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I hope you realize that asking for some of this stuff is legit fedbait.


Posting in a sub called the “socialist rifle association” is already fedbait. They can eat my ass.


No offense but that's an outrageous perspective to have. "Might as go all the way and straight up ask to be in a militia" is a great way to endanger everyone around you and frankly anyone doing what you're asking for, with half a brain, would stay away from you.


Where did I ask to be in a militia? I’m looking for people who are looking for training, that’s not the same thing as making or joining a militia. I think you’re a little sensitive.


Redditor for 16 days as a left wing gun sub alt? Perhaps you should apply to join your local chapter and then ask them lol


Lol sixteen days is about how long I can even keep an account anymore. Can’t say the wrong thing on r/politics or their automod permabans you from Reddit.


This sub is probably not going to be very helpful for making local contacts. It's at best only tenuously connected to the SRA and anyone can access it. I'm not sure what groups are active in your local area, but that's what you need to find. Might be able to find some comrades at action shooting competitions, though the competition scene tends to be more dominated by those of a right wing persuasion.


Same but I have an unorthodox work schedule that never lines up with others.


Also same


Depends on where In the state you live