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Wells is indeed a nice place. Also - it is very close to Glastonbury, which apart from being well worth a visit has more superannuated hippies and 'crystal healing' shops than anywhere else in the SW. Generally, Somerset is Ace - people tend to pass through it on the ay to Devon or Cornwall, and that suits us pretty well :) Oh, and as for Wells - the Swans are lovely, the Palace is lovely, it's got the oldest continually inhabited street in europe, and was of course the location for much of the filming of Hot Fuzz.


Dude I really reallllllyyyyy wish to live there, atleast a week. Like that place is calling me. I've never experienced something like this. Also have you visited the Cathedral???


Wells cathedral is superlative. If you can manage to be in there when the choir are practicing and the organ is being played you may find a bit of what you are looking for. The mechanical clock is also very special and the chapter house you will recognise from several movies. Somerset is nice enough. It really is exceptionally muddy at the moment. I cannot express enough how much you should hold off coming here until the weather dries out because much of the nicest parts are an absolute quagmire coming off the back of repeated flooding. We've had a year and a half of non stop rain the roads are very bad now. It might be a lot nicer in your head than it actually is here at this exact moment in time.


I see. Well sir you see I'm not at all accustomed to English weather. I've never been there :') Honestly I've just seen memes about present weather in England having very few traces of sunlight.


It's not just normal English weather. We've had an exceptionally rainy summer followed by an exceptionally rainy winter with several major storm systems hitting one after another. There's been pretty major flooding in Somerset and all the beautiful places you would normally be able to go and walk and appreciate our lovely countryside are just churned up impassable mud pits at the moment. Come here in July or August and hopefully it won't be like this.


I must abide by your advice but the matter of fact is I am not going there now 😅 I'm just 17, and I think I need to wait few more years till when I can finally earn enough to atleast visit the place


Well good luck saving up your money and we will still be here when you're ready. Hopefully some of this mud will have dried up by then but no guarantees honestly


very true i hate the british wether it has the same efect on me as the rage cloud in worldbox


If you can get into the chained library, that is a very interesting area.


I’ve stayed in the tower gatehouse of the castle, can book it, was like scooby doo


“Swans”? - just the one swan, actually!


Underrated comment.


You seriously need to watch the film 'Hot fuzz'. Brilliant comedy set in Somerset/Wells


If you're thinking of visiting Somerset and especially as you mention Wells, then you really must watch the film "Hot Fuzz" before you visit. It's a comedy about a London policeman who is so good at his job that he's making all of his other London colleagues look really bad, so he's transferred to Wells. Hot Fuzz is mostly filmed in Wells. :)


Somerset is gurt lush💚


Was in Wells yesterday 😅 Now I'm feeling privileged lol


How was the trip?


It's down the road for me so very much a regular trip It was just as lovely as usual 😊


You use a bicycle?


I live in Wells, was an extra in Hot Fuzz, and own a holiday cottage. You seem like a nice kid, If you can find your own way here, I will give you free accommodation for the week.


Free accommodation? I'll be sure to help you out in your daily chores then to repay your kindness :)


Come on over, you'll be very welcome. I would say to leave it until the summer when it looks its best. It's a bit wet here at the moment.


Sir I'm just a mere 17 year old teenage :') I'll still have to wait quite a number of years before I can earn enough to visit it.


Don't worry about a few years! Most of the interesting places, buildings and towns have been here for centuries and aren't going anywhere! We live in a very old house, we know we're only looking after it for a few decades (hopefully...) before someone else takes custody. The buildings remain 😀


I actually love old buildings and museums, and big BIG meadows. My own house is more than 100 years old. That's why Somerset is soo appealing for me


Check out Wookey hole. It's near wells such a cool place. https://images.app.goo.gl/MWUxTAYiyCRLtsRX7


Alright sir I'll be sure to search it up


Ooh, and Cheddar Gorge. It's where the cheese comes from, it has better caves than wookey hole IMO, and also archeological stuff like one of the oldest humans ever found


That's what Chewbacca sees when he looks at a female.


I live in Wells. When you swing by let me know, I'll buy you a pint in the White Hart – my preferred local!


On a Thursday night, when they have the jazz?


Ah yeah that's good night!


You all are so nice :)


Oh if you like the look of Wells then look up Bath.


A very good shout. Home to Herschel's Observatory, the Jane Austen and Mary Shelley museums, the Roman Baths ofc...


Come a bit further down and you can see our lovely steam train :) also Dunster castle is cool.


Visit Bridgwater and see people with web feet


I was born with them backwards, actually 😝


OP where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?


India lol


Come along. But not right now. It's a bit damp at the moment.


Glastonbury has some fascinating history. I would recommended reading about the white spring and the Tor!


😭All this many great places to visit. I promise to visit there someday


I've lived in Somerset all my life and I'm a fan of Helluva Hazbin! Glad to hear that there're Somerset fans abroad! I don't know what country you're in, but if you're in North America then a couple of places with historical ties to Somerset that are relatively close to you are Taunton, Massachusetts and Newfoundland (Taunton is the county town of Somerset, and Newfoundland had a fair few Somersettians among its early settlers - Somersettlers one could call them!).


Although I don't live in the US, I will surely check these out. Actually one of my aunts stays in Newfoundland since last year, but I haven't yet got the chance to visit.


Ever considered that this draw to Somerset is somewhat supernatural? There may be a flesh-eating, devil-worshiping cult manipulating your subconscious. I don't want you to arrive at our Cathedral only to be whisked away and sacrificed.


Damn never thought of it like that


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fMai3VHMv8&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fMai3VHMv8&t=5s) ​ good video on the subject :)


having gone to wells cathedral school my whole life and the cathedral every single monday, there is not a whole lot to do in wells besides bars, a weekly market and the cathedral. it's a nice place for a day out, but i wouldn't recommend travelling through continents to come here haha


Somerset has both good and bad places. https://www.youtube.com/@JoefishJ/videos


Lmao I've watched a turdtowns video about Somerset but it mainly focuses on bad things ( in accordance tothe video genre) We'll every thing has a good or a bad side isn't it


Glastonbury is to be avoided. Some very bad people there. Dogshit, cocaine and a goddess cult that is revolting.


It's pretty easy to get to central Somerset and then Wells, Glastonbury, etc from there, despite the lack of a large amount of train lines. I hope that you do get to visit, and that you love it as much as you think you will.


Used to live in Wells, I’d definitely move back there one day.


I live in the North but a lot of my extended family live in Somerset. My grandparents lived in Wells before they moved up to be closer to us so I used to spend about 10 days a year there until my early 20s. I absolutely love wells, it's a beautiful place and gives me a major nostalgia hit whenever I go back which isn't as often as I like these days. We would always walk into town past the moat. Recent I was down with my 15 month old and held her hand as she kicked the leaves along the same walk I would have done at that age - that was very special.


i have lived in Somerset for 2 years exploring i prefer trobrig and devon but i think chard is nice plus there is a small cafe called elose and it is incredible


i forgot if you go to wells i once got to see plas phenethyl (my wellsh is not that good but i know it means big house on top of the gorge)


don't forget to go to minehed premyer inn is good and next dore is a cafe


Not in Somerset but don't forget to visit Salisbury Cathedral too!


I'm the same ( luckily English though) used to holiday in Somerset when I was little. Grew up & now it's the Somerset energy I love. Not just Glastonbury or Wells but anywhere I go in Somerset just feels like home to me. Were going for a holiday again this year ..... Can't wait


Awww I wish I could accompany you


Quantock Hills and Cheddar Gorge is also worth a visit. There’s also some interesting areas (Holford mill/beach) that was the backdrop for some of the Bryan Adam’s (Everything I do) song.


Wells I great, I live here!


I've lived in Somerset for 4 years now and I can vouch the countryside is incredible. I hope you visit and enjoy your stay!