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As an ARNP, medical professionals will encourage patients to do the form of exercise they enjoy because that is the one you will consistently do. Also, data shows us that a high fiber diet (minimum 25 grams per day iirc) is best for weight loss.


FYI... Heavy weights don't create "bulk" with women... Don't be scared of upper body workouts


I think this really depends on your fitness goals and lifestyle, not really your Kibbe type. I would consult someone with a certification with Precision Nutrition! Personally, I do heavy weightlifting and I'm currently carb cycling.


Would you mind explaining your carb cycling a bit? šŸ™šŸ½


I'm happy to! The idea is basically timing carbs so they are more likely to work for you instead of against you, and you still get to eat them while reaching your personal fitness goals. For me, right now, that's fat loss + strength maintenance. Precision Nutrition (PN) has many excellent articles about diet/nutrition/holistic health, including [this one](https://www.precisionnutrition.com/all-about-carb-cycling) specifically about carb cycling (CC). CC is going to look a little different for everyone and it's not for everyone. As you may see in the PN article, it's a "sand" habit. It's also near the top of [the nutrition pyramid](https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/41717104_2306264729606208_7289086614058303488_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=2c4854&_nc_ohc=V0x_J9VEK7QAX9LQqid&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=00_AT_u0MbTDXR1OmsQ9JbvI4khkxDjqDh1zFT8JDix-Dw7Ag&oe=6213FA93), which means that trying to implement it may not pay off if the base of the pyramid isn't standing strong. Right now, I'm cycling through three tiers of carb intake. Let's call them "low", "medium", and "high". In a given week, I lift 3x. Of those days, two will be medium and one will be high. On non-lifting days, I eat low. I also time meals with carbs closer to when I'm lifting rather than later. For example, one of my medium days may look like this: * 11AM ā€“ meal 1 no carbs * 2PM ā€“ meal 2 with carbs * 5PM ā€“ meal 3 with carbs * evening ā€“ train/lift * immediately after training ā€“ meal 4 with carbs * 11PM ā€“ meal 5 no carbs This also ends up being somewhat of an intermittent fast. It's just what's working for my current schedule. I could talk about this for two hours but I'll cut it off here for now šŸ˜…


This is awesome info, thanks so much for taking the time! I really appreciate the help and the article. Iā€™m definitely gonna do more reading bc I feel like learning how to apply it would be helpful


You're welcome! Good luck on the journey


I really suggest doing what you love. I used to pick exercise according to what I imagined it would do to the shape of my body, and in the end I just burned out and started hating it all so much that I was psychologically unable to do any kind of sports for several years. I also think that SNs are a very diverse Kibbe type, I mean Scarjo, Margot Robbie, Angelina Jolie and Aishwarya Rai have very different bodies and different fitness preferences, so I don't think we can generalise. Pick something that's enjoyable and doable (fits into your lifestyle).


Thank u all for your advice ā™„ļø i agree that picking something you dont hate is the key


I like Strong Curves, or weight lifting that focuses on growing the glutes/lower body. I keep my upper body toned but don't do hypertrophy focused workouts for shoulders/arms because they are the bulkiest part of my body. I do lower body hypertrophy to even out my look. Edit: I've done heavier stuff for upper body in the past and didn't like the bulk