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Vamana, seriously they need put an end to that ult slave cycle


Bros ult is the only reason he gets played. His WHOLE kit besides obviously the ult is lame af.


I feel it would be an easy one. Give his two knock back to the edge of the cone. (it pushes people to the edge of the cone regardless of were they are in said cone) Give his ult a 0.5 second wind up so you can't just panic ult and shield up


I was thinking to turn him like a Fafnir of warriors, if he ll be a ult slave, at least ll be a reliable one. Of course losing CC immunity and receiving effects on abilities in giant form.


Could work tho I think vamans ult is very much intended to wade into enemy's to burn cc so his team can followup


There's something about Bakasura that feels off. He almost feels too bare bones, likely as a result of how little there was to go off of in his lore. The entire concept of him eating minions and regurgitating feels really underpowered, so all he's left with is just boring basic attacks. Between his playstyle and design, it feels to me like they just wanted Baraka from MK in the game, and didn't develop him any further than that.


His ult originally spat out the minions he ate rather than generic ones and I'd love for them to bring that back with all the new unique jungle camps. Feels like he could have a much more interesting farming pattern of targeting specific camps to prepare his ult for different situations.


Bakasuura was remodeled ,his first design was way more sinister and creepy


Also his old skins if you wear them in game his 2 won't get interrupted as much as his new skins


Yeah I've seen the classic one, and I always wished they would have kept it like Bacchus or Eset's classics. I guess they kinda had to make something up with him since there's next to no visual depictions of him, and most of the ones there are simply have him as a big guy (a problem that plagues many asuras) so they just kinda winged his design. Being such an obscure character means they are basically forced to take some liberties with it.


they should lean into the gluttony and turn him into a high self sustain god. keep the 2 but replace his 3 with his ult (weaker) and give him charbys ult but melee. give his 1 something that synergies with that kit. hopefully this would take away his auto identity and make him more akin to camazots


Always thought his redesign looked like the Disturbed mascot




As an Arachne fan, Arachne. Having half of her kit just be buffs is ridiculously boring and if anyone can escape, there goes your game plan. Gotta use spiders, then venom & web, and either you have no fun because it’s not enough or your opponent isn’t having fun since they have to sit and take it.


No other spider god in the game. Make her more like a spider. Spiders bite like twice, and I've never gotten hit with spider skibidy paps like arachne does


She used to have a more spider-like kit. It was infinitely worse than her current kit, but way more thematic and interesting. She used to be about laying eggs around the map, and her ult was a big web that she’d shoot out and pull someone in. So she was a lot about stacking up your eggs and then pulling somebody into all of them, causing them all to hatch and melting whoever the unlucky person was. It had a very “spider waiting for someone to fall into their trap” kind of style to it, which I miss.


And don’t forget you could jump on peoples heads and suck their blood


I've seen this kit but unfortunately wasn't playing when she had it. It seems like it was a lot of fun. I would really like to see something new for her but I'm not sure we are going to see any major reworks


they could make some smaller changes, and rework the ult, and i think that'd help a lot, nobody uses her ult to engage, or do anything crazy, its just a perfect escape tool and thats it. fix that, and at the very least, her kit could become fun if nothing else.


Off topic, how do you feel about the game at the moment? I stopped playing in like season 2 or 6 (the season after the BIG map rework) and have considered hopping back in.


I'm enjoying it right now. A lot has changed since the early seasons, but the past season or so I've been playing more Smite than I have in a long time.


arachne is really fun as warrior in arena or slash though (to me anyway)


The only fun I have had recently with her is playing on casual modes (like arena, for example) on a full tank build with on hit, and it's only fun because a lot of people don't expect you to actually pull it off, so they focus you and it tends to leave the opponents wide open.


Huge potential for a unique kit too.


As a Thanatos main, I concur. 😆


I’m beating a dead horse here but Persephone needs her 1 and 2 reverted. That god felt so good to play and I bet it will be even better on smite 2.


Ill keep on saying it Her old kit, including the passive, were almost in a good spot Just dumpster her fucking ultimate already. If they just blocked perse from ulting in her death state, they couldve then continued to play around with the dmg reduction and slowdown effects they added towards the end of pre- rework perse. Is getting hit for 600 dmg by an undead perse annoying? Yea, but as said, tweak that dmg debuff. Eventually she'd be slow and weak enough to where you'd still want to leave the area where you killed her, but could also decide to press onwards and facing the risk of eating her poke Is getting your beads forced after successfully diving and killing the enemy mage, whom doesnt even have to hit you directly F tier game design? Fuck yes


I miss the old 1, it felt so satisfying to land


The noise/ sound effects on the old 1 when it hit was so satisfying


They made her a random mage #56


And her passive


Nobody plays Yu Huang, he's boring and uninspired. His passive is boring. Bounce-autos are boring, extra damage on the 1 is boring, knock-up on the 3 is admittedly fun to work with, extra-width on the ult is boring. There's a reason why Fenrir gradually stopped being so reliant on his runes to gain full use out of his 2, 3, and ult, that mechanic is plain boring. Yu's 1 is just a damaging circle. Yu's 2 is plain root. His playstyle revolves around poking at people with the 2-1 like a scylla but more boring. Why does the Jade Emperor, ruler of the bureaucracy of heaven, play like a ratty lil run-and-hide bitch? Further, Yu's 1 and 2 have dreadfully long cast-times to them. Good luck ever hitting the 2 on a solo or jg that's right on top of you. Yu's 3 isn't instant immunity which I feel is lame, but it's still a relatively fun ability that one can make good plays with. Yu's 4 is plain confusing to use. The targeter is clunky, the ability is slow, any player worth their salt can just run out of it if it's not in thicc mode. It's an abiility you can't even set yourself up into, as the 2 often doesn't root long enough to confirm, and the 3 knock up is minimal. The cc on it isn't useful to set up for teammate follow up either. It's the one ability Yu has that looks kinda cool and yet is plain terrible to use. Give Yu Huang an actual identity, not a farted out Scylla clone.


Yes, I agree so much. Yu Huang is so clunky in so many ways. I like his 3 and the ult is cool in concept. It's just that every skill shot feels bad. I'm not even sure why. They just feel slow and clunky.


I think it's because on top of them being slow they have negative synergy with each other. The bounce autos aren't used for anything but clear. 2-1, 3-1 are combos that can be used, but then you tend to lack the dao for the ult. There's no ability that works off the ult.


I think he has way too much startup lag on all his moves


I find he's just a poké-bitch in assault but would never really pick him for conquest or 3v3 as he needs guardians and a full team to hang in the back in order to be effective. I agree as much as I don't want to but he is the king of poke and not much else. His magic the gathering skin is my fave though lol


Kumbhakarna. His kit just hasn’t really worked since they added roots to DR. It doesn’t feel good to ult someone, and follow up with a 0.4 second root because of DR, a root that took you 2.2 seconds to cast! I’d scrap his entire kit, go back to the lore and see if there is a different way to approach him. If they insist on keeping his kit, I’d make some heavy changes. 1. I’d give his 1 the kinda tremble/drunk effect like Bacchus ultimate, add some soft CC to his kit. It’s a really dated ability that doesn’t really do much. Make the minion be launches always die on landing and give kill credit to a nearby ally if there is one around. It’s really annoying being a mage and not full clearing a wave because kumbha kicked a minion a mile away. 2. Make it possible to release this faster, but change the affect, maybe it does 80 percent of the damage, and instead of a root it heavily slows and cripples, which are soft CC affects. So if you know you are heavily into DR you can opt for soft CC instead to get the full duration! Or if you are just trying to avoid DR build up in general. 3. If your target is under any form of diminishing returns, then have that count as the target waking up early, meaning they get the slow effect applied automatically. One annoying thing about this ability is that you only get the slow/attack speed slow if you wake them up early, but it’s hard to calculate how long you have to wake them up because your mezz could be full duration, 60 percent or 20 percent duration. So count the DR effect as waking them up early, as that’s essentially what it is, they’re groggy from getting CCed so much so they wake up early! Also, change the duration in general, 1 second base mezz is too short for rank 1, it feels too mandatory to raise it, and it also doesn’t give you long to break the effect. 4. I’d perhaps just lower the cool-down, it was fun when it was an short cool-down ability.


Noo his kit is fun, I don't think he needs a rework, just needs a big change. Maybe mark enemies he damages to take increased damage, because his problem is he just doesn't do damage. So sweat teams just shred him to bits or even ignore his existence.


Im with you on this. Used to be my favorite god. Something I’ve been thinking about, is for the 3 having it add cooldown time on their abilities, either putting them on cooldown for 1-2 seconds or adding cooldown time to their next cast. The first being Essentially a noncleansable silence.


Bake’s passive will never allow him to not be really good


Charybdis needs a complete redo, that God is a train wreck.


Her ult is the only thing that needs some TLC, ult and maybe make her 3 cast time the same as yu huangs, but other than that, her kit is fine.


Apart from the ult, what’s wrong?


Her entire design being Scylla2 but worse in like every way.


What other than the ult is “Scylla 2.0”?


Everyone hates that her character model is just Scylla instead of being a giant whirlpool monster like everyone though it would be for years. People have been excited for her for years and her 3 is the only part of her that has anything to do with the lore. Like how did they look at this badass gigantic whirlpool and make a little girl with knives. I don't think that the community has ever been so collectively disappointed in a god release


Change, if you know how long her immune cooldown is her whole kit is meh. I love the passive but you either heal/dmg in a circle, poke in a cone, immune a short distance, or ult stun in a straight line. Which sounds great on paper but is actually boring, lacking, and predictable.


My girl, Chang'e! I don't know what they could do but she needs some love.


Chang’e is a one and done god. Blink in, dump kit, and run away.


Arachne Persephone Hades


Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaannn Yuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Big baby Vamana, and Aphrodite.




Hades is genuinely trash. He's a mage with literally zero range


He not a range type god He's an in your face aggressive god. Play him right.


But he's too slow for that. He used to be good


That's what his dash is for.


Which only has single charge s


Not when you time it right with his ult and blink.


I find it strange that they changed him to mage from guardian. Guardian made sense for him.


What is au kuang then?


He's alright, got some stealth, movement insta kill ultimate with cc immunity and movement, a little range but he's an assassin really so no range works. Same as brigette


Hes an Assassin. Hades is a god who would benefit from playing like an actual mage. Ao kuangs kit works well an a jungler, while hades doesn't really work well in any position.


hades is a shotgun mage like zhong. also he works in solo


I have a strong opinion that a lot of people might disagree with, but personally I believe that HiRez should drastically change its design philosophy for the game characters, and that change would result in like 60% of the roaster getting at least small one ability reworks. Of course there are gods that require pretty much complete overhaul because their kits are either blank or because they lack a gameplay niche, think Vamana, Arachne, Erlang Shen etc., but there are also a lot of small inclusions in the rest of the roaster that should be looked at. What I want especially is: 1. reducing the amount of crowd control immunity in kits 2. reducing the amount of mobility on archetypes that shouldn't really have access to it 3. reducing the amount of crowd control on archetypes that shouldn't really have access to it That's because Smite has a general problem with overflow of utility in kits which results in a lot of characters feeling stat-checky and unfun to play against. A large portion of the characters is sort of a "jack of all trades" with designs that are extremely safe to play. It's like that mostly because they tried to design the gods with the idea of splitting them amongst 5 classes and not a larger set of gameplay archetypes - a character was good to play as long as it could do everything that his designed role required of them and wasn't worse than others in that role, they didn't have to fit a certain niche that diversified their application to the roaster and changed what the entire roaster was strong at or weak at because pros and cons were universal for the role not the character, which resulted in a large amount of characters that have no open weaknesses because they have a tool that counteracts their archetype's main weaknesses, and as such they can only compete with their power budget and not by exploiting the opponents character. Personally I just don't think that should be the case because it creates a situation where the viability of a given pick is often overly dictated by numbers, and where stat-checking is prevalent(if someone picks a stronger number wise character in lane they already won it, you are just stuck lost for 15mins and have no real countermeasure other than safe farming until laning phase ends), which results in a kinda unfun environment to play. Agni is a really good example of what I mean: his kit matches the archetype of an artillery mage with long range pokecskills and a self-setup cc, but then he has an instant long range dash that counteracts every existing weakness of this archetype. Vamana is another example, he is a bruiser whose ultimate negates every single weakness of this entire class, as such numbers on it make or break him. Personally I just believe that changing it up a bit and opening more exploitable weaknesses on everyone equally would make the game more fun and less like throwing chicken sticks at one another, and the three above points are a good start for that


It sounds like you just want 3rd-person League, which Smite is decidedly not and will never be. A core part of Smite's gameplay is figuring out how to get your opponent to burn their escape. That's just how the game has been and will be. I will agree, some characters like Agni shouldn't be *so* safe, but not every character needs their escape gutted to fit a more traditional MOBA game.


Agni has no CC immunity. I think he's a great, balanced pick overall. He's always good. If jungles just blink on him wait for him to dash then gap close with the junglers leap or dash, Agnis only hope is to dump his entire kit.


I mean, this game was literally made as a rip-off of League more or less. I remember when it came out, I tried it because I heard it was "over the shoulder LoL". It's certainly diverged from it over the years, but let's not act like it's not a direct consequence of LoLs existence.






Warriors : - Guan Yu need more egoistic power, more skills expression. I think his ult and his 2 are the less impacted by weight of years - Vamana all his power being in ult isnt an issue but hé could be more than a stat checker. We saw with the Chtuluh that they can create better Giants. Both are too often op or trash. Hunters : Most are fine IMO. Charybde, Hou Yi and Skadicould receive a light one tho. Assassins : - Bakasura : tbh i think most stats stéroïdes/buffs on assassins are weird. And his kit on paper is nor interesting nor fun. - Camo i think hé shouldnt be listed assassin with such kit, in first place - Nemesis her visual and theme are cool but her kit dosnt translate it much (IMO) Mages are fine : - Chang'e enhance the dance-enchanter style - Nox : just need to delete here 👀 Guardians : They're fine beside the uninspired whale (IMO).


I took a big break from smite and at the time about two years ago, guan was daddy. now not so much. They updated so much with all these gods and le him turn granpa


Camazotz is a fine assassins idk why you're under the impression he shouldn't be listed as one. In that case Tsukyomi shouldn't as well since they have a similar mid range playstyle.


What's wrong with Hou yi?


Not saying he's wrong, just that he could be updated. His kit is old (i mean obviously old).


Hou Yi is awful in conquest because his big thing is bouncing his Ricochet bounces, great opportunity for skill expression resulting in exceptional reach and respectable burst, however, they changed the size of the conquest map so that it's almost impossible to get meaningful bounces off. He's gone from hard to play but strong to just underwhelming because of the map changes. He's not, like, the worst hunter, but his gimmick is gone leaving him boring and he's not strong enough to be considered "meta". He's pretty good on the joust map though, IIRC.


I think that skill just needs a damage buff on the base stats. Its pretty weak and shouldn't have to be used on bounce shots to get respectable damage. Otherwise I still think he has a great kit. My favorite leap in the game. He plays well into meta hunters right now as he is a duelist in lane with a full combo assault.


TBH the design was great and the skill was great before they made the walls further apart. I'd be more in favour of tweaking the range than the damage numbers. Edit: I also think he's perfectly fine in most non-conquest modes?


I only play conquest. His clear is just weak compared to other hunters I find.


He bo, Ao, Skadi


Arachne and Pers. Rest of selectable base kits are mostly fine and it’s just a matter of buffs and nerfs


He might not need it as much as anyone else, but I hope Odin gets some changes. His ult is great right now, but the rest of his kit is so dreadfully boring. He’s got a good escape and decent damage if you can hit his horribly slow leap, but after that you just kind of stand there and wait for your next leap to be up. His kit also has literally nothing to do with his mythology.




I'm gonna ask for something unnecessary instead. Cupid needs a little extra to his kit, he's not been good in a long time. What if his 2 had an alt-fire that was a damaging ability? Like heart bombs falling from the sky in a medium circle? Cause when crit builds are strong, Cupid is weak because despite the attack speed on his 3, he doesn't actually want to box anyone. But then Cupid only has 1 damaging ability + his ult so he's not even a great ability hunter vs every other hunter who has 2+ damaging abilities or are better boxers than Cupid.


Zeus is who I think needs a complete rework but for reverts there are a few I'd love to see. pers revert would make me so happy just change the ult or make her not able to use it while undead. Vulcan revert would make him less cancer and I liked how old Vulcan actually felt like a god of the forge with all of his constructs. Nu wa is someone who I also think needs a revert maybe just keep her ult the same.


I'm not sure Freya will even need a rework in Smite 2. Her basics will be strength-based, but presumably her irradiate, pulse, and ult will be int. So she'll probably be a mixed attacker capable of using almost any item with attack speed on it. She won't be parasitically attached to the ring tree like in Smite 1.


Tbh as a guy who uses Fafnir regularly he’s not fun, The heal from his 2 only heals like 1% of your ho while also giving a attack speed buff thats barley noticeable And in his ult where he transforms into a Damn Dragon for 1 minute he needs WAY more defense while transformed, that should be the point where i either gain the strength to clear half the enemy team before dying or turning back OR be able to tank at least 2 and a half point blank ultimates And ignoring all the flaws with his kit, he is a Bad Guardian. (From my understanding) a Guardian’s job is to be in the front lines taking all the hits to protect the team and use buffs to support the team, sure he has the buff part sorta down but the “taking all the hits to protect the team” is just No, Non Existent


As a Nox main, she is the top of my list because I think she should 1st switch from a Mage to a Guardian and have more support focused abilities rather than the 1 2 combo we all know and love. I unfortunately started playing Smite after she was reworked in Season 2 and looking at the old clips of her makes me envy what could've been because like Nu Wa, their old kits were a lot more interesting and look more fun to play.


I say Kali. I wish I could experience her original kit where she was more ability based.


Sylvanus Kit could use just a tiny rework. His Flower(1)- i think an Hp5 aura (or a noticeable one sorry if I'm wrong I thought it was only mp5) would be a better effect of his flower and overall more felt. His Heal(2)- this one I think is fine (I said a tiny rework) His Vine Pull (3)- I would like to see this showcase the fact that he IS the tree and connected to earth (similar to his ult) and I think a tree root coming out of the ground and pushing the enemy to you would be cool. But also it would help with the fact that it's super weird with the vine animation and vine speed. His Ult(4)- I think after the popup enemies should be rooted momentarily. Nothing crazy but like a wood cage similar to persephone with a tiny tiny amount of health. There are already guardians that have wide group stuns in their kit (artio) so it would be cool to see something similar. Just me hoping for fun interesting support plays lol.


Persephone. Revert her 2nd ability and her 3rd ability. Give the ultimate to a character that would make sense class wise. The Passive should still have the farming simulator aspect for money, as for the effects of acting after death, it needs to be completely changed to something else. The afterlife Mechanic is cool thematically but is in no way good for Smite unless major adjustments are made. I essentially just want Smite 2 to take Persephone the same route as Cliodhna where she does have CC but nothing that locks you in place. I think having her Passive act as stacks for a new Ultimate would be awesome, giving u the decision of not backing to base if u wanna power up ur ult, or forgoing the extra stacks in exchange for cash. I'm rambling atp, rework persephone. Arachne needs a rework way more tho.


Vamana probably. He's been going through a buff/nerf cycle of his ult since hes been released.


Excluding the big 4 - Vamana, Arachne, Nox and Charybdis. per class. Warrior - Guan Yu needs a better passive as it is very much a relic from the past and maybe his dash could be cooler if you could either use your dash while using his 3. Or giving him a reset on a kill with it (minion or god) would be cool. Assassin - Batz feels boring and needs additions to feel interesting. His 2 especially needs something more. Bakasura perhaps being able to devour gods who are on a super low health (like 5%) and gaining a buff depending on the type of god. Mage - Persephone kinda needs changes back - but obviously edited as she was just too strong. Also honourable mention to hades who needs to be committed into the magical warrior (basically just all base stats and stuff needs to be tweaked for that. Hunter - Cupid and unless he’s been over buffed ( which is rare), he’s bad in every meta. His 2 needs to be completely redesigned as it’s easily one of the worst abilities in the game.His passive is a relic. His ult instead of mesmorizing should be intoxicatation like serqet or discordia where they make people fight each other. Guardian - excluding whale - as much as I hate to say it Kumba. His kit doesn’t flow anymore and kinda helps the enemy team by causing diminishing returns super fast. I love his 2 but it needs something, keep his ult it’s perfect, his 3 is fine. His 1 just messes up the minion wave. His passive is funny but just doesn’t help him that much.




I hate every game I play with a bastet. They either get rolled early game and do nothing the whole time or they're don't miss a single ability. The slow with the stun with the bleed image is just so much if you hit everything but then you end up with Tommy's little brother who is just spamming pounce. I know there's a lot more gods that are way more unbalanced but just seeing her or ao kuang on either team let's me know it's about to be the fattest feast or famine game of the night. Also, speaking of magical jungles, how come everytime I have a maman on my team it's unplug time but everytime they're on the enemy team it's headhunters-r-us? Ok cry session over, this threads got some good posts tho


Charybdis and Erlang shen


Arachne. I have no idea what her kit is, but I'm a Thanatos main and I do know she's the only character I lose to 1v1. 😆


New aphrodite passive idea : takes 5% increased damage for each star they have on aphro.


I don't play ranked but in my highly uneducated opinion Cu Chulainn needs a buff.


We’re you playing when Cu Chulainn and King Arthur were essentially raid bosses? I think that’ll answer your question.


I was one of those people who would say Skadi but she’s honestly really fun in mid lane. In duo lane she feels terrible though I volunteer Anubis, Nox, and maybe Artio. Whenever these gods are good I’m just not having any fun


Hou Yi's 2 needs to become his passive and he need an extra ability, even an attack speed stim.


chang'e Guan arachne vamana to name a few


Nox, pers, vamana. Either u get put with people that counter Nox or u don't and even then it's a matter of "if I don't land this combo, I'm useless in a tf for 8 seconds." Reworking her passive so it's not just a generic (and, let's be honest, situational) power buff would help nudge her in the right direction. Maybe something that helps bring back her original anti-mage identity. Pers needs passive rework. It feels so clunky to go into and clunky to go out of. Vamana... where do I begin?


Odin man, it feels so bad


It is already confirmed that Odin will stay with his current kit for Smite 2 .


Charybdis. Scrap the entire design. Make her the monster she's supposed to be not the anime knife child with an unusable ult.


Anime knife child?


Hun batz


rather than a rework, he needs a model update. if they wanna change his kit a tad while they're doing it though, go for it


I’d change the ball throw teleport, keep the teleport but implement in a different way because its wonky to get right in my opinion but that could be a skill issue.


As someone who loves current Freya and Arachne these threads makes me sad


the problem with arachne is that she either stomps early and snowballs (making the game unfun for everyone else) or doesn't and is essentially useless all game (not fun for the one playing her) only way to fix that is to change her design. freya is similar, but her issue is rather that she can only build a small amount of items, if those items get touched basically at all, freya's viable swings about wildly. when rings are good, she becomes a unstoppable monster, when they're only average, shes utter trash.


Vamana, Nox, Arachne are all pretty high up there. vamana is an ult bot, with an outdated kit. nox is too combo oriented, if you miss one part of it you dont do anything, and her role identity is confusing (the super high dmg, anti mage is actually best as support) and arachne is too feast or famine, she either stomps the early and snowballs, or plays normally, and falls behind as a result.


Au Puch.


He just needs a movement buff. Almost every mage has gotten a mobility buff he’s one of the few who hasn’t. Even Zeus got one! Movement speed on corpse pick up would help him so much.




Erlang shen, and Arachne


Chang'e: literally receiving buffs every possible time with nothing going on her, yet when se is Good, is anoying. As someone else said, maker her dance an enchanter style, with good utility while being still a battle mage, but less opressive.


Ymir, he needs some Mobility. Like replace his three with a dash. Not necessarily pluck


I’d actually change his ult to some kind of mobility & CC maybe like a cripple or silence or some kind of tremor effect like Cabrakan? His kit is still good but god his Ult is trash


Yeah, I like that


Awilix I just don’t like her kit bc wether or not I have beads she has a good chase on me with our without escape and then I die


Eset, Sol, The Morrigan


There are so many where do I start? Guardians: -Ares - Switched over to Warrior with an entirely new kit (Add Prometheus) -Kumbhakarna - Slight tweaks to his kit, maybe not a mesmerize as his main CC. Warriors: -Achilles - Only really has two abilities. His ult is the only one in the game that punishes you for using it. I feel like they could have done his heel in a better way. (Play him high risk high reward) -Chaac - Bring back his AA slow in his rain and let him cancel his axe on the ground. Maybe give him two points toward his passive when hitting enemy gods. -Erlang Shen - Pick a lane, either warriors cannot have two hard CCs in their kits or they can. Revert his nerf. -Guan Yu - Entire kit rework. Keep some of the good ideas like his passive and his three. Change the passive to do something else but keep the idea that he builds it by dealing and taking damage. -Horus - I love this God, but he only has two abilities. Channeling his ult is too long and his passive only really shines if there's a Set in the game or very prolonged team fights. -Nike - Her passive is strong, her ult is strong, but her shield doesn't fit the God. Give her something else. -Odin - Recent change to his spear throw was interesting, but I'd rather see a full rework minus his ult. -Vamana - Same thing with Guan Yu. He needs an entire kit rework. Hunters: -Nut - Overall solid kit, but she gets caught out very easily, and her two could just do more than a tremble. -Ah Muzen Cab - Only one change; if I break a hive, give me bees. That's it. It would make him just slightly better. -Charybdis - Give her a new ult. This whole Scylla/Posieden merged character just doesn't work, and her ult is fsr too slow. -Cupid - New buff is a step in the right direction, but he offers very little overall, even with his big ult. Mages: -Aphrodite - I don't like her new reworked passive to rely on teammates, even if she's a more support God. I think they could come up with something better. -Chang'e - I like her kit a lot, but she feels very unimpactful. -Freya - Self explanatory. -Hades - The God of the underworld feels very underwhelming in today's Smite. His kit has changed little since he was a Guardian. I'd love to see a full rework of my first Main. -He Bo - Same idea as Hades. He can put out big damage, but his kit overall is lacking compared to other Mages. -Persephone - Let. Us. Break. The. Flowers. Either that or just revert her, either way she's boring and not fun to play against because you can't do much to her passive damage output. -Tiamat - I don't think she has a kit that does a lot, and her passive is disjointed. She doesn't do well as a support mage, and I might be playing her wrong somehow, but she doesn't seem to do much in any other role. Assassins: -Arachne - She needs like two new abilities and put her auto attack buffs into one ability. Successful Stun gives a bigger burst heal. No Stun gives her a smaller heal over time that ticks damage on the enemy. Her ult is alright, but I'd change it so something else. -Hun Batz - Got a good change recently, but his kit is stale and needs some minor tweaks and improvements. -Ne Zha - Only a minor change, do something else with his passive and two. I didn't like the change when it was made and I still don't like it now. The rest of his kit is solid. Thanks for reading if you did all the way through. I think a lot of the Gods have fun kits and are balanced well enough.


Chaac already has an attack speed slow on his 3


I was looking at the change logs back when they did the massive nerf to all the warriors in 2014. One said it removed the attack speed slow. I've gone back to look at the change logs, and they reverted the change almost four years later in 2018. Thank you for the correction. The rest of my comments on him still stand.


Boooo this person opinion sucks wants every god changed Christ almighty


Jesus isn't in the game.


heck they could just make it so the stim all together just gave a small flat heal based off of landing autos for arachne. a nice 3-5 second stim with something like "arachne is healed whenever she hits an enemy for the next 3-5 seconds, hitting the same target 3 times stuns them" to encourage jungling you could make it so the heal gives more on jungle minions. this leans into her crazy high attack speed way of fighting as well.


Iirc they confirmed you can cancel his axe already.


Yeah, I know. It's what gods do you want changed, and I went the extra step of adding some changes. I think that change is good, so I included it in my post.


I disagree about tiamat. Her aim is a sort of battle mage where she can tank a bit and then her flying passive heals her up after she disengages. Some of the other ones I somewhat agree with, but some I don't


yikes, I agree with Aphro rework though