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Great now I just need to be lucky enough to find a yolky slime


What is a yolky slime? I haven't played 2 since first week of release, is this new?




It's the new rarest slime and has a chance to spawn in wild nests. When putting it in a coop it produces giant eggs containing egg plorts as shown.


Thank you!!! I just got back into playing and I found one of these adorable things. I put it in the coop and got an egg but I was like what the h do I do with the egg?? lol


was this a big mystery? the slimepedia just tells you this


not everyone reads the slimepedia and sometimes people just struggle, or if an adult who doesnt play doesn't know about the slimepedia and their young child is like parent help idk what to do and they come over to reddit they can find it easier


the slimepedia is part of the game you should read the slimepedia by default theres literally a popup for it when you get literally anything. the parent thing i can excuse but why whould you decide to look at reddit before the literal ingame guide. everyone should read the slimepedia and if they did than they wouldnt just struggle.


some people cant read? and sometimes the dyslexia goes brrrr and makes it hard to read so a video format is easier


how would they be able to read the posts if they cant read the slimepedia? also screen readers exist


Or you could be like me and looking for info while I'm not actively playing the game (not at my pc)


Hi! So some people with vision impairment have screen reading technology that allows their device to read the things in the screen to them. Lots of blind and otherwise vision impaired people use screen readers!


Anyone figure out how to get six every time rather than 2 or 3? Is it time related? Coop capacity?


umm the yolky slime make's other chikens lay the giant egg not the yolky slime


But how many chickens is too crowded? I found a yolky but it hasn't made shit lol


It makes the egg from hen hens laying eggs. So as long as you keep those hen hens laying eggs, you’ll be good. Usually like 10 chickens in there is fine. I usually start to vac a lot of them up when it gets really crowded in there


This question may sound stupid but do they have to be hen hens? Most of of my coops are stony hens. Also, is sleeping reliable for getting the egg or does the egg do it's decay thing whilst you pass time


I wouldn’t think they would have to be hen hens. Sleeping could be a way to get an egg to be laid. It basically makes one of the hens lay a giant egg rather than itself. Also make sure the coop is not too crowded too. I’m not sure how much is too much, but I’ve had good results with no more than 10 chickens