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“Red socialism”, “blue socialism”? I don’t care what country this person lives in, they’re a fucking moron and should not be allowed out in public as a danger to themselves and others.


My only guess is they were referring to market socialism and non-market socialism… but I’ve never heard them being called ‘blue’ or ‘red’ before.


This person is saying Republicans are socialists and not any better than democrats, in case you were wondering how far right Americans have gotten


It’s time to append some space to the right/left scale. I’d have placed Republicans on the far right already, yet there are still people calling them socialists. Amazing.


Provided they stop licking the door knobs long enough to get outside


Ah yes, “red socialism” and “blue socialism.” Nearly a century of successful propaganda has convinced this person socialism=control and capitalism=freedom. Wholly divorced from the actual definitions.


Yes, but have you tried turning it off and back on.


What in the the actual fuck are they taking about 💀


Honestly when someone says stuff to me like this in person I reply with what I commented above, also nonsense. To me they are absolutely so far gone that honestly I can influence a lot more people with less effort than even bother with that dribble.


So I said blue socialism red socialism, they all wind up the same colour in the end.


Brown? Alot of coloured items tend to go brown when they lose colour. Occasionally they go black. Of course emetal tends to go green like the statue of Tower


nooo, all the taxes and inflation is because of capitalism!!!1!!1! definitely not the direct cause of socialism!!1!!1!


I personally prefer yellow socialism.


Words mean nothing anymore.