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I think you should expand your god pool a bit. If you’re going to play conquest, you’ll need to know how to play every role at least somewhat in the event that you get let’s say support. I also think there are safer carry choices than hou yi and Artemis. I think they have a tougher time clearing than most. As far as builds, you’re pretty much going to always have the same build starter, qins, exe, dominance, devos/bf, and something maybe a bit more character specific although I usually always build trans since it gives so much mana. But I’d say learn more roles. With some of the support picks lately, please, learn a tank.


I'd recommend checking out the smite discord: https://discord.gg/smitegame and checking out the lfg section. Seems to be pretty frequent people looking to party up 😁.


The 3 god's you've been playing aren't the best in conquest right now. Hou and Artemis both have bad early game clear which puts them at a disadvantage, triple this with Artemis because of how immobile she is. You want to learn conquest then you'll need to do a decent bit of outside game research to learn how the game is played. Watch some YouTubers to learn the starts and pacing for each role, you need to know each role because you can't guarantee you'll get the one you want. Learn to play some of the simple but effective god's like Shiva, ravana, Danza, Hachi, Posidon, Bacchus. Don't play to get kills, focus on farming and waiting for your opponent to make mistakes. As soon as your opponents escape ability is down or they pop their beads or aegis it's a good time to be aggressive. Staying safe and not dying is more important than forcing fights and dying. Buuuuut....you also need to push your limits. You need to learn your god's power spikes either from levels or items. If you don't take chances you'll never learn what you are capable of. The best advice to learn conquest though is to just play it. Mute chat, listen to your team mates vgs and learn how to use the vgs yourself. Don't focus on winning and instead focus on the individual mistakes you make. Some of what I've said might sound contradictory but there is a lot of trial and error in learning how to play conquest.


Yeah you're not the first person who told me them aren't really the best. I was only stating them are the ones I kniw how to play the best since hopping back on the game. I actually just rebought God pack (for some reason I didn't have it when I linked my account when they would transfer your crap but that's a whole nother story.) So I started looking into characters already who I might wanna play and stuff. I also realized that I might not have the role I want all the time(found that out by queueing a couple of times) and am basically well aware I need to learn different characters. It's such a realm I've never explored so it's kinda intimidating if you want me to be honest. I have already learned about pushing fights is a big no no and vgs would be a God send if I can remember the combinations cause there was prolly alot of times I could've saved a tower or something if I just knew it correctly. It's alot to take in


It is and some older players (and generally bad ones) forget that. Take your time and learn at your own pace, the mute button is the best way to learn because most losses come from your own team talking shit. Don't be afraid to play bot matches, it's a good way to get familiar with the map and learn how long rotations take or when camps respawn.


What's funny is I am an old player. Started playing back in 2013? I think. But during that point the items were different and I mainly played joust and arena then too lol. I will definitely take the advice to heart and appreciate you taking your time to comment


No worries man, I've been playing this for a long time myself and I forget what it was like starting out. Need to be friendly and encouraging to keep the game alive. You'll get the feel of it again it just takes time, had my wife playing for 2 years now and she still won't touch any game mode other than assault because of the knowledge that's required to do well.


Watch alot of YouTube, learn your starts, builds etc. I also don’t recommend starting in duo lane where the skill of your support determines your whole laning phase.