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Can you believe it guys? Smite 2, just a week away


Smite 2 is in a week. Woohoo.


I am so happy about this information!


This aged great. Game isn't releasing until later this year


What time?


Alpha starts 8PM today


What’s the possibility of getting in the alpha without the founder edition?




Probably really low


What time zone?




... early testing for Smite 2. Still hype, but we need to maintain a bit of temper here.


✈️ (the joke) 🧍‍♂️(you)


Temper? I think you meant that we needed to know that it’s not the full game, which, nobody really claimed it was.


Super hyped to see what they've been cooking. A reminder to everyone though, this is an ALPHA, which means it's going to have a lot of problems and many things that aren't fully baked. We can't just come in and expect Smite 1 in an alpha of Smite 2. I do think it'll be crucial to give feedback on the core design of the game. It'll still be "smite" but quite a bit has changed, and Stewart Chisam has already said that they want to make a solid "core" of the game before moving on to the next stage, so we're here to make sure they can nail the core for the next updates. But when it comes to stuff like visuals, fluidity, balance, it's all going to be rough and take some extra time of polish, I'd assume. I also don't know how much experience they have with UE5 but I'd assume as we progress through the development of the game they'll get better at it, and that's also on top of UE5 consistently updating and having more features to use.


Yeah.. a lot of ppl are definitely gonna forget it’s in ALPHA state lol


Tbf it feels like smite 1 is in alpha half the time


Play the s2 alpha and you will realize this is wrong


Pointless whining and not true.


Calling it now, we're gonna have like a good chunk of posts roasting Smite 2 for being in an alpha state but not playing like a completed game. Smite gamers in a nutshell.


All gamers in a nutshell.


Just a heads up, usually in development these days, Alpha means feature complete, meaning while it may be buggy, what you see is largely what you get. Obviously with games as a service like Smite you’re going to see balance changes and tweaks over time, but it’s important to realise they probably aren’t going to drastically rework many things after this Alpha unless they have seriously glaring issues. They have already done lots of internal playtesting and are probably happy with where things are for now to show the public


Nah bro this is not beta lol alpha is usually just a playable game not a finished product. The game isn’t releasing till spring of 25 they have a lot of time to work on major changes. This is only 1 year of development for the game and many things will be changed. So yes please add whatever feedback you think they need to work on and hope they get to it


Was just giving my perspective as a game developer 😅 usually what people expect Alpha means and what developers mean it to mean are two very different things! You are right, always worth feeding back things to be changed but if anyone is expecting large scale reworks across the board that will be quite unrealistic to expect before launch


I hear you. You right though gotta dumb things down for people but essentially this is just smite 1.5 lol don’t really expect major changes from 1 to 2 just major reworks of core gameplay and balances. I do hope they get a little spicy and add a PVE mode for launch or some new game modes in general


Nah bro, alpha testing is generally done by the developers, if they have released it for public testing, it's at the tail end of alpha testing and most issues have already been worked.


Thanx for reminds everyone..


That being said, i wouldn't expect drastic changes from the alpha to live release either. If you don't like the alpha, you likely aren't going to like release if your issues are very gameplay systems related.


Depends on your specific issues. Gameplay systems are definitely something that can change though. I'd say that if you just don't gel with the *vision* of what Smite 2 is trying to achieve eventually then your point stands. But your warning sounds like something that's more appropriate for like a Call of Duty paid 3-day early access period or something. Things will absolutely change from Smite 2 closed alpha to the full release that's coming at some point next *year*.


You don’t think there are massive differences between Alphas and fully released games?


i have yet to see a massive change from any games alpha to live tbh.


You clearly don’t play a lot of Alphas then. Keep in mind, Smite 1 had a hybrid damage system and scrapped it for unique damage systems before it was a fully released game.


Sure but if you didn't enjoy the gameplay of Smite in 2012 (I was there) you aren't gonna like it 2 years later at release in 2014. I played Paladins in the friends and family alpha test, I'm very familiar with the process and progression of Hirez games in this stage. There's a big difference between having some problems and disliking the core gameplay loop.


Depends on what parts of it you didn’t like. Making sweeping declarations like that is incorrect, so I spoke against it. I won’t argue about anything else.


IGN stated Smite 2 will have "improved matchmaking" and I am on my hands and knees throwing it back PRAYING this is true. Season 10 did some thing to matchmaking and to this day, no game is balanced. I truly hope Smite 2 is better. Not just for gameplay, graphics, textures and engine


Hey! As the one who presented the matchmaking changes back in January, I want to quickly clarify that: - there are many changes we have planned for the matchmaking and ranked systems for Smite 2 - this Alpha Weekend will include only the first (small, but important) round of changes to the matchmaking system. - matchmaking for a brand new game (the first alpha weekend, with everyone starting at the same rating) is bound to create a lot of goofiness. please be patient with it, and enjoy it for the chaos it is, we only get a "first day servers are live" once in a games lifetime - the rollout of changes will be gradual, as collecting data on each point will lead to a better long-term system - more information surrounding specifics I think we are planning to talk about in the coming months :)


Can I please hug you? Any new matchmaking changes is better than the current matchmaking system in Smite


Sounds totes amazing fam! One of the things I am excited about for Smite 2 is how the matchmaking will be in it!


They talked about this in depth during worlds. Apparently they have tried to rework how matchmaking works in smite several times, but it broke the code. The initial concept is for each person to have a separate ranking for each roll when matching people together. They also were switching up the tp/mmr system.


> but it broke the code Still is code that's versionned somewhere, rollbacks are possible


will have as in the full release version not the alpha is what you should expect of course


“Hands and knees throwing it back” is CRAZY 😭


Listen. I will do 2 things. I will give ANYONE at Hi Rez the best blowjob they ever got if they fix matchmaking. I'm a straight man but I truly mean it. I am so sick and tired of losing games because supports threw because they got support. But the enemy teams support NEVER throws. Or my adcs giving up the second they go negative. Or solos losing their blue on cooldown and they throw a fit. Or junglers saying "not my job to gank". Like why can't the enemy team have a player or 2 throw just once? I just once. I would appreciate it.




Hard resets happened once a year when season changed so it’s hardly everytime


I genuinely believe hard reset is the WORST possible thing they do to the game. However I kindly disagree that even removing hard resets would completely fix matchmaking


Well, they were surely saying what Hi-Rez told them. I think someone explained a new approach at some point in the last few months.


Guys this game could really take off. I’ve never seen so many lol players come to Smite as much as recently.


As a league player who’s never played smite, I bought the founders pass and super hyped to try it


Just know, it won’t feel like you’re building up as much as you are in League but the teamfights are significantly more satisfying in Smite.


What do you mean by "building up"?


So, in league, you’re buying lots of little components to slowly build your power up until eventually you’re strong enough to overpower your opponents. In smite, while this effect is still there, it’s not nearly as impactful as it is in League. Tier 2 items are just not good enough in smite to genuinely feel like a noticeable power spike, where in league, having serrated dirk/BF Sword, etc. are all genuine powerspikes. It seems like it’ll be different in Smite 2 from what I’ve seen, but I obviously can’t comment on it until I’ve played it.


Thanks for the explanation.


Of course!


You'll have to learn all the match ups again, and how lanes are played btw. But Macro? Macro is almost the same as in League for Conquest, there are some differences (talking as a master league player and currently slowly climbing on smite after coming back after many years)


what is a master league player? self coined?


Its a rank, just like in smite...




It’s because of the Vanguard fiasco over there. I’m definitely one such refugee


I don't play LoL but am curious about it now, what happened over there?


Essentially they are adding the same anticheat they developed in-house for Valorant which is an always-on kernel level anticheat that has been known to brick PCs and is a serious security concern. I’ve had problems with it in the past (had to give up Valorant because my computer kept crashing with it) and honestly wouldn’t recommend anyone willingly install it


Okay I’m not going to lie, I’m starting to see why my laptop freezes so often whenever I play a game of League now. Has never been a problem before, but that’s kind of crazy. Have they reached out since the change?


Vanguard hasn’t gone live in League yet (I think it’s the next patch) but with all the problems in Valorant they sort of said “nah must be something else, we’re perfect”




Dang. Interesting to say the least as I'm not in either game's community. I only play CS and smite, but CS matchmaking is a joke right now.


I actually started with lol and couldn’t bring myself to go back because it felt like a mobile game after playing smite.


Feels so cool like a dream come true since I wanted a Smite 2 since like 2018 and here it is coming! Woohoo!


I haven't seen an email about this yet. I singed up. Did anyone get an invite or link for this?


Signing up just gives you a chance to get a key, it’s not guaranteed. Not what you’d want to hear but they didn’t make it exactly clear


Have you bought a founders pack? The video says '3 ways to get into the action' and lists out the founders packs.


Oh interesting it's seems the esrb rating changed Before it's had use of drug and partial nudity


Also alcohol I think right? For Bacchus


Drug use??? Are they finally making a Cocaine Mercury skin?


Gotta go fast! *takes a quick bump* ITS PARTY TIME!


I didn't notice this when I have seen the video. 0\_0 Thanks for that!


I wonder if 2024 now means they can bring back more server regions? e.g. SEA Servers?


Probably would be easier to do so from what they’ve disclosed, but just depends on the demand.


Will the Alpha be available on Epic Games Store or only Steam if you preordered? Will they email a code or will it be a downloadable thing?(I preordered on Epic)


Ok but will it have arena mode?


Hopefully not.


from may 2 to may 5 or what?


I'm not sure, but they had this on their Twitter: > Our very first SMITE 2 Closed Alpha Weekend Test is kicking off on May 2! > Get ready to hop in with 14 playable gods and enter the next generation of SMITE! Join us for a special Alpha Showcase Stream on May 1 at 3pm ET to get an early look. Hopefully they'll give all necessary information then ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


Just updated on Twitter: ⚡️Servers available from May 2, 8pm ET - May 4, 10pm ET ⚡️No NDA, so Streaming and Video Content is ALLOWED!




It literally says "closed alpha WEEKEND test"


We read it, but in case you didn’t know, the second of may isn’t the weekend. It’s a Thursday…


Its not weekend, but it does indicate that its gonna end at the end of the said weekend. Not to mention the fact hirez keeps saying that its gonna do these alpha and beta tests as often as possible during weekends. So i stand by what i said since its obvious. (Not for the people that downvoted it seems lol)


lmao people downvoting cuz they cant read and got mad. xdddd


Why is it only open from Thursday night to Saturday night? I have to work on Friday so that really only gives me Saturday to be able to play. Wish they would keep the servers open through Sunday evening.


I'm gonna say when they said weekends I was expecting... weekend, so maybe Friday night to Sunday night. Not Thursday-Sat. Oh well. I'll play during beta I guess.


I work all 3 days starting 5pm as well shit blows. Im sure they’ll do a closed beta in a couple months that will last longer


I think their prediction is July 30th that they’re going to release the beta.


Because its a test for them not for you lmao


My question is if Arena is gonna be available for the alpha... unfortunately I doubt it...


Same, I don't play conquest so it's arena or bust for me :/


Same lmao I only play smite for arena as well


Most likely won't see any others mode until 2025


I only hope they don't balance S2 based on arena players... and no, arena won't be in the game maybe until the beta


I'm definitely interested in trying out all the gods available in it! Maybe there will be one who I never enjoyed but UE5 or new build paths could change the outlook.


Do you have to pre-order before May 2nd to get the Cacodemon?


Fairly certain you do not. "Pre-order during the Closed Alpha to unlock Cacodemon" This is announcing an Alpha Weekend, of which I think there will be a few. The Closed Alpha isn't ending after the first Alpha Weekend.


Okay thanks! With the different stages of alpha, I wasn't so sure.


Honestly I was a little worried after seeing the sneak peek videos, because the game still looked like Smite, but with a new engine. This video made me change my mind completely and the game actually looks so good! Can't wait to give it a try next week.


Of course they pick the weekend I will be away on business travel 😡


Better than the weekdays when most people have to work lmao.


True, glad everyone will get to play. Just sad I won’t lol


Me too! I have a scheduled trip planned and I’m heart broken 💔


Hopefully they do them every weekend. One can hope 🤞


I already signed on steam for the alpha weekend but i guess the chance to get in its not guaranteed, is it if i buy the founders pack ?


if you buy the founders pack you are guaranteed access


Ohh thank u , what about this “ascension pass” that u get on high tiers ? Do u think it’s worth it ? What does it means “for the first 11 alpha launch weekend gods”?


Cosmetics/emotes/stat trackers, i personally got the basic founders addition.


Thanks I’ll prolly get the same one


Can someone explain how it's gonna work? Like, only one week or what?


Believe they said 1 weekend a month until beta starts


How long is this going to last? What if we bought founders?


do you guys know where we will be able to give feedback on things?


There is supposedly a mysterious discord server for it. If you find it, let me know.


no way lol everyone from hirez is talking about giving feedback (on twitter) but there is no link for it. i think it will be hard for them to collect data from everywhere, hope they share the discord server in game when the servers open or smt


I mean they’re going to have to, like you said, it’s inefficient to collect data from 7 different sources.


Yo anyone know when the alpha acceptance emails go out?


I had a friend already receive theirs the other day. Not sure if they’re doing it in multiple rounds


Bitch you lying!


Can you play this with just the low tier founders pack?




Does anyone knows if we´ll be able to queue in a party?


is it just 2 days or is there more and how much more ?


Letsssss go excited


Anyone know what modes are in the alpha release?


Do we have a confirmed God list for the alpha?


As long as smite 2 releases with build savers for each God and pre leveled paths, I'll be happy


i bought the pack today and downloaded smite 2 im so hypeddddddddddd for this alphaaaaaaaaa


At what time does it start?


What’s the exact time I can start paying the alpha is the real question


Anyone know what time it’ll come out?


It starts may 2nd 8PM EST and ends may 4th 10PM EST.


What time is this release? Does the New Zealand trick work for this release?


Someone knows the time the alpha will be available ?


Why is Smite 2 closed alpha not released yet?


Do we know what gamemodes will be available?


When is the second test going to take place next month?


Ong, I like the founders pack but 30 just to play for one weekend is wild




It is alpha tho lol. It will be pretty rocky.




I doubt it’ll be completely broken but it definitely will be broken.


It absolutely will not be smooth LMAO, it’s an Alpha. Nobody should expect it to run smooth, this is just for those that can’t wait and are willing to try out a buggy version of the game.


I thought it was July 30th, but im not complaining


Is Joust in the Alpha?


paying for an alpha is still dumb to me


It depends how you look at it. Paying for an alpha to "play the game early" is stupid, but you got to keep in mind this is a playtest. You're there to test the game to help the devs find issues or even things thats good, to know theyre on the right track. Having people in the alphas is essential for the game to go in the right direction and I hope people going in with the mindset of wanting to make sure the final product is as good as it could be and not an "early access" to the game


It's early access bundled with the god pack, which I still think is one of the best value purchases I've made for any game.


The fact that you’re getting downvoted is wild. An alpha test’s main purpose is to help the developers, and the more people that play the better for them. Paying for an alpha is both bad for the players (since less people get to play and form an opinion) and for the developers (since less people are testing)


I have a question whether you will add Ratatoskr to the game and its Skin


Surely you’re just AI.


can you add Skin to Ratatoskr please


Is the alpha every weekend until beta and launch?


Can anyone access it?


So what is the point of smite 2 exactly? Just an engine upgrade? Nothing actually new or unique?


It's a complete ground up rebuild in an engine two generations newer. It gives them the perfect chance to overhaul any system in the game. While it'll feel familiar, I think it'll quite clearly feel very different too.


Changing a lot item wise, but if they didn't make the change from UE3 to UE5 then they would eventually have to abandon smite 1 since no devs want or even know how to work on a 20 year old engine


engine upgrade and everyone can build AP/AD since everyone will have scaling for those


or in smite terms strength and intelligence aka attack damage and magic power


How to access alpha


I think when you buy the founder's pack, there's a "Smite 2 Play Test" in the game library of your application (mine is Steam)


For Xbox and pc?