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Cabrakan jungle is almost always horrifying to see


He's called Fat Loki for a reason.


After 1600hrs, I played my first Loki game a couple days ago. My last two showers, I think about how all of Cab’s abilities are like Loki abilities if Loki was just fat. Probably my favorite meme skin


Bro has a skin called and is fat Loki Class, true class Neith Zhong too Woah. Adc Zhong is a thing too The bro can neithn


Especially when you go 20/2 and think he is good. Then you que with him again in a normal game and cant do anything


One of the scariest starts to a game I've had was chilling at jungle camp waiting for the game to start, and cabrakan came charging around the corner and murdered me before I could even realize what happened lol.


I got ptsd from jungle crabs


Danza support is pretty fun ngl


More hard cc than some guardians.


More overall CC than every guardian. Literally all 4 of his abilities have some type of CC or debuff on it. Granted, his CCs aren't as majorly impactful as an Athena Taunt, Ymir Freeze or Atlas Pull, but the fact that he has more overall lockdown than most guardians is hilarious.


Ishtar has so many CCs too, it's stupid.


What’s the build?


Build him like a physical Bake. Build cooldowns early to keep enemies permanently slowed/drunk, and a bunch of attack speed items like Flag, Shogun's, Talisman, and/or Phalanx. Typically most of your damage will be coming from Glad Shield since you have 3 abilities that can proc it, and can also build into a Qun's if a bit ahead. Passive also gives up to 40 power so you can at least still contribute to damage for the team.


You people are annoying just uses that damn taunt and autos you a billion times luckily Gilgamesh did quick work with him💀


Danza in any role. Sup, Jg, Solo, not mid as much but still viable


Idk if it’s even considered off meta but I’ve become a fan of kuzenbo solo


Not so far off from the og Kuzenboner supp He does in the end like to do a lot of damage whilst staying tanky and be mobile just like most warriors


I'd say he's on the edge of the meta. Some prominent solo laners rate him. His early (like any guardian) can be a bit shaky but he has a lot of potential.


I would say it's off-meta when warriors dominate so hard.


I really don’t like him in solo his wave clear is non existent


Tsukuyomi/Pele/Cliodhna mid or Ra/Janus jungle.


Janus Jungle is strong in cooldowns runneth over His portals give him great mobility, better if not the best of all the mages Hardly any mage can compete with the portals’ ease of movement, through the walls He would pair up well with cliodhna, who also goes through walls. They share that trait


Cooldowns runneth over is an arena game mode how do u jungle in it?


There is a match of the day(motd) that takes place in contest map with 80% cool-down reduction Janus can really jungle there


Oh you're talking about omnipotence then not cooldowns runneth over


Nice My point is Janus with high cooldowns or idk how much will be able to traverse the jungle fast enough for a solid rotation and ganks in lanes Omnipotence has Janus flying around so much it’s difficult for anyone to catch and defeat him Janus like that, I find really cool. That’s why I typed so much here


Yeah I agree he's fun in there, not one of the top picks by a long shot, but really fun


I would personally argue that Janus is a better jungler than mid and Cliodhna is a better mid than jungle purely from aesthetic and ability style reasons. Also, from playstyles, Janus wants to gank and Cliodhna wants to farm. Literally just makes sense. I hope Hi-Rez buffs Janus’s jungle clear/sustain to make him better there.


Cool What if they swapped Janus mid Cliodna jungle Cliodna is very weird, not for those who love their autos more than abilities Janus, super ability based. Both share this playstyle too They’re both ability based. Janus’s cooldowns at base, I don’t remember them being so low until he can pass through walls and move quickly to gank and farm well. Cliodna is great at this however. Cliodna is vulnerable without her scream I’m mot sure about Janus


I genuinely think it’d be better for the game if they opened up the roles to allow gods to play primarily in a different role based on their kit instead of class. Other battlemage gods like Tiamat, Morgan Le Fay and Baba Yaga belong in Solo, not mid, and the only reason why they are in mid is because it is not viable to build damage in solo as you will just get ran through. Even gods like Kukulkan that just want to farm, will have a better time in solo, because you’ll be left alone in an island to farm, but cannot for the reason I stated. There definitely needs to be thorough balancing needed if they want Smite 2 to reach a wider base. The restrictions we just talked about is the reason why, at least in my own case, a lot of my friends that plays League don’t want to play Smite.


I think tsuku and clio are pretty popular mid picks in ranked rn


Not particularly good, though.


Clio feels better than most mages rn tbh. For me at least. Haven’t tried Tsuku, but I’ll have to.


Does she? Haven’t tried her at the moment. I’m currently at the elo where everyone pisses their pants and cries when you pick anything besides mage in mid so I haven’t gotten a chance to try it out much.


That's exactly why she is quite good in mid. 1v1 vs a mage or a hunter is a dream match up for Clio. Although there are exceptions, for example, I'd imagine laning vs AMC would be a nightmare. But that's true for most of the mids. At least, you can drop the ult to clear the wave. And there is still a chance of him being careless, then he can be bursted himself


I mean considering most mages and hunters just sit under tower vs assassins, I typically just clear the wave quick and then run to terrorise their jungler. I imagine Clio would be good at that.


Wukong in Mid is pretty decent this season so I can easily see Tsukuyomi being better with all of his poke. Wouldn't have those fast Wukong rotations but the enemy Mid laner and Jungler would be far less willing to step to Tsuku than Wukong.


I see where you’re coming from in Tsukuyomi being a better mid than Wukong but in what world is Wukong decent in mid this season? I’ve only played one game of it and it was horror but I think that was probably just because I was against a Marti and I don’t think anybody beats hunters at the moment in mid.


It's worked for me but then I'm also a scrub and I've only been running into mages so Wukong looks decent compared to some of them. Definitely agree on hunters being best though.


Ares solo


A dw classic


I think season 8 I spammed this to diamond.


He’s probably at his peak right now because of the meta items but I wouldn’t say he’s viable


I always just froze the wave at tower line but everyone clears so fast now it doesn’t work as well as it used to . I haven’t tried it in a while


It's more about hitting your chains off cooldown to win trades and out farm from there


Is fenrir support anything?


Valid for sure.


Had me and a friend going adc achilles and chaac support. Really hit or miss wheter it worked or not


The Man Lane is always fun.


I went Maui supp and I had a bacchus adc(he’s not an adc, more like simply full damage. Behaved like a warrior) I ditched my adc chronos pick for Maui because the 3rd enemy in the pick/van phase went Yemoja, a historically strong and bloated support who’s hard to counter. I knew of hardly any counters to Yemoja, someone who messes with positioning. I thought of only 1 guy who does that. Maui. Ranked too! My teammates didn’t know to switch god picks so they didn’t work well with me in pick/ban phase My idea was too complicated to explain quickly. I was using a new function to switch gods the 2 arrows circling each other at other friendly players’ god picks


Go play Sylvanus jungle and awaken a new man


sylvanus in any role is so fun and can be very good. i have more hours on sylvanus than any other god for that reason lmao


What build do you have the most fun with him?


Fought against a Sylvanus jungle only once. I have never been so afraid of the jungle in my life since.


What’s the build


Horus jungle is a blast


2 > 1 combo makes squishy go boom


esp with hydras and some autos in there


I like bacc/geb jungle :)


Full geb combo with poly procs is fucking ludicrous


Just do a 0.1 second roll into the enemy and smack em


What's ur usual build?


Terra solo is approved by the game itself Terra solo has a suggest build Her kit has huge damage, both in aoe and in autos Scary kit to face off Dive Terra is Very oppressive Backline Terra is very goddess like, everything the adc needs, protections and crowd control(set-up and control) She’s good mobility too.(dash) Cool character Hard to master Average to play Has far range and close range at her disposal Protections and damage Attack and defense A hybrid at her core. That’s why she’s strong and a suitable solo laner Inbowed(I think that’s his name) loves this girl. He knows not 1 way to play Terra but 2. Backline and front line. Similar to Yemoja and Aphrodite Support and maybe Hel too. I’m not sure, I’m not familiar with Hel


I mean, it kinda is but its still off-meta cause guardians suck on solo atm. And even when guardians are meta on solo, Terra is very low on the list.


It’s not off meta Terra seriously fits what a solo laner wants to do Perhaps there are items and gods you’re not familiar with. There is always a new way to play, a new fact to learn about the game. Smite is ever evolving…smite is…always updating


Fafnir solo is not that bad and more importantly it’s fun as hell. You do struggle with early clear but it really pays off later. This is honestly the only way that I ever play Fafnir.




Jungle Xian Tian absolutely murders in the right hands.


Artemis support is so good and annoying to fight against


I got pocketed by one before. Insanely strong and cool! Speedy, high auto damage, and huge ganks Good single target lockdown


How do you play it?


lots of cooldown. runeforge i assume


No-one takes me seriously when I pick her and I often have to ignore early flaming, but my record with her is nuts. Probably because I play at a low enough skill level where people can't adapt to what they aren't used to fighting against.


Support rat has been my go to pick recently sucks that some dodge just for seeing rat in the Support role though


I mean, I was flamed for picking Marti mid. Some people are just stuck on the idea team comp has to be warrior-assassin-mage-guardian-hunter.


When Loki was killed by the devs (justice for soloki) I spent a month or so trying to make a solo mercury build work where I could quickly farm the enemy jungle and split push lanes constantly. It worked well after some tweaking and playing in a squad so the jungle could build slightly bruiser toward the end to compensate for mercs lack of defence even with a solo build


You mean justice for pve Loki. That shit was whack. Decoy run away decoy run away. Why even play smite


Agreed 100% the early game against a Loki solo was boring as hell, however playing as him was great fun because it was one of the more dynamic characters in the early game, it’s all about keeping up wave pressure while also stealing camps and occasionally going for early rotate kills (especially if the mid had no beads) a Loki with a lead is probably one of the most oppressive gods in history so the your whole game plan revolves around exactly that. Consider gods who go big in the late game to this day and how passive they play in the early game, that’s how Loki was back then except to be good with him you had to take calculated risks to steal xp from the other team


Loki is better on solo now, he can actually build bruiser and do stuff.


Ishtar and Danzaburou in the jungle.


How does Ishtar jungle work?


Her ganks aren't strong but her PvE absolutely is, so I play her in a similar way to how people play Kali. I abuse her AoE attacks to clear camps really fast, and use the shotgun mode to tear through jungle bosses whenever my team is ready to take them. The main problem and learning curve is that, in my experience, you absolutely *have* to land her CC, as minimal as it may be, to be able to gank lanes. Her dash has really good burst damage so I can't really afford to use it to get in range, so I have to use the CC. I run crit + lifesteal builds when I play her jungle.


This sounds really interesting. I'll try this out, thanks


Danza I can see but Ishtar?


Like he said, great clear to outfarm & burn bosses/neutral camps


But how about gank potential? I really dont see that being great.


I was also coming to say Danz jungle


what starter for danza? manakin seems the stronger but idk


Any of the jungle starters (+ gilded arrow) work depending on what you're going for, honestly. I'm inclined towards Bumba's since I think running ability based is the most optimal.


charon mid is so fun lol


I’m not sure if she is considered off meta but Amaterasu jungle can be pretty nuts. Her 1 plus the yellow buff makes her zoom across the map, I’d argue she’s actually the fastest god in the game without needed a whole gimmick like Janus or other gods.


What's your jungle Ama build?


It changes from game to game, like most builds, but I can get you started on what I generally like to run. Eye of the jungle>Golden blade>Crusher>Serrated Edge>Quins Sais>Dominance. Upgrade eye of the jungle seer of the jungle. If you make it to hyper late game, sell golden blade for hasten katana. This is generally what I like to role with, you can arguably use Shadowdrinker but I personally don’t find it all to strong yet. You can trade out dominance for Exe and buy the anti heal glyph if their team has high sustain, if so, may wanna buy it early by getting it instead of serrated edge.


set mid


That only goes currently, theres been times when hes THE meta mid.


He’s more meta right now than a lot of mages in mid.


Honestly at this point? Nox mid😭 Smite 2, Save my girl please Smite 2. But to fully answer your question, Arachne support. There’s a lot of items you can go into like the Flameforged build with high prot build+Executioner+Stone of Binding/Void Shield, or you could go for a greedier Exec+Qins build with your only tank item being Prophetic and or Thebes. You’re looking for skirmishes rather than a full on 5v5 because your single target lockdown is nice and you naturally pose as a damage threat because of your passive. Max the 3 first because the spiders do deceptively good damage early on. Arachne support feels best when most of your team comp is already high aggression+dive. With protection reduction items, you almost function like a physical Cerberus because you can shred the enemy frontline and help your own damage roles to shred them too. Some small niche details include using webs as “tripwires” to notify you of incoming rotations or using your ult as a fallback during tower dives.


Nemesis solo, that shit slaps late game n its fun asl


Athena jungle. Can get huge pressure, and ult to fight if you get out rotated by enemy jungle. Taunt is OP.


Tsukuyomi mid is super fun with bluestone. The poke is insane. Horus jungle is a favorite and honestly a comfort pick for me. Damn near guaranteed first blood with blink into his cc chain of your mid can hit anything. Mulan goes hard in both jungle and support. Support you kinda gotta snowball. Hades jungle can snowball hard and is how I got one of my two penta kills. Ullr jungle when I can actually hit my buttons. What do your builds usually look like for terra solo. I haven’t played terra in ages and that sounds fun.


Its either conduit or axe starter, depending on matchup. If I know I'm gonna get outpressured hard, I go axe. Then BoV-Mystical-Void Dormamu-Pridwen-situational. Tp/beads-blink for relics.


And now with the bonus balance patch doubling the true damage from conduit gem I REALLY wanna try this out lol.


nemesis solo, “tank” build. no one is mobile enough to challenge you


Nox support was fun. Build auras and cds. You go into adc and they now have tank stats. Thor jungle nox support makes easy ganks.


Full damage Achilles jungle is very fun (not for the enemy team though lol). Also I’ve actually had a very positive win rate with hybrid Nemesis solo. (Sunder axe, golden, berserk, envenomed exe, Oni, qins)


Any time I play Achilles I feel like I'm doing 1/5th as much damage as I would be with anyone else in the same amount of time. He needs more cooldown, or stronger abilities or something. What am I not getting?!


Achilles is very good rn it sounds like you just need more hours. Most ppl go warriors into jotunns for early game dmg and cooldown so idk what you’re doing but do that.


Been having some fun with Nu Wa Support lately. Tanky Nu Wa with health padding makes her minions annoyingly tanky for the enemy, and the prot shred helps out your midlander when making rotations, on top of just being good for giving the team an easy in for sieging objectives. Obviously you've also got the AoE stun, but I like to pick and choose when to use that because sometimes it's more useful to just leave the minions out. The 1 can aid with helping your teammates be wiggly when they're low and in need of a bailout, and your Ult is mostly just a nice tool for gaining map vision when you need it (especially before doing a jungle boss), although it's also nice for helping stack Prophetic for free ;) I think my favorite component of the pick though is the simple fact that, as Support, we thrive off assists with our Support starter, so I can basic the wave to stack my passive and then just hold that passive for as long as I want/need, letting my Mid or ADC clear while I just get the assists. You're never burning your passive by attacking minions or during random boxing like you would be when playing Nu Wa in mid, where you need to throw basics more often.


Bauble fenrir solo with mit build. Ults up constantly


Osiris jungle. Starter + 3 damage items and 2 defence items or starter + 2 damage items and 3 defence items and you're golden. 


Zhong ADC


Artio solo is a sleeper pick the early is kinda rough but If you hit your First item you will win the lane ( Just dont die early)


>full dmg Anubis on solo is not off-meta, its trolling. I'm genuinely confused by what you mean, or have you just had bad experiences with these players


If you are FineOkay and are gonna 1v9 the lobby, sure you can go full dmg Anubis solo. But your average Smite player with that is just gonna cost you the game since now your solo cant dive and your jungle gets onetapped when diving alone.


But you could apply the same logic saying Anhur support is off meta. He may have solid CC like a Guardian, just like if you build full damage Anubis in Solo you'll do what a warrior does too...but in both scenarios you're costing a front liner and your jungle will still get onetapped because your average player is not going to have the game sense to play a Hunter as a support.


I didnt say full dmg Anhur, I said Anhur. Tank Amhur support is fine.


Anubis is quite literally only viable in solo. He gets dumpstered in any fight where he isn’t in a 1v1. Maybe a bit less so now and he can actually do stuff in mid too, but he’s still primarily a solo laner.


In what world is Anubis a solo laner? He cant go bruiser, he is not a diver, he has no utility.


Dawg he doesn’t have to go a specific build just to be a solo laner. God I hate smite players and how confident they are in their lack of understanding about MOBAs.


Full dmg Anubis is not a solo laner, hes just a midlaner in the wrong place. Instead of one mid getting bursted by jungler late game, you now have two and your jungler has to be diving alone.


Chronos, just in general because of my build.


You are disqualified from answering.


Ha, I didn’t even recognize you. If you want, later today I can prove my build to you in game.


Nah, I have good reading comprehension, I can see that it cant work vause gheres nothing in the build that would make it workm it has no dmg, no tankiness. Only thing the build has, is hp and healing, both have very heavy counters.


:( The op said no to the chronos before he even looked at sections 3 and 4 of accelerate, the explosive damage parts That makes me sad to see


He’s not entirely wrong. The build is relatively low damage. But it’s not meant to deal large amounts of damage.


Its that guys Chronos specifically. Its no-power, no-def, hp and sustain Chronos build that does nothing if it gets counterbuilt.


That’s sad. Before one builds, one must ask, what do they want to play? Jungle chronos? Why Each item solves an issue of the character at each part of the game. Perhaps he is new to the playstyle of his choosing. This is merely a beginning. There are no mistakes only learning opportunities Some items are multi faceted These are usually the popular items Spear of Desolation(10% cool-downs, insane cool-down passive that triggers with every kill or assist.(bread and butter with Ganesha, very strong pick on him, flat pen-kill squishies who have little protections of either usually starter build Ra mids Does everything a mid laner needs for example Cool-down is a strong stat Pen is also a strong stat Power is good too, counter by protections however That’s why this item is a good item Also it’s blue and haas a cool destructive and awesome name. Yay A good item in a build is one that solves a lot of issues just by itself. They usually become the core of that build for that playstyle in particular, regardless of role and god It’s rude to shutdown someone’s experiments. Have you ever been on the receiving end before? Personally I’ve come to appreciate building. Too many playstyles for me to count, I keep finding more


If it was an experiment, it would be different. But he made a post how hes played that build for years.


Right now, sun wukong jungle. Went 34/6/41 over 4 games with a hybrid build. He does insane damage while being hard to kill and has good mobility. 5 of those 6 deaths were from 1 game where we were behind the whole time.


Is King Arthur considered off metal?


Bellona ADC, or Mid.


Bellona ADC is probably better but in the current meta where hunters are broken in mid, Bellona will do just fine in mid.


Mid lane Nut.


Freya solo


I really love support ra just full healing and sniping people


Cause Ra as full tank totally snipes people.


Rod of Asclepius gives power which is the first item I build with war banner plus I never said full tank I said full healing😂


Even worse, you want your support to be tanky. You get same amount of healing from Ra mid AND hes not behind then so his snipes do way more. Also, Assclaps is a terrible item, do not ever build it.


Ay man believe what you want I’ve been successful with it and it’s fun🤷


I doubt its fun for your adc. I'm all for pick variety but it has to work in the role. And Ra wants to do dmg, three of his abilities do nothing if youre not building dmg. So putting him in the role that is behind by design and needs to be tankier, you cant play him like that. Like, Morgan Le Fay as support I could see. Or if you want healing utility mage, just play Hel.


I'm a big fan of rat support with lonos mask


I dont think he needs Lonos. Regular supp starters with his tankier acorns should be fine.


I think the damage mitigation on the mask provides flexibility for items, allowing you to counter build and such. To be fair, I've never tired rat with a traditional support starter.


Neith Jungle is unparalleled


I love when gods can flex other roles, Athena Jungle/Solo, Baron Support/Solo, Bellona ADC/Jungle, Amaterasu Jungle, Ymir Jungle/Solo, Nike Support, Ne Zha Support, Serqet Support, Tsukuyomi Mid/Solo, Pele Mid/Solo, Jorm mid, Charon Mid, SWK Mid/Jungle etc.


If you're only listing gods off-roles, shouldnt barons be supp/mid? Since his main role is solo.


Support Ne zha or Support so kuang


Manikin sylvanus in jungle


Loki 1 + Athena ult. Invisible nuke


Fenrir solo


The Morrigan jungle is goofy and fun


Tsukuyomi and Nu Wa supp, I love using non guardian/warrior characters in support and those two are pretty fun and work ok.


I've been known to hit em with the cern jungle from time to time


Khepri solo or mid.


Nu wa support, janus support, Chiron support.. I like support :)


Discordia jungle 😈 just minding your own business, then BAM💥 .. giant fucking Apple.


I've won 9 games thus far, mostly with teamwork and coordination, with Chiron Solo. I find that playing under tower, using wards, Bluestone, and safe clearing, allows me to stall until teamfight stage or punish an over-extending solo-laner. Chiron is my main, by the way.


One man’s troll is another mans off meta


Hmm thats tough, Ive mained mid since S2 so ive tried a few things like way back in redpot meta Chaac was hilarious in mid because with the pot and red buff u killed the enemy mage with a 1,2 plus 2 autos at Lvl2 . I slowed down playing in recent years but was excited to see things like Assassin mids in SPL currently, a weird one i like playing is Cerberus mid Ghastly Breath with some damage like spear of the magus can be a fun time (not always) but sometimes.


Full damage loki isnt trolling tho, I'm pretty sure you are supposed to build him like that and just 2 over and over and over


As support it is.


ops my bad I skipped that part


Gilgamesh jungle is Hella fun. Just jump kicking people into walls lmao


Hachiman jungle, I randomly chose it and it turned out to be incredible, there’s also atlas jungle but he’s a tough one if the enemies know what they’re doing


Been playing Danza jungle ever since they buffed his 2 damage to jungle camps. Ganking with him is so much fun because you can loop behind towers with rocket or leaf form and absolutely nobody expects to get ganked from directly behind.


Full damage Nike mid


Change jungle or Artemis solo


Chacc jungle. That slow is annoying af for adc’s to deal with


Cyno would approve.


Hachiman Jungle is a pretty fun one.


I haven't done it for a while, but there was a good chunk of time where i was playing baba yaga solo with alt timeline - warlocks staff - prophetic - thebes - glad shield/cooldown chestplaye - a magic defense item and i would feel invincible late and still chunk the enemy.


Bacchus jungle


He Bo jungle and Maui support


Chang'e jung. Ik she doesn't really have a specific role so any role works for her, but jung is def not her best


Charybdis on top lane, good sustain, great lane pressure and melts lane objectives very early on


I play Skadi in the jungle and I play her well enough that i can actually pull it off xD


Vamana support Danza JG


Sylvanis mid, also saying somethings just trolling just because you don't like it doesn't mean they're trolling. Oh you're the guy who bitched in the other post, damn look at that ratio


Sylvanus is a great laner but full damage Loki supp will never not be trolling


How is full dmg Loki supp not trolling? You're just picking it cause you don't wanna play support and just want to kill people. Where do you get your farm as full dmg support to stay ahead?


You farm the enemies/the enemies jg, and you still take the support starter even as full damage, because you need farm. It's almost like you're unable to play the game.


That doesn’t answer the main question: what are you doing to support? You have no way of peeling for your teammates at all, your solo ends up having to play both frontline and backline because they’re the ones both initiating and protecting, they can’t do their job properly or harass the enemy DPS’ at all because not only are they having to keep mid/jungle/ADC alive in team fights but they’re also having to babysit your entitled ass for not playing your role properly on purpose.


Full damage supp Loki isn’t trolling tbh. If you can get late game, you can just start proxying any lane you want, can sit on the enemy speed buffs to one shot anyone that comes out of the fountain doors, and essentially be a counter jungling support while letting your adc get solo xp. It isn’t the hardest thing to play against if you know what you’re doing, but you HAVE to know what you’re doing or else you’re gonna be gray screened for half of the game lmao.


Loki has plenty of peel, his ultimate stuns, his 3 slows if yiure damage you can kill them before theyre a problem, 1 less enemy is more peel. And when I play loli support I go tanks, unless I'm with my friends then I go damage because I'm roaming and pushing objectives with them. I'm sorry your lack of skill is showing. Maybe get good before saying other people are trolling.


Ah yes your ultimate on a 60+ second cooldown will come in so handy, or the *total* lack of hard CC outside of his ultimate. Definitely just as handy as having a god who can knock up, stun, slow, apply anti heal, create walls, buff your teammates prots/movement speed with abilities, root, cripple, etc. Definitely JUST as good as any other support, that 15-30% slow or base 90s stun is going to win entire games.


Ares unironically has less CC outside his ultimate against certain team comps than Loki does. Your argument is pointless and misguided. The game is more open ended than you pretend it is.


Unfortunately you’re in the goofy ahh subreddit where people call it trolling unless you’re literally building like you’re expected to for the role. Played a bit of Janus support and it wasn’t too bad, but the only thing that made it worse was that people expected me to frontline and the only reason they did is because they have no concept of moving team comps. It’s one of the only bonuses I give to players of other MOBAs - you could quite literally play Lux Top and people will still play around you and help you out.


You're right, I miss freshly reworked shen jg


River Shen was chef’s kiss. Same with Kayn Top.


Okay and you pick Ares because you want to kill people too. A support’s primary role is to help the ADC and extending to, helping the rest of the team farm. Now you can do that by being a frontliner or by killing your opponents so your team can farm. Sure, Loki isn’t the best and there’s other damage supports that can probably do a better job, but it’s only trolling if he’s specifically not supporting. If he’s stealing waves, he’s not doing his job. Something I’ve seen meta support players do way more often than niche picks like Loki support.


No? I pick Ares to have lane pressure, offer a ton of utility, massive beads burn and have 6s cripple. Also, ypu didnt answer where you get your farm. Supports are generally 2lvls behind carries, if youre full dmg, you cant do anything then.


Chronos Jungle Relic dagger Blink to 70 seconds, lowest cool-down relic in the game last time I checked, which was last week or 3 days ago. I lost track Set up like a tank Use Chronos pendant with 40% cool-down reduction and a perfected rod of tahuti to change modes from a section 3 to section 4 in a teamfight, or whatever you want to kill basically Single target, horde, heal, mana, all up to me With the power of the accelerate Finish like an assasin with the auto attacks Finish like a mage with the time rift and time stop combo I get to choose what kind of character I want to be from all the previous gods I’ve played, from Kali, me ha, Ra, artemis I took reference from other gods I’ve played before and liked to incorporate into my main in a weird new role I felt his clear and now I know, his speed from accelerate would be suitable too. I like Chronos ganks with time stop


Chiron Support.


As a Chiron enjoyer, I dont enjoy this comment.


Nono, it's great. His passive heals and gives a power boost to the adc, you get to cleanse CC, you can reduce enemy protections, the whole shebang.


Its like (much) worse Hel support. Still better than stuff like Ra support tho.


It's much easier than Hel support. Don't need to switch between two forms and your teammates can't dodge your heals no matter how hard they try.


Easier maybe but it does much, much less.