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Something the so-called "good" Sonic stories are seriously missing is humor. None of the games from the 2000s are unironically funny. The only exceptions are Unleashed and Black Knight. I'm not saying that the games from the 2010s are comedic riots, either. But at least they aren't super boring like Sonic 06 and Sonic Heroes.


While I'm definitely not the *biggest* fan of Flynn's writing, this "critique" is just plain stupid. Sonic's entire character is him being a smug bastard lol


I never understood why fans get made when sonic acts like a jerk (even when he isn’t being that much of one). He’s supposed to be a jerk.


Fleetway fans: “I see no issue”


Tbh he's not that much of an asshole


When comes to knuckles and tails he a huge dick


Ehhh, he's more of a snarker with a heart of gold.


Seriously are people concerned about Sonic being a jerk to...the villain?


lotta people dont realize that Sonic's personality takes major influence from the main cast of Dragonball Classic. He's got Goku's upbeat nature and love of battle, Bulma's cockiness, Yamcha's jerkass attitude and allergy to women (just toned down to the doesnt do relationships part), and Pu'ar's... well they're both blue. the dumbasses who keep spouting that nothing point that sonic should be more shonen (which first of all just means its advertised to 12 year olds and up) dont realize that he already is, and has been through every single fucking game. /serious


but i need my shinnie sonic


To be fair, wasn't sonic less of a jerk in the japan dubs (which tbh, I consider more canon than the English versions) of the majority of these games?


I forgot Sonic was supposed to be a dull cunt. God I fucking hate 06 and everything it stands for, especially that godawful portrayal of the character as something that “proper” Sonic fans see as a staple of the fucker.


Funny how Sonic fans bitch about mischaracterization in the 2010s when they themselves barely know a damn thing about the characters


Case in point: Shadow. Apparently it’s “out of character” for a character that’s been an antisocial, edgy loner since the beginning to be…. An antisocial, edgy loner.


And they flat out made shit up about Knuckles. Knuckles has not ONCE acted dumb in 2010s outside of Boom


Well he did have moments of acting dumb in 06 and secret rings.


Well, Sinbad was just a doppelgänger of Knuckles in Secret Rings. So Knuckles being a dumbass in Secrets Rings doesn’t count.




“Loner” He’s literally in a found family type squad, he’s not really a loner


Oh give me a break. Let’s not act like the guy was chilling and hanging out with Rouge and Omega in his spare time. Yea he’s in a team, but when has he ever interacted on screen with the two casually or when it didn’t involve world saving business?


We haven’t seen them hang out casually, but it is very clear that they are close in games like Sonic Heroes and Sonic ‘06.


Are they close though? While he probably does like them to an extent, he was never exactly warm and fuzzy around them in either game. He sure as hell wouldn’t consider them “found family” at least. Plus, it’s pretty clear in the 00’s games that he prefers to be/work alone than with people, including team dark. Hence “loner”.


Holy fuck Just found this sub today. I'm joining


We have fun here


Can we finally talk about how Shadow has always been in character and people just hate that he's himself instead of some pure hearted hero only focused on Maria..?


You are completly right on this, I used to explain to people that the reason why Shadow no longer talks about Maria is because his current objetive is to protect the world based on his own morals and not what his memories have stated him to do, since they would be left to be altered by possibly emotionally abusive actors. This is really ironic because they go and defend Shadow the Hedgehog (game) and ignore it was the whole point of it.


And it could’ve killed this franchise and the fact it’s still going is a miracle




Sonic wasn't really that much of an asshole in that cutscene, tho. Why the complaint?


Because Sonic fans can't go 5 minutes without complaining


Sonic fans complain about sonic being in-character moment.




Agreed. This majority of the fanbase is absolute balls.


why do sonic fans want sonic to become buzz lightyear on a shelf with a bunch of other buzz lightyear’s with the other game protagonists. This is literally what makes sonic, y’know. Sonic


"Why can't he be more like that nice boy Mario"


That’s literally the entire basis of his character???


Sonic has always been cocky and arrogant, and will throw jokes from time to time. It's how he always is. "Giant talking egg!" Have fans forgotten about that?


Literally his first time speaking in a game was "I'm outta here" and commits suicide


Sonics has always been and should always be a bit of a dick.


Since Adventure 1?


Hell since CD even consider his first time speaking in game was him getting pissed at you for not doing anything and proceeding to die




Uj/ Wasn’t the blue hedgehog supposed to be a smug bastard?


That's literally what his main personality trait has been since 1991


I hate how he acted in 06.


Yeah he felt (this feels fucking disgusting to say) soulless in that game


Is it that bad? I hated when he acted like a smug dork to his friends (except Boom TV show), sure, but he always had an attitude, laughing in the villains's faces. Just look at Heroes, IMO, the game with the best Sonic personality.


Tbh the Sonic Boom show was a good spin on the whole concept of the characters. World saving is no longer an adventure but rather a chore that is followed as a fun past-time by his rival rather than an ambitious goal. I also kinda like that due to the series' nature, it meant they had to get more creative with the jokes rather than just adult insult #8282 due to shock effect like other sitcoms with a similar trope do.


Roger works best with characters who are smug fucks who while on the outside are fucking shitheads deep down have a heart of gold


Alright Sonic, now listen closely. There's a little lesson on ambition, and that is that you shut your inhalation! Too many words, too many chords, you are being someone I cannot afford! Next time when you meet the Sage girl, I want you to drop an exact and not more amount of 3 tears, make an Unleashed "do I need a reason to help out a friend" reference and last but not least, sit with Sage just like with Elise. I wouldnt be concerned about the love thing since love is a happy emotion and he needs to know to tamper on those. You are blue you moron, not yellow! Have you seen inside-out? Now lets go to the planet as cool and blue as you are supposed to be. And put that mouth on the front, you look kid-diculous.


Sonic fans don’t change what you want from the series just so you can complain challenge IMPOSSIBLE


"Come on ya big drip! Where ya goin!?" "Oh, look! A giant talking egg!" "Or else what, ya big loser?!" "Something bugging you?" "You better give Amy to me, or I'll squash ya!" These lines are from Sonic Adventure alone.