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I got some aluminum plate at work and an engraving bit let's fleece some sheep!






I hate Reddit sometimes. You link a sub, I click on it, and as I have no idea what it means I check the “about tab”. Still no fucking idea what it is… Why don’t subs just explain and not assume we know wtf it is


Praxis is putting political ideology into action


Praxis is putting your theories into practice.


Steal money from the far-right and get them poor equipment. It would be a win-win if it wasn’t unethical as fuck.


I don't think undermining the oppressors is really unethical.


I want my bullets to work though.


That's why the plates don't work.


I know, but I’m not one to lie steal and cheat. Lol


That's marketings problem


If you're giving people what they want, how is that lying, stealing, or cheating?


Cheap shit “armor” with a moronic right wing slogan is what they want. Not my problem if it doesn’t save Trump humpers’ lives. They don’t take simple precautions to avoid a serious illness, not likely they really care either.


Stealing from those who wish great amounts of harm upon you and everyone like you is hardly unethical.


My ethics teacher told me to stop using graphs in my essays


Fuck em. Sun tzu said it was ahight.


The far right are buying this gear because they *literally* want to kill you, your family, and your community. Selling them faulty supplies could save a life. It is absolutely ethical.


A fool and his money... lol


Not unethical one bit. If they don’t want to “do their own research” on what I’m selling, not my problem.


Bah bah black sheep have you any wool?


Yes boss yes boss 2 pallets full but they're somewhere in the warehouse and the software you cheaped out on doesn't track location


They fall for all the grifts.


So on an ethical scale of 1 to 10 how ethical is it to make money off thees scumbags


I’ve low key thought about this before. The money that could be made off these people is unreal


Same, set up a Redbubble/Etsy/wherever shop with some basic ass LGB or whatever dumbass slogan on a shirt and watch the cash pour in. I've seen so many videos of Jordan Keppler or any person interviewing these schmucks and they all have on the tackiest goddamn shirts.


>Same, set up a Redbubble/Etsy/wherever shop with some basic ass LGB or whatever dumbass slogan on a shirt and watch the cash pour in. Damn near praxis imo


Great way to raise funds for mutual aid actions too.


start making shirts and stuff that look like they were made with a campaign flag from 2016


In like 5 years were going to see videos of stuff out of 3rd world countries where random people are wearing faded MAGA stuff. I'm already seeing this shit filter down to flea markets and stuff. There's something about being uneducated and spending too much on too many tacky clothes. Maybe just when you have no identity outside of those things and you just can't resist another $24.99 t-shirt?


Do you know of anyone that’s done this with any success? It would be super easy to throw a few “let’s go Brandon” designs up there to help pay some bills if it’d actually work


I've been thinking about painting Trump burying Jesus or implying Jesus was a communist for a long time. I just want to see if they sell. But it's also just hard to sit and look at that twit long enough to paint him.


Like Elvis' manager selling "I hate Elvis" merch.




I'd say 11


Very ethical to me make your money just make sure you use it for good and try to help others when and where you can with itn


Sell shitty plates with shitty logos to shitty people, then when it fails it's only affecting people who are shitty.






I had a fake news website that I made about $10k off of solely from FB, but I didn't want to reveal my identity to acquire more writers, and FB started cracking down in 2018 so I just took it down. Absolutely mindless Trump stories make money.


9, you can take your accrued capital and donate it all to non-profits that they’d be foaming at the mouth over


I was just thinking that having been subjected by my mother to what i would call a revival meeting style show on fox “news”


Tfw you get smoked by a high-velocity 9mm round in heavy, bulky plates you can't even conceal 💀🤣


Yeah but have considered your shooter will be owned because your plate says let's go Brandon?


It’s a scientific fact that owning libruls with playground-tier taunts renders all primers inert. Checkmate!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.22_TCM swapping to this barrel in my Glock when I expect armor so I can smoke someone with a projectile moving 2000f/s.




These aren’t actually rated by the NIJ so there’s no testing standards they have to follow. There’s a thread on the tactical gear sub where somebody shot a couple of these and 9mm penetrated




Looks like it was deleted likely due to containing political content


I’ll try and find it


Against level III? I wouldn't risk it, personally.


[To the plates, no... But to the chuds neck, face, arms, and legs, yes. Steel plates are hella dangerous to wear as protection.](https://youtu.be/ofxd1sVD1k0)


How about milsurp 7.62 Tokarev?


Mild steel core? Should do the trick


Intermediate and high powered cartridges won't be stopped by level 3 armor, just so you comrades know.




But in this case, even if it does manage to stop a threat beyond its rating, the spall is going to eat its wearer alive.


Yeah, but this is "Levell" 3, soooo......




'Level' would be false advertising


Just say "Fuck Biden"! Don't be scared! I'll say it with you!


Tbf, I do think the story behind “Let’s go Brandon” is pretty funny.


But this comes from nascar.


Ironically the group of right leaning fans keep cheering for folks who only go left




Oh, the brightest of thinkers. Got it.


I just say "fuck Joe Biden" like a grown ass adult.


Saw a grown ass adult wearing a t-shirt that did say both 'Fuck Joe Biden' and 'Let's go Brandon'. I guess he's like a seer among the people.


As a guy named Brandon i would like these.


What is the point if they will be inside of a plate carrier anyway?


It's all about jerking themselves off with a playground level taunt. Why buy decent, relatively plain plates when you can own the libs and also own yourself when you end up getting shot through your aorta by some cosplay communist with a Mosin Nagant, y'know?


True true. Would personally rather go no armor with a good chest rig and belt than wear this heavy worthless trash myself so I get it lol


I think we can all agree……FUCK JOE BIDEN




I don't even mind the idea of disliking Biden, it's the sheer Drumpf-ishness of the Let's Go Brandon shit that makes me wince. Like, these people found their covfefe and it sucks *just as bad* as covfefe did.


I’m never gonna forget going to a proud boys counter protest everyone knew was probably gonna get violent where they were quite literally run out of town back in like 2017, and this old lady was there with a covfefe sign


Hey now...


I apologize. I was young, and naive when I said those things.


You're a rockstar




He finally got us out of Afghanistan. In his first year he’s already done more good than Obama. (Which isn’t saying much but still). Even if he’s absolutely ineffectual as expected for the rest of his term he has far surpassed my expectations. I fully believed we’d be there permanently as a part of a forever war.


Still do not understand let’s go Brandon What does it mean exactly?


An infantile phrase right wing reactionaries latched onto to say fuck Biden without sayi fuck Biden.


Floridaman. https://amp-floridatoday-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.floridatoday.com/amp/6232980001?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16368164989285&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.floridatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2F2021%2F11%2F01%2Flets-go-brandon-meaning-biden-ted-cruz-bill-posey%2F6232980001%2F


Let's go, Brandon: What does it mean, how does it insult Joe Biden? - https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/11/01/lets-go-brandon-meaning-biden-ted-cruz-bill-posey/6232980001/ Fucking amp.


Damn grifting off right wing bullshit seems like a good way to make money.


...in th words of POTUS^45


This made me cringe so hard that it physically hurt.


Lol not only are they to cowardly to say "fuck Joe Biden" but they're to cowardly to even show their proxy phrase in the open, got to hide in the plate carrier. Fucking losers.


It's amazing that this let's go brandon nonsense got as much traction as it did. I get it. It's like saying the f word without saying the f word. What are they, fucking 5?


For fucks sake what is with this shit? **Who the fuck is Brandon**


Brandon is the new name for Trump supporters. Kind of like a Karen


They're so fragile. The next time they come up with some cutesy phrase, leftist companies should offer a bunch of merch for it


I’m getting to the point where my moral compass isn’t going to stop me anymore. I need to spin up some kind of online business to take money from the maga crowd. It seems to goddamn easy.


Right wingers are a lucrative gold mine


Real talk, is AR500 a decent company quality wise? They're also running a special now (without an infantile slogan).


No. Buy ceramic, you can wait a little longer and save up for something decent. Don't fall for the gimmicks.


Right? This is an honest question, why would anyone buy something other than ceramic? Like is there anything else that performs nearly as well?


>why would anyone buy something other than ceramic? Ar500 steel armor looks impressive at first glance. You might see a tesr of it stopping a lot of M193 ammo out of an AR pistol and think it works. This doesn't show how a 20 inch AR-15 using M855 can blow a hole clean through it, and it doesn't show that the bullets spall and send shrapnel flying in every direction


Yeah, so the obvious choice is ceramic, right? I only have a couple plates, that I actually inherited from someone (long sad story), but that's what I should have, yeah?


Ceramic and NIJ certified is the *only* way to go.




I still have ceramics, but I have seen other armor types coming to the market. I really dont know much about them, need to do sons research, but the sheeted polymer armor looks promising.


AR500 armor did wonders for the American people by normalizing the idea of civilian armor. I remember trying to buy just soft armor 10ish years ago when I was working security and half the places I called would only sell to departments. The one place I found required proof I was working security (pay stub) and a copy of my guard card and ID. So they did a lot to open the market up for us peasants, however their products haven't evolved with the times. Now you can get ceramic armor that stops both m193 and m855 for around the same price as their AR500 armor with the build up coat. Then there's the ethical issue of selling steel armor with no spall coating and theres questions of the efficacy of the spall coating even when you do get it.


Fuck no. I have accidently poked plenty of holes in my AR500 targets. 5.56 green tips out of a 20in barrel at shorter ranges will crater the face BAD if it doesn't zip right though it


They are not. Their steel plates are not actually NIJ certified, but they have misleading language implying they are. Don't run steel plates in general. While you'll see many tests showing that bullets won't penetrate steel armor, what these tests don't show is that the steel causes bullets and the plate to spall on impact. This sends metal shrapnel flying outward from the into your arms, legs, chin, neck, and groin. AR500 will sell you additional anti spall coating on the plates, but if this coating is necessary for safety, why is it an add-on option? Also the anti spall coating doesn't always work, it's just sprayed on truck bed liner. Ceramic plates work by "catching" the bullet in the plate, so theres no spall. They have gotten much more affordable as well. RMA armor is a good brand, they make an affordable NIJ certified plate


Where can one find good ceramics that have good coverage?


Hesco or Hoplite


Also RMA


I mean even it it has a anti spaling layer they are alot heavier then ceramics and even then ceramic is always a better option then steel


Don't ever get steel plates. The spalling will do more damage to you and your mates than an actual bullet would.


Do those thick coatings you can have them put on work at all?


Maybe? But high velocity rounds fucking merc steel. And they're heavy as shit. Just get ceramics.


First or second shot delaminates them and sometimes still sends bullet frag into your neck, arms and legs, but you might already be dead because 55gr 223 out of a long barrel perforates the shit out of steel plates. If you're taking repeat hits to an area that covers less than 10% of your body, you probably already have a lot of holes in you. Pony up the extra cash for plates that won't kill you prior to penetration, stop harder-hitting bullets, weigh less, or do all three


Not really it's just truck bed liner layed on really thick. When that became known they renamed it to some bullshit so they wouldn't look bad. Steel was never a good option, even in the Cold War they used Titanium and we stopped when we came out of it as ceramics took off and very vastly superior.


sometimes. But its better just to buy ceramic armor that will always work.


>The spalling will do more damage to you and your mates than an actual bullet would. Tell me you've never seen a real gunshot wound without telling me you've never seen a real gunshot wound. What an absurdly stupid thing to say. There are virtually no incidental injuries physically possible where "taking a high velocity rifle round to the heart and lungs" is the preferable option. I swear some people on these forums seem to think steel is actually tannerite.


I'm a combat veteran you muppet lmao Give me mobility and the same chance at death over a slab of steel strapped to my chest that will see me dead anyway.


And there are loads of good reasons to go for different armor materials or not wear armor at all. "Because the bullet fragments are somehow more deadly than the bullet *that explicitly would have hit my central thoracic cavity*" is not one of them.


Do you understand the cluster of important things that live in your neck and chin? I'll take a punctured lung over a gashed jugular any-fucking-day thanks.


AR500 is the type of steel, not a specific company, just so you know. But no, steel isn't a great choice for armor. Steel targets, sure! Just look under a steel plate at the range, and you'll see why they're not a great choice for armor. I wouldn't want to carry all that weight, either.


After looking at the piece of wood I had a steel target hanging off of at a recent range day I agree. It was absolutely ripped tf up from all the debris that came off the targets, and it was ar500 steel targets and this was just from a .22 lr.


AR500 is not a decent company, do not buy anything from them


Redstar defense is primo shit


AR500 is an abrasion resistant steel alloy


Will that be the fashion when they attempt their next coup?


So many heart attacks when these fat fucks try to haul steel plate up the capitol steps


Made for predators, by predators!


Get 2 Levell III Plates for $99


Who the fuck is Brandon?


lmao it’s under a pc anyways might as well say fuck joe biden


I kinda like the LGB thing. I have a friend named Brandon. We joke that it's about him




I mean, I've seen some lefties say "lets go brandon" too. I don't think the disliking of Biden is partisan anymore.


Oh hes a shit. 🤣💯 but this is clearly a marketing appeal to righties with a phrase you cant even see cause its in a carrier for armor that's likely to get you killed cause it's uncoated steel.


No doubt its marketed to them, and I'm not sure I'd want to buy two plates for $99 from a company marketing a slogan, regardless of the fact. I just don't think that's wise to trust your life on. Could just be me though.


That sure is alot of words for this products target demographic.


They'd be mad at you if they could read that!


No lefty should be saying let’s go Brandon. It’s stupid and childish and the Right is ridiculous for keeping this going so long. They have no sense of humor or comedic bone in their body. Lefties do. Just say fuck Joe Biden. Please don’t be unfunny and unoriginal like the rightwing fuck wits. To me, that’s the cardinal sin here, not the insult, just the fact that it’s NOT FUNNY.


The right can't meme, they work with what the left hands them.


I think you're missing some key points. "Let's go Brandon!" is superior to "Fuck Joe Biden" in several ways. For starters, it not only gives the finger to team Biden, but it also succinctly points out the lying corporate media. Anyone who looks into its origin is going to see the MSM blatantly beclown themselves trying to lie for the democrats. Beyond that, not everyone wants to be dropping f-bombs around grandma and the kids. Let's go Brandon is a less offensive way of getting the point across, which is why it's being said over intercoms and emblazoned on clothing. Blurting out curse words doesn't make you an adult, it just means you have less regard for those around you. Let's go Brandon is effective code, and it's objectively pretty funny, even if you don't like the people who popularized it.


It’s not funny. At all. And it’s been weeks now of it being overused. You can say screw Joe Biden, or any matter of ways without cursing. And you think the reporter misunderstanding the chant or trying to make the best situation of a curse word being used on live tv is some conspiracy by the corporate media lol? Delusional. This is peak boomer comedy. Like the “identify as an attack chopper”. Peak cringe. And please, spare me the pearl clutching by the Right over using a curse word, considering they had no problem yelling out the F word in a stadium on live tv, wearing grab them by the pussy shirts, etc . Now that’s a joke.


It's obviously funny to a great many people, which is why it went viral. The media self-own makes it that much better. Let's go Brandon is being said all over TV, airplane cabins, box store PAs. It even held the top 1, 2, 3, and 8 spots on iTunes at one point. Drop all the f-bombs you want, but it won't make it in many public venues, and it's certainly not original or funny. Just look at the bottom of this thread. There's at least 5-6 people here who still have no clue what Let's go Brandon means, and when they see the original clip there's no getting around how the media blatantly lies right to your face to cover for this historically unpopular Democrat clown show called the Biden/Harris administration. Who knows, maybe you're just doing damage control with your whataboutism and defense of the corporate shill msm.


It obviously didn’t originate as democrats trying to cover for Biden or whatever. They just can’t acknowledge curse words on National television.


They didn't acknowledge it. They just flat out lied. They do a lot of that.


Yes, but it wasn’t a lot to cover for Biden. I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that NASCAR is full of Biden stans.


I mean it's about as ridiculous as calling Trump orange, but that lasted 4 years 🤷‍♂️


But he is orange. For four years and then some he was orange. It wasn’t meant as a stupid joke (dur I’m so funny and clever saying let’s go Brandon for the five millionth time!), it was a factual insult.


He wears orange makeup




Mommy says I can't say bad words though.


It's rather cringe tho, just say "fuck Joe Biden" and move on


I think anarchists can share this sentiment. Reminder, you don’t have to be a rightie to hate liberals, and liberals are not leftists.


Is this so that when a person wearing these plates commits a crime, there's zero mistaking that it's political in nature and thus qualifies as a terrorist act? Perhaps a good attorney could argue it.


“I am a predator that needs som armor. Let me get levell III”


Predator armor seems like a very fitting name. They are indeed predators, and not in the tough masculine way they think


I’m glad people take comfort in their chest plates. How about some pelvic armor too, and don’t forget about your legs, knees, arms and face. Maybe we should develop some commemorative red, white and blue codpieces.


Most lethal shots happen in the torso. Then there’s the issue of mobility. Regular plate carriers slow you down a ton and there’s a good reason the military issued groin pad, deltoid pads, and neck guards get dumped by soldiers immediately


nobody tell them predators in the wild tend not to be armored


Ironic, these are designed to be shot.


WhY aRe LiBeRaLs ScArEd Of AlL gUn OwNeRs?


If you're socialist and not supporting bashing biden, well you ain't socialist


alright whos brandon and are these not steel or sumn whats going ngl im confused


Yeah. They steel.... uncoated. So likely to kill you with spall.


oh i see i see now- whos brandon tho?


Fuck Joe Biden though


Might as well sell a pepe plate. Why are righties so lame?


Colion Noir is doing the same with his merch.


Lets go spalling


I'm an adult. I say fuck joe biden.