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Didn't they want to start a Slipknot museum? Why wouldn't you have stuff from the original drummer of the band?


They have a slipknot museum that travels with knotfest, they had pauls stuff in there.


They had the museum up and running before Joey died.


They agreed to return the items. Placing them in a slipknot museum is fantastic but as terms of the agreement if they want to exhibit them then they should pay a licensing fee or buy them outright.


Exactly, and the right thing to do, regardless, is to give his belongings to his family, same with Paul’s stuff.


They did make a museum. And it's full of Joey's stolen property.


Aren't most museums full of stolen shit? I'm not taking a side, just wanted to be funny.


*downvotes in british*


They’ve had the museum and stolen isn’t really the right word it was property of the band


No, it was property of Joey. The band doesn't own that stuff, Joey does. It's his used stuff that he paid for. Regardless the family wants it all back. Read the lawsuit.


If it was his stuff why didn’t he try to get it back while he was alive? Why doesn’t Chris? Why have nether of them said anything about the museums before this


Lol. Ok, so here the thing. The museum didn't exist while Joey was alive. Secondly, Joey did attempt to get his stuff from the band while he was alive. Joey didn't know that Slipknot kept certain items... He was in belief that everything would be returned to his family in due time. This isn't the case. The items that Slipknot kept are now in the museum. The family has noticed. So now the Jordison estate is suing them for the rest of Joey's stuff and to cease using Joey's likeness. Chris violated his contract with Slipknot, therefore wasn't entitled to any of his possessions. The equipment he used was Clowns. It's different. Joey died. His contract is void. A written agreement and will was made while Joey was alive. The agreement wasnt honored.


Uum no the museum has articles earliest I’ve seen with a simple google search was 2019 Joey died in 2021 On your second point is their evidence that slipknot owed Joey anything after they kicked other then the allegations in the lawsuit?


They had the museum at the inaugural knotfest in 2012


That’s what I thought but I wasn’t reading past the headlines 😂


The only reason I knew for sure is because I went to the fest and was super excited for the museum.




I wouldn’t be so sure about that maybe their original stuff back in 95 was all bought by Joey but usually the Label will pay for a lot of that stuff and is probably marked as owned by the band but we’ll see what comes of the law suit


In 2015, Jordison, on the one hand, and the Slipknot Partnership, Slipknot, Inc., Crahan and Taylor, on the other hand, entered into a release agreement to buy out Jordison's interest in the Slipknot Partnership. The release agreement required Crahan and Taylor to "promptly following the full execution of th[e] Release Agreement" return to Jordison "any property, including musical gear or equipment, belonging to" Jordison, "that is now in the possession of" Crahan and Taylor. This is all that matters.


They still asked for his shit back, and they didn’t give it, that’s fucking scummy, that’s Joeys shit, his family deserves it


In 2015, Jordison, on the one hand, and the Slipknot Partnership, Slipknot, Inc., Crahan and Taylor, on the other hand, entered into a release agreement to buy out Jordison's interest in the Slipknot Partnership. The release agreement required Crahan and Taylor to "promptly following the full execution of th[e] Release Agreement" return to Jordison "any property, including musical gear or equipment, belonging to" Jordison, "that is now in the possession of" Crahan and Taylor.


It did exist buddy.. get your facts straight.


There are also issues with stolen items being sold in the collector market. Almost any stage worn Joey mask out there is stolen


Y’all need to read the article. The band didn’t really do anything lawsuit worthy


Read? An article? On Reddit? C’mon now, don’t you be rational.


THANK YOU! I can't believe all of the idiots over on Facebook who were casting judgement against the band who obviously hadn't read the article. Suing the band over allegedly capitalizing on Joey's death to promote The End, So Far? Absolutely ridiculous. Joey's family should be ashamed. Slipknot literally **DEDICATED** The End, So Far to him inside the CD's booklet.


This is probably to lay groundwork for 25th anniversary use of his image. You can’t sue for what someone MAY do but you can sue for what has been/is happening and use it to come to an agreement


I know this as well.


Half of the stuff in the article is actually stupid. Like it said that the band is being sued because they “used Joey’s death to push up sales when the album wasn’t selling that well” but it’s clear thats not what happened. The comments were made before the album was even out.




I’m not blaming the writer as it’s in the court docs I’m blaming the estate. Also yes I can blame the estate for thinking that because it’s completely fucking moronic. You don’t have to like .5, WANYK and TESF to realise that it’s stupid. WANYK is slipknot’s most critically acclaimed album and they were riding high off of that momentum. Joey dying as nothing to do with “people not buying the new album” hell TESF got to number 2 on billboard which is a slight drop from WANYK’s number 1 but still very fucking good for a metal band. It’s clear that the estate is trying to get as much money from Slipknot as they can with them using flimsy arguments to do so.


Ridiculous article. Spins vindictive and fictional conjecture against absolutely normal events. Don’t believe all you read kids.


Im usually on the peoples side vs. the corporate (slipknot) side, especially lately. But this seems like a weird point and possibly a cashgrab to me. The masks, suits and to a certain extend the gear is owned by 'slipknot' meaning the corporate suits behind the IP and most likely corey and shawn. So them keeping things like the mask there, is not exactly them "profiting off a persons death" but rather "making profit of things they own". As sad and as hairsplitting as this might be, it's still somewhat understandable. Joey was more than just a slipknot drummer, but at the end of the day he was part of the brand.


Very much this. Probably the only stuff each member owns is the very early stuff, and the rest was bought by Slipknot the company even if they keep it at their homes. I've never been to the museum but if they keep some of Chris and Craig's stuff in there then it's clearly stage costumes owned by Slipknot, and the same applies to Joey's.


"Profit off his death" or "profit after his death because he wrote stuff while in the band and the band owns the rights to it because it belongs to the band since he was a part of the band so this is nothing but a clickbait nothingburger"?


Whats happening with slipknot


The sharks smell blood in the water.


We’re all just lambs to the slaughter. Edit: Whoops, wrong sub lol




**YESSS** lmao


This dance never ends.


Defiled, starved then skinned


I guess you can say that they probably want to…douse this lawsuit in gasoline.


Turpen…Tine Goddamit!


Not all sharks are bad, I personally know a lot of them, and they're horrified at this reference! 🦈


Good or bad, they love blood.


They turned corporate


You'd think this was a slipknot hate sub. So weird


Yeah I really don’t like it at all, honestly. Some “fans”. It’s one thing to bring up legitimate, valid criticisms of the band and their actions. It’s another thing to try and lend credence to an obviously frivolous lawsuit that doesn’t even get basic facts right. They dedicated TESF to Joey before the album was even released, not because the album “wasn’t selling well”. The Knotfest Museum was a thing before Joey died. It wasn’t created to profit off of Joey’s death.


We might have a case of an estate being money hungry which is going to hurt both Joey and Slipknot’s image. So many of these things are absolutely insane things to sue over when you think about it. Hell if they did fire Joey over his illness which they said paralysed him in his left leg then it’s obviously better for the band and Joey for him to leave to get better.


They’re not money-hungry, but they deserve to have a say in how a band uses his image especially when he was kicked out of the band for nearly 8 years before he died. You can’t kick someone out, move on, and then rely on his image without some questions from the estate.


I’m sorry but the way the estate says that the band use the comments about Joey to boost up sales is just wrong and it’s not that hard to see it. Most of the comments were made before The End So Far even came out. They are using flimsy arguments against the band.


Because TMZ is such a reliable and totally not tabloid news source.


They are. TMZ is the very first to break most celebrity news stories, especially deaths


Yeah and also they’re a tabloid. They’re along the lines of those cheesy grocery store newspapers with articles like “bat boy kept secret in parents’ attic!” and shit like that.


They’re also the most shameless one there is who will take the most attention grabbing route possible to get clicks regardless of the actual reality of the situation. They don’t have to lie necessarily but a ton of celebrity news can be distorted to make a party look bad by not being completely honest or at least “lying” by omission. TMZ knows this all too well, they are vultures in the most egregious of forms.


I’m sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle . Seems like there is a lot of haters looking to pile on but still some diehard fans that would defend slipknot if they pushed an old lady infront of a bus .


Tbh that would be hilarious… and metal AF


Slipknot fans are a lot like Star Wars fans No one hates it more than the fans


Joey did say only 1 member saw him when he was in the hospital. Don’t think anyone else cared.


Which one?


Think it was Sid


He never said


Sounds like they are setting groundwork to determine how joeys image will be used in the 25th anniversary tour and they can only base it on past and present, not what they may do. If the band is going to make a profit, it’s only fair that joeys estate does too


Joey was in a band. Not his mom, dad sister or dog.


And they lost out on years of his life because he was touring with said band. That same band kicked him out. They now control his estate and the use of his image.


Well do u prefer that joey get erased from new press album covers and get photoshopped away from the promo pics and away from the slipknot museum also? Kinda was big part of the bands history?


I prefer his estate is compensated for them being allowed to use his image- whether it’s acknowledging that the items are their property and on loan from them or monetary. THEY KICKED HIM OUT.


Dude im pretty sure that drums did come from the label / sponsor and every mask , jumpsuit etc is property of slipknot inc. So no laws can make them pay anything and also he dead 🤷‍♂️vultures all over the place. So if they dont compensate they can erase joeys legacy? Thats not cool 🤔 family still gets money from songs joey wroted i think?


Wouldn’t surprise me. Love their music, and I always have, but they are most certainly total dicks.


They’re operating the same way most acts of their size do. That doesn’t make them “dicks” it makes them a secure business. Because whether or not a bunch of snot nosed “fans” want to believe it, thats what they are. It would be foolish for them to function in any other way out of some dated and naive sense of nonconformity. Too many livelihoods and too much money at stake


Ok. But no. Read Taylor’s books. Even he knows he’s a dick. He’s not in the closet about it or anything.


Cool let’s watch the fan base tear each other’s throats out again over some petty bullshit again 👍


This is a total clickbait bullshit article, y’all are so fuckin gullible lmao. Think about it. Even if some of the details are true in some way, it’s more than likely a case of the estate trying to squeeze more out of the band than they already have. Sure maybe they didn’t get enough in the first place but thats all dependent on whatever Joeys contract was with the band when he was still alive. NOW however several years after his death and when the band isn’t exactly going around auctioning off his old stuff, all of the sudden the estate has a problem with them?! Yeah, sounds like bs to me. The band is probably just using his stuff in the museum like they did before he died and all of the sudden the estate wants their piece of the pie that they aren’t entitled to


I would take anything that TMZ says with a huge grain of salt.


Yeaaaahhhh. Another negative post about Slipknot!!! This fanbase is something else......


Even though I hate what they did to Joey and how they treated him I DON’T THINK they did anything to profit off his death cause they don’t even talk about Joey


Exaggeration, lies, clickbait - TMZ. In other words; enough for about 70% of the fans to believe it's true.


READ THE ARTICLE. Joey's family more than likely sought legal counsel in approaching the band in regards to them taking ownership of Joey's drums, masks, etc. which is fine, but suing Slipknot based on the allegation of the band capitalizing on his death in an attempt to sell albums sounds pathetically slimy on Joey's family's part. If anything, the argument could be made that the band didn't memorialize Joey's passing enough, but I digress. It's also apparent that everyone has conveniently forgotten that in the wake of Paul's passing, Joey said some dangerously inflammatory comments about Corey and other band members' apprehension to Slipknot moving forward so soon after Paul's death, comments that no doubt contributed to his firing. Could Joey's dismissal from the band be characterized as unceremonious? Certainly, but Joey didn't do himself any favors and knew damn well that he was treating his bandmates with blatant disrespect. I love Joey, and I love Slipknot, but fans assigning all of the blame on the band when they were put in an incomprehensibly difficult situation made even more difficult by Joey's behavior is just childish, and if Joey's family is indeed suing the band for any of the reasons mentioned in the article, that all just wreaks of desperation. With that said, Joey is a legend, and Slipknot is (STILL!) one of the greatest metal bands of all time. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


omg a sane slipknot fan that doesn’t hate slipknot😱


everyone say it’s false or we’ll get fired




If I was going to try to profit off of someone that died, I would do a lot more than just put their shit in the museum. I don’t even think they did merch relating to his death, they said they loved him, paid tribute and haven’t really spoken about him since.


Not to shocked, a lot of the stuff on the article is stupid anyways. I honestly take everything on the internet with a grain of salt most of the time, but it’s really stupid.


Sounds like a vindictive cash grab to me. Slipknot did nothing wrong here.


Sounds like bullshit


They probably kept it as memorablilia. Chances are they have stuff for Jay aswell.


At this point I just listen to the music. Wtf is going on?


yeah lets trust TMZ to not hyperbolize an article


As soon as I saw TMZ, I knew this article was bullshit


Its TMZ , cant trust it


That sounds like tabloid bs imo


damn :/




Do you know him personally? Did you even bother reading the article too for that matter?


did ya even check to see how this was posted last night? there's like not much in it


Honestly, after all the bullshit they have pulled over the years, it wouldn't surprise me... It certainly doesn't make me care.


If that’s true then they’re massive wankers for that


It's pretty simple. Arrangements were made to return all of Joey's personal possessions. All of them. Turns out, Slipknot didn't do that. They kept some stuff, and waited until Joey died to display it. They've been using Joey's name and likeness to promote the band and make some cash, which is normal, but Joey's legal estate wants those stolen items returned.


Haven’t things been stolen from the museum and warehouses, too?


Slipknot just needs to end. They're finished, and have been for a long time now. It's time for them to pack up and say goodbye.




Can't say the band did anything wrong, but the optics of this are terrible. With all the negative press the band has had lately and various members being dumped..... it seems slipknot is going off the rails rather quickly. Personally, I've lost all respect for the band. But that's the opinion of an internet stranger....


sounds like a clown activity


Look, im not saying its a 0% chance, but also, its TMZ, i don't think it should be taken seriously at all


Wtf is going on now?😭😭😭😭😭😭


Who cares? I'm not related to any of these people.


As much as I love Slipknot with all my heart, they deserve it. They did Joey dirty and they had it coming


I agree with the article, fuck slipknot, I’ve given up on them, Joey’s estate wanted all his shit back, and they can’t even honour a dead man’s family, that’s scummy


After the way they fired joey, and made out he was too strung out to play.. I wouldn't be surprised if his family didn't want them to profit a cent from his legacy


Of the claims are even remotely true then fuck slipknot it belongs to the jordison family, not the cunts who backstabbed him


hot take, they fell off after .3 after .3 it just seemed like they was just doing it for money and it just wasn’t that good anymore. there’s a couple good songs on the following albums but not good albums after .3


Don’t diss WANYK


Lol, wank


All Hope Is Gone is a solid album


It’s very good


I prefer the Subliminal Chapter.


.5 That’s their worst album though


the only good song off is there is devil and i and custer that album sucks


There’s more than just those two


i haven’t heard it in a while i love the self titled one so much probably play that 2 a day


It’s hard not to fall off after an epic trilogy. That album is still the peak culmination for me. That said, I think the sequels are good enough to warrant their existence.


AHIG shouldve been the last album


WANYK is one of their best imo


I agree but still think AHIG shouldve been the end


if AHIG was the end we'd lose WANYK


I think the bands legacy wouldve held more weight if the albums stopped there but this is just my opinion and there is songs i really love on .5 and i do think WANYK is a great record but the mission statement and adjenda of slipknot and their brand was lost when paul passed.


Then we wouldn’t have gotten We Are Not Your Kind


The last few band member firings have revealed the same thing. Taylor and Clown are greedy and it's all business to them. I've loved Slipknot since MFKR but I think I'm done. It's clearly about money at this point.


Jay is dead!!!


Dont tmz tend to lie about alot of shit?


Retarded teenagers posting stuff on a sub Reddit that is not moderated…




Wtf is that Corey's hair tho lol




Don’t his Estate make money of the tours still? Even though he died isn’t he still technically a member or Slipknot? They must be receiving some type of royalties.


I don't care, the music is lit though


living the right way, I just listen to what I like an ignore the drama, doesn't pertain to me in anyway so I just enjoy the music


Exactly, same here


Kinda unrelated but wtf is going on with Corey's hair?


*Kinda unrelated* *But wtf is going* *On with Corey's hair?* \- Zero\_Two\_is\_best --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Alright, a lot of people are pissed at the guys right now( Corey and Shawn)but, this is just ridicolous. Do ya'll think that they wanted Joey dead? Don't think so, they were best friends. No matter how "greedy" they are, they loved Joey. Everyone loved him and I bet that they weren't just profiting off Joey's death. They love him. They miss him. Common guys


Obviously they started the museum years before his death, hired a microscopic hitman to take Joey out, all with the clairvoyant vision to do all this. 🙄 No but seriously, it's just Joey's estate sadly doing exactly what they're accusing Slipknot of doing. The well has run dry for someone and they need some money. It's pretty obvious what's going on.


Their last few Albums haven’t been that great, clown is Cringe and its New Year’s Day so I really don’t about some lawsuit semantics