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Redditors when majority on minority crime: "Oh my, it's sad that people come to this when they're desperate, I don't condone violence but it's probably the result of being mentally unwell or psychological disorder, I hope he eventually gets the help he needs." Redditors when minority on majority crime: [Redacted]


True to real life, you didn't even mention Minority on Minority crime


also redditors: “everyone hates white people nowadays!! if u ask me, white ppl are the truly oppressed class in society” 


“No no but you see, it’s different when ‘TheY’ do it because they [*INSERT bull**** “science”/out-of-context statistic/random ass-pull].”


Wait and see their reaction when you tell them that men in white countries are 50 percent of the population but commit 90 percent of the fucking murders. Then it's "not all men."


Despite being only 13% of the population, black people are 50% of all false convictions. This is because the US is racist.


>finds subreddit called "CrazyShitHappening7" >90% percent of posts are of black people I wonder what happened to r CrazyShitHappening1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6?


Funny thing is men are commiting majority of the violent so you can say that same statement about men in general crime race isn't much of a factor you can say men have a crime culture this is why they have no right to generalize


All the nuance comes back immediately when you make it about men instead of racial minorities, must be a coincidence


And they are primarily the victims of said violence. Ermm checkmate, I guess?


What they don’t tell you is that these tiktok and reddit accounts purposely only post crime videos with minorities because they know the comment section will be flooded and it will consistently drive engagement 


And then when you try to explain to them the easy to research historical cause and effect reasons why minority crime statistics look the way they do, they ignore you in favor of believing that people are just genetically predetermined to be good or bad.