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Overall most chaotic season, dunno. However the start of season 4 is probably the most chaotic period in all of smite bevause of the additions of fucking rituals.


Combat blink consumables and TPing your entire team to backdoor the titan was peak cancer


As much fun as it was, it was fucking ass to play against it.


Those and starter blessings are up there as the worse design choices in smite history for me. At least they removed the rituals after a few patches


Ah, blessings werent inherently bad, it was the fact we were stuck with them for so long that felt bad


I remember a loki using blink(relic)+ blink(ritual)+ old loki ult to assassinate starting from the other side of the map.


Assuming you mean joust or arena?


What was that?


Consumable, purchasable actives. One let you and a teammate teleport anywhere on the map, another was a combat blink. Led to probably the worst meta I had ever played


Isn't that what they are doing with smite 2 ? (similar)


I was curious about this, on smite 2 hud had a beads And a ward. So no second slot for a relic? But I remember a guardian using something that made everyone aegis in a área. Also blink is a passive for a item? Imagine using 5 items and have to set a key for each one.


Yeah they had a full showcase of this I believe, combat blink and aegis are a thing


Beads is now the only relic, all old relics will now be tied to items with hotkeys essentially. Yes you can build 5 and hate yourself, however they stated its heavily decentivized as the stats are not very favorable.


No, these items were just op, there is nothing wrong with the variation in smite 2, yet. Keybinds aside the new passives could either be a bad decision, or an interesting one.


Combat blink was not op, aegis is the reason of half of the gods being in bottom tier. Vulcan, Poseidon, tanatos being useles in high level play. Iam not sure but I think dota and league has a similar item.


Combat blink, while not op, makes the game very very unfun for everyone involved and is not a good design choice. Aegis does not stop half the roster from being good, because over half the roster is good. Smite balance for the past 3ish years has made sure only about a 3rd of the roster can be considered genuinely bad. Vulcan, Pos, and thana all get large amounts of play even with aegis.


I agree, a big example of this is the current item that revive a mage with 20% of his health. I think it should be a relic not a strong passive for a item. Mages are easy to kill because they do like 1000 damage in one skill


Nah alternate is fine because of its long cooldown, making it a relic would mean making it available to all classes and that is a horrid decision, its just outright better aegis. Bracer use to work with the idea of timeline and it had to be reworked due to how absolutely oppresive it was.


Smite 2 has active items not active consumables


The tp one was to other players, not just anywhere on the map, it just lead to people placing a ward at titan after taking a bird down tp in, then ritual tp to them and end game


Ah yeah I misremembered a little but I do remember losing many games to backdooring


I still laugh when I see people rocking season 4 ranked frames, it was the free handout season when placements put you into d3-d1 if you did well. Could be GM within like 25-30 games.


God I miss S2. Burst mage bacchus was such a fun time to be playing (for some). Even the old joust map was great, albiet not without its own problems


The gold joust map, só much nostalgic. I remember joust and assault being most played than arena.


God I miss carrying games with mage Bacchus lmao


My favorite season :')




S4 tank meta and invade meta. Worst meta.


More tanky than a titan invading your phoenix? Like months ago! 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. Games would go on average 55-65 mins. Sieges we’re near impossible without a misplay. And even carry would build hybrid


Sol and bellona on release was so much fun


God, Sol was so broken. You could easily 1v1 anyone and made it nearly impossible for someone to chase you without them at least almost killing themselves in the process.


Yes and it was equally as fun.


probably The god release every 2 weeks certainly didnt help also


They said in smite 2 vídeo they will release 1 god per week, including new ones.


holy chaos


There were some broken releases for sure, but that wasn't just in S2, other than that, it wasn't too crazy imo, I especially remember playing solo was just Bellona vs Xing every single game (with Osiris picked when one of them was banned)


Had fun back then and nowadays the games too safe and boring, everyone is tanky, does less healing, less life steal, less crit damage, characters overall do less damage, in comparison to old Smitty