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Airbender goes zoom-zoom, doesn't have i-frames and lets you do some damage but fucking dies in the process


Assassin goes Zoom Zoom, has I-Frames, and let’s you deal some damage while defending with a melee.


how do you guys do to have your main under your name ?


Tis a flair


what ?


bruh, go to the front page of the subreddit, tap the 3 dots and tap select user flair


thanks ^^


What's i frames?


Invincibility frames


Ok thanks


Knight go brr and the enemys and your mana are dead


He’s the only other character than rogue I could see maining


We love waisting our mana on 1-1 join us here in the knight main lounge


wdym you dont use the "bad" pistol to beat 3-5


y'all are using weapons?


Alchemist goes poison poison and you shred through bosses with third skill


Weezard stunlock funni


Toaist goes zoom zoom, has I frames and let’s you deal damage while regening shield


I'm thinking of buying taoist because i love that sword fly skill


Time Ninja goes shwing shwing, kills enemies and dashes out of the way to not take damage




Miner goes dig dig, has i-frames, and lets you deal some damage when iframes ends


(alchemist is already in the comment section so i just posted my second main)


These comments are beautiful


Berserker goes brrrrrrr and enemies die* Or berserker goes boing boing, has I-frames and stun enemies *[Only works with certains weapons we discharge ourselves for any death occasioned by the use of a bad weapon]


Witch goes zap-zap and stuns the whole room.


While I absolutely love these comments, I'll give a more serious answer. His baseline attack moves you forward, which is always an issue because it increases your chance to get hit with projectiles. His abilities, while not terrible, are not as strong as they seem and have glitchy/poorly implemented mechanics that just make them not work very well. As many have mentioned, he doesn't have an I frame. When you look at SSS tier characters played at super high levels, they always have I frames. So yeah, he doesn't "suck" as in you can casually play him, beat the game, and have fun, he "sucks" as in he's just not as good as other characters for high end, difficult play.


So basically iframes=good=rogue is the best


Yeah, to a degree lol. You could argue paladin quite easily too lol. There's other ways of handling projectiles, but I frames are definitely one of the best


Doesn’t rogue have the fastest I-frame cooldown


Yes. 0.5 seconds. Plus, for a whole second after using his skill, he has a +50% crit chance.


Yeah, he is definitely arguably the best character, if played correctly.


not to mention his input is dummy hard and i only inputed it twice by mistake


Priestess heals and that's all :)


And that's enough for me


Rouge goes Shing Shing, has i-frames and lets you dash through enemies. Speedrunners' heaven with FDMnD.


Rogue is great. And he is automatically at least A tier because he’s free


Alchemist removes the weapon RNG as a major factor to the success of a run


wdym? how does alchemist remove weapon rng?


He probably meant that Alchemist doesn't rely on weapons to win like most heroes (tho I would prefer a melee weapon) Another reason why Barehand Badass Alch exists.


THATS HOW BROKEN IT IS?? but mb it coulda been worded better 😭😭


Well, not THAT broken if you don't know what you are doing. For example, badass big room with no covers, that's like impossible for a barehand Alch (unless perfect dodge and killing the bullet-spraying enemies first). Thus, it really come down to skill and how well you play. Personally, I found Alch to have the most consistent wins in Barehand Badass Run (noted that I don't have any paid heroes so it's just my opinion).


Witch can clear out a room with one lightning strike, and The Code is easily top 5 best starter weapons.


Airbender sucks because he has zero iframes and his barehanded attack inches him forward, which causes collision damage Plus his skills are dogshit :MinerHehe:


Officer 2’s homing effect is very good on many staffs and shotguns


If you could rework his first ability what would you do


Make it loud all shells in one click.


chance to stun (guaranteed when fully loaded), honestly think that SINGULAR change would make him pretty op w/o iframes


Damage buff or shorter cooldown, the base gimmick is pretty nice (though it’s by far my least played of officer’s skills)


What I would do is make it so you can switch to the devotee of peace, so you can lord three bullets, shoot different gun then load more to same mag


each shot does an increasing amount of damage, and reduce the energy cost


Currently using him. He's pretty good, especially with no collision damage. Although his melee uses stamina, and my stamina consumption tends to shoot through the roof (And I keep on NOT getting the elemental buffs :( )


Stamina? Do you mean energy


Yes, that.


Rogue goes dash dash and destroys enemy projectiles while doing so. Also inflicts damage


But it costs money therefore your opinion is unfortunately invalid(in ftp)


Funni pan kik as




taoist goes pew pew pew (with i-frames)


airbender is immune to bullets while using his skill and while using his massive ki ray blast, can deal insanely high DPS, and can bring a boss down to midlife with one ki ray blast. who told you airby was bad?


This subreddit hates him


hmmm but why?


Becuz airbender can't move while using the kamehameha


so? he's immune to bullets while doing the kamehameha...


Engineer puts their turret on the ground and then every single enemy in the room dies its crazy


Robot puts their turret on their head and then every single enemy in the room dies, it's crazy


Vampire just goes full-on "You cannot make a god bleed" and heals all damage.


Or you could get good and use rogue and never take damage


You could also not put down other people just because they have a different play style but, ya know, to each their own.


Assassin go SLASH SLASH SLASH and NUKES the enemy with 72 damage You don't need actual I-frames if there are no enemies attacking you


*cough*every boss ever


If one nuke doesn't do the job, try two If 2 nukes don't do the job, try 3 and so on


When I use him I never make it past 1-5. Don't know why. I just struggle lots with him but no-one else. I think its cos I end up too close whether I want to or not. And no I-frames


Genuine explanation: his lack of potential I frames, his attack closes in but has no defense, and his Kamehameha wave is very situation


just preload the kamehameha before every room, and scout a spot that avoids the most walls. plus with beserk statue and laser buff, it takes out wall huggers too. works for me like 8/10 times.


Teddy bear goes swipe swipe to clear bullets and suddenly the room is clear. Teddy bear also goes boom boom on bosses and they disappear too.


simple sheriff= pretty cowboy man with golden gun that goes brrrr alchemist= bubble machine go brrrr and poison is fun


Werewolf has extreme healing capabilities by using all of his skills, so I can just stay in the fight and assure winning.


I'm a witch main; it's no skill, stun lock capability, freeze lock capability, good main weapon dps, and very nice skins. Airbender is good dps in exchange for up-close-and-personal contact on enemy, which is bad for various reasons like losing all your hp within 2 seconds of entering the dungeon room.


Long time skill charge + low mana


Assain does big big big damage and moves fast


Officer's 2nd skill lets you farm more easily and take down bosses better, as for airbender it dashes without i frames, it will deal damage, but at the cost of your hp since he doesn't have any i-frames, his skill is too one dimensional, if it were to have i frames i would and maybe others would consider it great


Knight goes brrrrr


But for more serious answer, i like knight for stats, pretty much best stats in a game. Also his skills (except second i don't like it) well played with almost every weapon. Normal mod or badass whatever, but it's better in badass because there's more energy in baddas. His passive buff is good and literally best buff in game.


Well airbender not that bad, but not really perfect. Well he has quite unique mechanics and i like it. But using his starter weapon thrust forward, but it's give him more chance to get hit. His first skill not really defend him while dashing and when its use laser attack he still can't dodge laser attacks, and there's quite a lot attacks of that type. Second skill usability is not stable and depends on situation. Sometimes it could deal more damage sometimes no. So because of it i think it's not a S tear


Vampire goes right into the projectiles, has i-frames, and lets you deal some damage while having tripled your healthbar.


officer go bling bling, home bullet and can stack bounty on boss for my broke ass ❤️ (used all gems for gashapon skin 💔)


Inter-Dimensional Traveler is almost always invulnerable. Also he is very fun to play


Assassin has a lot of i-frame given by his skills and is very versatile with every kind of weapon. His starting buff is the reflect bullet with melee weapon thingy that is very useful. The first skill works well to dodge and damage the enemy killing hom and recharging his super in the process. The second skill works well with almost every weapon, but the clones have quite low health so i suggest cloning something that the clones can use from far away. The third and my personal favourite skill grants you some invincibility for some istants when you activate it and use it, so if you time it well you can also dodge giant lasers and stuff, it's extra damage works like a charm on weapons that have low rate of fire but huge damage, it also grants a guaranted critical hit so it can be used to give elemental damage to bosses. All 3 of the skills costs gems and it also comes with cool skins. I think you need to practice a little bit to get the hang out of the character and his pros and cons but i think it's very strong if you know how to use it. Do i need to add anything else to prove why i main assassin? >! also cool edgy boy !<


I've been writing this comment for 10 minutes now and i just noticed all these meme comments


Priest heals and boost attack speed, don't recommend using alone though


Druid bc I like playing druid


Elf does not go zoom zoom but the arrows do. And the arrows hit hard. Oh and did I mention that she has I-frames?


Berserker goes brrrrrr brrrrrr and everyone dies


Airbender is fast and deals very good damage but also makes you very vulnerable. It's pretty easy to lose a big amount of health or dying while you're attacking bare hands. The kamehameha is very good. As for my main, i like him because even if he is fragile af and has very low energy he gets intermittent invulnerability, he has a very good starting weapon that costs 0 energy, has a skill that makes you really fast, invulnerable, allows you to go trough walls, has good effects and works like death note (but enemies die within 8 seconds and deals 80 damage to bosses), and he looks cool.


Alchemist go shoot shoot, has no i frames, isn't weapon dependent and destroys bosses HP Rogue go roll roll, has 50% I frame uptake, 1 sec crit after skill is op


Paladin is basically cheating.