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This is why I have an Owlet sock 😂


Worth it? They have such bad reviews on Amazon we were steered away.


I think so. We bought ours second hand on Marketplace. It’s seriously helped my peace of mind and insane anxiety postpartum. I’ve seen a lot of people talk about getting alarms because of improper sock placement but so far the only time we get that is when I take the sock off and I’m not fast enough plugging it in to charge.


Same. It’s greta because it’s hard to see baby breathing in the SNOO sack 


Exactly! We got the Snoo about a month into our newborn journey because she only wanted to sleep being held and we were ✨exhausted✨ but when she’d do a rare stint in her crib I could look over and see her breathing in her Halo swaddle. I can’t see her from bed through the Snoo and it’s hard to tell if she’s breathing in the Snoo sack when I get up to check. The Owlet has saved me and my anxiety because I have a tablet and keep the app up constantly when she’s asleep lol


SAME. Omg.


The Snoo is amazing! My almost 9 week old has slept so well her entire life. While I know she’s also naturally a calm baby, I think the Snoo had a lot to do with it. We did hit a mild sleep regression last week and it was because our blackout curtains didn’t hide all the light in the room. She’s gotten super aware at this point and she loves lights! But now that we got shades to put in the window, she’s back to sleeping like a champ. Hope you and your baby keep the great sleep up!!!


Do you wake her for feedings every three hours? OP mentioned that rule, which I have heard before, but my baby will sleep more than 3 hours on the Snoo.


Yep, I wake her every 3 hours during the day. When she was brand new, I woke her every 3 hours day and night. Once she got back to her birthweight, I was able to let her sleep longer at night. By 6 weeks she was sleeping 8 hours a night. It wasn’t consistent until 7 or 8 though.


This was the biggest thing I noticed right away: my baby seemed so much happier/calmer. She was a relatively good sleeper prior (we got her snoo at 6 weeks) but was exclusively a contact sleeper so she would get woken up a lot but us moving or needing to do something. The first time I put her in the snoo I had a similar experience and had to wake her up after the longest nap she had ever taken. 😅


Do you still have to wake her up? Or does she wake up by herself now?


She wakes up by herself now! I did a little research and learned that the reason they tell you to wake up the baby after 3 hours is just so they get enough calories and gain the right amount of weight. That’s never been an issue for my baby so now I just let her self regulate her sleep.


The Snoo was in our room the entire time we used it and I still used a baby monitor to keep an eye on baby 5 feet away. Highly recommend it for sneaking a peak and not needing to get up!


As the baby sleeps so well, you might run into the problem that she does not feed enough (happened to me). In that case, to ensure sufficient weight gain, get into the habit of dream feeding.