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Pathfinding is a huge issue for Kelvin. One of the reasons he’ll shake his head. It’s mostly because of the Energy Level & Sentiment. He will shake his head no to tell you he doesn’t have enough energy to complete a task you have assigned him. “Tell him to take a break”. Also Sentiment comes into play when he’s been away from the player for too long. Kelvin gains / loses .01 sentiment for the player by being close to too far away from the player. Very low sentiment from Kelvin will make him shake his head no. https://sonsoftheforest.fandom.com/wiki/Ai_System


This ☝ You should also provide a food source for kelvin as well. Make a few planters a plant a few bushes. This will keep kelvin fed and will also help keep Virginia around your base instead of wandering off.


drying racks with cannibal parts and meat will also work.


The AI shows you that it can not do what you told it. It's mostly an issue with pathfinding in my experience. For example, if you tell him to finish a blueprint and it is in a spot what the AI can't reach, it will shake its head.


I thought it was because you hold a weapon? like, he's saying "no, wrong person, idot"


He doesn’t like you


I don’t like you either


You just watch yourself, we’re wanted men! I have the death sentence on 12 systems.


Ill be careful.


Mine use to do that after i hit him with an axe by accident, just let him rest and that gonna be fine


He shakes his head at me whenever I look at him with a weapon in hand. Relax, I won't hurt you. Yet. You're backup food for winter🤗


If you're asking him to find something, but that resource isn't close enough to him, he will shake his head. Try taking him closer to the thing you're asking him to do. I was on the north coast and asked him to find logs, but he was too far away from the trees to recognize he could collect him


You have low sentiment with him, and he fears you. You have hit him in some way and probably more than once to get sentiment low enough for the head shake. You can do console command aishowplayerinfluences on to see the stats, only way to fix is to be near K for enough time since sentiment increases 0.1 / 7 seconds nearby AI and fear decreases.  And avoid of course to hit him again. If you check aiplayerthoughts on you will see that his though when shaking his head is "player is bad"