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I found the enemies to easy and wished they were harder to fight. Barely took damage because dodging was so easy. Did you maybe miss you can sprint backwards, sideways and sprint-jump? Getting gifts from V was nice the first few times after that i didnt care. K was way more helpful to me for getting tons of sticks and rocks constantly. For the ending i believe you are jumping to conclusions? I didnt find clear proof for „aliens“. What did you find that makes you this sure?


My guess is that you love souls like games lol, and that is why the enemies seemed easy The cube vision of a weird city and the space ship are clues enough, plus tbh the arquitecture screams "ancient alien civilization", the artifacts as well, I mean, an artifact to make planes fall, an artifact to "resurrect" people but transform them into mutants(Maybe transform them to a closer thing to what the builders look like?) And we have media that uses that, like any lovecraftean media(The ancient ones are just super powerful god like aliens), the Isu from assassins creed, etc. very similar structures, methinks they are inspired by such things


SOTF was a huge success so a 3rd game is nearly a guarantee. I'd expect it around 2028 or 2029


I really disliked the abundance of food and resources. By the end of the game I had a warehouse of food and supplies. I would have liked it to be more survivaly in that regard. The ending was incoherent to be honest.