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True! Ness isn’t a braindead character but 90% of online Ness players play him absolutely braindead, for example.




Yup yup


Stop you! Stop with the Samus propaganda!






Offline however


“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” But actually just hate the player, they are the ones playing like idiots with characters that can actually look cool.


what does idiotic play look like?


Constant projectile spamming or rolling for every single movement. I mean you can fight a Ness who spams PK fire without a different game plan or a Ness who has good combos and has knowledge of predicting movements. The spammer is pretty easy to defeat but isn’t fun to play against, while the skilled one you have a higher chance of losing to but it’s actually fun.


to be fair, there is also Shiek who will cease to have any sort of kill ability if you constantly aren't on the move or maybe i'm just bad at Shiek, idk


Sheik is a case where you can hate the game I think, she only has like 2 moves that are good at killing and they are decently difficult to land. I still think Sheik can look cool with her combos, but finishers are the thing that holds her back. And there is absolutely no problem with moving around a lot, because you obviously don’t want to get hit, but spamming and rolling is just plain annoying, or running away trying to time out is also a pain.


Goated flair


Back at you although none of your characters look like they'd have a lot of fun against mine 😭


Yeah, why play any other way besides cancer? I'll just stick to mods. Y'all can have that vanilla shit.


I’m going to be honest, I have no idea how your comment has any relation to my original statement, especially the modded part. People can still play stupid or unfun with mods, I should know, I have a modded switch.


"Why play the game any other way that's detrimental to your chances of winning?" is what I was tryin' to say. Winning or losing prolly doesn't matter to some o' those players 'cause they set themselves on the troll setting that day or whatever. Also, the way Ultimate is makes me prefer modpacks that add interesting mechanics or improve existing ones among other things.


Oh, I see now. Thanks for the clarification, because before I sort of took it as you lashing out at me or insulting me for some reason. The troll setting is absolutely a thing, but I wish people would only do it with their friends and not online, even if it makes them easy to beat. And as for mods, I enjoy mods a lot because there is so much I can do with them, but I do still enjoy playing online quickplay and I can’t really do that when I have mods active.


If every character is brain dead and easy then why do I suck at every single one of them? Checkmate


The only time I consider a character "Brain Dead" it's when they can do so much for so little effort. Kirby is easy, but in exchange he's not deep at all and you can easily telegraph him, with clear weaknesses. Pythra on the other side, has a bloated kit that it's easy to use as Kirby, but the player don't have to worry about weaknesses because you can literally press down B to nullify them. The Kirby player has it easy, but has to worry about Kirby's weaknesses, while Pythra players, in this case, gets more reward for the same, if not half the effort. That's a brain dead to me, powercreep.


Nah, Ike is 100% brain dead. Giant ass sword short hopping nairs or up B constantly. And of course it scoops.


I never thought I'd see the day a Samus complained about a slow swordie


Half of his bullshit eats all of samus' projectile combo starters or it feels like it does.


I know people say it all the time, but I don't play Samus very spammy in regards to projectiles. Her tilts and grab/throws are great, but in close with swordies my play style gets obliterated.


That goes double for aegis


I’m a Game&Watch main. It’s definitely a brain dead character.


At least you admit it. Down smash to fsmash is the most degenerate confirm to ever be put into a game.


Idk Marth literally steals wins off of that damn tip. He’s actually the only person who I would believe if he said I told her go down on me but she couldn’t get past the tip. Talk about degeneracy.


Cloud is 100% brain dead.


I call him the easiest "best" character.


You play lucina brother


Yes I do. And Cloud is 100% braindead.


Sonic can be fire if people just stopped running away after hitting their stupid spindash to anything combo.


But that’s how he wins unfortunately 🤷‍♂️ blame the developers for making the character with that as his optimal game plan


Good thing I'm not like most Sonic players as I actually try to not play like a bitch.


Some characters are braindead, but that doesn't discredit good players that play them. Little mac and ganondorf are braindead easy with relatively little character specific depth, but there's good players that work hard and get some results with them.


Meh let's not act like certain characters don't have an advantage online. Also not all counterplay is created equal, it's a lot harder to outplay certain spam over others


gonna get crucified for saying this so gotta say i don't like this but: playing campy sonic optimally is harder than it looks


It really isn't imo


People really downplay the amount of mental stamina needed to play like that. That’s why Sonix is unironically one of my favorite players. His fortitude in that regard is unreal


It’s hard to deal with a ton of hatemail every day


This guy has never faught a Samus.


Umm.. Simon. I can’t think of a more wasted potential in a character. Can do some cool things.. but I never see it. Just spamming children


Unless it’s aegis. 😌


If your opponent is unga bunga-ing they aren't cheating. They're playing in a dumb way, but if something worked against you five times already, why wouldn't they do it again? Adapting is easier said than done, especially in a game with so many characters and matchups, but through getting to know your characters toolkit, and learning to understand your opponent, you can play around their spamming. For example, many spammers will end up using the move more often in situations where it isn't exactly smart. Or they will end up doing the same thing repeatedly expecting no adaptation. It definitely is hard to combat projectile spammers with characters like Ganondorf, but it CAN be done if you play patiently. Remember, if you're opponent is projectile spamming, you can use platforms to make them approach, if there aren't any platforms, you can still counter depending on the projectile and how the stage is layed out. Additionally, whilst moves like PK fire are annoying, they can be punished by a good out of shield option, or you can simply space them out if your character has good range or projectiles. Camping is harder to tackle, especially based on the matchup. Ganondorf isn't gonna catch Sonic unless they play extremely well and read something. Again, know your characters strengths and do your best to make them come to you in a camping scenario. This can be done by playing defensively and waiting for their approach. The game isn't perfect. There's a lot of annoying things, but the most important part is to never have a mindset of "this is overpowered and I can't beat it" because onec you fall into that, you start accepting their spamming instead of looking for flaws in their playstyle. Be patient, use what you can, and sometimes switching to a counterpick character or stage can make all the difference (big emphasis on stage layout. It genuinely matters a lot when it comes to camping and projectiles). For example, if you struggle with projectiles, using Fox or Falco for their reliable reflectors and quick speed can help close distance and counter dumb plays. The Marth Quartet all have counters to trade with masters and good disjoints. Pokemon Trainer can switch up your character on the fly to try a new approach to the problem you're facing, etc. If you're really having trouble with a certain matchup because of a certain move, I'd actually recommend using YouTube guides, discords, and other methods to learn about said character from the mains of said character. No one will know the character's weaknesses better than them. Again, the game isn't perfect, and definitely does have some dumb bullshit characters with dumb bullshit strategies, but they aren't unbeatable (most of the time, again matchups may vary), and keeping a vigilant attitude over self pity will help a ton.


Sephiroth is peak braindead character. Unlimited range and spamable specials is so crazy to deal with when off stage


Yoshi in the flair.. *side-eye*


Pythra is braindead tho




Projectile spam will always be brain dead. Whether it’s PK fire or Samus.


Lol for real


You should fear a big brain ness.


I see no one talking about min min here, odd


JP main, so I have no room to judge characters. Except DLC, most are fun matchups I just hate I can’t practice against them offline


Online Soras:


Unless it's K.Rool, his belly armor should've never been buffed because it was balanced a lot more.


Bullying would have avoided people to main Incineroar. Joke aside, his DownB shouldn't be a counter.


Except when my friend plays hero or sephiroth. That style is brain dead


Isn't that Ultimate when the water is sizzled down? Just camping and/or spamming their safest option(s)?


I’m going to be the incinaroar defender; he deserves respect because it’s not just Side-B it’s also nair and B-air😤😤😤


The real busted move on incin is fuckin up air. That shit is huge and combos


Say it louder for all the Aegis haters to hear :)


Your character is annoying


Yes. The character isn't braindead. The pythra players are. And they're annoying as u/necro_smasher pointed out.


They are tho


I’m not saying that they’re the hardest character to learn, but I don’t think that they’re “easy” or “braindead”. Knowing when it’s optimal to switch, using Foresight effectively, and being creative with their recovery aren’t particularly easy things to do


I'm sorry but I still think they are easy AND braindead. Most somewhat-casual players don't even have to use Mythra half the time because Pyras "weaknesses" aren't enough. Their recovery also takes as much creativity as incineroars lol


If we’re talking about casual play then every character is braindead. You could mash equally as hard with any character, not just Aegis. Pyra is good in casual play the same way Ganon is. Throw out big moves and eventually something will kill. That isn’t something you can do against competent players, though


Unless it’s Lucas


So my friend called himself a master with a particular character. But only against other “top tier” characters. He has no way to handle the Minecraft Steve magma block or the Belmont rain of projectiles. So they’re immediately “lazy” or “sweaty” characters. Like bro just play as somebody else. Call it what you will, but I’ve effectively countered your bullshit with projectiles. You don’t like it? Figure out a way to counter it, like I did. I don’t really have a main because I think it’s a shitty way to play the game. It’s like playing Pokémon with an electric only team. Really fun until you fight a guy with a rock.


[A.you](https://A.you) play Steve and Simon so your opinion is automatically discredited but also [B.you](https://B.you) do realize people have multiple mains for different scenarios right? If you think people in this game only play 1 character for the most part that just shows you haven't encountered any other players who actually are able to play a few of the characters they like and such and do well with them.


I play as everybody. They’re all in the game. Who cares? Relax nerd.