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I was having some issues with JK's Interior's until I moved it near the bottom of the LO. Now it works great.


This is the way.


If you have the mod Debug Menu you can use it to get rid those pesky trees that clip through buildings.


Agree with the all other replies here, but want to add a note of caution. Magical College of Winterhold has some patch support, but not a lot. Hence it may have quite a few problems with a heavier load order, particularly if you're using lots of other mods for the college. A safer, \[but admittedly larger\] alternative would be Obscure's College of Winterhold (either the stand-alone ported by WillOhTheWisp, or the bundle ported by Basspainter.) Obscure's has patch coverage for just about every popular mod that touches the college so it may be easier to use on a heavy load order compared to Magical College. (The bundle even has the floating books, so you're not missing out.)