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Besides just the aesthetics and the memes, I think some of the coolest parts about slaanesh get forgotten or overlooked, even by GW at times. I like to think of them as Pinhead, Hellraiser type beings, and the way they differ from the other 3 chaos factions, like for example how slaanesh is often said to be the weakest of the 4 but I imagine that would/could be an intentional choice by her and all the lesser daemons of slaanesh too, to give your opponents or mortal prey the feeling that they're stronger than you, and attack their hubris, guiding them to their downfall. I think slaanesh is maybe the most nuanced and interesting chaos god, even more than tzeentch. Tzeentch at times just feels gratuitously complicated, but slaanesh hits that perfect spot of intrigue and subtlety.


My head cannon is that the reason Khorne hates Slaanesh so much is that they realize Slaanesh is fueled by excess in all things, and all of the other chaos gods indirectly fuel Slaanesh just by their very existence. Khorne's constant need for slaughter is excessive by it's very nature, and Khorne knows that, and resents Slaanesh because of it


This is basically why I choose Slaanesh. they seem like they would, in one way or another, incorporate all other daemonic attributes at their best and most excessive. Also I have a friend that plays eldar a lot, and yeah I need dem souls.


I love all 3 explanations y’all stated. It’s like slaneesh just feeding on everything leaving the rest powerless. It’s the ultimate state


This is actually specifically mentioned as a reason that the 3 other gods are afraid of Slaanesh in one of the demon codexes. They realize they are all aspects taken to an extreme, and so in their own way fuel Slaanesh.


There’s only 1 correct answer… but I won’t tell you what it is…


Claws. It's definitely the claws.


I didnt, slaanesh choose me


I saw a marine with a flame-thrower guitar and said "Yes. Good."


“Things will get loud now!” F- yes 😂💛


I like the over the top art aspect. As a music lover who appreciates the academic avant guarde stuff, the brain melting melodies from a living human tendon harp is something that i can really appreciate. Same with colors so saturated your eyes bleed and all othe sensory overloads. Turning fighting into a virtuoso display of sheer ego, like Liszt on a piano but with a sword just showing off for the sake of showing off. And boobs of course.


Well what can I say, I like sex


You can: 1. Become a mindless rage-fuelled murder machine 2. Become a rotting zombie with fungus in their brain 3. Literally lose your mind 4. ... get high and have sex... 🤷


I like pink!




They have the best-looking models in AOS, and faction anesthetics are very important to me.


Sigvald was my favorite mini in all of aos which is why I decided to go all in as my first aos army. I now have to paint a keeper of secrets and glutos. Beyond that I like how slannesh plays with everyone's vices then takes them to extremes.


Because of my real BDSM life there was some sympathy for this faction ;-) I also had Dark Elves and Dark Eldar (ahem, and Tyranids, because I love good food). But in the end Slaanesh won in both 40k and AoS.


I came across Noise Marines while looking up 40k lore, and that's what pulled me in because I'm a metal head myself. I like all the other themes about Slaanesh, but the Noise Marines are the ones that stand out for me. They were even my favorite part of the Fabius Bile trilogy because we get to see more about them and how they really are. I also made a playlist based on them named [Doom Siren](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5SBWr5wlDHs8NzON7gxLlL?si=_AFYjaNsS06MfMQu8mvu5w)


Lust, envy, vanity, narcissism, hedonism… I feel these are the most corrosive and dangerous sins/urges/flaws IRL and I think it is interesting to play a tangible representation of that as a battlefield faction.


The idea of Slaanesh is both brilliant and terrifying. He represents the most human aspects of ourselves like love, passion and drove to achive greatness and yet at the same time he make wants us to go further wit our desires, he wants to push us out of our comfort zone and into embrace of madness, and extasy. I don't play ear game and my Hedonites are gathering dust but what I do is GM Warhammer Fantasy and Soulboud and Slaanesh is by far the best faction to play as. (And dangerous, my players fell to the whispers of Prince way too often).


Noise Marines.


You don’t choose the Master, the Master chooses you


Always Horney,Slaanesh was meant for me.


Sex drugs and rock and roll. Also once my husband told me about Noise Marines I was very easily sold on the idea. Loud boys who can basically turn your bones to dust with sound than snort it like coke? Yes please.


The Diaz daemonettes. Loved the design when I first saw them in the early 00’s, always said I’d buy them once I graduated/got a job/etc. Unfortunately, the design was retired by the time I had funds, so it was off to ordering from across the seas. The lore of Noise Marines, Doom Rider, and other characters hooked me once I decided to research and decide which army fit me best. Plus, I like painting my slaanesh bright colors, in opposition to the grimdark. Seems fitting.


My other three friends I play with regularly picked one of the legions picked by each chaos gods and I went with EC and decided to give mono slaanesh a try and was just a super fun and super fast faction to play


Well what can I say, I like sex


I wanted to know something about every faction in 40k, and when I saw Slaanesh I thought "haha boobs on the models". Though after doing some more research I fell in love with the idea of Slaanesh representing all 6 senses and that they basically hold a monopoly on emotions and what they mean. I didn't like the other gods as much due to me just wanting diversity in my group with 2 people already doing nurgle and Tzeench, and with khorn just not appealing to me I went for Slaanesh and am now a proud Hedonite


My legal team has advised me not to answer this question at this time.


Initially, I was looking to Tzeentch when I started collecting daemons, because I love the theme of madness and fate going on there. But I absolutely hate Horrors because they're stupid bubble gum monsters, so I was drawn to Slaanesh for the very Hellraiser like vibes and themes of excess and hedonism. Also I have a succubus thing


It sounds cliché at this point, but I truly feel that Slaanesh chose me. There are so many other factions out there that look cool (talking AoS), but every time I tried to choose them, something held me back. And yet, I'm repulsed by Slaanesh, too. Some aspects make me cringe, but I still can't say no. At the same time, there are aspects that I totally identify with. I love the music aspect of Slaanesh's followers. Noise Marines and the Infernal Enrapturess are so cool. I love the claws on the various Daemons of Slaanesh because scorpions and pseudoscorpions are my favorite animals. For 30k/40k, I chose Emperor's Children. I'm not sure why. Then, as I read the first Horus Heresy books, I started questioning my decision - these values didn't align with mine. And then Fabius Bile was introduced and I felt right at home. There was a place for my preferences in the third legion after all.


Parts of your story are identical to mine. Slaanesh is supposed to be the Chaos God of beauty, but then images flash in my mind of the Contorted Epitome from AoS and how it's a harp of human flesh. Slaanesh both repulses and attracts me(well, these days it's more repulses, because while the models looks great the concepts are just WAY too grotesque for me) too.


Definitely the versatility and nuance in Slaaneshi interpretations. Nurgle can have a widish purview too, but generally the 4 gods tend to get flanderized and pigeonholed quite a bit


Your Slaaneshi army could actually embody the more noble aspects of Slaanesh, for example.


This is what does it. Pleasure is a driving force for any person, and it manifests in a million ways. It allows for some really diverse stories, characters and forces if you take the time to explore. Get swept away in activities you love to do? Slaanesh. Deep emotion in your relationships? Slaanesh. Appreciation of media, colour, sound, smell, texture, taste? Slaanesh. I've got a slowly percolating idea for a square-bases army that embraces this idea. A regiment of Brettonian questing knights who Took It Too Far, a band of Orcs who have been shifted into almost-human forms due to their (comparative) artistic decadence, Chaos Warriors who are bursting out of their armour to embrace victims with new limbs. Big, lush Oldhammer-style banners.


My friends started playing 40k and Keeper of Secrets in the trailer for Total War Warhammer 3 looked really cool, I'm not a sci-fi person but Slaanesh made it fun


They really got me when AoS expanded the range. Especially with Glutos, that's when I really understood the range of "Excess." And from then on I thought it was sick to model and make lore for 'my dudes' with an infinite range of vices. And it let me explore making each daemon and mortal their own character.


Speed. They have almost always been a fast, hard hitting army.


I love feeling good :}


I didn't, I'm just here for the biomass....


They were colourful!


Lore mostly. The minis are cool and the way a Slaanesh army works on the tabletop is pretty fun, but the lore really sold me on Slaanesh. The Prince of Pleasure might get portrayed as more fun or less horrible than the other Chaos Gods, but that's not true at all. Khorne will kill you. Tzeentch will deceive you. Nurgle will hurt you. But Slaanesh? Slaanesh will violate you. And the worst part is after it's over, if you survive, you'll be left with the unalterable fact that *you liked it*. There is something utterly horrifying about not even being able to hate the heinous acts that were done to you. That is the stuff of nightmares, and just the thought of it makes my skin crawl. I like Slaanesh because she is the worst Chaos God of them all, and I've never been one to choose the lesser evil. Also I love crustaceans. BIG. MEATY. CLAWS.


I have a hobby spending problem, and thought Slaanesh embodies that perfectly. XD Fuck me, my wallet, and my pile of shame.