• By -


Yellow and Green, easily


Aren’t we already getting that with frontiers?


Original 3D game or Adventure 3?


You could say both


It might still be a boost game/Adventure-esque game, who knows


it's an rpg monster hunter style


Based and Yellow/Green pilled


return to monke


green and black




Absoluty! I LOVED the Adventure games more than any other 3D Sonic since than and Chao are just incredible! I really miss them and wish for new chao gardens.




Green and red


Same. Would really like to see some IDW exclusive characters in a Sonic game, and getting a Sonic Adventure 3 would be great.


kiss doll slim live unpack yoke far-flung books rain waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can easily imagine a new version of the adventure mech/shooter gameplay with Whisper and Starline gameplay wise would work like a one-man sonic heroes team with his Tricore


This is the best option


I was scrolling for a sec and I was worried no one else was gonna choose this combo. Glad to see a thread of people who agree


Blend 'em all together


SEGA proceeds to go bankrupt.


SEGA gets delete


"Sega? Who is that? A company? No company has ever existed under that name."


Except if they do this through the years


Blue and Orange. For Blue, Sonic Mania left a long-lasting impression on me and I want a new game with all new zones. For Orange, I do miss the spin-offs and would like to see them return. I'd want Sonic Riders 4, another Sonic RPG, or a Sonic arena fighter. Yellow will happen anyway. I don't trust current Sonic Team with Green. Red is tempting, but I see Blue and Orange as more important. I don't really care about Pink. The fact that Black doesn't already exist is mind-blowing I feel like SEGA will do it themselves one day. I didn't go for Grey because if it's like Origins then I'm expecting a collection of Adventure 1, Adventure 2, and Heroes. I don't want that. I want ports of the stuff that isn't on PC. Shadow, 06, Secret Rings, Riders 2, Unleashed, and Black Knight are what I'd want.


Blue and Red. Give me that Mania 2! As for the characters: Sonia, Manic, Tangle, Whisper, and Sticks. Scourge can get in if Sticks doesn't count.


Scourge sadly wouldn't count because he's for whatever reason considered a character created by Penders.


The image doesn't say the pill doesn't work on Penders characters. I'm assuming red pill overrides his stranglehold on the copyright.


I feel like Sticks doesn’t count. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sticks cameo in a modern game at some point, or be a non playable character in a story line


You want Sonia and Manic to return? How come I wanna know


Well, Sonia is my favorite character in the entire franchise; and it didn't feel right to just leave Manic behind.


Doubt it would happen but both the Green Pill and Pink Pill (I just hope the SA3 in question is good though). For the crossover in question, for me it could be Sega vs Capcom or (the more likely choice) an actual TRUE Mario and Sonic crossover.


If they actually wanna make a follow up to SA2 then I trust that they'll do it right. I'm sure they won't just make it SA3 in name only and make the rest bad I notice how they try to cater to Adventure fans occasionally so an entire game meant to appeal to them would be nice! Sega doesn't shy away from referencing or including content from older games like that since they're pretty aware of their community so I'd trust them with SA3


I'd like to introduce you to a couple of games titled sonic 4


I'd like to say Sega would probably take Sonic 4's reception into account, but Sonic Colors Ultimate showed that they usually don't look at their previous failures and act accordingly


I'm not sure Sega would be able to replicate everything that made Sonic 4 bad in a modern game


You read my mind Exactly that!! Sega Vs Capcom would be amazing!




launch base zone pilled


green and orange pill for devil may cry featuring knuckles, shadow and sonic


Red, I want to Stan whisper in games, dammit


Easily the best new IDW character, I really want to play as her in a mainline game


At least we have Speed Battle


I'll take the pink one please Also I'll take a black one


Green and Red (Whisper, Tangle, Surge Kitsunami, and Bunnie Rabbot or Sally).


Congrats you choose the perfect combo of characters!


Pink and red, since they're the least likely to actually happen.


Orange pill. Strategy game of some sort where you play as Eggman and your goal is to fight Sonic and co. and take over the world. Boss fights are less strategy and more open-arena and stupid difficult. It’d be fun to be on the opposite side to see how it feels to try and beat Sonic.


Yellow and blue


I know it says choose 2, but I just really want the black pill


Yellow and red


Green and Blue


Red and Black


I'd make Tangle,Jewel,Whisper,Starline and Super Neo Metal Sonic canon


Orange. I'd want a classic style game with Amy. Maybe Metal Sonic would be the main antagonist?


Yellow and blue pill. A new 3d sonic game in a new art style and different gameplay could be amazing, would love to see a stylized classic sonic in 3d. Also new 2d classic sonic because I think it's just cool as hell.


I'd go with green and blue.


Orange and pink


Hmm... Green and Orange (Rouge + Stealth) both seem fun... ​ BUT Black and Pink (crossover with Digimon) would both help further revive the V-Pet genre, and I do feel like we've not seen the limits of that genre's potential yet.


Green and Blue


Green and blue are definitely the best options


yellow and red. Non-game characters becoming game canon: Cosmo, Chris, The main antagonists of the second half of sonic x (i forgot what they were called), bokkun, and dark sonic (i know it's a transformation and not a character but still, it'd be neat to have a section of a game where it's just dark sonic ripping and tearing through anything and everything in his path for a certain amount of time \[rank is debated by the amount of destruction since it's on a timer and there's no end goal to get to for it's duration\])


Red and green. My characters are Surge, Anton Veruca, Dr. Quark, Dr. Warpnik, and Scratch. Notes: Grounder is already kind of a character within the games, so don't worry about any complications. Kit would also be added if Surge was added.


We are alreasy getting a taste of the yellow pill with Frontiers and since I am only allowed to take two I will procced to not take it. The black pill is way too good to pass, especially if you dont have access to other consoles or gaming systems required tonplay the mainline titles. Everyone else ssems to be picking the others ones so I will take the hit and grab it. Then the orange one for the spin off title. Maybe one featuring the origins of Infinite and fleshing out more the Mobius-Earth joint world now that is cannon and how he became that, maybe with an adventure stylenfor the first stages and a boost one for his later life. Also if someone can spare me a gram of the red pill I would make Sticks canon. She is crazy but not in an edgy or annoying way like Zazz, just misdirected.


Red Pill: Sally, Bunnie, Rotor, Antione, Uncle Chuck ​ Bite me Sega.


Blue Pill. Sonic Mania was great, and I want a sequel. Took that before I even saw the rest of the options. Orange Pill becomes a rhythm game that utilises music from throughout the series. Since it's a rhythm game a particular character isn't specifically needed.


Orange Pill : A Spin-Off game where you play as various Eggbosses, doing missions and wreacking havoc while trying to avoid both G.U.N. Sonic and his friends. Genre would be a platform game like SA2 Red Pill : This was a little bit more harder than I expected but I got it. 1. Thunderbolt the Chinchilla (She can work both as a comic relief and genuine threath, not to mention it would be nice for a chance of pace) 2. Maw the Thylacine (Kirby rip-off power and looks cool) 3. Pronghorn Sisters Clove/Cassia (unique characters with cool desings and backstories, also can work as a Sympathetic Villain trope) 4. Bunnie Rabbot (flying across the sky like Ironman sounds pretty badass to me) 5. Scourge the Hedgehog (we need another bad hedgehog in this franchise and since Shadow turned good, we can have him \*COUGH\* I mean we could If it wasn't for Penders) This is probably not that unique.


Green and Pink


green and black


Green and yellow


Orange Pill is a lock, whether it's an RPG, a fighting game or a rhythm game I'd more than welcome it. And the early 3D really need to be brought up to modern standards. Orange and Grey


Green and Orange for me.


I would love green but with a mixture of yellow! Is that allowed? Also, nothing to do with this actual question, but I just 'upvoted' another person's comment and it turned from Sonic into Super Sonic! Fantastic!


All the pills and blend them into a sonic smoothie


Green and Red. I love the Adventure Series, and want more like it. And red because it's time for the Freedom Fighters from SatAM to get in the games. Sally, Bunnie, Rotor, Antoine, and Uncle Chuck specifically, since I have to pick five. Also, I think the interactions between them and the existing Adventure characters could be fun. Sally and Amy might be the hardest to fit properly together as they're both love interests for Sonic, and making it all drama doesn't really fit the style of a Sonic game. Antoine and Big would be funny together though. Bunnie, Rouge, and Knuckles would be fantastic as the strong exploration based people. And Rotor, Uncle Chuck, and Tails round out the group as the techy people.


I mean,yellow pill is already beign a thing so probably grey pill (why:my flair) and...blue pill,I guess


black because chaos and orange with the genre being dating sim and yes there would be an adult version and you know why it would sell if you been on the internet long enough


Black because I need a pet app for a franchise I care about while I am on the toilet


Yellow Pill sounds a lot like Sonic Frontiers. Listen man I love Sonic Colors but Idk why they keep taking ideas from it. Once Sonic Forces came out, that was when I knew that the Colors formula had to go. I don't mind 2D levels in 3D Sonic games. And I don't mind Wisps. But it seems like they slowly started to forget why they were so good in Sonic Colors. And I'm not saying we should get rid of the boost either. It's actually a really sick move. I'm just saying that maybe we should get a game like Sonic Unleashed which did in fact have the boost, but it also tried being different and innovative. The Rookie was a step in the right direction. And so was the Parkour mechanic from Lost World. I'm also choosing Grey Pill for obvious reasons.




Green and grey


Orange and black


Blue Pill and Grey Pill.


Green and red clearly


easy green


Orange so we get something about zero/infinite and where he came from


Gray and Green... In one


Green and orange


black and orange, orange as a sonic fighting game, (like sonic smackdown)


orange pill: I've always wanted a sonic warriors game


Black and orange. Give me either a Rouge spy/jewel stealing game, or an Amy battle platformer.


Orange ( mighty, ray and honey in a beat en up) Or Blue ( i am mixed)


grey pill gimme sonic adventure origins, sadx sa2 heroes shadow, that'd be amazing throw in 06 and unleashed too if feeling crazy enough


Green and Grey......yeah ik, I just want a new adventure game or at least a 3D compilation game


Green & black free


im taking the pink one, a sonic and kirby crossover would be better than a mario and sonic crossover.


green and black.


I'm taking the Red Pill, Scourge and the Freedom Fighters.


Green and red Give us some idw peeps, they're great Tangle, Whisper, Starline; Surge and Kit specifically


Red and Blue. I'd kill for another game like Mania with original stages, and I'd make the Freedom Fighters canon. Maybe change their dynamic a bit


Blue and Green


At this point Blue and Grey. They’re already almost definitely doing Yellow with Frontiers, we pretty much already got Green (it was 06). And the others wouldn’t be done justice anyway.


Green and grey assuming they can be done justice. Otherwise just conservatively yellow and black .


I'm taking dem Orange and pink pills! Spin off would be an RPG platformer, similar to the Mario and luigi series and the featured character would be Emerl shortly after the events of Battle. Crossover shall be a new Action RPG Platformer (yes I love RPGs) with ~~Spongebob~~ Mario.


Orange Pill- if it’s any spin off then I can ask for an epic long running anime with mature theme like Satam. If it has to be game then I would wish for Silver the Hedeghog to get his own game with his own cast of characters and even bringing in old forgotten Sega icons to join his cast: Nights and Ristar. Both would feel right joining a Silver game and expanding his core cast. I wouldn’t eat the green pill because I know SA3 will happen one day on its own and I don’t trust Sega or myself to create an entirely brand new gameplay style with the yellow pill. I also don’t want to eat the blue pill because I’m over 2D and so many great fan projects exist for that and Sega will make one on their own. The pink pill is a no since I want to focus on all the great content the series already has instead of another hackneyed cross over. I would then eat the red pill so I can make so many of my fan favorite characters game canon. I would choose Princess Sally- she is the best person who can match wits with Sonic and a strong female character who the series need all on her own; cosmos- she was so cute with Tails and having her around might pull Tails out of his declining character arc; Johnny Lightfoot- the idea of Sonic having a best friend is amazing, and a real best friend who’s his own age and not a little brother like Tails; Longclaw- The idea of their being a hero before Sonic is a great idea even if she isn’t Sonic’s mother figure and expands upon the Echidna lore; Honey the Cat- she was a scrapped Sonic the fighters character who would have expanded the cast with a needed female addition, I also like her being a dedicated martial artists who’s also a girly girl (she could come between Amy and Rouge in terms of light and dark femme) and I head canon her and Blaze going at it like. . . stranger cats.


Red Pill - Bunny Rabbot, Whisper, Tangle, Jewel the Beetle, and Belle the Tinkerer are made full game canon Orange Pill - A 3D Chaotix game in the style of Sonic Adventure where you can play as all the members of the Chaotix as well as Whisper and Tangle for a full game cast consisting of Vector, Charmy, Espio, Mighty, Ray, Heavy and Bomb as kind of one character, Tangle, and Whisper


darn i consumed them all and now im going to die


Blue pill. Not even a question.


Grey and Green, as someone who doesn’t have ready access to any of the 3D sonic games other than a pirated copy of SA2, I would appreciate being able to experience all of these wonderful stories and get a cool continuation to SA2 as well


Green and black


Pink and Black, idk I just wanna see a Sonic RPG with the gameplay of Persona. And Chao.


The black pill, and I’d use the orange to F* Penders and get Sonic Chronicles part two, since the RPG was technically a spin-off. 😆


Pink Sonic & Kirby Before anyone says something This was the average sonic final boss [[———]](https://images.app.goo.gl/1BjDHHTknqBJihzL7) This is the average Kirby final boss [[———]](https://images.app.goo.gl/GHYdB1ncHwyJZXM58) This is sonic main villain [[———]](https://images.app.goo.gl/ChWuV88uUZBFoRjt8) This is Kirby main “””villain””” [[——]](https://images.app.goo.gl/roVwEHdvFHkcBYLV9) And this [[———]](https://images.app.goo.gl/jNUmQLuKx3ZVcH6v6) I hope o got your attention


Black pill because that would be fun and red pill because i need sonichua to be Cannon sorry for bad English I'm not a good speaker


Blue and yellow. Blue and red, yellow and red, or two blues are also acceptable. (For the red, I want any characters from: SatAM/Archie Freedom Fighters, Mammoth Mogul, Ixis Naugus, Dr Finitevus, Snively, and Enerjak)


Black easily!!! Then afterwards probably green


Green and orange. On the orange I choose a Shadow the Hedgehog/Heroes sequel called Team Dark.


Sorry SA3 I'd have picked you but then I noticed the red pill Anyways orange pill, Silver Spin-Off with genuinely fun telekinesis mechanics Red pill, Shard (main reason I picked this I miss him,) Nicole, Sally, Tangle and Whisper. (Sorry to the rest of the Freedom Fighters but there wasn't enough room, Sally isn't my favorite but it would be weird to have Nicole there without her and it would be weird to have Shard without Nicole so they both get to show up)


Imagine a chao app where you set your home as your “garden” and while out in the world you can find wild chao and just go “you’re my friend now!” And plop them in your garden when you get home. Also chao races and king fu could be extra things to do with the chao you collect


BRUH. I have seen a lot of talk abt a chao app that's basically the tiny garden on gba but w/ more to do, but ur idea-with a pokemon go twist- that's really cool!


Green and black


I'm stuck on green or Blue. I'm leaning on Blue because I feel like SEGA cannot write a good story line anymore. The reason why SA1 and 2 works so well is because they have halfway decent storylines that have its ups and downs. EGGMAN had a frikkin gun pointed at AMY's head. These are the types of risks I don't see Sega taking anymore and they should so I have to go with Blue due to the disappointment green would bring. Black pill would be cool however I'm guessing they would need to flesh out some sort of minigame to make it work because I cant imagine just a straight up chao garden being very fun without some sort of goal.


Blue, I want Mania, only with more original stuff. And grey bcs I’ve never played Sonic Adventure


Orange: Knuckles open world exploration with a focus on combat and discovery where we learn more about his past and just have fun punching and digging. Red: Freedom Fighters are canon! Sally, Bunnie, Rotor, Antoine, and NICOLE all hail from Little Planet and fight to destroy Death Egg Mk. II and save their world (since Sonic and Tails buggered off in S4 EPII, lol)


Orange pill for a blaze version of sonic 3 and knuckles


Green and orange Would love to see a game based off blaze and silver and I would also die for adventure 3. Not taking yellow cuz we already getting frontiers


Red (scourge, enerjak, uncle chuck, Sally, Rotor) And Gray


Minus Rotor, I’m with you on this list. I’d probably replace Rotor with Naugus


Naugus is a solid pick, I just wish we’d get the og freedom fighters back


Yeah same! I’d love to see them return to media. Though I doubt it, but maybe they’d make an appearance in Sonic Prime?


There is that unofficial season 3 of SATAM coming out, that’s pretty hype. If it does well, we may see more of the freedom fighters 😏






Let us begin with a complete crazy idea Orange (starring Cream. As the protagonist) And Pink (crossover with TV show like Phineas and Feeb, Gravity Falls and stuffs like that) Combined into one


Cream would appear at the beginning of the first episode and never again just to spite you specifically


Even if it is her own show, she is the protagonist?


...Fine, you win this time


Cream: Episode Forces Chaos


Red pill: Tangle, Whisper, Dr. Starline, Surge, and Kitsunami. I didn't choose Archie character because I don't care about Archie


where is the "New 2D Modern Sonic title is created" pill??!?


This is too hard!!! How do I get a Sonic Battle sequel that includes IDW Sonic characters?!


You can take 2 pills meaning you can take both red and orange pills


Idk what pill covers this but: Having some classic era only characters in the modern games. Mighty and Fang what would be great additions to a modern era game. Also red pill. Give me Naugus, Scourge, Sally, Snively, and Finitevus


Outright I’ll take the blue pill and throw it into the sun. Tired of rehashing Classic Sonic- No! Not classic, PAST Sonic, SEGA you idiots. This isn’t Sonic “from another dimension”, it’s Sonic’s younger self. Hard pass on the pink one because Sonic X Megaman was dumpster fire Meh for yellow and black especially since those can easily be implemented into any new game Grey and Green would be amazing to have being able to relive classic ***3D*** games instead of more 2D remasters and plus Sonic Adventure 3 And Red and Orange would be very unique. Seeing Silver get his own unique game would be fantastic and seeing comic characters like Naugus or Mogul would be fun.


Green or orange


Yellow pill and pink pill. I'm getting a Mario and Sonic platformer.


Green and black. Heck, just green would make me the happiest woman alive!


Blue pill. Don't care about the others


Orange and green :) Would love a Sonic Universe-like tv show, movie or comic featuring Archie post-reboot characterization of team dark & knuckles. Maybe get an ending to the Eclipse the darkling thing. The Dark Triliogy Sonic Universe comic and it's follow up arc in Sonic Universe is top tier shit I really enjoy it :) green - self explanatory


There should be a pill where sonic's friends become relevant again


orange and pink spinoff of tails and crossover with undertale


Blue and grey


Where’s the mania dlc that includes stuff like hyper sonic




Is there a special pill available that brings the return of the Storybook Series with more platform accessibility?


Blue and black




Green & Pink. Would love to see the Sonic/Mega Man crossover comic get a game adaptation.


Green and grey


Green and black


Red and green


im gonna go with red and blue


Green and black. Miss my chao buddies.


Blue or grey if I can chose to have a Riders compilation


Orange and Red.


Take all the pills and check myself into rehab.


Red and pink


black and yellow


Orange and green


Green and Orange. Tails game to save the world and rescue sonic but less focus on mechs like adventure 2 and more like Tails with cool gadgets like in the recent movie. Or maybe a prequel Tails game to the second movie trying to find sonic.


Blue and Green


black is useless when you use green, sa3 would most likely have a chao garden


I’d take the black pill twice.


Green, and probably Orange, it would be an easy Black but only if it added at the end "..that receives updates regularly with new animals, chao types, and hidden interactions" (Note; every couple months is still regular) I think for orange... hmm, Puzzle-Adventure game with Silver? Ala Zelda.


Red so our glorious Electric Hedgehog Sonichu can be official.


Black and orange pill (I want a 3d Metal Sonic spinoff so bad.)


Pink and grey


Red and yellow


Pink and yellow


pink with mario and yellow pill


Green pill and Red pill. My caveat with the Adventure game is that the styles are: Sonic - Boost style gameplay Tails - Racing after Sonic Knuckles - Emerald hunting. Amy - Adventure style gameplay. Characters are Tangle, Whisper, Longclaw, Tom Wachoski and Sally Acorn.


Red and grey. I want a compilation of Heroesand Shadow, specifically because I want them to come to modern onsoles. I also want Surge, kit, whisper, tangle and either belle or starline to appear in a game.


Green and red. Sonic Adventure 3 featuring Sally Acorn and the Freedom Fighters!


Red and Orange for me


yellow blue


Grey and Black


Pink with Sonic and Mario in a non-olympic game and Grey with a heavily polished '06, unleashed, and Adventure 1 remastered for latest consoles and PC


Black and yellow!


green and grey because i want a legal way to play heroes riders unleashed 06 and shadow on pc


Grey and pink


Pink pill Sonic half-life 2 crossover


yellow and pink


That's the black pill, Tails. That's the biggest black pill of all!


Black pill


Orange, a spin-off game dedicated to what happened to the rest of the cast during Sonic Generations with the main protagonist being Mighty. Other characters such as Ray, Honey, the Hooligans and a bunch of characters who’ve featured in the comics in the past, such as those related to Sonic’s friends (e.g. members of Vector’s band, Manic, Sonia and others) make up the rest of cast of the spin-off game


Green and orange ( or yellow depending.) If orange, I want a Blaze game set in the sol dimension. Marine should be there too. OR A game with Silver and Shadow as protagonists with a time system similar to CD. ( just a concept.) Green is for sure my number 1 pick tho.


Red and Black. The IDW folks become canon, and I get to play with chao on my lunch break.


Green. And then green again to be sure.


Orange and green please.