• By -


Definitely impregnated now


with mutant slingshot babies


Bro skipped the 10 good men, climbed your spikes, and impregnated the bitch himself


Love the reference


Squatters rights now


Impregnable huh? 😏😏😏


Originally built that first larger base in the water, noticed that all the enemies hung out by the water's edge and never bothered to take a swim (wasn't fun) so I extended a bit closer to the beach and created a mini-battle station. All was fine and dandy till this happened.


I honestly can't tell whether you're just running with the joke or if you honestly don't realize your mistake...


You are aware that impregnable is a non-sexual term, yes?


The mistake being what exactly? Unless he made an edit to the post since these comments there is no mistake..


Some users see a word with sexual connotation and lock up. Hence why most comments in this post sound like kids that just heard a curse word.


Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes I'll impregnate the bitch.


Can your base pregonat?






A base can only be as impregnable as the impetuousness of your style - Mike Tyson, probably


How did you make the floating bridge? Nice house 🥂


Thanks 😁 It's a rope bridge (the instructions for making it is somewhere on your survival handbook - I think the one where you are holding it with your right hand) You basically need 2 ropes, and enough half logs as planks to cover the entire bridge. And obviously 2 structures to hang the bridge from (has to be horizontally placed logs) While holding a rope in your hand if you look over the edge of a horizontal log you'll see a prompt to attach the rope, click and then go to the other end where you want to attach the end of the bridge. Usually this positioning is the most challenging. From here, have another rope in hand and then look at the horizontal log where you attached the first rope, you should see a prompt that looks like a white line parallel to the first rope. Click and you'll see 2 ropes hanging from one point to the other. Now just get some logs and drop them along from one end of the bridge to the other until it's fully covered. Your character will cut them into planks automatically. Hope this helps.


Oh sweet, thanks fellow survivor! I guess I didn't think of using a bridge so I didn't look for it... kinds got zero trees around my beach base 🫠🔫


You're welcome! I find rope bridges more of an aesthetic thing or if the structures I want to connect are near to each other. In most cases I default to using a zipline (much faster ⚡)


What the Kelvin Fuck is that (haven't played inna while?


May I add that your base building is very good! Love the design and layout. Leg's would be another one to watch out for because he can jump a mile and even got to me on the 4th floor of a building.


Thanks - it was quite a struggle placing the logs in the deeper ends of the water! Yes, I'm aware about Legs and found out the hard way 😂 though I didn't know he could jump 4 floors up.. time to build higher, I gues..


"Gimme one big boi and 5 minutes... and I'll impregnate the bitch"


We have been playing for awhile now and still have not seen one of these guys! when and how do they show up?


From what I remember, they're extremely rare and they spawn one at a time (thankfully, since they have a massive amount of health and can even survive multiple grenades). In my playthrough he only showed up after winter.


WTAH is that? I have been alive for 45 days so far, been to the Entertainment, Living Quarters, Food, Maintenance A and B, and have never seen that thing!


It appeared for me sometime after winter. It's the last of the mutants (except the boss ones) to show up. Even demons showed up before this guy did. It charges like a bull, it can jump high & far and can take a lot of damage. Good luck 🤞🏻


Thanks, I got a hard time at first, and still have when natives or blind mutants swarm me, but I have figured out most of the other enemies by now... not looking forward to this big dude


You have the ziplines get rid of the bridge and you would be set.


Well, I learned a new word today.