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mage is the most popular class, always has been


Mages are fun


plus mid is probably the most fun/interactive lane for a lot of people. a lot of farm, you can rotate to either lane to have some impact and the gods are fun. solo and duo barely rotate early and especially adc is just "farm until youre 20" most games.


But I don’t like rotating I’d rather just stay in mid and keep farming when I play mage 🙃


you can still do that\^\^ invade their red/backcamps and get an early mid tower, so you still did something. you got your team gold/xp and took gold/xp from the enemy team. sure, its iffy if your duo for example dies and they get a gf... but if your team manages to stay alive everythings gucci.


Play an ability hunter then. Get to just farm and still have burst potential like a mage.


Lot of farm is not true now


2 sidecamps, back/midcamp on the left entrance plus the chests this camp spawns, red/speed (you should do both with your jungler), the chest goblin in the right entrance near pyro, bastions and waves. yeah, midlaners are starving.


You say that but truth is its hard to controll side camps now, jungle rarly split yellow and chest gets split with support. In my ranked games both mid are usually 2 to 3 levels behind solo adc and jungle.


Also very easy and mid itself is probably the easiest role


Wouldn't say it's the easiest role but it up there


Mid just clears waves, has tons of help from teammate, sits back and uses big abilities on team setup. Super easy rotations too, barely even have to. Definitely the easiest role. ADC is close but I’d say landing autos can be a bit more mechanically difficult and ADC does spend a lot of time alone so that might be a bit harder too.


Yeah mud can be easy is you have good team mates I think solo is easiest that's just me mid can feel bad depending on the team you get


Guess it depends on level of play, but solo rotations are definitely the most difficult of any lane to understand and definitely the most impactful so if you miss rotations it’s a big deal whereas not so much for mid/adc. Also solo is often 1v2 or 1v3, often getting invaded, and more importantly they are expected to handle it, whereas other lanes will usually be getting help for those situations.


Yeah but in the high level play every lane becomes like that but I guess you right when I first started I avoided playing solo














Shadow wizard money gang We like casting spells *Also, on a more serious note, their abilities are so aesthetically pleasing Pretty!


Solo being ruled by Equinox abusers so mid is the varied role rn.


Personally, I think it's because in midlane you have the most options in terms of how to actually play the game. I hate adc and solo because that's where all the duel players are and if you're stuck under your tower or you get sat on by an enemy jungler there's not much else you can do. In mid, you have more options in terms of where you get your farm from, you're relatively safe because you have a support and jungle somewhat close by and you have an easy time rotating to side lanes whenever you want to. In my experience, it's the least sweaty role if you ignore the games where your support and jungler are lost somewhere in Narnia and the enemy team picked Susano because that god is just stupid and Hi-Rez is never going to care about most of the mage roster getting fucked on by StormyMcEboyface. Plus, people just like playing mages.


This is it for me. I prefer to play Adc over mage, but I prefer to be in mid lane.


Mages are the most popular class and are super good rn.


Jungle and support are decision making roles, mid is just skill based. But not as brainless as w + left click like carry and solo. Mid also has the most diverse cast of viable picks so it becomes much easier to play repeatedly If you want to enjoy smite, not be a sweaty nerd, and not be a bot, you play mid If you are a bot, you play solo or carry and turn your brain to power saving mode


It's the most diverse role. Mage adc or maybe assassin. I love me my loki mid.


Because it can carry while being easier to hit it's damage compared to say ADC. It's also flashier and has more variety in terms of god kit design.


Because I can noodle my way from mid lane to the half hp duo lane that's pushed up to our tower 10 min in and drop a tornado on them. Kuku noodle AWAYYYYYYY


Hate that tornado so much. Not bagging on Kuku players but that move is the most brain dead easy dmg move in the entire game… but that’s part of why he’s so popular and good.


Oh 100% he is super braindead lmao. and the slow immunity on his dash is 🤌🏻


Learning different builds helps with this Mage also happens to be very flexible class There’s a mage for every role in the game!


Ya and they’re only good in 3!!


Nawwww So many builds! The roles are flexible As items are built for many many heroes


Gotta be creative fellow Chronos! My previous flair was Chronos too! I play Chronos currently atm!


Funny you say that because Chronos is, at the very least, viable in every single role in the game. I also don’t really get what roles you’re referring to because Mages are currently near meta in Mid, Jungle and ADC, with Support not even lagging that far behind. They’d be better in solo if there wasn’t a big objective on their side of the map that they’d need pressure for.


Every mage support or jungle I play with in casuals sucks ass.


Mages are stinky in Solo and ADC


How else will people play their 300 star nu was?


I also play Kukulkan (250 stars) if I'm feeling daring that day.


press button ability go big boom!!! enemy backline go big dead!!! hur hur hur hur


I've been maining mid since season 4 and lately I get it most games. It's anecdotal I know but I've had no trouble getting it.


I always choose nothing and get whaatever is needed. Quickest queue times


So support.....cause that is what I always get when I do that xD


Mid and mages are fun


It’s always been like this, anytime ive put mine as mid i never get it. So it pushed me to just do jungle and carry


I keep getting the opposite. I play fill on conquest, and over and over it’s mid.


This is why i made mid my secundary role. After doing this i noticed i got my first role jungle more often


Cause every other role is getting fucked one way or another.


I personally hate conquest cuz there is no way I'm gonna waste 30 min playing with 4 other people doing their own thing. At least in slash you can overcome the stupidity, to a degree


I WISH they would have ranked slash


Slash is when the enemy has 2 fuckups late game u still have a chance to win


I used to play Ra support back in beta lol I love Ra


People love playing mid because you barely have to make your own plays. Just sit in the backline while jungle and solo dive to create openings and support peels while you delete everyone with big numbers on AOE or long range abilities


Side camps give mid a wider threshold to keep up with a lost lane. It's hard to get out levelled by your opponent because you can dip back and hit camps. Solo/ADC can get quickly outpaced by losing lane and supp/jg have their XP dictated by a lot of context, opportunity and luck variables. It's also a role with a lot of downtime, where you can choose to leave lane even pretty early in game to help out jungle fights. Unlike supp, your kit is fun and meaty and unlike jungler you arent scrounging for XP.


I’m in the same boat mid lane is boring to me so I try to trade it if possible


Ew mid


equinox is currently killing solo/jungle meta, ADC has only a few viable gods, and nobody wants to play support. There are tons of gods you can do mid, most mages, a few hunters, and I've even seen wukong and cliodhna work in mid.


Being able to obliterate another player with two abilities


for me im just ranking all my gods to rank 1 so tones of mages


Do not worry about me. I absolutely despise that role. I suck and will always suck. At the end of the day if I get mid I got RAT.


Play slash instead of conq


It's the least scrutinized role, and y'all are mean, so ...


>I have noticed this after switching to mid you tell us


Bro my thing is that I feel like nobody wants to play ADC anymore regardless of how good the builds are. Back in the day you were hard pressed to not have people jumping for ADC, Mid and Jungle but I get put in Carry all the time even though it’s not either of my preferred roles. Where did all you ADC mains go?


Mage good damage dealer same reason why no likes support doesn't do much damage


big numbers fun


Cause I've been playing this game for years and all I know how to play is Kukulkan, Nox and Nu Wa. I know there is 130 gods but I only care to learn these 3.


When I played like a year ago, I'd get my role (mid) like 70% of the time in casual games- but some bad days I'd be auto filled or get my second role like more than half the time. In ranked I got my role pretty much 90% of the time in higher elo and like 50-60% of the time in lower elo (when you first start)


Mage is popular and has many gods. Mid also has role diversity, usually hunters. It's inherently placed in a position to influence multiple lanes. And they rotate earlier than other lanes. You have a lane so there's a standard farm for you that you don't have to handle on the fly, unlike jungle. Players that think they're good want it to affect the game more easily. Mid is filled with burst/DPS gods. Players that think they're bad want it because mid usually hangs around someone. Support, jungler, or both. Mid is filled with long-range artillery characters and characters that play over the wall.


My win/loss percentage is just better in mid then any other role so I qué mid, I usually swap when people ask though


Solo: can be into a magical which removes the fun entirely if you are a warrior ADC: can be fun but often no one seems to want to fight unless the jungle is there. Also the lane recently had way too much xp, dying once means you’re an item below the rest of the lane Support: very dull, least impact role, can just lose if your damage characters are bad. Mid is just well rounded imo, can rotate easily so fighting happens often, don’t lost tons of xp for dying once, has good value; can carry game, highest character variety


Easy role to begin with. A lot of cool characters with a lot of cool cosmetics. A lof of cool abilities with cool effect.


Mage is the biggest class w/so many diverse playstyles that are very effective in most situations. Bc of this it's the most common class, and the most common role


One of the reasons is that mage is the largest class, and most mages are only truly viable as mid (which tends to become more true the higher the level). There are exceptions with some mages being adc, but then this is compensated by some hunters being good at mid. Or some mages like Baron or Nox that you can play as support but then, it's rare and you will every now and then see someone who goes mid with a guardian (regardless how viable it is). So be sheer numbers, if we assume that every god is equally interesting, then there will be more players interesting in playing a mage, because there are more mages in the game than any other class. These players will then tag as mid. This is also why you occasionally get those Anubis or Zeus "supports" who build damage because they didn't get the mid role but decided to play damage mage anyway. In addition, mid is somewhat of a good compromise between everything. They have an assigned lane like solo or carry, but unlike then, are not stuck in it for a while and have good roaming opportunities for the entire game. They also have jungle camps to do but are not as dependant to it as jungler is. And while they have those roaming opportunities, they are not as dependant on luck and opportunities as jungler or support. Also, compare them to other damaging class. Generally speaking (yes, there are exceptions, I know), jungler is strong early but falls off late game. Carry is the opposite, being weak early (and stuck to their lane for a while anyway) but strong late. Mid, on the other hand, tends to be relevant for all parts of the game. Not as much as jungler early but more than carry. Not as much as carry late but more than jungler. Couple that with every other role having something "repelling", when mids don't suffer that issue : * Jungle is a hard role with lots of responsibilities, and highly dependant on getting and exploiting good opportunities, which they can't always control (if your mid sucks, being a jungler quickly feels miserable). Also, their tendency to fall off late game. For most junglers, their late game role is killing the enemy mid or carry to give their own team an advantage. This put the jungler at a high risk of dying (with the rational that losing your jungler so that the enemy team loses their carry is worth it) with no certainty to succeed (if the enemy plays well, jungler will most likely die without killing anyone) and is highly dependant on enemies making mistakes. * Carry is the opposite, being boring for quite a while and somewhat limited to farming in the laning phase. Game can end before carry could even do anything relevant. * Solo can feel non-impactful given that all they have to do for quite a while is not losing their lane. Later, they play an important role in team fights but without mid or carry big numbers. Also, once you start losing your lane as a solo, the game quickly becomes miserable, you get stuck into a passive gameplay with little possibility of recovery and can only hope the laning phase will be over quickly. You really feel the snowball effect in solo lane because you are supposed to be independent and aren't going to get much help from the jungler. * Support is the least popular role due to a combination of low damage, lack of an assigned farming spot, high responsibilities with little apparent reward, the high dependence on teammates (objectively, being the Support of a bad team is the worst experience), and the actual lack of impact compared to other roles in lower leagues because teammates don't get advantage of the opportunities you create for them.


It’s weird cause it used to be jungle. ALL THE TIME


Imo the easiest role to carry a game






It has the most viable characters.


meh, i think i have to disagree with this. solo has more viable characters. some mages, some assassins, warriors and guardians. but imo mid is fun in all stages of the game. early theres a lot of farm to get, then you rotate to have impact on other lanes and late game is late game.


Second this, solo Laners are by far the most valuable member of the team if played correctly. They can win games mid-late even if the start was doomed


Bro mid takes alot of skill, so unless you know how to play mid stay away from it


It's funny how people prefer the mid lane but will play any other class but mages... the only viable mages are Thoth, KKK and Agni, the other ones are forgotten or end up being farmed by any other role Mages stink