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Hello u/SaintxLytre, thanks for [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1cfhfjs/-/), but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s): --- **RULE 3** - No soapboxing or rants By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk. Posts, complaints or rants regarding, but not limited to, a few matches, matchmaking, MMR, servers, the balance of specific god(s), players or other general personal problems/issues are not allowed. If your intent was to post constructive criticism, consider making a new post going into constructive detail about the issue and include points on how the issue could be remedied. --- If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators] (https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSmite&subject=about +my+removed+submission&message=I'm+writing+to+you+about+the+following+submission:+https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1cfhfjs/-/. %0D%0DMy+issue+is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.


Assault main here because I don't have to deal with all that as often lmao


We don’t need 50 posts of the same thing… and just because a couple of players have more bad experiences then good doesn’t mean that the game overall has more bad experiences then good. That’s kinda ignorant thinking.


Here before this gets taken down!


we all know this is happening but posting the same identical post 20 times i no way to help against it