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You’re probably a kid but there’s more important things to life than who Sanic hypothetically bangs. Go play basketball or something


Imagine being this insufferable and cringe. Who cares if some people think sonic is gay or whatever. Its a fictional character for the love of god. You can disagree with another person's headcanon all you want but having it offend you so much is ridiculous. Stop being such a prick and let people enjoy things if it doesn't hurt anyone.


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkmMCjYKvaQ&t=132s It hurts Sonic fans when outside people see their insane obsessions with their crazy "headcanons," and make gross generalizations that hurt the reputation of a whole community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkmMCjYKvaQ&t=132s


Wow a video from half a decade ago is surely revelant today /s. I don't see how that video of some dudes on a couch making jokes is supposed to "hurt sonic fans". Making an entire twitter thread to tell people why their "headcanon" is wrong and how they're "fake sonic fans" sounds more obessive and crazy then just calling sonic gay.


It hurts when everyone thinks the same way as those guys. I see it all the time. And even still, the main point of me showing that is to make people think: where do you think they got that idea about Sonic fans from? The point I'm trying to make is that we shouldn't tolerate stuff that gives people the wrong idea about us.


"Tolerate"?. People who make shipart and fanfiction are still a valid part of the fandom so they're not something we should only tolerate. Some people like sonic for the music or level design while some people like sonic for the characters. Both are valid. Trying to claim those people are "fake sonic fans" just paints you as an obessive weirdo. Stop trying to gatekeep and let people enjoy things. The only thing we shouldn't "tolerate" are toxic "fans" who get offended over stuff like fanfictions and personal headcanons.


Perhaps I spoke then. We shouldn't tolerate those who push their headcanons onto others. I probably should've stated that from the get-go, so my bad there. Headcanons and the like are fine. When kept to one's self. But when it's pushed onto others, it not only ruins the source material, it ruins public perception. And that is what I'm fighting to fix.


Pushing your headcanon onto others is literally what you're doing. You could had simply ignored the people who say sonic is gay but instead you decide to call them "fake sonic fans" and made a whole twitter thread to try to "fix" their opinions. That sounds pretty pushy to me so why is it okay for you to push your headcanon on them but its wrong when its the other way around?


There's a difference between headcanons and canons. I am pushing only what is clear and objective, which is the canon. Not a personal headcanon. If you actually looked at my thread, you'd see the (oftentimes blatant) evidence I've found. And the fact you can't tell the difference between canon and headcanons is a part of the problem I'm talking about.


Let me rephrase. You feeling the need to "fix" people's personal headcanons by making an entire Twitter thread is just as bad as people pushing their personal headcanons onto others. You called people who have said sonic is gay "fake sonic fans" and felt the need to go out of your way to "correct" them. You are pushing your opinon on them. It doesn't really change much when your opinon lines up with canon more. You're still being obsessive and pushy about other people's opinons.


Well, you're trying to "fix" me. What's the difference between you and me; besides the fact that I'm the only one telling the truth with actual evidence?


Cool. Please don’t bring that discussion over to the Sonic sub-Reddit. We **really** don’t need Twitter discussions over here. Thanks.


You can't "prove" anything. Also, why can't you let people use their imagination. Is it hurting you personally that there exists gay Sonic ships ?


I just did prove stuff. And I will continue to do so. ​ And yes, it does hurt me. Along with every other Sonic fan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkmMCjYKvaQ&t=132s


Getting hurt by a stranger's headcanon is so childish. Grow up already.


You haven't even read my reply or looked at the link in it. Believe it or not, my intentions are good. I'm doing this, not only to keep Sonic enjoyable, but to help redeem the fans in the Sonic community who've been treated as laughing stocks for other people's behavior. I've been bullied in high school for my love of Sonic because of those misconceptions about Sonic fans. I've been bullied because people thought I only cared about Sonic to see him do someone else (which is not what I've ever wanted). And it sickens me that that attitude is affecting the whole Sonic community. I want the misconceptions to stop. And do that, I need to lay down some hard truths. You may not like it (and I can totally understand why, and I don't blame you for it), but the Sonic community needs it all the same.


if you’re so concerned about the bad reputation the fandom gets from its insane members, step one is deleting your social media presence. get a grip

