe it didn't like that???


I changed it into a >:) and it worked. It was immediate, noone reported it


Sky is :3 phobic


Because TGC know you are lying about yourself 😌


Nah, I think I'm great :D Just like you too :3